Harvey W. Wiley conducting experiments
Harvey Washington Wiley (October 30, 1844, Kent, Indiana - June 30, 1930, Washington, D.C.) was a noted chemist involved with the passage of the landmark Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906. Wiley was offered the po... More
Baltimore-Washington Parkway, Greenbelt, Prince George's County, MD
Significance: The federal section of the Baltimore-Washington Parkway was constructed to provide a dignified entrance to the nation's capital. The parkway also provided a new traffic artery that relieved conge... More
12th annual price list and catalogue of fresh and reliable garden, fie...
Title: 12th annual price list & catalogue of fresh and reliable garden, field and flower seeds : grown and sold on the seed farm of Samuel Wilson Identifier: 12thannualpricel1888wils (find matches) Year: 1888... More
13th annual catalogue (1900) (20559748015)
Title: 13th annual catalogue Identifier: CAT31284877 (find matches) Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: L. L. Olds Seed Co; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nursery stock Wisconsin... More
12th annual price list and catalogue of fresh and reliable garden, fie...
Title: 12th annual price list & catalogue of fresh and reliable garden, field and flower seeds : grown and sold on the seed farm of Samuel Wilson Identifier: 12thannualpricel1888wils (find matches) Year: 1888... More
17th annual catalogue of the Germain Seed and Plant Co (1902) (1647790...
Title: 17th annual catalogue of the Germain Seed and Plant Co Identifier: 17thannualcatalo1902germ (find matches) Year: 1902 (1900s) Authors: Germain Seed and Plant Company; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed ... More
1896 greeting (1896) (16665528222)
Title: 1896 greeting Identifier: 1896greeting1896miss (find matches) Year: 1896 (1890s) Authors: Miss C. H. Lippincott (Firm); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Seeds Catalo... More
1899 Buell Lamberson Seed Store (1899) (19929374124)
Title: 1899 Buell Lamberson Seed Store Identifier: CAT31283744 (find matches) Year: 1899 (1890s) Authors: Buell Lamberson Seed Store; Lamberson, Buell; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collecti... More
1901 Johnson and Stokes garden and farm manual (1901) (19951424083)
Title: 1901 Johnson & Stokes garden and farm manual Identifier: CAT31294891 (find matches) Year: 1901 (1900s) Authors: Johnson & Stokes; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nu... More
1931 wholesale price list (1931) (16482189330)
Title: 1931 wholesale price list Identifier: 1931wholesalepri1931ferr (find matches) Year: 1931 (1930s) Authors: Ferry-Morse Seed Company; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: ... More
1940 Planter's guide (1940) (16669174181)
Title: 1940 Planter's guide Identifier: 1940plantersguid1940harr (find matches) Year: 1940 (1940s) Authors: Harrison's Nurseries (Berlin, Md. ); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subj... More
1954 catalog of hardy Ozark Mountain grown nursery stock at amazingly ...
Title: 1954 catalog of hardy Ozark Mountain grown nursery stock at amazingly low prices direct from grower to planter Identifier: 1954catalogofhar1954bent (find matches) Year: 1954 (1950s) Authors: Benton Cou... More
1959 Cooley's Gardens (1959) (16048504154)
Title: 1959 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1959cooleysgarde1959cool (find matches) Year: 1959 (1950s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1959 Cooley's Gardens (1959) (16463528757)
Title: 1959 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1959cooleysgarde1959cool (find matches) Year: 1959 (1950s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1962 Cooley's Gardens (1962) (16645072106)
Title: 1962 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1962cooleysgarde1962cool (find matches) Year: 1962 (1960s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1964 Cooley's Gardens (1964) (16669655521)
Title: 1964 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1964cooleysgarde1964cool (find matches) Year: 1964 (1960s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1964 Cooley's Gardens (1964) (16671071495)
Title: 1964 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1964cooleysgarde1964cool (find matches) Year: 1964 (1960s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1965 Cooley's Gardens (1965) (16485023169)
Title: 1965 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1965cooleysgarde1965cool (find matches) Year: 1965 (1960s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1967 Cooley's Gardens (1967) (16671121485)
Title: 1967 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1967cooleysgarde1967cool (find matches) Year: 1967 (1960s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1967 Cooley's Gardens (1967) (16670157482)
Title: 1967 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1967cooleysgarde1967cool (find matches) Year: 1967 (1960s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1969 Cooley's Gardens (1969) (16669799711)
