Ernestine Hara. - Public domain print
Title and name and address of photographer transcribed from image. Summary: Full-length, outdoor photograph of Ernestine Hara, wearing dark coat, hat, and tricolor (purple, white, and gold) suffrage sash, and h... More
Deputation Leaving Headquarters to Take Petition to Senator Jones of N...
Title transcribed from item, with additional information derived by Library of Congress staff. Summary: Photograph of Annie Fraher, Bertha Moller, Berthe Arnold, and Anita Pollitzer standing outside the Nationa... More
Mrs. Minnie E. Brooke, of Chevy Chase, Md., an experienced suffrage sp...
Title and name and address of photographer transcribed from item. Summary: Formal portrait, head and shoulders, of Minnie E. Brooke of Chevy Chase, Maryland, wearing a hat, earrings, necklace, and open-collared... More
Arrival Envoys from San F[rancisco]. Parade arriving at Capitol.
Title transcribed from item. A similar photograph was published in The Suffragist, vol. 3, no. 50 (December 11, 1915). Summary: Photograph of large crowd of suffragists on Capitol steps, some with banners, one ... More
Miss Gertrude Crocker of Illinois, Treasurer of National Woman's Party...
Title and name and address of photographer transcribed from item. Summary: Formal portrait, head and shoulders, Gertrude Crocker of Illinois, wearing cotton v-neck dress or blouse with broad collar, lace trim, ... More
Mrs. Jessie Hardy MacKaye of Washington, D.C., member of National Advi...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of Jessie Hardy MacKaye with banner in front of Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage building. Banner reads: Forward Out of Error Leave Behind the Night Forwar... More
Minnesota Day on the picket line. In center, Miss A.H. Potter of Minne...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Five women pickets from Minnesota standing with their banners in front of NWP headquarters. Banners read: "Scandinavian Suffrage Association of Minnesota" and "Minnesota Br... More
Berthe Arnold. - Public domain portrait print
Summary: Informal, full-length portrait of Berthe Arnold of Colorado Springs, Colorado, wearing a hat and fur-trimmed coat with a bouquet of flowers pinned on the front, looking downward at an urn containing a ... More
Miss Clara Louise Rowe, of Syracuse, N.Y., campaigned in the New York ...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Head-and-shoulders portrait of Clara L. Rowe, wearing broad-brimmed hat and square-necked satin dress with ruffle trim.
Mrs. Nina E. Allender., Head and Shoulders Portrait
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Nina E. Allender, studio portrait, head and shoulders. The caption on an alternate photograph in the same folder reads: Mrs. Nina E. Allender of Washington, D.C., formerly ... More
Mrs. Nina E. Allender, Cartoonist, Nat[ional] Woman's P[ar]ty
Summary: Informal portrait, Nina E. Allender, full-length, seated at desk, facing left with head turned toward camera, holding a cartoon sketch in her lap. Title and information transcribed from item. Photograp... More
Elsie Hill speaking [at street meeting in St. Paul, Minn., during Proh...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of Elsie Hill, standing in the back seat of an automobile that is parked at curb, speaking to a crowd of people (mostly men} standing on a sidewalk, on a street ... More
Bastille Day. Julia Hurlbut of N.J. leading. Iris Calderhead of Kansas...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of Julia Hurlbut leading procession of (two) suffragists down city sidewalk, both suffragists wear suffrage sashes and hold aloft suffrage banners, Hurlbut holds... More
Party watchfires burn outside White House, Jan. 1919.
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of National Woman's Party watchfire demonstrators standing with banners and fire in urn in front of White House. One banner reads, "President Wilson is deceiving... More
Nation-wide demonstrations were held on May 2nd in support of Federal ...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of large crowd of suffragists who took part in Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage procession of May 9, 1914, gathered on the steps of the U.S. Capitol (those... More
Miss Margaretta Van Rensellaer Schuyler, of Portland, Me., has been as...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Head-and-shoulders portrait of Margaretta Van Rensellaer Schuyler, wearing straw hat, checked jacket, and white collared shirt. Schuyler was secretary to Alva Belmont (1853-1933).
