[US Participation in World War I, French Battlefields]
[US Participation in World War I, French Battlefields] - [FRA-8342 through FRA-8379]
[US Participation in World War I, French Battlefields]
[US Participation in World War I, French Battlefields] - [FRA-8342 through FRA-8379]
[Paris Market Scene], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[Paris Market Scene] - [FRA-1190 through FRA-1193] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[7th Army Orchestra, Concert in Versailles]
[7th Army Orchestra, Concert in Versailles] - [FRA-8308 through FRA-8311]
[Lille. Quatrieme Festival Cuturel International Etudiant]
[Lille. Quatrieme Festival Cuturel International Etudiant] - [FRA-7691 through FRA-7749 (See FRA-7768 through FRA-6678)]
[Italian Journalists at SHAPE], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction...
[Italian Journalists at SHAPE] - [FRA-7179 through FRA-7183] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[French Worker] - [Day in the Life of a French Worker]
[French Worker] - [Day in the Life of a French Worker] - [FRA-1194 through FRA-1240]
[Milk] - [Lyon Milk Bottling Plant]
[Milk] - [Lyon Milk Bottling Plant] - [FRA-616 through FRA-622] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[First International School for Women Labor Leaders (La Breviere Labor...
[First International School for Women Labor Leaders (La Breviere Labor School)] - [FRA-6480 through FRA-6506]
[US Fulbright Arrive in Le Havre]
[US Fulbright Arrive in Le Havre] - [FRA-8118 through FRA-8225]
[13-Ton Tank with Superior Speed, Fire Power]
[International Children's Camp] - [FRA-5113 through FRA-5125 and FRA-5182 through FRA-5201]
[Cotton and the French Textile Industry]
[Cotton and the French Textile Industry] - [FRA-476 through FRA-501]
[SAAR Story] - [SAAR Customs Barrier]
[SAAR Story] - [SAAR Customs Barrier] - [FRA-5364 through FRA-5367] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Dunkirk] - [Barges], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[Dunkirk] - [Barges] - [FRA-440 through FRA-474] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[French Army - Training Recruits]
[French Army - Training Recruits] - [FRA-2777 through FRA-2880] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Petroleum Industry in the Marseille District]
[Petroleum Industry in the Marseille District] - [FRA-2166 through FRA-2209]
[ECA Agricultural Exhibit - Malesherbes]
[ECA Agricultural Exhibit - Malesherbes] - [FRA-2125 through FRA-2150] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Donzere-Mondragon Project] - [under Camargue Rice Story]
[Donzere-Mondragon Project] - [under Camargue Rice Story] - [FRA-375 through FRA-379]
[Challes Les Eaux, Air Cadets Center]
[Challes Les Eaux, Air Cadets Center] - [FRA-7571 through FRA-7585]
[Dunkirk (Craven)], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[Dunkirk (Craven)] - [FRA-5754 through FRA-5774] Public domain photograph of ship dock, harbor, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Gen. Norstad at Home], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Euro...
[Gen. Norstad at Home] - [FRA-7356 through FRA-7362] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Magazine Unit - Logging in the Gabon]
[Magazine Unit - Logging in the Gabon] - [FRA-4984 through FRA-5019]
[Hybrid Corn] - [Experimental Farm at Asile St-Leon]
[Hybrid Corn] - [Experimental Farm at Asile St-Leon] - [FRA-1826 through FRA-1858]
[Rubber] - [ECA Imports of Carbon Black Help French Rubber Industry]
[Rubber] - [ECA Imports of Carbon Black Help French Rubber Industry] - [FRA-234 through FRA-243]
[The Opening Up of a Continent (West Africa - Magazine Unit Story)]
[The Opening Up of a Continent (West Africa - Magazine Unit Story)] - [FRA-4796 through FRA-4853]
[The Opening Up of a Continent (West Africa - Magazine Unit Story)]
[The Opening Up of a Continent (West Africa - Magazine Unit Story)] - [FRA-4796 through FRA-4853]
[African Timber], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[African Timber] - [FRA-4904 through FRA-4939] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Helicopter Spraying] - [ECA Financed Helicopter Sprarys French Fields...
