The World's Largest Public Domain Media Search Engine

university of british columbia

2,459 media by topicpage 1 of 25
Portrait photo of Edward S. Curtis - Nakoaktok warrior

Portrait photo of Edward S. Curtis - Nakoaktok warrior

Kwakiutl man, full-length portrait, standing, facing front, holding pole. J197452 U.S. Copyright Office. Curtis no. 3538. Forms part of: Edward S. Curtis Collection (Library of Congress). Published in: The Nor... More

Edward S. Curtis - The wedding party--Qagyuhl

Edward S. Curtis - The wedding party--Qagyuhl

Two canoes pulled ashore with wedding party, bride and groom standing on "bride's seat" in the stern, relative of the bride dances on platform in bow. J197441 U.S. Copyright Office. Curtis no. 3521. Forms part... More

Chocolat de L'Univers (14850620264)

Chocolat de L'Univers (14850620264)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Unknown Date Created: [between 1910 and 1919?] ... More

March-hard crust-pleasure (10860120465)

March-hard crust-pleasure (10860120465)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Bullock-Webster, Harry, 1855-1942 Date Cr... More

To the Far East by the white Empress route (11411211505)

To the Far East by the white Empress route (11411211505)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Unknown Date Created: 1936 Source: University o... More

(cuneiform tablet D) top edge (22174590845)

(cuneiform tablet D) top edge (22174590845)

Reminder: PJ3721_U7C86_D.jpg Date: [between 1981 and 1973 BCE] Description: Originating from Umma, the tablet dates from the reign of Amar-Sin (also known as Bur-Sin), King of Ur, between 1981-1973 B.C.E. It... More

(cuneiform tablet E) left edge (22174590265)

(cuneiform tablet E) left edge (22174590265)

Reminder: PJ3721_U7C86_E.jpg Date: [between 1981 and 1973 BCE] Description: Originating from Puzrish-Dagan, the tablet dates from the reign of Amar-Sin (also known as Bur-Sin), King of Ur, between 1981-1973 B... More

An "Alhnah" medicine man-Fort Conolly 1879 (12291565175)

An "Alhnah" medicine man-Fort Conolly 1879 (12291565175)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Bullock-Webster, Harry, 1855-1942 Date Created... More

Avis. Comme complément a l'ordonance concernant la Récolte de Pommes de terre du mois de juin 1916 ... (12909200573)

Avis. Comme complément a l'ordonance concernant la Récolte de Pommes d...

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: [unknown] Date Created: 1916 Source: Origi... More

Bombs bursting upon the apex of the Railway Triangle at Metz-Sablon (15054758765)

Bombs bursting upon the apex of the Railway Triangle at Metz-Sablon (1...

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Alternative Title: Royal Air Force Official Photographs :... More

BP GEN CAN P E374 c (22875239174)

BP GEN CAN P E374 c (22875239174)

Reminder: No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information see Date: 1959 Notes: Abstract brown image ... More

BP MUR USA P W546 (23207790380)

BP MUR USA P W546 (23207790380)

Reminder: No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information see Date: 1969 Notes: This bookplate is prin... More

British women working in tannery in Nottingham (15146544607)

British women working in tannery in Nottingham (15146544607)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Alternative Title: Women's Work Creator: Unknown Date C... More

Bullcook feeding his pets (12524501333)

Bullcook feeding his pets (12524501333)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Unknown Date Created: [between 1920 and 1929?... More

Capilano picnic ground (14183299691)

Capilano picnic ground (14183299691)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: [unknown] Date Created: [1919?] Source: Or... More

Card depicting children playing croquet (14359250184)

Card depicting children playing croquet (14359250184)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Description: "Many Happy Returns of the Day." Creator: U... More

Chinese lantern postcard (11422936064)

Chinese lantern postcard (11422936064)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Description: This is just a Chinese Lantern. / With its s... More

Croquet grounds (15062391880)

Croquet grounds (15062391880)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Unknown Date Created: 1909 Source: Original Fo... More

Cutout depicting a girl playing croquet (14887469199)

Cutout depicting a girl playing croquet (14887469199)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Unknown Date Created: [between 1910 and 1919?] ... More