Peaceful Picket - The great interest of people in the picket line - bu...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of crowd of people watching picketing women outside the gate of the White House, with passerbys on sidewalk (women, men, children). Photograph published in The S... More
Mary Gertrude Fendall, [of Maryland], and Mary Dubrow [of New Jersey].
Title and name and address of photographer transcribed from item. Summary: Mary Gertrude Fendall (left) and Mary Dubrow (right) standing outside what is likely National Woman's Party headquarters, holding betwe... More
Suffrage demonstration at Lafayette Statue (to get the last vote in th...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of five National Woman's Party members demonstrating, with banners, in front of the Lafayette Statue. Lucy Branham, center, is burning President Wilson's words. ... More
[New Jersey delegates in front of Congressional Union headquarters.]
Summary: Photograph of large group of women standing on front steps and street in front of building, National American Woman Suffrage Association office, lower level, Wilcox, Hane & Co. Real Estate office and C... More
Miss Hazel MacKaye - A black and white photo of a woman holding a dog
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Informal half-length photograph of Hazel MacKaye in outdoor setting, wearing checked dress with button trim and white collar, smiling, holding a medium-sized dog in her arm... More
Mrs. Edith Barriger, state chairman of Missouri for Congressional Unio...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Formal portrait, head and shoulders, Edith Barriger, Missouri state chairman of the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage, wearing wide-brimmed hat, necklace, and brooch. ... More
Lincoln's birthday. On the banners during Congressional debate on whet...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Six National Woman's Party activists display three banners about woman suffrage, tall lattice fence in background. Banner on left (held by two women) reads: "Denmark on the... More
[Police arrest pickets, August 1917.]
Title derived by Library of Congress staff. Summary: Photograph of crowds of people outside around a police wagon.
Procession Summer 1913. Delegation Coming in from Hyattsville to prese...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of procession of cars, draped with banners, passing White House.
Mrs. Sara Bard Field, of San Francisco, is one of the most eloquent an...
Title and name and address of photographer transcribed from item. Summary: Formal portrait, head and shoulders, Sara Bard Field of San Francisco, facing left with head turned toward camera, wearing light-colore... More
[Frances Pepper (left) and Elizabeth Smith (right) working in the offi...
Title derived by Library of Congress staff. Summary: Photograph of two women working in the Suffragist office. Frances Pepper is seated at a typewriter; Elizabeth Smith is reaching for a shelf on a step ladder.... More
Suffrage pickets marching around the White House-- March 4, 1917
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of women picketing with banners on sidewalk in front of White House. Photograph published in The Suffragist, 5, no. 59 (Mar. 10, 1917): 8. Caption: "The Line on ... More
Miss Eleanor Weed [Helena Hill Weed].
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Half-length portrait of Helena Hill Weed, seated, wearing white dress-gown with bow at empire waist and ruffled net over-the shoulder sleeves, decorative curtain in background.
[Women marching in national suffrage demonstration in Washington, D.C....
Title derived by Library of Congress staff. Summary: Photograph of suffragists in sashes marching down the street past The Washington Post building, flanked by policemen.
Mary Winsor (Penn.) '17 [holding Suffrage Prisoners banner]
Title transcribed from item, with additional information derived by Library of Congress staff. Summary: Photograph of Mary Winsor, standing outside, holding a banner that reads: "To Ask Freedom for Women is Not... More
Miss Grace Needham, of Washington, D.C., national organization secreta...
