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KITLV - 101142 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Bay of Boho at the Toba Lake - circa 1905

KITLV - 101142 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Bay of Boho at the Toba L...

Nederlands: Baai van Boho aan het Toba-meer.English: Bay of Boho at the Toba Lake.

KITLV - 101317 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Batak women pounding rice in Sumatra - circa 1880

KITLV - 101317 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Batak women pounding rice...

Nederlands: Batakse vrouwen aan het rijststampen op Sumatra.English: Batak women pounding rice in Sumatra.

KITLV - 103756 - Garden in Singapore - circa 1890

KITLV - 103756 - Garden in Singapore - circa 1890

Nederlands: Tuin te Singapore.English: Garden in Singapore.

KITLV - 103914 - Plantation Village in Surinam - circa 1900

KITLV - 103914 - Plantation Village in Surinam - circa 1900

Nederlands: Plantagedorp in Suriname.English: Plantation Village in Surinam.

KITLV - 110075 - North Gate, Canton (Guangzhou, China) - circa 1871

KITLV - 110075 - North Gate, Canton (Guangzhou, China) - circa 1871

Nederlands: Noord-poort te Kanton.English: North Gate, Canton (Guangzhou, China). Public domain image of 19th century China, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

KITLV - 110102 - Afong - Marble Hill at Shiuhing, China - circa 1871

KITLV - 110102 - Afong - Marble Hill at Shiuhing, China - circa 1871

Nederlands: Marmerheuvel te Shiuhing in China.English: Marble Hill at Shiuhing, China.

KITLV - 110105 - Tea plantation in China - circa 1871

KITLV - 110105 - Tea plantation in China - circa 1871

Nederlands: Theeplantage te China.English: Tea plantation in China. Public domain image of 19th century China, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

KITLV - 110408 - Kurkdjian - Soerabaia - Borobudur in Magelang - circa 1925

KITLV - 110408 - Kurkdjian - Soerabaia - Borobudur in Magelang - circa...

Nederlands: Boroboedoer bij Magelang.English: Borobudur in Magelang. Public domain photograph of a palace, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

KITLV - 110409 - Kurkdjian - Soerabaia - Borobudur near Magelang - circa 1925

KITLV - 110409 - Kurkdjian - Soerabaia - Borobudur near Magelang - cir...

Nederlands: Boroboedoer bij Magelang.English: Borobudur near Magelang.

KITLV - 110615 - Kusakabe, Kimbei - Street at Yokohama in Japan - circa 1890

KITLV - 110615 - Kusakabe, Kimbei - Street at Yokohama in Japan - circ...

Nederlands: Straat te Yokohama in Japan.English: Street at Yokohama in Japan.

KITLV - 110630 - Kusakabe, Kimbei - Temple of Nikkō, Tochigi (日光市) in Japan - circa 1890

KITLV - 110630 - Kusakabe, Kimbei - Temple of Nikkō, Tochigi (日光市) in ...

Nederlands: Tempel van Nikko te Japan.English: Temple of Nikkō, Tochigi (日光市) in Japan.

KITLV - 122771 - Siza, H. - Surinam - Ice factory of Sträter, Esser & Co. Firm at Paramaribo - circa 1895

KITLV - 122771 - Siza, H. - Surinam - Ice factory of Sträter, Esser & ...

Nederlands: IJsfabriek van de firma Sträter, Esser & Co. te Paramaribo. Geopend in 1891English: Ice factory of Sträter, Esser & Co. Firm at Paramaribo. Opened in 1891

KITLV - 12590 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - House of the chief administrator of tobacco plantation Tanjung Morawa (Tandjoeng-Morawa) near Batangkuwis in Deli - 1903

KITLV - 12590 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - House of the chief adminis...

Nederlands: Woning van de hoofdadministrateur van tabaksonderneming Tandjoeng-Morawa in de buurt van Batangkoewis in Deli.English: House of the chief administrator of tobacco plantation Tanjung Morawa (Tandjoen... More

KITLV - 12644 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - House of the assistant at the plantation Klumpang in Deli - 1903

KITLV - 12644 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - House of the assistant at ...

Nederlands: Huis van de assistent van de plantage Kloempang in Deli.English: House of the assistant at the plantation Klumpang in Deli.

KITLV - 12671 - Government House in Paramaribo, Surinam - circa 1890

KITLV - 12671 - Government House in Paramaribo, Surinam - circa 1890

Nederlands: Gouvernementshuis te Paramaribo.English: Government House in Paramaribo, Surinam.

KITLV - 12688 - Waterkant in Paramaribo - circa 1890

KITLV - 12688 - Waterkant in Paramaribo - circa 1890

Nederlands: Waterkant te Paramaribo.English: Waterkant in Paramaribo.