De la sphere. Figure XI. (12619474734)

De la sphere. Figure XI. (12619474734)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Manesson-Mallet, Allain, 1630?-1706? Date Iss... More

Exhibition game (14993805287)

Exhibition game (14993805287)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Unknown Date Created: 1923 Source: Original Fo... More

Have you bought your victory bonds? (12909111515)

Have you bought your victory bonds? (12909111515)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: [unknown] Date Created: 1914 Source: Origi... More

Hydro and croquet lawn (15283644177)

Hydro and croquet lawn (15283644177)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Unknown Date Created: 1908 Publisher: Unknown ... More

Interior of a Program for Vancouver's Jubilee Celebration July 1 and 2, 1887 (12751707275)

Interior of a Program for Vancouver's Jubilee Celebration July 1 and 2...

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Mathison, Robert, Jr. Date Issued: 1887-07 ... More

Lend him a hand, buy liberty bonds (12308329124)

Lend him a hand, buy liberty bonds (12308329124)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Liberty Loan Committee; Sarka, Charles Nicolas, ... More

Melbourne House (15627554218)

Melbourne House (15627554218)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Unknown Date Created: [between 1910 and 1919?] ... More

Play script regarding Earthquakes, Namazu, and other catfish (13469779855)

Play script regarding Earthquakes, Namazu, and other catfish (13469779...

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: [Unknown] Date Created: [1855 or 1856] Sou... More

Portrait of a woman and child (15234236220)

Portrait of a woman and child (15234236220)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Unknown Date: [ca. 1910] Source: Original Form... More

Portrait of the Arts graduating class, Queen's University (12483063705)

Portrait of the Arts graduating class, Queen's University (12483063705...

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Unknown Date Created: 1909 Source: Origina... More

Portrait of young Chinese girl and toddler (11422903125)

Portrait of young Chinese girl and toddler (11422903125)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Unknown Date Created: 20 January [1932?] Sourc... More

Postcard depicting a couple playing croquet (14446274044)

Postcard depicting a couple playing croquet (14446274044)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Unknown Date Created: 1908 Source: Original Fo... More

Powell Street, Vancouver (16983749060)

Powell Street, Vancouver (16983749060)

Reminder: No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information see Date: 1941 Access Identifier: JCPC_ 09_001 So... More

Railway workers cleaning carriages (15379867136)

Railway workers cleaning carriages (15379867136)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Alternative Title: Women's Work Creator: Unknown Date C... More

Spanish Chant Manuscript page 013 (13915935524)

Spanish Chant Manuscript page 013 (13915935524)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Notes: "Dominica Ad Primam"; Prime refers to 6am in the C... More

Spanish Chant Manuscript page 019 (13892398686)

Spanish Chant Manuscript page 019 (13892398686)

Notes: "Dominica Ad Primam"; Prime refers to 6am in the Catholic hour of prayer, or Liturgy of the hours. Creator: Catholic Church Date Created: [between 1575 and 1625?] Source: University of British Co... More

Spanish Chant Manuscript Page 206 (14952973970)

Spanish Chant Manuscript Page 206 (14952973970)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Notes: Ad Completorium or Compline, nightly prayers. Cre... More

Strawberry Festival Poster (12593259975)

Strawberry Festival Poster (12593259975)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Mathison, Robert, Jr. Date Issued: 1889-06 ... More

Tame mallards Knox Bay (14004589403)

Tame mallards Knox Bay (14004589403)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: [Unknown] Date Created: 1924 Source: Origi... More

The camp (13291274694) - A drawing of a man and a woman cooking food

The camp (13291274694) - A drawing of a man and a woman cooking food

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Bullock-Webster, Harry, 1855-1942 Date Created... More

Town, mouth of Quesnelle River (15868086501)

Town, mouth of Quesnelle River (15868086501)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Description: Former spelling of Quesnel River. Creator: ... More

Truck loaded with logs on logging road (13761877945)

Truck loaded with logs on logging road (13761877945)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: [Unknown] Date Created: 1936 Source: Origi... More

Truck loaded with logs travelling along logging road (13761877815)

Truck loaded with logs travelling along logging road (13761877815)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: [Unknown] Date Created: 1936 Source: Origi... More

Veni-vidi-skedaddleali (13291274294)

Veni-vidi-skedaddleali (13291274294)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Bullock-Webster, Harry, 1855-1942 Date Create... More

View in the woods at Burrard's Inlet (15174873349)

View in the woods at Burrard's Inlet (15174873349)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Description: Title refers to Burrard Inlet. Depicts... More

View of high rigger holding axe standing beside another employee of the Capilano Timber Company (13063423865)

View of high rigger holding axe standing beside another employee of th...