Title and information transcribed from item. Summary: Portrait of Grace Needham, in lace collar and dark jacket. Photograph published in The Suffragist, 5, no. 67 (May 5, 1917): 9. Captioned: "Miss Grace Needha... More
Sue S. White, Chairman, Tenn. N.W.P. [Tennessee National Woman's Party...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Three-quarter-length portrait of Sue Shelton White, standing, leaning against table with decorative carved legs, left hand resting on table behind her, with right hand in s... More
Mrs. [Florence] Boeckel. - Public domain portrait print
Summary: Informal portrait of Florence Brewer Boeckel seated at desk, with pencil in hand, reading a typewritten document in front of her, wearing a blouse, jacket, and wide-brimmed hat with appliquéd flowers. ... More
[Rosalie Jones]. - An old photo of a woman holding a bunch of flowers
Title and name and address of photographer transcribed from image. Summary: Informal portrait, full-length, standing, Rosalie Jones, wearing long dress and hooded cloak, holding walking stick, bouquet of flower... More
Miss Matilda Young - Public domain portrait print
Title and information transcribed from item. Summary: Formal portrait, three-quarter-length, Matilda Young, facing slightly to the right with head turned slightly to the left, standing with right hand in pocket... More
Abby Scott Baker. - Public domain dedication image
Summary: Informal, three-quarter-length portrait of Abby Scott Baker of Washington, D.C., sitting at a desk, facing left, and reading, with papers, books, and a typewriter nearby. Title supplied by Library of C... More
Miss Beulah Amidon, "The Prettiest Picket"
Title and information transcribed from item. Summary: Formal portrait, head and shoulders, Beulah Amidon, facing left with head turned toward camera, wearing a broad-brimmed hat. Verso: "Please return to Miss C... More
The Suffrage Picket Riots, Aug. 1917
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of street scene with a car, a trolley, and large crowds of people.
Jackson Place Headquarters, NWP, 1918-1920
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of exterior of Jackson Place Headquarters of the National Woman's Party.
[Eliza Hardy Lord], Head and Shoulders Portrait
Summary: Head-and-shoulders studio portrait of Eliza Hardy Lord, facing camera, painted background. Photographic studio information stamped on item. Title derived by Library of Congress staff.
[Alice Paul]. National Woman Party
Summary: Photograph of Alice Paul, seated at desk, in profile, speaking on telephone. Title derived by Library of Congress staff. Date derived from June calendar visible on desktop in image. Photograph publishe... More
Suf[frage] Group Union Station Leaving to est[ablish] campaign headqua...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of seven women standing on steps outside Union Station. Rose Winslow (left) holds rolled-up suffrage banner, with Lucy Burns (back, second from left), Doris Stev... More
Press Room, NWP headquarters: Boeckel, Anderson, Marsh, Davis
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of Florence Brewer Boeckel, Miss Anderson, Eleanor Taylor Marsh, and Miss Davis sitting at desks in an office. Photograph published in The Suffragist, 7, no. 31 ... More
Miss Virginia Arnold, of North Carolina, is one of the organizers for ...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Three-quarter-length portrait of Virginia Arnold of North Carolina, facing right, looking toward camera, in hat and coat holding pocketbook. Photograph published in The Suf... More
The day after the police announce that future pickets would be given l...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of Alice Paul emerging from National Woman's Party headquarters holding banner, followed by Dora Lewis (with no banner). Unidentified women stand with a banner i... More
Penn[sylvania] on the picket line-- 1917.
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of fourteen suffragists in overcoats on picket line, holding suffrage banners in front of the White House. One banner reads: "Mr. President How Long Must Women W... More
Picketing the White House at Wilson's second inauguration, March 4, 19...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of crowd, with umbrellas, watching National Woman's Party picketers in the rain in front of the White House. Photograph published in The Suffragist, 5, no.59 (Ma... More
Mrs. Henry Atwater, chairman of the District branch of the National Wo...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Formal portrait, head and shoulders with back to camera facing left, of Adeline L. Atwater, chairman of the District of Columbia branch of the National Woman's Party. Accor... More
[Inez Milholland Boissevain preparing to lead the March 3, 1913, suffr...