[Helicopter Spraying] - [ECA Financed Helicopter Sprarys French Fields] - [FRA-263 through FRA-265]
[Fulbright Students at Royaumont and Chantilly]
[Fulbright Students at Royaumont and Chantilly] - [FRA-7586 through FRA-7604]
[General Pix of the Three Assemblies at Strasbourg Jan/53]
[General Pix of the Three Assemblies at Strasbourg Jan/53] - [FRA-6078 through FRA-6099 and FRA-6109 through FRA-6148 and FRA-6164 through FRA-6192]
[Tourism] - [The Mere Poulard Restaurant]
[Tourism] - [The Mere Poulard Restaurant] - [FRA-1138] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Dunkirk] - [Barges], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[Dunkirk] - [Barges] - [FRA-440 through FRA-474] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Iron and Steel Industry, SAAR]
[Iron and Steel Industry, SAAR] - [FRA-5514] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Hand Tool Exhibit - Cambrai (Magazine Unit)]
[Hand Tool Exhibit - Cambrai (Magazine Unit)] - [FRA-4190 through FRA-4224]
[Steel Replaces Copper in Ammunition - Cartoucherie National de Valenc...
[Steel Replaces Copper in Ammunition - Cartoucherie National de Valence, Rhone River] - [FRA-5608 through FRA-5639]
[French Foundry Management Studies Productivity]
[French Foundry Management Studies Productivity] - [FRA-3172 through FRA-3175] Public domain photograph of the board of directors, managers, group of men, portrait, office, committee, free to use, no copyright... More
[Bi-Centenaire de la Naissance de Lafayette]
[Bi-Centenaire de la Naissance de Lafayette] - [FRA-8380 through FRA-8408]
[William C. Crosby, Warehousing Expert]
[William C. Crosby, Warehousing Expert] - [FRA-5839 through FRA-5844] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[William C. Crosby, Warehousing Expert]
[William C. Crosby, Warehousing Expert] - [FRA-5839 through FRA-5844] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Reconstruction of Aunay-Sur-Odon, France]
[Reconstruction of Aunay-Sur-Odon, France] - [FRA-1294 through FRA-1384]
[Reconstruction of Aunay-Sur-Odon, France]
[Reconstruction of Aunay-Sur-Odon, France] - [FRA-1294 through FRA-1384]
[NATO Airbase in France], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Eu...
[NATO Airbase in France] - [FRA-7971 through FRA-8007] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Aix en Profence Drama Festival: Teresa Stich Randall]
[Aix en Profence Drama Festival: Teresa Stich Randall] - [FRA-8080 through FRA-8099]
[Toulon Pictures, French Navy], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction...
[Toulon Pictures, French Navy] - [FRA-4542 through FRA-4570] Public domain photograph of industrial workers, factory building, work, assembly line, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[New Cruiser for French Navy: "Colbert"]
[New Cruiser for French Navy: "Colbert"] - [FRA-6807] Public domain photograph of a navy ship, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Toulon Pictures, French Navy], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction...
[Toulon Pictures, French Navy] - [FRA-4542 through FRA-4570] Public domain photograph of a navy ship, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Transfer of "Grillon" and "Cruiquet" to the French Navy]
[Transfer of "Grillon" and "Cruiquet" to the French Navy] - [FRA-7409 through FRA-7424]
[Bordeaux Journalists' Congress]
[Bordeaux Journalists' Congress] - [FRA-6941 through FRA-6987] Public domain photograph of an official meeting, group of people, managers, directors, discussion, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - ... More
[French Refrigerator Plant Increases its Productivity]
[French Refrigerator Plant Increases its Productivity] - [FRA-3146 through FRA-3160]
[SHAPE Welds 12-National Staff into Compacct Headquarters]
[SHAPE Welds 12-National Staff into Compacct Headquarters] - [FRA-3185 through FRA-3195]
[Luchon's English Week], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Eur...