KITLV - 1400322 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Karo Batak houses in a village on the east coast of Sumatra - circa 1900

KITLV - 1400322 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Karo Batak houses in a v...

Nederlands: Karo Batak huizen in een dorp op de Oostkust van Sumatra.English: Karo Batak houses in a village on the east coast of Sumatra.

KITLV - 1402978 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - "Kanal der Deli Mij. Loeboe Dalam" - circa 1910

KITLV - 1402978 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - "Kanal der Deli Mij. Loe...

Nederlands: "Kanal der Deli Mij. Loeboe Dalam".English: "Kanal der Deli Mij. Loeboe Dalam".

KITLV - 1405451 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Making a new road - circa 1900

KITLV - 1405451 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Making a new road - circ...

Nederlands: "Het maken van een nieuwen weg".English: Making a new road.

KITLV - 151097 - Demmeni, J. - Monkey Mountain in Padang - circa 1910

KITLV - 151097 - Demmeni, J. - Monkey Mountain in Padang - circa 1910

Nederlands: Apenberg te Padang.English: Monkey Mountain in Padang.

KITLV - 152769 - Kurkdjian, N.V. Photografisch Atelier - Soerabaia-Java - Cutting Garden of the sugar plantation Ketanen near Mojokerto - 1916-04

KITLV - 152769 - Kurkdjian, N.V. Photografisch Atelier - Soerabaia-Jav...

Nederlands: Snijtuin van suikeronderneming Ketanen bij Modjokerto.English: Cutting Garden of the sugar plantation Ketanen near Mojokerto.

KITLV - 157272 - Kurkdjian, Atelier - Soerabaia Java - Electrical laboratory in the Queen Emma School of Technical Education in Surabaya - circa 1915

KITLV - 157272 - Kurkdjian, Atelier - Soerabaia Java - Electrical labo...

Nederlands: Elektrolaboratorium in de Koningin Emmaschool voor technisch onderwijs te Soerabaja.English: Electrical laboratory in the Queen Emma School of Technical Education in Surabaya.

KITLV - 158786 - Kurkdjian - Sourabaia-Java - Overgrown tomb (waruga) in the Minahasa - circa 1900

KITLV - 158786 - Kurkdjian - Sourabaia-Java - Overgrown tomb (waruga) ...

Nederlands: Overwoekerd graf (waroega) in de Minahasa.English: Overgrown tomb (waruga) in the Minahasa.

KITLV - 160460 - Demmeni, J. - Soelang Orang makes a wood carving on a sword scabbard with a long sharp knife that the Bahau people carry on the inside of their swords, Upper Mahakam - 1898-1900

KITLV - 160460 - Demmeni, J. - Soelang Orang makes a wood carving on a...

Nederlands: Soelang Orang voorziet een houten zwaardschede van snijwerk met een lang puntig mesje dat de Bahau's aan de binnenzijde van hun zwaard dragen, Boven-Mahakam. Commissiereis naar Centraal Borneo onder... More

KITLV - 16060 - Junghuhn, Franz Wilhelm (1809-1864) - Warehouses, presumably for Cinchona of Philippean at Lembang near Bandung - circa 1860

KITLV - 16060 - Junghuhn, Franz Wilhelm (1809-1864) - Warehouses, pres...

Nederlands: Pakhuizen, vermoedelijk voor kina, van Philippean te Lembang bij Bandoeng. Pakhuizen op 3800 meter hoogteEnglish: Warehouses, presumably for Cinchona of Philippean at Lembang near Bandung. Warehouse... More

KITLV - 16077 - Junghuhn, Franz Wilhelm (1809-1864) - Forest near Lembang near Bandung - circa 1860

KITLV - 16077 - Junghuhn, Franz Wilhelm (1809-1864) - Forest near Lemb...

Nederlands: Bos in de omgeving van Lembang bij Bandoeng.English: Forest near Lembang near Bandung.

KITLV - 16637 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Personnel with oil cans in the tapping room for petroleum of the Batavian Petroleum Company at Pangkalan Brandan - 1916

KITLV - 16637 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Personnel with oil cans in...

Nederlands: Aftapplaats voor petroleum van de Bataafse Petroleum Maatschappij te Pangkalanbrandan.English: Personnel with oil cans in the tapping room for petroleum of the Batavian Petroleum Company at Pangkalan Brandan.

KITLV - 16638 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Canning oil for the Batavian Petroleum Company at Pangkalan Brandan - 1916

KITLV - 16638 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Canning oil for the Batavi...