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: [unknown] Date Created: 1920 Source: Origi... More

Stampeders football team players VPL 84330 (15894148522)

Stampeders football team players VPL 84330 (15894148522)

Stampeders football team players work out at UBC VPL Accession Number: 84330 Date: December 6, 1948 Photographer/Studio: Jones, Art Artray Content: Pete Thodos, Ced Gyles, Rod Pantages Part of a series A-B Topi... More

Mask, Japan - Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia - DSC09209

Mask, Japan - Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia -...

Exhibit in the Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Shrine, Japan - Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia - DSC09235

Shrine, Japan - Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia...

Exhibit in the Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Frieze tile, Germany, 1558, ceramic - Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia - DSC09153

Frieze tile, Germany, 1558, ceramic - Museum of Anthropology, Universi...

Exhibit in the Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Stove tile, Austria, Salzburg, early 1500s, ceramic - Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia - DSC09158

Stove tile, Austria, Salzburg, early 1500s, ceramic - Museum of Anthro...

Exhibit in the Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

A practical handbook of trees, shrubs, vines and herbaceous perennials (1912) (14587292589)

A practical handbook of trees, shrubs, vines and herbaceous perennials...

Identifier: practicalhandbo00kirk (find matches) Title: A practical handbook of trees, shrubs, vines and herbaceous perennials Year: 1912 (1910s) Authors: Kirkegaard, John, 1872- Subjects: Trees Shrubs Flor... More

Agriculture contemporaine sa situation, ses moyens d'action (1877) (14762649071)

Agriculture contemporaine sa situation, ses moyens d'action (1877) (14...

Identifier: agricultureconte00brug (find matches) Title: Agriculture contemporaine sa situation, ses moyens d'action Year: 1877 (1870s) Authors: BRUGUIERE, LOUIS Subjects: Publisher: Paris, Masson Contribu... More

Alfalfa farming in America (1916) (17329119063)

Alfalfa farming in America (1916) (17329119063)

Title: Alfalfa farming in America Identifier: alfalfafarmingin00wing (find matches) Year: 1916 (1910s) Authors: Wing, Joseph E. (Joseph Elwyn), 1861-1915 Subjects: Alfalfa Publisher: Chicago, Ill. : Sanders P... More

Alpine flowers for English gardens (1879) (17922063518)

Alpine flowers for English gardens (1879) (17922063518)

Title: Alpine flowers for English gardens Identifier: alpineflowersfor00robi (find matches) Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Robinson, W. (William), 1838-1935; Bailey, William Whitman, 1843-1914 Subjects: Mountain... More

Amateur orchid cultivators' guide book (1899) (17922544180)

Amateur orchid cultivators' guide book (1899) (17922544180)

Title: Amateur orchid cultivators' guide book Identifier: amateurorchidcu00burb (find matches) Year: 1899 (1890s) Authors: Burberry, H. A Subjects: Publisher: Liverpool, Blake and Mackensie Contributing Libr... More

Beautiful flowering trees and shrubs for British and Irish gardens (1903) (20350271502)

Beautiful flowering trees and shrubs for British and Irish gardens (19...

Title: Beautiful flowering trees and shrubs for British and Irish gardens Identifier: beautifulfloweri00weat (find matches) Year: 1903 (1900s) Authors: Weathers, John, 1867- Subjects: Flowering shrubs; Flower... More

Bulbs and tuberous-rooted plants; their history, description, methods of propagation and complete directions for their successful culture in the garden, dwelling and greenhouse (1893) (20426474431)

Bulbs and tuberous-rooted plants; their history, description, methods ...