Title: 1969 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1969cooleysgarde1969cool (find matches) Year: 1969 (1960s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1969 Cooley's Gardens (1969) (16483776610)
Title: 1969 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1969cooleysgarde1969cool (find matches) Year: 1969 (1960s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1973 Cooley's Gardens (1973) (16669938831)
Title: 1973 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1973cooleysgarde1973cool (find matches) Year: 1973 (1970s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1974 Cooley's Gardens (1974) (16671343775)
Title: 1974 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1974cooleysgarde1974cool (find matches) Year: 1974 (1970s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1975 Cooley's Gardens (1975) (16051431443)
Title: 1975 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1975cooleysgarde1975cool (find matches) Year: 1975 (1970s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1974 Cooley's Gardens (1974) (16483749228)
Title: 1974 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1974cooleysgarde1974cool (find matches) Year: 1974 (1970s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1975 Cooley's Gardens (1975) (16049050694)
Title: 1975 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1975cooleysgarde1975cool (find matches) Year: 1975 (1970s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1975 Cooley's Gardens (1975) (16483976180)
Title: 1975 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1975cooleysgarde1975cool (find matches) Year: 1975 (1970s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
26th annual catalogue (1896) (16664599172)
Title: 26th annual catalogue Identifier: 26thannualcatalo1896iowa (find matches) Year: 1896 (1890s) Authors: Iowa Seed Co. (Des Moines, Iowa); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjec... More
30th annual catalogue (1900) (19936674304)
Title: 30th annual catalogue Identifier: CAT31284754 (find matches) Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Iowa Seed Co. (Des Moines, Iowa); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nursery s... More
32nd annual catalogue (1902) (19943340474)
Title: 32nd annual catalogue Identifier: CAT31285652 (find matches) Year: 1902 (1900s) Authors: Iowa Seed Co. (Des Moines, Iowa); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nursery s... More
30th annual catalogue (1900) (20559068345)
Title: 30th annual catalogue Identifier: CAT31284754 (find matches) Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Iowa Seed Co. (Des Moines, Iowa); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nursery s... More
1978 Research accomplishments learning about forests (1979) (199507271...
Title: 1978 Research accomplishments learning about forests Identifier: CAT90923467 (find matches) Year: 1979 (1970s) Authors: Subjects: Forestry research United States Publisher: (Washington, D. C. ) : U. S... More
53rd annual catalog - 1931 (1931) (16479537779)
Title: 53rd annual catalog : 1931 Identifier: 53rdannualcatalo1931jtlo (find matches) Year: 1931 (1930s) Authors: J. T. Lovett Company; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Ber... More
53rd annual catalog - 1931 (1931) (16478149878)
Title: 53rd annual catalog : 1931 Identifier: 53rdannualcatalo1931jtlo (find matches) Year: 1931 (1930s) Authors: J. T. Lovett Company; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Ber... More
A biological survey of Colorado (1911) (20194157319)
Title: A biological survey of Colorado Identifier: biologicalsurvey33cary (find matches) Year: 1911 (1910s) Authors: Cary, Merritt, 1880-1918; United States. Bureau of Biological Survey Subjects: Natural hist... More
A catalog of cultivated woody plants of the southeastern United States...
Title: A catalog of cultivated woody plants of the southeastern United States Identifier: catalogofcultiv07meye (find matches) Year: 1994 (1990s) Authors: Meyer, Frederick G. (Frederick Gustav), 1917-2006; Ma... More
A classification of the scale insect genus Asterolecanium (1941) (2064...
Title: A classification of the scale insect genus Asterolecanium Identifier: classificationof424russ (find matches) Year: 1941 (1940s) Authors: Russell, Louise M. (Louise May), 1905- Subjects: Asterolecanium;... More
A descriptive catalog of vegetables (1935) (20869641562)
Section of trial rows of spinach Title: A descriptive catalog of vegetables Identifier: descriptivecatal1935asso (find matches) Year: 1935 (1930s) Authors: Associated Seed Growers, Inc; Henry G. Gilbert Nurser... More
A descriptive catalogue of vegetables for canning and quick freezing (...
Title: A descriptive catalogue of vegetables for canning and quick freezing Identifier: descriptivecata1942asso_0 (find matches) Year: 1942 (1940s) Authors: Associated Seed Growers, Inc; Henry G. Gilbert Nurs... More
A digest of metabolism experiments in which the balance of income and ...
Identifier: digestofmetaboli45atwa (find matches) Title: A digest of metabolism experiments in which the balance of income and outgo was determined Year: 1897 (1890s) Authors: Atwater, W. O. (Wilbur Olin), 1... More
A fruit-growers' catalogue of fruit trees for profit - strawberries, r...