Nederlands: Het afpakken van petroleum van de Bataafse Petroleum Maatschappij te Pangkalanbrandan.English: Canning oil for the Batavian Petroleum Company at Pangkalan Brandan.

KITLV - 16646 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Petroleum tank of the Batavian Petroleum Company at Pangkalan Brandan - 1916

KITLV - 16646 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Petroleum tank of the Bata...

Nederlands: Petroleumtank van de Bataafse Petroleum Maatschappij te Pangkalanbrandan.English: Petroleum tank of the Batavian Petroleum Company at Pangkalan Brandan.

KITLV - 181244 - Kurkdjian, Ohannes - Gunung Bromo, Gunung Batok and the Gunung Semeru in the Tengger Mountains - circa 1915

KITLV - 181244 - Kurkdjian, Ohannes - Gunung Bromo, Gunung Batok and t...

Nederlands: De Bromo, de Batok en de Semeroe in het Tengger-gebergte.English: Gunung Bromo, Gunung Batok and the Gunung Semeru in the Tengger Mountains.

KITLV - 181389 - Kurkdjian - Soerabaia - Relief at Borobudur in Magelang - circa 1920

KITLV - 181389 - Kurkdjian - Soerabaia - Relief at Borobudur in Magela...

Nederlands: Reliëf op de Boroboedoer bij Magelang.English: Relief at Borobudur in Magelang.

KITLV - 182249 - Kurkdjian - Building, probably a church in Surabaya - circa 1905

KITLV - 182249 - Kurkdjian - Building, probably a church in Surabaya -...

Nederlands: Gebouw, vermoedelijk een kerk te Soerabaja.English: Building, probably a church in Surabaya.

KITLV - 25725 - Demmeni, J. - Dayak hunter with the wild bull killed during a hunt, Upper Mahakam - 1897

KITLV - 25725 - Demmeni, J. - Dayak hunter with the wild bull killed d...

Nederlands: Dajakjager bij de tijdens een jacht gedode wilde stier, Boven Mahakam. Borneo-expeditie onder leiding van dr A.W. NieuwenhuisEnglish: Dayak hunter with the wild bull killed during a hunt, Upper Maha... More

KITLV - 26303 - Lambert & Co., G.R. - Singapore - The Sultan of Sambas, Mohammed Sjafiuddin, with his company at the party celebrating his silver jubilee. Next to him assistant resident D.W. Horst and Dr. A. W. Nieuwenhuis - 1891-11-06

KITLV - 26303 - Lambert & Co., G.R. - Singapore - The Sultan of Sambas...

Nederlands: De Sultan van Sambas, Mohammed Sjafiuddin, met zijn feestgenoten bij zijn 25-jarig jubileum. Naast hem assistent-resident D.W. Horst en dr A.W. Nieuwenhuis.English: The Sultan of Sambas, Mohammed Sj... More

KITLV - 26879 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Resident's House at Medan, Sumatra - circa 1905

KITLV - 26879 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Resident's House at Medan,...

Nederlands: Residentswoning te Medan.English: Resident's House at Medan, Sumatra.

KITLV - 26896 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Nibong (= feather palm) - primordial forest near Lake Toba, Sumatra - circa 1905

KITLV - 26896 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Nibong (= feather palm) - ...

Nederlands: Nibong(=vederpalm)-oerbos in de buurt van het Toba-meer.English: Nibong (= feather palm) - primordial forest near Lake Toba, Sumatra.

KITLV - 26897 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Channel at Loeboe Dalam (Lubu Dalam), Binjai, East Coast of Sumatra - circa 1905

KITLV - 26897 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Channel at Loeboe Dalam (L...

Nederlands: Kanaal bij Loeboe Dalam, Bindjai, Sumatra's Oostkust.English: Channel at Loeboe Dalam (Lubu Dalam), Binjai, East Coast of Sumatra.

KITLV - 26935 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Planting tobacco seedlings, East Coast of Sumatra - circa 1905

KITLV - 26935 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Planting tobacco seedlings...

Nederlands: Het uitplanten van de tabakzaailingen, Sumatra's Oostkust.English: Planting tobacco seedlings, East Coast of Sumatra.

KITLV - 28732 - Kurkdjian, N.V. Photografisch Atelier O. - Soerabaja - Temple on Bali - circa 1915

KITLV - 28732 - Kurkdjian, N.V. Photografisch Atelier O. - Soerabaja -...

Nederlands: Tempel op Bali.English: Temple on Bali. Public domain images of ruins, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

KITLV - 29356 - Demmeni, J. - Ombilin coal mines in Sawahlunto - circa 1910

KITLV - 29356 - Demmeni, J. - Ombilin coal mines in Sawahlunto - circa...