Summary: Photograph of Inez Milholland, full-length, facing forward, wearing white robes and a crown, astride a white horse in front of a crowd on a street in Washington, D.C. Title derived from Library of Cong... More
Mrs. Rheta Childe Dorr of New York is one of the prominent members of ...
Summary: Informal portrait, three-quarter length, Rheta Childe Dorr, seated at desk, facing left with head turned toward camera, holding eye glasses in right hand and newspaper in left hand, wearing corduroy su... More
Miss Mary Gertrude Fendall, of Baltimore, Md., national organizer for ...
Title and name and address of photographer transcribed from item. Cropped version of the photograph published in The Suffragist, 5, no. 58 (Mar. 3, 1917): 10. Summary: Formal portrait, half-length, seated, Mary... More
Suffrage Prisoners Leaving D.C. Prison
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of National Woman's Party members leaving a prison building. Warden Zinkham (left).
Maryland Day [picketing the White House for suffrage]
Title transcribed from item, with additional information derived by Library of Congress staff. Summary: Photograph of suffragists marching in contingent with banners, picketing outside on the sidewalk in front ... More
[Grand Picket at the White House, eve of President Woodrow Wilson's se...
Title derived by Library of Congress staff. Summary: Photograph on a rainy day of a woman standing on chair in slicker and rain hat speaking through a megaphone to suffragists standing with suffrage banners. On... More
Mrs. Sarah Colvin of St. Paul, newly elected National chairman of the ...
Title and name and address of photographer transcribed from item. Summary: Informal portrait, full-length, Sarah T. Colvin of St. Paul, Minnesota, standing in front of National Woman’s Party headquarters, Jacks... More
Conferring over ratification [of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Consti...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of six National Woman's Party members gathered around a table. Left to R: Dora Lewis (seated), Abby Scott Baker (seated), Anita Pollitzer (standing), Alice Paul ... More
Mrs. W. J. Roach, of New Orleans, Treasurer of the Louisiana Branch of...
Title and information transcribed from item. Summary: Portrait of Mrs. W. J. Roach, seated in decoratively carved wood chair, wearing beaded dress and necklace.
Open air meeting at Washington, D.C. March 1913, calling upon Congress...
Summary: Photograph of the back of Mary Beard, standing in car, speaking to crowd on street, Interior Dept. building in background. Automobiles and trolley on street. Title transcribed from item. A duplicate im... More
Elizabeth Kalb, National Dept.--Nat'l Literature Dep't.
Title and information transcribed from item. Summary: Half-length portrait of Elizabeth Green Kalb, facing forward, in embroidered v-neck. Elizabeth Green Kalb of Houston, Texas, was a graduate of Rice Institut... More
[Billboard signs welcoming suffrage envoys from San Francisco to Washi...
Title derived by Library of Congress staff. Summary: Photograph of billboard signs on brick wall welcoming arrival of Congressional Union automobile envoys in Washington, D.C.: "Welcome to envoys of women voter... More
Reverend Anna Howard Shaw. National Woman Party
Title and information transcribed from item. Summary: Informal portrait, full-length, Anna Howard Shaw, facing forward, wearing coat and fur stole, standing in front of a door, with left arm bent at elbow and r... More
Miss Kathleen Taylor, of New York. Speaker and organizer for the Wom...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Head-and-shoulders portrait of Kathleen Taylor, wearing checked jacket, shirt, and plaid tie with tie clip.
Sailors attacking pickets, 1917, while policemen look casually on-- (T...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of a large crowd of people on sidewalk and city street, including sailors, facing picketing suffragists who hold banners at gates of the White House.
Virginia Arnold [holding Kaiser Wilson banner].
Title transcribed from item, with additional information derived by Library of Congress staff. Summary: Photograph of Virginia Arnold posing with banner: "Kaiser Wilson Have you forgotten your sympathy with the... More
Miss Mildred Glines, chairman Rhode Island, NWP [National Woman's Part...