Title: A fruit-growers' catalogue of fruit trees for profit : strawberries, raspberries and other small fruits, chestnut, walnut and other nut trees Identifier: CAT31285079 (find matches) Year: 1901 (1900s) A... More
A method of estimating log weights (1972) (20580649071)
Title: A method of estimating log weights Identifier: CAT92273121 (find matches) Year: 1972 (1970s) Authors: Mann, Charles N. cn; Lysons, Hilton H. cn; Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station (P... More
Absorption and distribution of Cp14s-labeled tetramine in relation to ...
Title: Absorption and distribution of Cp14s-labeled tetramine in relation to its possible use in animal damage control Identifier: CAT92272774 (find matches) Year: 1966 (1960s) Authors: Radwan, M. A. , 1926- ... More
Allen's 1949 book of berries (1949) (17762946698)
Title: Allen's 1949 book of berries Identifier: allens1949bookof19alle (find matches) Year: 1949 (1940s) Authors: Allen Co. (Salisbury, Md. ); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjec... More
Allen's 1946 book of berries (1946) (17950737345)
Title: Allen's 1946 book of berries Identifier: allens1946bookof19alle (find matches) Year: 1946 (1940s) Authors: Allen Co. (Salisbury, Md. ); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjec... More
Allen's 1953 book of berries (1953) (17924512036)
Title: Allen's 1953 book of berries Identifier: allens1953bookof19alle (find matches) Year: 1953 (1950s) Authors: Allen Co. (Salisbury, Md. ); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjec... More
Allen's 1954 book of berries (1954) (17951569771)
Title: Allen's 1954 book of berries Identifier: allens1954bookof19alle (find matches) Year: 1954 (1950s) Authors: Allen Co. (Salisbury, Md. ); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjec... More
Allen's 1958 book of berries (1958) (17328304734)
Title: Allen's 1958 book of berries Identifier: allens1958bookof19alle (find matches) Year: 1958 (1950s) Authors: Allen Co. (Salisbury, Md. ); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjec... More
Allen's 81st book of berries (1966) (17763043260)
Title: Allen's 81st book of berries Identifier: allens81stbookof19alle (find matches) Year: 1966 (1960s) Authors: Allen Co. (Salisbury, Md. ); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjec... More
Allen's 82nd book of berries (1967) (17924275146)
Title: Allen's 82nd book of berries Identifier: allens82ndbookof19alle (find matches) Year: 1967 (1960s) Authors: Allen Co. (Salisbury, Md. ); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjec... More
Allen's 83rd book of berries (1968) (17764432579)
Title: Allen's 83rd book of berries Identifier: allens83rdbookof19alle (find matches) Year: 1968 (1960s) Authors: Allen Co. (Salisbury, Md. ); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjec... More
Allen's 83rd book of berries (1968) (17950673645)
Title: Allen's 83rd book of berries Identifier: allens83rdbookof19alle (find matches) Year: 1968 (1960s) Authors: Allen Co. (Salisbury, Md. ); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjec... More
Allen's book of berries 1957 (1957) (17948332892)
Title: Allen's book of berries 1957 Identifier: allensbookofberr19alle_31 (find matches) Year: 1957 (1950s) Authors: Allen Co. (Salisbury, Md. ); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Sub... More
Allen's book of berries for 1937 (1937) (17951205135)
Title: Allen's book of berries for 1937 Identifier: allensbookofberr19alle_21 (find matches) Year: 1937 (1930s) Authors: Allen Co. (Salisbury, Md. ); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection... More
Allen's book of berries for 1938 (1938) (17328662574)
Title: Allen's book of berries for 1938 Identifier: allensbookofberr19alle_22 (find matches) Year: 1938 (1930s) Authors: Allen Co. (Salisbury, Md. ); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection... More
Allen's book of berries for 1943 (1943) (17948213942)
Title: Allen's book of berries for 1943 Identifier: allensbookofberr19alle_27 (find matches) Year: 1943 (1940s) Authors: Allen Co. (Salisbury, Md. ); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection... More
Allen's catalogue for 1906 - choice strawberry plants and hundreds of ...
Title: Allen's catalogue for 1906 : choice strawberry plants and hundreds of other good things for the farm and garden Identifier: allenscataloguef19alle (find matches) Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Allen Co. (... More
Allen's catalogue for 1906 - choice strawberry plants and hundreds of ...