Nederlands: Ombilin steenkolenmijnen te Sawahloento.English: Ombilin coal mines in Sawahlunto.

KITLV - 2956 - Kurkdjian - Soerabaja - Porch of the house of Mr. A. Paets tot Gansoyen in Sawahan, Surabaya - 1909

KITLV - 2956 - Kurkdjian - Soerabaja - Porch of the house of Mr. A. Pa...

Nederlands: Veranda van het huis van mr A. Paets tot Gansoyen in Sawaän te Soerabaja.English: Porch of the house of Mr. A. Paets tot Gansoyen in Sawahan, Surabaya.

KITLV - 33443 - Kurkdjian, N.V. Photografisch Atelier - Soerabaja - Post Road to Kraksaan, Probolinggo, Java - circa 1920

KITLV - 33443 - Kurkdjian, N.V. Photografisch Atelier - Soerabaja - Po...

Nederlands: Postweg naar Kraksaän.English: Post Road to Kraksaan, Probolinggo, Java.

KITLV - 36C190 - Borret, Arnoldus - In Paulus Creek at the Plantation Bleyendaal - Pencil - Circa 1880

KITLV - 36C190 - Borret, Arnoldus - In Paulus Creek at the Plantation ...

Nederlands: In de Pauluskreek van plantage BleyendaalEnglish: In Paulus Creek at the Plantation Bleyendaal

KITLV - 36C212 - Borret, Arnoldus - Plantation Catharina Sophia, Surinam - Pencil - 1878

KITLV - 36C212 - Borret, Arnoldus - Plantation Catharina Sophia, Surin...

Nederlands: "Plantage Catharina Sophia"English: Plantation Catharina Sophia, Surinam

KITLV - 3707 - Lambert & Co., G.R. - Singapore - Man on the road to the fort on Riau (Tanjung Pinang) - circa 1895

KITLV - 3707 - Lambert & Co., G.R. - Singapore - Man on the road to th...

Nederlands: Weg naar het fort op Riouw.English: Man on the road to the fort on Riau (Tanjung Pinang).

KITLV - 37334 - Demmeni, J. - Tulp, De - Haarlem - Nymphia pond and a Ficus Elastica in the Botanical Gardens at Buitenzorg (Bogor) - 1911

KITLV - 37334 - Demmeni, J. - Tulp, De - Haarlem - Nymphia pond and a ...

Nederlands: Nymphia vijver en een Ficus Elastica in 's Lands Plantentuin te Buitenzorg. Met onderschrift: "4. Nymphia Vijver in Buitenzorg, Java (op den achtergrond een pracht exemplaar van Ficus Elastica.)"En... More

KITLV - 37339 - Demmeni, J. - Tulp, De - Haarlem - Wayang puppets cutter at Sukabumi - 1911

KITLV - 37339 - Demmeni, J. - Tulp, De - Haarlem - Wayang puppets cutt...

Nederlands: Wajang-poppensnijder te Soekaboemi. Met onderschrift: "9. Toekang wajang kajoe, poppensnijder, Java."English: Wayang puppets cutter at Sukabumi. Caption: "9. Toekang wajang kajoe, maker of wooden d... More

KITLV - 37358 - Demmeni, J. - Tulp, De - Haarlem - Mosque in Yogyakarta - 1911

KITLV - 37358 - Demmeni, J. - Tulp, De - Haarlem - Mosque in Yogyakart...

Nederlands: Moskee te Jogjakarta. Met onderschrift: "28. Missigit te Djokjakarta, Java."English: Mosque in Yogyakarta. Caption: "28. Missigit at Djokjakarta, Java."

KITLV - 37417 - Demmeni, J. - Tulp, De - Haarlem - A Minangkabau house with lumbung (shed) on Sumatra's west coast - 1911

KITLV - 37417 - Demmeni, J. - Tulp, De - Haarlem - A Minangkabau house...

Nederlands: Een Minangkabaus huis met loemboeng op Sumatra's Westkust. Met onderschrift: "88. Type van een Minangkabausch huis met loemboeng, Sumatra."English: A Minangkabau house with lumbung (shed) on Sumatra... More

KITLV - 377456 - Promenade in Singapore - circa 1890

KITLV - 377456 - Promenade in Singapore - circa 1890

Nederlands: Esplanade te Singapore.English: Promenade in Singapore.

KITLV - 39028 - Muller, Julius Eduard - Paramaribo - The opening of the Colonial States in Paramaribo for the session 1884-1885 - 1884

KITLV - 39028 - Muller, Julius Eduard - Paramaribo - The opening of th...