Title: Bulbs and tuberous-rooted plants; their history, description, methods of propagation and complete directions for their successful culture in the garden, dwelling and greenhouse Identifier: bulbstuberou... More

Cattle and dairy farming (1887) (20577608392)

Cattle and dairy farming (1887) (20577608392)

Title: Cattle and dairy farming Identifier: cattledairyfarmi00unit (find matches) Year: 1887 (1880s) Authors: United States. Bureau of Foreign Commerce (1854-1903) Subjects: Cattle; Livestock; Consular report... More

Cattle and dairy farming (1887) (20560364696)

Cattle and dairy farming (1887) (20560364696)

Title: Cattle and dairy farming Identifier: cattledairyfarmi00unit (find matches) Year: 1887 (1880s) Authors: United States. Bureau of Foreign Commerce (1854-1903) Subjects: Cattle; Livestock; Consular report... More

Die wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse der Vega-Expedition (1883) (20959962401)

Die wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse der Vega-Expedition (1883) (20959962...

Title: Die wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse der Vega-Expedition Identifier: diewissenschaftl00vega (find matches) Year: 1883 (1880s) Authors: Vega-expedition (1878-1880); Nordenskiöld, A. E. (Adolf Erik), 1832-1... More

Gardens of celebrities and celebrated gardens in and around London (1918) (14779852062)

Gardens of celebrities and celebrated gardens in and around London (19...

Identifier: gardensofcelebri00macg (find matches) Title: Gardens of celebrities and celebrated gardens in and around London Year: 1918 (1910s) Authors: Macgregor, Jessie Subjects: Gardens Publisher: London... More

Geschichte des florentinischen Grabmals von den ältesten Zeiten bis Michelangelo (1904) (14778704965)

Geschichte des florentinischen Grabmals von den ältesten Zeiten bis Mi...

Identifier: geschichtedesflo00burg (find matches) Title: Geschichte des florentinischen Grabmals von den ältesten Zeiten bis Michelangelo Year: 1904 (1900s) Authors: Burger, Fritz, 1877-1916 Subjects: Sepul... More

Logging; the principles and general methods of operation in the United States (1913) (14596320930)

Logging; the principles and general methods of operation in the United...

Identifier: loggingprincip00brya (find matches) Title: Logging; the principles and general methods of operation in the United States Year: 1913 (1910s) Authors: Bryant, Ralph Clement, b. 1877 Subjects: Lumb... More

Political parties in Michigan, 1837-1860. An historical study of political issues and parties in Michigan from the admission of the state to the Civil War (1918) (14762440282)

Political parties in Michigan, 1837-1860. An historical study of polit...

Identifier: politicalparties00stre (find matches) Title: Political parties in Michigan, 1837-1860. An historical study of political issues and parties in Michigan from the admission of the state to the Civil ... More

Rembrandt; des meisters gemälde in 643 abbildungen (1909) (14793759273)

Rembrandt; des meisters gemälde in 643 abbildungen (1909) (14793759273...

Identifier: rembrandtdesme1909remb (find matches) Title: Rembrandt; des meisters gemälde in 643 abbildungen Year: 1909 (1900s) Authors: Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, 1606-1669 Rosenberg, Adolf, 1858-1906 V... More

The agricultural grasses and forage plants of the United States; and such foreign kinds as have been introduced (1889) (14590823928)

The agricultural grasses and forage plants of the United States; and s...

Identifier: agriculturalgra00vase (find matches) Title: The agricultural grasses and forage plants of the United States; and such foreign kinds as have been introduced Year: 1889 (1880s) Authors: Vasey, Geor... More

The agricultural grasses and forage plants of the United States; and such foreign kinds as have been introduced (1889) (14591063437)

The agricultural grasses and forage plants of the United States; and s...

Identifier: agriculturalgra00vase (find matches) Title: The agricultural grasses and forage plants of the United States; and such foreign kinds as have been introduced Year: 1889 (1880s) Authors: Vasey, Geor... More

The agricultural grasses and forage plants of the United States; and such foreign kinds as have been introduced (1889) (14775278084)

The agricultural grasses and forage plants of the United States; and s...