Title: Allen's catalogue for 1906 : choice strawberry plants and hundreds of other good things for the farm and garden Identifier: allenscataloguef19alle (find matches) Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Allen Co. (... More
Allen's strawberry catalogue for 1900 (1900) (17920765509)
Title: Allen's strawberry catalogue for 1900 Identifier: allensstrawberry19alle (find matches) Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Allen Co. (Salisbury, Md. ); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collecti... More
Allen's strawberry catalogue - 1905 (1905) (18107961311)
Title: Allen's strawberry catalogue : 1905 Identifier: allensstrawberry19alle_3 (find matches) Year: 1905 (1900s) Authors: Allen Co. (Salisbury, Md. ); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collecti... More
Allen's book of berries for 1941 (1941) (17328720564)
Title: Allen's book of berries for 1941 Identifier: allensbookofberr19alle_25 (find matches) Year: 1941 (1940s) Authors: Allen Co. (Salisbury, Md. ); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection... More
Almanac and garden manual for the southern states of the J. Steckler S...
Title: Almanac and garden manual for the southern states of the J. Steckler Seed Co., Ltd. Identifier: CAT31294448 (find matches) Year: 1898 (1890s) Authors: J. Steckler Seed Co; Frotscher, M. T; Henry G. Gil... More
Alneer Brothers seed and plant catalogue for 1900 (1900) (19932861754)
Title: Alneer Brothers seed and plant catalogue for 1900 Identifier: CAT31284115 (find matches) Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Alneer Brothers; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects... More
Allen's strawberry catalogue - spring 1903 (1903) (17919242410)
Title: Allen's strawberry catalogue : spring 1903 Identifier: allensstrawberry19alle_1 (find matches) Year: 1903 (1900s) Authors: Allen Co. (Salisbury, Md. ); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog C... More
Amateur guide and illustrated catalogue of flower and garden seeds (18...
Title: Amateur guide and illustrated catalogue of flower and garden seeds Identifier: amateurguideillu1886mcal (find matches) Year: 1886 (1880s) Authors: McAllister, F. E; F. E. McAllister (Firm); Henry G. Gi... More
American bulb company bulbs - rare flower roots, plants, seeds and gar...
Title: American bulb company bulbs : rare flower roots, plants, seeds and garden requisites Identifier: CAT31282679 (find matches) Year: 1897 (1890s) Authors: American Bulb Company; Pitcher, James R; Manda, W... More
American farmers' manual (1902) (17499397543)
Title: American farmers' manual Identifier: americanfarmersm19pete (find matches) Year: 1902 (1900s) Authors: Peter Henderson & Co; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Vegetab... More
American farmers' manual (1902) (17499309923)
Title: American farmers' manual Identifier: americanfarmersm19pete (find matches) Year: 1902 (1900s) Authors: Peter Henderson & Co; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Vegetab... More
American farmers' manual (1903) (17499505453)
Title: American farmers' manual Identifier: americanfarmersm19pete_0 (find matches) Year: 1903 (1900s) Authors: Peter Henderson & Co; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Veget... More
American farmers' manual (1904) (17932004498)
Title: American farmers' manual Identifier: americanfarmersm19pete_1 (find matches) Year: 1904 (1900s) Authors: Peter Henderson & Co; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Veget... More
An analysis of Pennsylvania's forest resources (1982) (18170780861)
Title: An analysis of Pennsylvania's forest resources Identifier: analysisofpennsy69powe (find matches) Year: 1982 (1980s) Authors: Powell, Douglas S; Considine, Thomas J Subjects: Forests and forestry Pennsy... More
Annual catalogue for 1881 containing a list of garden, field and flowe...
Title: Annual catalogue for 1881 containing a list of garden, field and flower seeds, together with prices and cultural directions Identifier: annualcataloguef1881pric (find matches) Year: 1881 (1880s) Author... More
Annual catalogue of celebrated OK seeds and manufactured specialties (...
Title: Annual catalogue of celebrated OK seeds and manufactured specialties Identifier: CAT31284488 (find matches) Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: J. A. Everitt (Firm); Everitt, J. A; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and... More
Annual catalogue of celebrated seeds (1896) (17803742283)
Title: Annual catalogue of celebrated seeds Identifier: annualcatalogueo1896jaev (find matches) Year: 1896 (1890s) Authors: J. A. Everitt (Firm); Everitt, J. A; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog... More
Annual catalogue Griffith Turner and Co. 1891 - implements, fertilizer...