Nederlands: De opening van de Koloniale Staten te Paramaribo voor het zittingsjaar 1884-1885.English: The opening of the Colonial States in Paramaribo for the session 1884-1885.

KITLV - 39054 - Muller, Julius Eduard - Paramaribo - Plantation Mon Souci (cocoa, bananas and cereals) in Surinam - circa 1885

KITLV - 39054 - Muller, Julius Eduard - Paramaribo - Plantation Mon So...

Nederlands: Plantage Mon Souci (cacao, bananen en granen) in Suriname.English: Plantation Mon Souci (cocoa, bananas and cereals) in Surinam.

KITLV - 3959 - Kurkdjian, Ohannes - Wayang beber scrolls at Patjitan - circa 1880

KITLV - 3959 - Kurkdjian, Ohannes - Wayang beber scrolls at Patjitan -...

Nederlands: Wajang beber-rollen te Patjitan.English: Wayang beber scrolls at Patjitan.

KITLV - 40323 - Stafhell & Kleingrothe - Medan - Management staff in a plantation in Deli - circa 1890

KITLV - 40323 - Stafhell & Kleingrothe - Medan - Management staff in a...

Nederlands: Leidinggevend personeel op een plantage in Deli. Zittend 2e van rechts F.L. Willekes MacDonaldEnglish: Management staff in a plantation in Deli. Seated, second from the right, is F.L. Willekes MacDonald

KITLV - 408004 - Demmeni, J. - River during the Borneo expedition led by Dr. A. W. Nieuwenhuis - 1896-1897

KITLV - 408004 - Demmeni, J. - River during the Borneo expedition led ...

Nederlands: Rivier tijdens de Borneo-expeditie onder leiding van dr A.W. Nieuwenhuis .English: River during the Borneo expedition led by Dr. A. W. Nieuwenhuis.

KITLV - 4693 - Afro-Surinam women and two children, possibly matrifocal family of two or three generations in Paramaribo - circa 1900

KITLV - 4693 - Afro-Surinam women and two children, possibly matrifoca...

Nederlands: Afro-Surinaamse vrouwen en twee kinderen, mogelijk matrifocale familie van twee of drie generaties in Paramaribo.English: Afro-Surinam women and two children, possibly matrifocal family of two or th... More

KITLV - 47D30 - Voorduin, Gerard Werner Catharinus (1830-1910) - Heemskerck van Beest, Jhr Jacob Eduard van - "Post Gelderland and Jews Savannah", Surinam - Colour lithography - 1860-1862

KITLV - 47D30 - Voorduin, Gerard Werner Catharinus (1830-1910) - Heems...

Nederlands: "Post Gelderland en Joden Savannah"English: "Post Gelderland and Jews Savannah", Surinam

KITLV - 50183 - Lambert & Co., G.R. - Singapore - Malaysian knife sharpeners in Singapore - circa 1900

KITLV - 50183 - Lambert & Co., G.R. - Singapore - Malaysian knife shar...

Nederlands: Maleise messenslijpers in Singapore.English: Malaysian knife sharpeners in Singapore.

KITLV - 50199 - European house in Singapore - circa 1900

KITLV - 50199 - European house in Singapore - circa 1900

Nederlands: Europees huis in Singapore.English: European house in Singapore.

KITLV - 51W6 - View of the City and Port of Muru - Copper engraving - 1729

KITLV - 51W6 - View of the City and Port of Muru - Copper engraving - ...

Nederlands: "Gezigt van de Stad en Haven van Muru" Inzet: "Het Kasteel van Muru"English: View of the City and Port of Muru. Inset: "The Castle of Muru"

KITLV - 5402 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Seed beds on a tobacco plantation in Deli - circa 1900

KITLV - 5402 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Seed beds on a tobacco plan...

Nederlands: Zaadbedden op een tabaksplantage in Deli.English: Seed beds on a tobacco plantation in Deli.

KITLV - 65860 - Chinese junks at Macau - presumably 1900-1902

KITLV - 65860 - Chinese junks at Macau - presumably 1900-1902

Nederlands: Chinese jonken te Macao.English: Chinese junks at Macau.

KITLV - 7529 - Lambert & Co., G.R. - Singapore - Siamese Temple, Pulau Tikus, Penang - circa 1900

KITLV - 7529 - Lambert & Co., G.R. - Singapore - Siamese Temple, Pulau...

Nederlands: Siamese tempel, Pulau Tikus, Penang.English: Siamese Temple, Pulau Tikus, Penang.

KITLV - 78297 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Chinese wajang house on the tobacco plantation of the Amsterdam Deli Company at Padang Bulan near Medan, Sumatra - circa 1900

KITLV - 78297 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Chinese wajang house on th...