Identifier: agriculturalgra00vase (find matches) Title: The agricultural grasses and forage plants of the United States; and such foreign kinds as have been introduced Year: 1889 (1880s) Authors: Vasey, Geor... More

The agricultural grasses and forage plants of the United States; and such foreign kinds as have been introduced (1889) (14777066122)

The agricultural grasses and forage plants of the United States; and s...

Identifier: agriculturalgra00vase (find matches) Title: The agricultural grasses and forage plants of the United States; and such foreign kinds as have been introduced Year: 1889 (1880s) Authors: Vasey, Geor... More

The British grasses and sedges (1858) (14741004326)

The British grasses and sedges (1858) (14741004326)

Identifier: britishgrassesse00prat (find matches) Title: The British grasses and sedges Year: 1858 (1850s) Authors: Pratt, Anne, 1806-1893 Subjects: Botany Grasses Publisher: London, Society for promoting ... More

The complete book of the dog (1922) (20048875764)

The complete book of the dog (1922) (20048875764)

Title: The complete book of the dog Identifier: completebookofdo00leig (find matches) Year: 1922 (1920s) Authors: Leighton, Robert, 1859-1934 Subjects: Dogs Publisher: London, New York (etc. ) Cassell and com... More

The critic in the Occident (1913) (14776487635)

The critic in the Occident (1913) (14776487635)

Identifier: criticinocciden00fitc (find matches) Title: The critic in the Occident Year: 1913 (1910s) Authors: Fitch, George Hamlin, 1952- Subjects: Publisher: San Francisco : P. Elder & Co. Contributing L... More

The critic in the Occident (1913) (14776432975)

The critic in the Occident (1913) (14776432975)

Identifier: criticinocciden00fitc (find matches) Title: The critic in the Occident Year: 1913 (1910s) Authors: Fitch, George Hamlin, 1952- Subjects: Publisher: San Francisco : P. Elder & Co. Contributing L... More

The critic in the Occident (1913) (14753419206)

The critic in the Occident (1913) (14753419206)

Identifier: criticinocciden00fitc (find matches) Title: The critic in the Occident Year: 1913 (1910s) Authors: Fitch, George Hamlin, 1952- Subjects: Publisher: San Francisco : P. Elder & Co. Contributing L... More

Veitch's manual of the coniferae - containing a general review of the order, a synopsis of the species cultivated in Great Britain, their botanical history, economic properties, place and use in (14770102775)

Veitch's manual of the coniferae - containing a general review of the ...

Identifier: veitchsmanualof00kent (find matches) Title: Veitch's manual of the coniferae : containing a general review of the order, a synopsis of the species cultivated in Great Britain, their botanical hist... More

Veitch's manual of the coniferae - containing a general review of the order, a synopsis of the species cultivated in Great Britain, their botanical history, economic properties, place and use in (14747028626)

Veitch's manual of the coniferae - containing a general review of the ...

Identifier: veitchsmanualof00kent (find matches) Title: Veitch's manual of the coniferae : containing a general review of the order, a synopsis of the species cultivated in Great Britain, their botanical hist... More

Edward S. Curtis - Masked dancer, Cowichan. Book illustration from Library of Congress

Edward S. Curtis - Masked dancer, Cowichan. Book illustration from Lib...

J182514 U.S. Copyright Office. Edward S. Curtis Collection. Curtis no. 3436-12. Published in: The North American Indian / Edward S. Curtis. [Seattle, Wash.] : Edward S. Curtis, 1907-30, suppl., v. 9, pl. 326.

Mt. Robson - the monarch of the Canadian Rockies

Mt. Robson - the monarch of the Canadian Rockies

Illustration for the Mentor, vol. 5, no. 16, serial no. 140. Copyright 1917 by the Mentor Association, Inc. Includes descriptive text on verso. No. Five.

