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vlad iii the impaler

6 media by topicpage 1 of 1
Radu the Handsome, 1881 Illustration

Radu the Handsome, 1881 Illustration

Posthumous pencil illustration of Radu the Handsome, brother of Vlad III "The Impaler", by artist M. B. Secareaun, 1881. Radu was a lover of Ottoman Empire sultan Mehmed II. It is possible it says 1831 but I d... More

Wladislaus Dragwlya - Public domain dedication image

Wladislaus Dragwlya - Public domain dedication image

Vlad Dracula's signature; Arhivele Statului Sibiu, Arhivele Naţionale Săseşti, Urkunden U 454 / 3 32

Vlad Tepes 002 - Public domain portrait painting
Curtea domneasca din Targoviste

Curtea domneasca din Targoviste

The castle of Vlad Tepes (Dracula), Târgovişte, Romania. Română: Curtea domneasca din .monument-istoric{width:400px;max-width:100%;margin:1px;padding:2px;background-color:#800000;c... More

Dracula Augsburg Chroniken Nr 4d fol 151r

Dracula Augsburg Chroniken Nr 4d fol 151r

erste Seite des Dracula-Textes

Voivode Vlad III the Impaler coin

Voivode Vlad III the Impaler coin

Denarius. Silver, text. (ВЛАДИСЛАВ ВОИВОДІѠ). Voivode Vlad III the Impaler (1436-1462). Coin. Principality of Wallachia. Русский: Денарий. Серебро, текст. (ВЛАДИСЛАВ ВОИВОДІѠ). Воевода Влад III Дракула Цепеш ... More