SC 405007 - Russians in a camp for liberated Russians in Rennes, Franc...
Photographer: T/5 L. Rachline, Normandy B.S. Photo Source: U.S. National Archives. Digitized by Signal Corps Archive.
SC 374765 - Infantrymen of the 94th Division, 3rd U.S. Army, strap cas...
[illegible], Germany. Photographer: James. Photo Source: U.S. National Archives. Digitized by Signal Corps Archive.
Ignoring the heavy enemy fire in the area, Marine stretcher bearers ca...
Ignoring the heavy enemy fire in the area, Marine stretcher bearers carry a wounded Leatherneck to a foxhole aid station on the beach at Iwo Jima.
Marines, wounded in the battle for Iwo Jima, are sheltered in a Japane...
Marines, wounded in the battle for Iwo Jima, are sheltered in a Japanese concrete air raid shelter which was not completely destroyed in the three-day bombardment and aerial attack preceding the landing.
SC 166676 - Riflemen in an assault boat waiting for the signal to land...
Company A, 1st Battalion, 186th Infantry Regiment, 41st Infantry Division. Photographer not credited.
SC 192376-S - American soldiers and Red Cross workers stop to read the...
SC 192376-S - American soldiers and Red Cross workers stop to read the sign before going in to attend the world premiere of 'Casanova brown' starring Gary Cooper, in Normandy, France. 8 August, 1944.
SC 195699 - Lined up with hatches open to receive their cargo, these g...
82nd Airborne Division. Photographer: Edgren.
SC 221534 - Medum shot of 3 Jap soldiers marching through the resident...
These soldiers are still fully armed but under perfect control at all times. Photographer: Lt. Richard Loeb. 3 September, 1945. Photo Source: U.S. National Archives. Digitized by Signal Corps Archive.
SC 344988 FEC-50-5291 - 3 August 1950 (52566770919)
"WAR IN KOREA: an AT-6 used by South Koreans as an observation plane. Photo by Sgt. Girard." NARA / Courtesy of the National Institute of Korea History.
SC 348630 - A well-camouflaged 105mm howitzer of the 15th Regt., 1st R...
Photographer: Sfc. Albert E. Guyette, Manchester, Ind. Photo Source: U.S. National Archives. Digitized by Signal Corps Archive.
SC 348837 - L to R Lt. David Carlisle, Los Angeles, Calif.; Lt. Collin...
All of the 77th Combat Eng., probe for boobie trap under mine near Haman, Korea. 13 September, 1950. Photographer: Cpl. John F. Wells.
SC 348675 - An American infantryman, wounded during the crossing of th...
21st Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry Division. Photographer: Cpl. Charles A. Wright.
SC 348703 - U.S. Marines loaded on amtracs use the roadbed of a railro...
Photographer: Pfc. Ronald L. Hancock.
SC 364025 - Lt. Gen. Edward M Almond (2nd from Left) CG X Corps inspec...
... during his tour of inspection of Regt. Area, Korea. 10 April, 1951. Photographer: Pvt. William Moss (SK) Photo Source: U.S. National Archives. Digitized by Signal Corps Archive.
SC 342978 FEC-50-3844 - 7 July 1950 (52576703634)
"WAR IN KOREA: a South Korean soldier moves up to the front lines somewhere in Korea, in the battle between South Korean and the Communist led North Korean invaders." NARA / Courtesy of the National Institute ... More
SC 350355 FEC-50-9961 - 29 September 1950 (52564939535)
"CONFLICT IN KOREA: First U.N. troops to cross the 38th Parallel hold a sign posting ceremony to let all know that the 3rd ROK Div made the historic crossing, in Korea. Members of the 3rd Div and the U.S. Milit... More
SC 197062 - A tank crosses a treadway bridge near Belfort, France, as ...
5th French Armored Division. Photographer unknown. Photo Source: U.S. National Archives. Digitized by Signal Corps Archive.