[Luchon's English Week] - [FRA-6507 through FRA-6552] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Italians Serving at SHAPE], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of...
[Italians Serving at SHAPE] - [FRA-6855 and FRA-6856] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Jungle Diamonds], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[Jungle Diamonds] - [FRA-5934 throuhgh FRA-6015] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[SAAR Story] - [Miscellaneous - Mining, Festivals, etc.]
[SAAR Story] - [Miscellaneous - Mining, Festivals, etc.] - [FRA-5547 through FRA-5559]
[NATO Women at SHAPE], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europ...
[NATO Women at SHAPE] - [FRA-6934 through FRA-6938] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Aunay-Sur-Odon], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[Aunay-Sur-Odon] - [FRA-1294 through FRA-1687] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Saclay, Nuclear Studies' Center, Arrival of US AEC Library Documents]
[Saclay, Nuclear Studies' Center, Arrival of US AEC Library Documents] - [FRA-7567 through FRA-7570]
A black and white photo of a fenced in area. Marshall plan, post-war ...
[Uncaptioned] - [FRA-8626 through FRA-8683] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Technical Assistance] - ["Hands at Work" Series]
[Technical Assistance] - ["Hands at Work" Series] - [FRA-834 through FRA-845]
[French Worker] - [Day in the Life of a French Worker]
[French Worker] - [Day in the Life of a French Worker] - [FRA-1194 through FRA-1240]
[The Camargue - (Magazine Unit)]
[The Camargue - (Magazine Unit)] - [FRA-4225 through FRA-4303] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[SHAPE Exercise CPX-4], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Euro...
[SHAPE Exercise CPX-4] - [FRA-6988 through FRA-7056] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Development of French Sudan Bamaku to Timbuctu]
[Development of French Sudan Bamaku to Timbuctu] - [FRA-5129 through FRA-5181]
[Eisenhower Opens SHAPE Village]
[Eisenhower Opens SHAPE Village] - [FRA-3452 through FRA-3457] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Lessing's Pictures on Coal] - [Rehabilitation Center at Oignies]
[Lessing's Pictures on Coal] - [Rehabilitation Center at Oignies] - [FRA-2069 through FRA-2083]
[Marseille Fair], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[Marseille Fair] - [FRA-1803 through FRA-1825] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Robertson Factory at Le Havre]
[Robertson Factory at Le Havre] - [FRA-2320 through FRA-2395] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
["The Sleepless Port" - (Magazine Unit)]
["The Sleepless Port" - (Magazine Unit)] - [FRA-4020 through FRA-4189] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[St. Lo's New Hospital, Inaugural Ceremonies]
[St. Lo's New Hospital, Inaugural Ceremonies] - [FRA-7930 through FRA-7967]
[Societe Rhodiaceta Nylon Factory - Lyon]
[Societe Rhodiaceta Nylon Factory - Lyon] - [FRA-2210 through FRA-2238] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Oil in the Gabon, Africa], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of ...
[Oil in the Gabon, Africa] - [FRA-4366 through FRA-4396] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[USIS, Tours, Library and Cultural Center]
[USIS, Tours, Library and Cultural Center] - [FRA-7907 through FRA-7920]
[French Train as NATO Paratroopers at Pau]
[French Train as NATO Paratroopers at Pau] - [FRA-6348 through FRA-6410 (O-File)]
[Carling (Lorraine) Project], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction o...
[Carling (Lorraine) Project] - [FRA-5056 through FRA-5098] Public domain photograph - French children, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[La Chapelle Paper Plant], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of E...
[La Chapelle Paper Plant] - [FRA-1964 through FRA-2000] Public domain photograph of manufacturing workers, factory building, assembly line, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Launching of Sub-Chaser P-5], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction ...