Nederlands: Chinees wajanghuis op de tabaksplantage van de Amsterdam Deli Compagnie te Padang Boelan bij Medan.English: Chinese wajang house on the tobacco plantation of the Amsterdam Deli Company at Padang Bul... More

KITLV - 78513 - Kurkdjian - Sourabaia-Java - Man and a woman working at a rubber plantation, probably in Java - circa 1915

KITLV - 78513 - Kurkdjian - Sourabaia-Java - Man and a woman working a...

Nederlands: Man en een vrouw aan het werk op een rubberplantage, vermoedelijk op Java.English: Man and a woman working at a rubber plantation, probably in Java.

KITLV - 78514 - Kurkdjian - Sourabaia-Java - Two women and a man working on a rubber plantation, probably in Java - circa 1915

KITLV - 78514 - Kurkdjian - Sourabaia-Java - Two women and a man worki...

Nederlands: Twee vrouwen en een man aan het werk op een rubberplantage, vermoedelijk op Java.English: Two women and a man working on a rubber plantation, probably in Java.

KITLV - 78519 - Kurkdjian - Sourabaia-Java - Men and women working at a rubber plantation, probably in Java - circa 1915

KITLV - 78519 - Kurkdjian - Sourabaia-Java - Men and women working at ...

Nederlands: Mannen en vrouwen aan het werk op een rubberplantage, vermoedelijk op Java.English: Men and women working at a rubber plantation, probably in Java.

KITLV - 78534 - Kurkdjian - Sourabaia-Java - House, presumably on a plantation in Java - circa 1915

KITLV - 78534 - Kurkdjian - Sourabaia-Java - House, presumably on a pl...

Nederlands: Huis, vermoedelijk op een plantage op Java.English: House, presumably on a plantation in Java.

KITLV - 79886 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Tanjong Pagar, harbor in Singapore - circa 1910

KITLV - 79886 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Tanjong Pagar, harbor in S...

Nederlands: Tandjong Pagar, haven te Singapore.English: Tanjong Pagar, harbor in Singapore.

KITLV - 79950 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Lake Club in Kuala Lumpur - circa 1910

KITLV - 79950 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Lake Club in Kuala Lumpur ...

Nederlands: Lake Club te Kuala Lumpur.English: Lake Club in Kuala Lumpur.

KITLV - 79964 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - River and road in morning light, probably between Raub and Kuala Lipis - circa 1910

KITLV - 79964 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - River and road in morning ...

Nederlands: Rivier en weg bij ochtendlicht, vermoedelijk tussen Raub en Kuala Lipis.English: River and road in morning light, probably between Raub and Kuala Lipis.

KITLV - 79970 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Main shaft of the Raub Gold Mining Company, Pahang - circa 1910

KITLV - 79970 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Main shaft of the Raub Gol...

Nederlands: Hoofdschacht van de Raub Cold Mining Company, goudmijn te Raub in Pahang.English: Main shaft of the Raub Gold Mining Company, Pahang.

KITLV - 79983 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Washer at a tin mine at Tronoh (Teronoh, Ternoh) in Ipoh, Malaysia - circa 1910

KITLV - 79983 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Washer at a tin mine at Tr...

Nederlands: Wasinstallatie bij een tinmijn te Tronoh bij Ipoh.English: Washer at a tin mine at Tronoh (Teronoh, Ternoh) in Ipoh, Malaysia.

KITLV - 80000 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Rail tracks across the pass of Padang Rengas near Taiping - circa 1910

KITLV - 80000 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Rail tracks across the pas...

Nederlands: Spoorlijn over de pas van Padang-Rengas bij Taiping.English: Rail tracks across the pass of Padang Rengas near Taiping.

KITLV - 80023 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - New pier at Penang - circa 1910

KITLV - 80023 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - New pier at Penang - circa...

Nederlands: Nieuwe pier te Penang.English: New pier at Penang.

KITLV - 80235 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Seed beds, presumably at a plantation in the east coast of Sumatra - 1898

KITLV - 80235 - Kleingrothe, C.J. - Medan - Seed beds, presumably at a...

Nederlands: Zaadbedden, vermoedelijk op een plantage in de Oostkust van Sumatra.English: Seed beds, presumably at a plantation in the east coast of Sumatra.

KITLV - 82390 - Kurkdjian - Soerabaja - Borobudur in Magelang - circa 1910

KITLV - 82390 - Kurkdjian - Soerabaja - Borobudur in Magelang - circa ...

Nederlands: Boroboedoer bij Magelang.English: Borobudur in Magelang.