"Pete," the mascot, seems to scent the stern business of bullets and b...
U.S. Coast Guard Public Relations Photo. 026-g-066-047-001
Capt. Palmer of the Marines, takes charge of situation on hitting beac...
Saipan. June, 1944. Photographer: Cpl. J. Glozak. Photo Source: U.S. National Archives. Digitized by Signal Corps Archive.
C-878 - Maintenance crew repair a P-39 on an airfield in the Aleutian ...
Date not indicated. Photographer not credited.
C-2360 - U.S. troops board a troop and freight ship at Le Havre, Franc...
Photographer not credited.
C-3026 - Field line telephones must be laid and kept in repair on the ...
Sgt. George Suskao, Pittsburgh, Pa., of a Signal Operation Bn., establishes communications in a recently-shelled area near the Siegfried Line. Germany.
C-780 - Capt. James H. Page, Los Angeles, California, attached to the ...
Date not indicated. Photographer not credited.
A Filipino woman scurries for cover in this unusual picture by a Coast...
Behind the palm trees crouch American troops, their rifles ready to return the fire from hiding Jap snipers, as the woman retreats over a short-cut across the space called "No Man's Land." U.S. Coast Guard Publ... More
African-American troops line up for a meal at a U.S. Army Remount Serv...
The Remount Service supplied the Army with horses, mules, and dogs. Likely New Orleans, Louisiana. 4 October, 1944. Photo Source: National WWII Museum
Amphibious tractors go to work on the caves that still have some Jap s...
Photographer: Bailey.
An American patrol moves through the shell-torn streets of Bining, Fra...
"[Illegible] An American patrol moves through the shell-torn streets of Bining, France, on the look out for enemy snipers. On left, a Signal Corps cameraman records the action. [Illegible] Recon., Bining, Franc... More
An infantryman provides cover while others advance on German-held hous...
"4 Mar 45, 5/MM-45-3808. Fifth Army, Sassomolare area, Italy. Infantrymen of "K" Co., 87th Mtn Inf., 10th Mtn. Div., having occupied a ridge commanding the Porretta-Moderna Highway, find it necessary to hold an... More
An infantryman has fallen and a medic is right there to help him. Work...
An infantryman has fallen and a medic is right there to help him. Working swiftly, under the enemy fire, the medic applies an emergency dressing on the soldier wounded in the head. 10 November, 1943.
Even at the battle front American humor brings a laugh. Lt. Ralph W. H...
Photographer not given.
Assault troops clearing beaches of animals left by retreating Japs. Sa...
Photographer: T/Sgt. Wm. Fitch.
From the cover of a pile of coral rock on Peleliu beach, Marine machin...
From the cover of a pile of coral rock on Peleliu beach, Marine machine gunners lay a withering fire on enemy positions with a 30. caliber air-cooled gun. Aided by this fire, leatherneck riflemen can inch up wi... More
Halftrack infantryman with Garand rifle, Ft. Knox, Ky. June, 1942. (49...
Halftrack infantryman with Garand rifle, Ft. Knox, Ky. June, 1942.
Invading American Coast Guardsmen and soldiers make friends with an It...
The Americans, from left to right are: Coast Guardsman Philip B. Kearney from West Lake Village, Ohio; Army Technician J. C. Harandez, Corpus Christi, Texas; Private First Class Michel Assalone, Berndyne, Penns... More
German dead lying in gulley where they attempted to break through Alli...
Photo Source: National WWII Museum
SC 193007-S - Sgt. Kenneth Averill, 563 Marshall St., Hazel Park, Mich...
26 August, 1944. Photographer: Verna.
SC 334581 - 19 July 1949 (52563348764)
"Captain George H. McFarland of Duncan, Okla., a member of the U.S. Military Advisory Group to the Republic of Korea, watches the firing procedure of a gun crew at firing problems, held by the Korean Army Field... More
Marines blast Jap positions near the base of Suribachi on Iwo Jima. 24...