[Launching of Sub-Chaser P-5] - [FRA-7295 through FRA-7343]
[USINOR Steel Mill - Montatair and Denain]
[USINOR Steel Mill - Montatair and Denain] - [FRA-3882 through FRA-3887 (See FRA-1241 through FRA-1248)]
[Sports - Bicycle Race Paris-Roubaix, Summer 1953]
[Sports - Bicycle Race Paris-Roubaix, Summer 1953] - [FRA-6555] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Bi-Centenaire de la Naissance de Lafayette]
[Bi-Centenaire de la Naissance de Lafayette] - [FRA-8380 through FRA-8408]
[Rubber] - [ECA Imports of Carbon Black Help French Rubber Industry]
[Rubber] - [ECA Imports of Carbon Black Help French Rubber Industry] - [FRA-234 through FRA-243]
[Magazine Unit - Logging in the Gabon]
[Magazine Unit - Logging in the Gabon] - [FRA-4984 through FRA-5019]
[Lille. Quatrieme Festival Cuturel International Etudiant]
[Lille. Quatrieme Festival Cuturel International Etudiant] - [FRA-7691 through FRA-7749 (See FRA-7768 through FRA-6678)]
[Rubber Factory], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[Rubber Factory] - [FRA-1148 through FRA-1150] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Wheat] - [Dunkirk Grain Elevator]
[Wheat] - [Dunkirk Grain Elevator] - [FRA-434 through FRA-436] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Tourism], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[Tourism] - [FRA-1120 through FRA-1135] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Pebernat], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[Pebernat] - [FRA-1919 through FRA-1924] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[SAAR Story] - [Coal - Apprentice Training]
[SAAR Story] - [Coal - Apprentice Training] - [FRA-5515 through FRA-5523] Public domain photograph of quarry, mining industry, miners, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[ECA Agricultural Exhibit - Malesherbes]
[ECA Agricultural Exhibit - Malesherbes] - [FRA-2125 through FRA-2150] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Visit of US Chiefs of Staff to Uniforce HG at Fontainebleau]
[Visit of US Chiefs of Staff to Uniforce HG at Fontainebleau] - [FRA-2742 through FRA-2758]
[Modane Wind Tunnel], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[Modane Wind Tunnel] - [FRA-6215 through FRA-6248] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[SHAPE Medical Conference], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of ...
[SHAPE Medical Conference] - [FRA-7097 through FRA-7114] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[La Breviere Trade-Union School (see complete list on subject card "Tr...
[La Breviere Trade-Union School (see complete list on subject card "Trade-Union"] - [FRA-4397 through FRA-4418]
[Life in a US Army Base: Evreux]
[Life in a US Army Base: Evreux] - [FRA-7846 through FRA-7906]
[Life in a US Army Base: Evreux]
[Life in a US Army Base: Evreux] - [FRA-7846 through FRA-7906]
[Life in a US Army Base: Evreux]
[Life in a US Army Base: Evreux] - [FRA-7846 through FRA-7906]
[French Army - Training Recruits]
[French Army - Training Recruits] - [FRA-2777 through FRA-2880] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Picture Story No. 632], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Eur...
[Picture Story No. 632] - [FRA-8564 through FRA-8567] Public domain photograph of an official meeting, group of people, discussion, office table, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[286-MP-FRA-6277_6293], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Euro...
[286-MP-FRA-6277_6293] - [FRA-6277 through FRA-6293 and FRA-6295 through FRA-6297]
[Algerian Desert Maneuvers], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of...
[Algerian Desert Maneuvers] - [FRA-5811 through FRA-5838] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[NATO Tank Training Center Gives Instruction on Latest Tanks (NATO Tan...
[NATO Tank Training Center Gives Instruction on Latest Tanks (NATO Tank School, Mailly)] - [FRA-5020 through FRA-5042]