KITLV - 8579 - Kurkdjian - Soerabaja - Warehouses along the Kali Mas in Surabaya - circa 1920

KITLV - 8579 - Kurkdjian - Soerabaja - Warehouses along the Kali Mas i...

Nederlands: Pakhuizen langs de Kali Mas te Soerabaja.English: Warehouses along the Kali Mas in Surabaya.

KITLV - 86773 - Stafhell & Kleingrothe - Medan-Deli - Sailing ship on the banks of a river, probably in Deli - circa 1900

KITLV - 86773 - Stafhell & Kleingrothe - Medan-Deli - Sailing ship on ...

Nederlands: Zeilschip aan de oever van een rivier, vermoedelijk in Deli.English: Sailing ship on the banks of a river, probably in Deli.

KITLV 100093 - Unknown - Sassoon Hospital in Pune in India - Around 1875

KITLV 100093 - Unknown - Sassoon Hospital in Pune in India - Around 18...

Nederlands: Sassoon Hospital te Poona in IndiaEnglish: Sassoon Hospital in Pune in India

KITLV 100122 - Unknown - Dry riverbed at Kothoor at Poona in India - Around 1875

KITLV 100122 - Unknown - Dry riverbed at Kothoor at Poona in India - A...

Nederlands: Droge rivierbedding te Kothoor bij Poona in IndiaEnglish: Dry riverbed at Kothoor at Poona in India

KITLV 100417 - Unknown - Laundry on a river, presumably at Srinagar in Kashmir in British India - Around 1870

KITLV 100417 - Unknown - Laundry on a river, presumably at Srinagar in...

Nederlands: Wasplaats aan een rivier, vermoedelijk te Srinagar in Kashmir in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Laundry on a river, presumably at Srinagar in Kashmir in British India

KITLV 100422 - Unknown - Path along a river in a mountain valley, probably in Kashmir in British India - Around 1870

KITLV 100422 - Unknown - Path along a river in a mountain valley, prob...

Nederlands: Pad langs een rivier in een bergdal, vermoedelijk in Kashmir in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Path along a river in a mountain valley, probably in Kashmir in British India

KITLV 100425 - Unknown - Old bridge with shops on the Mark Anal at Srinagar in Kashmir in British India - Around 1870

KITLV 100425 - Unknown - Old bridge with shops on the Mark Anal at Sri...

Nederlands: Oude brug met winkels over het Markanaal te Srinagar in Kashmir in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Old bridge with shops on the Mark Anal at Srinagar in Kashmir in British India

KITLV 100500 - Unknown - Houses on a river, presumably in Kashmir in British India - Around 1870

KITLV 100500 - Unknown - Houses on a river, presumably in Kashmir in B...

Nederlands: Huizen aan een rivier, vermoedelijk in Kashmir in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Houses on a river, presumably in Kashmir in British India

KITLV 100502 - Unknown - Water Work in a building, presumably in Kashmir in British India - Around 1870

KITLV 100502 - Unknown - Water Work in a building, presumably in Kashm...

Nederlands: Waterwerk bij een gebouw, vermoedelijk in Kashmir in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Water Work in a building, presumably in Kashmir in British India

KITLV 100524 - Unknown - Park, presumably in Kashmir in British India - Around 1870

KITLV 100524 - Unknown - Park, presumably in Kashmir in British India ...

Nederlands: Park, vermoedelijk in Kashmir in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Park, presumably in Kashmir in British India

KITLV 103654 - Kassian Céphas - Bas-relief at Borobudur near Magelang - 1890-1891

KITLV 103654 - Kassian Céphas - Bas-relief at Borobudur near Magelang ...

Nederlands: Bas-reliëf op de Boroboedoer bij MagelangBahasa Indonesia: Relief rendah di Borobudur dekat MagelangEnglish: Bas-relief at Borobudur near Magelang

KITLV 106687 - Isidore van Kinsbergen - Rock inscriptions interstate Telaga Warna and Telaga Pengilon the Dijeng Plateau in Wonosobo - 1864-07-1864-09

KITLV 106687 - Isidore van Kinsbergen - Rock inscriptions interstate T...

Nederlands: Rotsinscripties tusen Telaga Warna en Telaga Pengilon op het Dijeng-Plateau bij WonosoboBahasa Indonesia: Batu Prasasti antara Telaga Warna dan Telaga Pengilon di dataran tinggi Dieng di dekat Wonos... More

KITLV 12027 - Kassian Céphas - The ruins of the Water Palace Taman Sari of the first sultan of Yogyakarta - Around 1900

KITLV 12027 - Kassian Céphas - The ruins of the Water Palace Taman Sar...