5th Marine Division. Photographer: Pvt. Campbell. 127-GR-90-111148
Men of the of the 357th Regiment, 90th Infantry Division pose for a ph...
"These soldiers of the 357th Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, were fighting Nazis last night across the Saar River near Dillingen. They have just received word that they are part of 64 Yanks who will be grante... More
Marine moves forward past the body of a dead Japanese soldier on Iwo J...
Marine moves forward past the body of a dead Japanese soldier on Iwo Jima.
Marines of the first wave, landing on the beach at Saipan, crawl forwa...
The first wave landed with little opposition, but had to fight down Jap opposition against the following waves. 15 June, 1944. Photographer not credited. Photo Source: U.S. National Archives. Digitized by Sign... More
SC 151488 - Mail call is still held, even when on the 34th Infantry ma...
Hawaii. Photographer not credited. Photo Source: U.S. National Archives. Digitized by Signal Corps Archive.
SC 166540 - Guns being fired on a practice range in Northern Ireland. ...
1st Lts. Maurice Dysart, Missouri, and John F. Walter, Ottunwa, Iowa, are in command of the battery. Near Feany, Northern Ireland. 10 November, 1942. Battery C, 185th Field Artillery Battalion, 34th Infantry Di... More
SC 170028 - French soldiers in railway cars ready to leave Tebessa, No...
Photographer not credited.
SC 170051 - A B-25 bomber on one of its many missions. Berteaux, North...
Photographer not credited.
SC 171646 - Lt. Gen. George Patton, commander of II Army Corps, at the...
Photographer: Alcock.
SC 171607 - First Island Command, New Caledonia. P-39 P-5 photo ship w...
Magenta Airfield, New Caledonia. P-39 was attached to the 13th Air Depot from the 67th Fighter Squadron. Photographer not credited.
SC 171604 - First Island Command, New Caledonia. P-39 P-5 photo ship c...
Magenta Airfield, Noumea. P-39 was attached to the 13th Air Depot from the 67th Fighter Squadron. Photographer not credited.
SC 171625 - Military Police of the 1st Armored Division giving water t...
Photographer: Paris.
SC 179456 - This picture taken, looking northeast from the top of the ...
The Japanese used these foxholes during the "suicide raid" in their fight against our forces. 1 June, 1943. Shortly before Chichagof Bay was taken by our forces the Japanese, realizing that they were trapped, p... More
SC 171659 - An American Army Nurse receives patient at one of the hosp...
Photographer: Steinberg.
SC 187708 - Brig. Gen. Edmund S. Sebree shakes hands with a native chi...
Original caption illegible. Photo Source: U.S. National Archives. Digitized by Signal Corps Archive.
SC 190470 - U.S. Military Police stand guard as a load of German POWs ...
Photo Source: U.S. National Archives. Digitized by Signal Corps Archive.
SC 191727 - A group of P-47 pilots, and members of an armored unit, ga...
SC 191727 - A group of P-47 pilots, and members of an armored unit, gather around a knocked out Panther tank that was put out of action by the accurate bombing of the fighter plane group, somewhere in France. 1... More
SC 193064-S - Pfc. Joe D. Brusco, Elizabeth, N.J., of the 3rd Division...
3rd Infantry Division. Photographer unknown.
SC 196054-S - Bearded Lt. Martin J. Higgins, 29 Garrison Ave., Jersey ...
... by the Germans for six days. Lt. Higgins was one of the officers with a battalion cut off by the Germans. France, 31 October, 1944. 1st Bn., 141st Regt., 36th Division. Photographer not credited. Photo Sou... More
SC 196087-S - LCTs move onto a beach on Leyte Island, P.I., under mort...
Red Beach. Photographer not credited. Photo Source: U.S. National Archives. Digitized by Signal Corps Archive.
SC 199022 - Pvt. Thomas Amenta, 1391 S. Concord St., Los Angeles., Cal...