Identifier: annualcatalogueg1891grif (find matches) Title: Annual catalogue Griffith Turner & Co. 1891 : implements, fertilizers, seeds Year: 1891 (1890s) Authors: Griffith and Turner Co Henry G. Gilbert Nur... More
Annual catalogue of celebrated seeds (1896) (17801801434)
Title: Annual catalogue of celebrated seeds Identifier: annualcatalogueo1896jaev (find matches) Year: 1896 (1890s) Authors: J. A. Everitt (Firm); Everitt, J. A; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog... More
Annual catalogue of high grade garden, flower, field seeds - implement...
Title: Annual catalogue of high grade garden, flower, field seeds : implements for farm, garden and lawn Identifier: CAT31284069 (find matches) Year: 1899 (1890s) Authors: Young & Halstead; Henry G. Gilbert N... More
Annual catalogue of field grown roses on own roots - open ground cultu...
Title: Annual catalogue of field grown roses on own roots : open ground culture exclusively Identifier: CAT31283634 (find matches) Year: 1899 (1890s) Authors: California Rose Company; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery... More
Annual catalogue of Jos. F. Dickmann's high-class garden, field and lf...
Title: Annual catalogue of Jos. F. Dickmann's high-class garden, field and lfower seeds : seed, grain, implements and fertilizers of all kinds Identifier: annualcatalogueo1896josf (find matches) Year: 1896 (1... More
Annual catalogue of Price and Reed, successors to Price and Knickerboc...
Title: Annual catalogue of Price & Reed, successors to Price & Knickerbocker, importers, growers and dealers in fine flower, vegetable and field seeds : also dealers in horticultural and agricultural implemen... More
Annual catalogue of Price and Reed, sucessors to Price and Knickerbock...
Title: Annual catalogue of Price & Reed, sucessors to Price & Knickerbocker, importers, growers and dealers in fine flower, vegetable and field seeds : also dealers in horticultural and agricultural implement... More
Annual catalogue of Price and Reed, Geo H. Price, sucessor - importers...
Title: Annual catalogue of Price & Reed, Geo H. Price, sucessor : importers, growers and dealers in fine flower, vegetable and field seeds also dealers in horticultural and agricultural implements Identifier:... More
Annual catalogue of seeds, plants, &c. (1890) (18423860365)
Title: Annual catalogue of seeds, plants, &c. Identifier: annualcatalogueo1890schl (find matches) Year: 1890 (1890s) Authors: Schlegel & Fottler; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Sub... More
Annual catalogue of seeds, plants, &c. (1890) (18397480666)
Title: Annual catalogue of seeds, plants, &c. Identifier: annualcatalogueo1890schl (find matches) Year: 1890 (1890s) Authors: Schlegel & Fottler; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Sub... More
Annual catalogue of the Freeport Nurseries and Poultry Yards (1893) (1...
Title: Annual catalogue of the Freeport Nurseries and Poultry Yards Identifier: annualcatalogueo1893free (find matches) Year: 1893 (1890s) Authors: Freeport Nurseries and Poultry Yards; Henry G. Gilbert Nurse... More
Annual circular and retail catalogue of warranted vegetable and flower...
Identifier: annualcircularre1876jame (find matches) Title: Annual circular and retail catalogue of warranted vegetable and flower seeds Year: 1876 (1870s) Authors: James J.H. Gregory (Firm) J.J.H. Gregory & ... More
Annual descriptive catalogue - seeds &c. (1897) (20360367899)
Title: Annual descriptive catalogue : seeds &c. Identifier: CAT31282554 (find matches) Year: 1897 (1890s) Authors: Joseph Breck & Sons; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nur... More
Annual descriptive catalogue - seeds &c. (1900) (20368410840)
Title: Annual descriptive catalogue : seeds &c. Identifier: CAT31284460 (find matches) Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Joseph Breck & Sons; New England Agricultural Warehouse; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Tr... More
Annual descriptive catalogue 1895 - seeds (1895) (17803116764)
Title: Annual descriptive catalogue 1895 : seeds Identifier: annualdescriptiv1895fran (find matches) Year: 1895 (1890s) Authors: Frank S. Platt (Firm); Platt, Frank S; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade ... More
Annual descriptive catalogue of seeds - the largest collection in the ...
Title: Annual descriptive catalogue of seeds : the largest collection in the world Identifier: CAT31294535 (find matches) Year: 1898 (1890s) Authors: J. M. Thorburn & Co; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Tra... More
Annual descriptive catalogue of seeds - the largest collection in the ...
Title: Annual descriptive catalogue of seeds : the largest collection in the world Identifier: CAT31294535 (find matches) Year: 1898 (1890s) Authors: J. M. Thorburn & Co; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Tra... More