Nederlands: De ruïne van het Waterpaleis Taman Sari van de eerste sultan van JogjakartaBahasa Indonesia: Reruntuhan istana air Taman Sari, bangunan sultan pertama YogyakartaEnglish: The ruins of the Water Palac... More

KITLV 12051 - Kassian Céphas - A Quran reader and a tea drinker, presumably at Yogyakarta - Around 1880

KITLV 12051 - Kassian Céphas - A Quran reader and a tea drinker, presu...

Nederlands: Een koranlezer en een theedrinker, vermoedelijk te JogjakartaBahasa Indonesia: Seorang pembaca Quran dan seorang peminum teh, mungkin di YogyakartaEnglish: A Quran reader and a tea drinker, presumab... More

KITLV 12226 - Kassian Céphas - Tjandi Prambanan - 1889-1890

KITLV 12226 - Kassian Céphas - Tjandi Prambanan - 1889-1890

Nederlands: Tjandi PrambananBahasa Indonesia: Candi PrambananEnglish: Tjandi Prambanan Public domain photograph of burial, grave, funeral, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

KITLV 12247 - Kassian Céphas - Resident Property at Yogyakarta. In the garden various Javanese Hindu and Buddhist sculptures - Around 1895

KITLV 12247 - Kassian Céphas - Resident Property at Yogyakarta. In the...

Nederlands: Residentswoning te Jogjakarta met in de tuin diverse Hindoe-Javaanse en Boeddhistische beeldenBahasa Indonesia: Kediaman residen di Yogyakarta dengan berbagai macam arca Jawa-Hindu dan Budha di kebu... More

KITLV 12556 - Kassian Céphas - Interior of the residency of the family Ament at Yogyakarta - Around 1896

KITLV 12556 - Kassian Céphas - Interior of the residency of the family...

Nederlands: Interieur van de residentswoning van de familie Ament te JogjakartaBahasa Indonesia: Interior rumah karesidenan keluarga Ament di YogyakartaEnglish: Interior of the residency of the family Ament at Yogyakarta

KITLV 12566 - Kassian Céphas - Houses officer in the military encampment at Yogyakarta - Around 1896

KITLV 12566 - Kassian Céphas - Houses officer in the military encampme...

Nederlands: Officierswoningen in het militair kampement te JogjakartaBahasa Indonesia: Kediaman para perwira di perkemahan militer ke YogyakartaEnglish: Houses officer in the military encampment at Yogyakarta

KITLV 155209 - Kassian Céphas - East side of the Vishnoetempel of Prambanan near Yogyakarta - 1889-1890

KITLV 155209 - Kassian Céphas - East side of the Vishnoetempel of Pram...

Nederlands: Oostzijde van de Vishnoetempel van de Prambanan bij JogjakartaBahasa Indonesia: Sisi timur Candi Wisnu di kompleks percandian Prambanan di dekat YogyakartaEnglish: East side of the Vishnoetempel of ... More

KITLV 19487 - Kassian Céphas - Imogiri in Yogyakarta, cemetery of the Mataram dynasty - Around 1890

KITLV 19487 - Kassian Céphas - Imogiri in Yogyakarta, cemetery of the ...

Nederlands: Imogiri bij Jogjakarta, begraafplaats van het Mataramse vorstenhuisBahasa Indonesia: Imogiri di dekat Yogyakarta, Makam Wangsa MataramEnglish: Imogiri in Yogyakarta, cemetery of the Mataram dynasty

KITLV 28003 - Kassian Céphas - Relief of the hidden base of Borobudur - 1890-1891

KITLV 28003 - Kassian Céphas - Relief of the hidden base of Borobudur ...

Nederlands: Reliëf van de verborgen voet van de Boroboedoer Bahasa Indonesia: Relief lantai dasar Borobudur yang tersembunyi English: Relief of the hidden base of Borobudur

KITLV 28045 - Kassian Céphas - Relief of the hidden base of Borobudur - 1890-1891

KITLV 28045 - Kassian Céphas - Relief of the hidden base of Borobudur ...

Nederlands: Reliëf van de verborgen voet van de Boroboedoer Bahasa Indonesia: Relief lantai dasar Borobudur yang tersembunyi English: Relief of the hidden base of Borobudur

KITLV 28066 - Kassian Céphas - Relief of the hidden base of Borobudur - 1890-1891

KITLV 28066 - Kassian Céphas - Relief of the hidden base of Borobudur ...

Nederlands: Reliëf van de verborgen voet van de Boroboedoer Bahasa Indonesia: Relief lantai dasar Borobudur yang tersembunyi English: Relief of the hidden base of Borobudur


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