... during the First Army drive into Ardennes salient. 11 January, 1945. 3rd Armored Division. Photographer: Loehwing.
SC 199029-S - A B-17 bomber that crashed near Steinbourg, France. All ...
Photographer not credited.
SC 201477 - German prisoners, captured in northern Kirchherten, German...
30th Infantry Division. Photographer: T/3 Roger H. Zachary.
SC 201518 - Chemical fog conceals troops of the U.S. First Army as the...
9th Infantry Division. Photographer not credited.
SC 201682 - A long line of German prisoner, captured near Rheindahlen,...
SC 201682 - A long line of German prisoner, captured near Rheindahlen, Germany, are brought into the town by American troops of the U.S. Ninth Army. 27 February, 1945.
SC 201653 - Major Paul W. Wing, bareheaded, stands beside two friends ...
At left is Major General Richard Marshall, at right is Major General Spencer B. Akin, Chief Signal Officer, SWPA. Major Wing was General Akin's executive officer on Bataan. 31 January, 1945. Photographer: T/Sg... More
SC 203216 - Soldiers of the 6th Armored Division dodge sniper fire dur...
SC 203216 - Soldiers of the 6th Armored Division dodge sniper fire during attack on the town of Oberdorla, 4 April, 1945.
SC 204887 - Troops of 96th Division pause at the pass leading to Chata...
1 April, 1945. Photo Source: U.S. National Archives. Digitized by Signal Corps Archive. Photographer not given.
SC 270821 - American infantrymen lie in a roadside ditch, seeking shel...
10 December, 1944. 1st Battalion, 60th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division. Photographer: Pfc. H. F. McHugh, 165th Signal Photo Co.
SC 270819 - Pvt. Nicholas Pappas of Canton, Ohio, peers through a hedg...
20 September, 1944. Company E, 2nd Battalion, 39th Infantry Regiment. Photographer: Spangle.
SC 270851 - Infantrymen of the 3rd Bn., 87th Mtn. Inf., 10th Mtn. Div....
3rd Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division. Photographer: McWhirter, 196th Signal Photo Co.
SC 270866 - Mules carry supplies for the 3rd Bn., 87th Inf. Regt., 10t...
3rd Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division. Photographer: Graning, 196th Signal Photo Co.
SC 329835 - German portable pillbox made of approximately two inch cas...
Photographer: Boyle, 163rd Signal Photo Co.
SC 329830 - 143rd Infantry soldiers looking at a captured 170mm gun. T...
143rd Infantry Regiment, 36th Infantry Division. Photographer: McWhirter, 163rd Signal Photo Co.
SC 329855 - In captured Cisterna, a U.S. soldier walks towards a dead ...
3rd Infantry Division. Photographer: Bonnard, 163rd Signal Photo Co.
SC 329839 - Members of the 758th Light Tank Bn. (Colored) fire their 7...
Photographer: Levine, 196th Signal Photo Co.
SC 329987 - Infantrymen enroute to rest camp were sidetracked emergenc...
Bullingen, Belgium. 17 February, 1945. Company C, 395th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division. Photographer: Sellers.
SC 335574 - Ninth U.S. Army troops on the lookout for enemy snipers on...
Note groups of prisoners in background. 6th Armd. Div., NUSA. 6 March, 1945. Photographer: T/5 Aubrey Drummond, 167th Signal Photo Co. Photo Source: U.S. National Archives. Digitized by Signal Corps Archive.
SC 339284 - The 30th Infantry, 3rd Division, march through the main st...
Photographer: Cuca.
SC 341582 - Battle weary American soldiers, after the ending of the ba...
Company "I", 2nd Battalion, 39th Regiment, 9th Division. 12 December, 1944.
SC 337370 - Mines and snipers in Hanweiler, Germany, forces this batta...