Title and name and address of photographer transcribed from image. Summary: Formal portrait, head and chest, Mildred H. Glines of Rhode Island, wearing wide-brimmed hat, wide-collared, light blouse with dark ti... More
Miss [Lucy] Burns in Occoquan Workhouse, Washington
Title and information transcribed from item. Summary: Informal portrait, Lucy Burns, three-quarter length, seated, facing forward, holding a newspaper in her lap in front of a prison cell, likely at Occoquan Wo... More
Jackson Place H[eadquarters of the National Woman's Party] - 1918-20
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of exterior front of Jackson Place.
Mrs. Anne Calvert Neely of Vicksburg, Mississippi
Title and information transcribed from item. Cropped version of the photograph published in The Suffragist, 8, no. 5 (June 1920): n.p. Summary: Formal portrait, head and chest, Anne Calvert Neely, facing forwar... More
Miss [Elizabeth] Kalb - Suffragist Editorial Room
Title and information transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of Elizabeth Green Kalb, facing right, with back to camera, seated at paper-covered desk in corner office, with typewriter and file cabinets near... More
Miss Lucy Ewing, Chicago, Ill[inois].
Summary: Formal portrait, head and shoulders, Lucy Ewing of Chicago, wearing v-neck blouse with necklace and wide-brimmed straw hat with ribbon. Title and name and address of photographer transcribed from item.... More
Suffrage open air meeting at the National Capitol demanding that Congr...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of street scene with crowds of people, bicyclist, trolleys and cars. Speakers on sidewalk platform at building at corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 15th St., Was... More
[Anita Pollitzer]. National Woman Party
Summary: Outdoor photograph of Anita Pollitzer standing at the bottom of a set of steps, in coat and hat. Title derived by Library of Congress staff. Photographic studio transcribed from item.
Dr. Frances Lane, of Cody, Wyo., Chairman of the Wyoming Branch of the...
Title and information transcribed from item. Summary: Head and shoulders portrait of Dr. Frances Lane, facing left, wearing necklace and beaded gown.
Miss Pauline Clarke, of New York, a graduate of Bryn Mawr College, is ...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Formal portrait, head and shoulders, Pauline Clarke, of New York, body turned slightly toward left with head facing camera, wearing v-neck blouse with wide collar. Photogra... More
Mrs. Otis Floyd Lamson, of Seattle, chairman of Washington Branch of N...
Title and information transcribed from item. Summary: Half length portrait of Mrs. Otis Floyd Lamson, turned right, facing camera, off-the-shoulder dress. Cropped version of the photograph published in The Suff... More
Miss Priscilla Webster, of Boston, Massachusetts., preliminary organiz...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Half-length portrait of Priscilla Webster, seated in wooden armchair, wearing ruffled white blouse and dark hat, holding jacket, pencil, pocketbook and striped scarf in lea... More
Mrs. Susanna Morin Swing [holding banner, "Democracy Should Begin at H...
Title transcribed from item, with additional information derived by Library of Congress staff. Summary: Photograph of Suzanne Morin Swing posing with banner, "Democracy Should Begin At Home." Photograph publish... More
Some of the picket line of Nov. 10, 1917. Left to right: Mrs. Catherin...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of nine suffrage pickets standing single file along a tall lattice fence, with suffrage banners. Left to R: Catherine Martinette, Elizabeth Kent, Mary Bartlett D... More
The first suffrage picket line leaving the National Woman's Party head...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of picket line of National Woman's Party members holding banners in front of NWP headquarters.
Vida Milholland [in jail cell]. National Woman Party
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of Vida Milholland behind bars in a jail cell (District Jail, Washington, D.C.). Cropped version of the photograph published in The Suffragist, 6, no. 5 (Feb. 9,... More
Catherine Flanagan, Gertrude Crocker [or Mrs. William Upton (Madeleine...