(cuneiform tablet B) top edge (21551829534)

(cuneiform tablet B) top edge (21551829534)

Reminder: PJ3721_U7C86_B.jpg Date: [between 2029 and 1982 BCE] Description: Originating from Umma, the tablet dates from the reign of Shulgi (also known as Dungi), King of Ur, between 2029 and 1982 B.C.E. It ... More

(cuneiform tablet D) bottom edge (21551829014)

(cuneiform tablet D) bottom edge (21551829014)

Reminder: PJ3721_U7C86_D.jpg Date: [between 1981 and 1973 BCE] Description: Originating from Umma, the tablet dates from the reign of Amar-Sin (also known as Bur-Sin), King of Ur, between 1981-1973 B.C.E. It... More

(View of storefronts (J.H. Todd Co. and Wake Up Jake restaurant) in Barkerville) (12817479223)

(View of storefronts (J.H. Todd Co. and Wake Up Jake restaurant) in Ba...

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: [unknown] Date Created: [unknown?] Source:... More

A direct hit on an enemy railway behind the Western Front (14982072915)

A direct hit on an enemy railway behind the Western Front (14982072915...

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Alternative Title: Direct Hits from the Air Description: ... More

A little game of croquet (14356808731)

A little game of croquet (14356808731)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Unknown Date Created: 1904 Source: Origina... More

Advertisement for R. Mathison, Jr., the job printer, a letter to the citizens of Vancouver (12347315525)

Advertisement for R. Mathison, Jr., the job printer, a letter to the c...

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Mathison, Robert, Jr. Date Issued: [1886] ... More

Advertising card depicting infants playing pool and croquet (14311949780)

Advertising card depicting infants playing pool and croquet (143119497...

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Unknown Date Created: [between 1910 and 1919?] ... More

Advertising card depicting three children playing croquet (14731190998)

Advertising card depicting three children playing croquet (14731190998...

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Unknown Date Created: [between 1910 and 1919?] ... More

Athenian Tribute List 15 (23182220830)

Athenian Tribute List 15 (23182220830)

Reminder: No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information see Date: 440-439 BCE Alternative Title: An... More

Athenian Tribute List 25 (23369484092)

Athenian Tribute List 25 (23369484092)

Reminder: No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information see Date: 430-29 BCE Alternative Title: Ann... More

Booming logs (12775143613)

Booming logs (12775143613)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Unknown Date Created: [between 1930 and 1939?... More

BP GEN ENG P T395 (23421067251)

BP GEN ENG P T395 (23421067251)

Reminder: No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information see Date: 1899 Notes: Colour ink on white pa... More

BP MUR CAN P B789b (23421066371)

BP MUR CAN P B789b (23421066371)

Reminder: No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information see Date: [unknown] Notes: In red ochre ink... More

Cache Creek House (15517653240)

Cache Creek House (15517653240)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Description: View of the Cache Creek House hotel. Creator... More

Capilano Park, above the second canyon, North Vancouver (14124067684)

Capilano Park, above the second canyon, North Vancouver (14124067684)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: [unknown] Date Created: 1908? Source: Orig... More

Card depicting a nude woman playing croquet (14495215961)

Card depicting a nude woman playing croquet (14495215961)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Unknown Date Created: [between 1910 and 1919?] ... More

Front Cover (15338618256) - Public domain dedication image

Front Cover (15338618256) - Public domain dedication image

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Dally, Frederick Date Created: [1867 or 1868] ... More

Gap in bridge washed out (13697040415)

Gap in bridge washed out (13697040415)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: [unknown] Date Created: 1919-11 Source: Origin... More

I want you for the navy. Promotion for any one enlisting, apply any recruiting station or postmaster (12308328614)

I want you for the navy. Promotion for any one enlisting, apply any re...

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Christy, Howard Chandler, 1873-1952 Date Create... More

Jam against bridge at camp (13697395694)

Jam against bridge at camp (13697395694)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: [unknown] Date Created: 1919-11 Source: Origin... More

James Robertson -sentenced to 3 years chaingang in Victoria, Vancouver Island, for attempted murder -from life-Fort St. James-1879 (12227428915)

James Robertson -sentenced to 3 years chaingang in Victoria, Vancouver...

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: Bullock-Webster, Harry, 1855-1942 Date Created:... More

Lot 27, North Vancouver, booming ground (13878217104)

Lot 27, North Vancouver, booming ground (13878217104)

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Creator: [unknown] Date Created: 1917 Source: Origi... More


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