They have just made the initial crossing from Sarrguemines, France, into Hanweiler, and over the Saar River. 17 February, 1945. 3rd Battalion, 253rd Infantry Regiment, 63rd Infantry Division. Photographer: Lt.... More
SC 364508 - L to R Pfc. Waymen N. Ramply and Cpl. Perry Rowe, (?) cal....
6 February, 1945. Photographer: Paul (?) Jordan. Photo Source: U.S. National Archives. Digitized by Signal Corps Archive.
SC 374634 - Mural done by Camp Grant artist, Pvt. J. Nielson. (5216264...
Camp Grant, Ill. 12 July, 1944. Photographer: Cpl. S. Ferenc, Camp Grant Signal Service Detachment. Photo Source: U.S. National Archives. Digitized by Signal Corps Archive.
Sgt. Willie B. Slaughter inspects the 'Tommy' gun with which he won th...
Photographer not given.
Shortly after the liberation of Lure, civilians crowd around these U.S...
Photographer: Cuca, 163rd Signal Photo Co.
Smashed by a direct hit from Jap shore batteries at Saipan an Army amt...
U.S. Coast Guard Public Relations photo. Photographer not given. 26-G-2474
SC Pfc. A. Carol Unrath, Hatbourgh, Pa., crouches in foxhole next to s...
A member of an anti-aircraft artillery searchlight battery, Private Unrath receives reports on direction of searchlight's beam over field telephone. 5 February, 1945. 226th AA SL Bn., B Battery. Photographer: ... More
Sgt. Thomas Prudhomme, cleansing leg wound sustained during a skirmish...
Sgt. Thomas Prudhomme, cleansing leg wound sustained during a skirmish with Germans. 11 November, 1943.
Side view of the new M-24 tank showing the 'Christie' tracks which are...
14th Cav Gp. 18th Sqdn.,
Smoke caused by aerial bombings and artillery shell fire casts a pall ...
1st Marine Division, September 1944
Soldiers from Fort Benning on a street in Columbus, Georgia, May, 1941...
Photographer: Jack Delano. Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Photograph Collection (Library of Congress)
Two knocked-out German tiger tanks stand inertly at the approach to Co...
Two knocked-out German tiger tanks stand inertly at the approach to Cori while 3rd Infantry Division advance into the town. 28 May, 1944.
U.S. Coast Guardsmen man the forward gun on the bow of a Coast Guard s...
U.S. Coast Guard Public Relations photo. Photographer not given.
Pounding German positions in Rapido River Area, Italy! Infantryman loa...
Pounding German positions in Rapido River Area, Italy! Infantryman loading 81MM. mortar shooting at enemy emplacements while other members of crew hold shells for loading. 28 January, 1944.
Marines at Red Beach 2. Saipan. 15 June, 1944. (52305144661)
Photographer: Furman. Photo Source: U.S. National Archives. Digitized by Signal Corps Archive.
SC 170590 - General Nat S. Perrine of the "Mobile Force" and his aides...
Camp O'Reilly, Puerto Rico. 14 February, 1943. Photographer not credited.
SC 171568 - American soldiers teach the French the use of BD-72 common...
Photographer: Otto.
SC 180041 - Sgt. George Creswell and Lt. Charles Grant uncovering U.S....
697th Engineer Company. Photographer not credited.
SC 180038 - Yanks meet the mayor of Ogiastro on balcony of his office....
Photographer: Oliver.
SC 180053 - Fording a stream below a bridge blasted by retreating Nazi...
45th Infantry Division. Photographer: Simmons.
SC 184714 - Humphrey Bogart, actor, and his wife, Mayo Methot Bogart, ...
Photographer: Harris.
SC 190633 - View of new model rocket with flare attachment. Camp Davis...
Photo Source: U.S. National Archives. Digitized by Signal Corps Archive.
SC 195655 - Troops of 338th Inf., 85th Div., marching toward newly-won...
Firuenzola area, Italy. 338th Infantry Regiment, 85th Infantry Division. Photographer: Schmidt, 3131st Signal Service Co.