Summary: Catherine Flanagan (Left) and Gertrude Crocker [or Mrs. William Upton (Madeleine) Watson?] (Right) being placed under arrest as they picket with banners before the White House East Gate. Arresting poli... More
[Police arresting pickets Edna Dixon and Lavinia Dock in a crowd, Augu...
Title derived by Library of Congress staff. Summary: Photograph of crowds and policemen surrounding National Woman's Party members picketing with banners. Photograph published in The Suffragist, 5, no. 83 (Aug.... More
Miss Ella Riegel, of Bryn Mar, Pennsylvania, Finance Chairman for the ...
Title and information transcribed from item. Summary: Head-and-shoulders portrait of Ella Riegel, wearing ribbon throat band, right hand to cheek. A similar image was printed in The Suffragist (Jan. 12, 1918), n.p.
Mrs. Quick in Membership Room, Washington DC
Title and information transcribed from item. Photograph published in The Suffragist, 7, no. 31 (Aug. 9, 1919): 7. Summary: Informal portrait, Mrs. Quick, seated, facing right, and reading at desk by window in c... More
Miss Emma Wold, Technical Adviser (legal, on nationality), to U.S. Del...
Title and information transcribed from item. Summary: Half-length portrait of Emma Wold, wearing white blouse with brooch and dark jacket. Photograph supplied by Mrs. Pauline A. Freden, Baltimore, Md., for publ... More
Mrs. Agnes H. Morey of Boston, Massachusetts.
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Informal photograph of Agnes H. Morey (front) and another unidentified woman (rear), both in street clothes and hats, approaching a landscaped building, smiling. Cropped ve... More
First C[ongressional] U[nion] H[eadquarters]
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Photograph of woman walking by National American Woman Suffrage Association building.
Miss Sallie W. Hovey, Chairman, New Hampshire National Woman's Party. ...
Title and name and address of photographer transcribed from image. Summary: Informal portrait, full-length, Sallie Hovey of New Hampshire, facing right with head turned toward camera, standing outside by column... More
Mrs. Wm Kent, wife of Representative Kent, of California, who is activ...
Title and information transcribed from item. Summary: Informal portrait, full-length, Elizabeth T. Kent, facing forward, standing outdoors, wearing hat with ribbons, fur stole, and dress cinched ay waist with s... More
[Suffragists distributing hand bills advertising March 3, 1913, suffra...
Title derived by Library of Congress staff. Summary: Photograph of suffragists handing out materials to people passing on street.
Bliss Finley, office manager of "The Suffragist," official organ of th...
Title and name and address of photographer transcribed from item. Cropped and flipped version of the photograph published in The Suffragist 5, no. 58 (Mar. 3, 1917): 10. Summary: Formal portrait, head and shoul... More
Miss Minnie Hennessy, of Ct. [Connecticut], sentenced to six months at...
Title and name and address of photographer transcribed from image. Summary: Informal portrait, full-length, Minnie Hennessy of Connecticut, standing outdoors with wrought-iron fence in background, wearing wide-... More
Miss Gail Laughlin, of Portland, member of the Maine Legislature and N...
Title and information transcribed from item. Summary: Head-and-shoulders portrait of Gail Laughlin, facing forward, high lace collar. Cropped version of the photograph published in The Suffragist, 3, no. 23 (Ju... More
Miss Emily Palmer Stearns, of Washington, D.C., National Membership Ch...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Half-length portrait of Emily Palmer Stearns, facing front, wearing broad-brimmed straw hat with flower and pearl necklace. Photograph published in The Suffragist, 4, no. 4... More
Miss Nina Samarodin, of Kiev, Russia, one of the members of the Nation...
Title transcribed from item. Summary: Head-and-shoulders portrait of Nina Samarodin. Similar photograph printed in The Suffragist (Oct. 27, 1917), n. p. Nina Samarodin was born in Kiev, Russia, and graduated fr... More