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unidentified paradisaea

7 media by topicpage 1 of 1
Birds - illustrated by color photography - a monthly serial (1897) (14563035880)

Birds - illustrated by color photography - a monthly serial (1897) (14...

Identifier: birdsillus111897chic (find matches) Title: Birds : illustrated by color photography : a monthly serial .. Year: 1897 (1890s) Authors: Subjects: Birds Natural history Publisher: Chicago, Ill. : ... More

Albertus Seba - Birds of Paradise, Paradisaeidae - Google Art Project

Albertus Seba - Birds of Paradise, Paradisaeidae - Google Art Project

Public domain scan of 17-18th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Histoire naturelle de Buffon (1801) (14779422231)

Histoire naturelle de Buffon (1801) (14779422231)

Identifier: histoirenatur08buff (find matches) Title: Histoire naturelle de Buffon Year: 1801 (1800s) Authors: Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc, comte de, 1707-1788 Bernard, Pons Joseph, 1748-1816 Subjects: Sc... More

Webster's home, school and office dictionary (1916) (14797525993)

Webster's home, school and office dictionary (1916) (14797525993)

Identifier: webstershomescho00web (find matches) Title: Webster's home, school and office dictionary Year: 1916 (1910s) Authors: Webster, Noah, 1758-1843 Arrowsmith, Robert, 1860- (from old catalog) Peck, Ha... More

Bird of Paradise - Pearson Scott Foresman Archives

Bird of Paradise - Pearson Scott Foresman Archives

line art drawing Public domain scan of print / book page depicting birds, ornithology, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Histoire naturelle des oiseaux de paradis et des épimaques (19678429779)

Histoire naturelle des oiseaux de paradis et des épimaques (1967842977...

Histoire naturelle des oiseaux de paradis et des épimaques : ouvrage orné de planches, dessinées et gravées par les meilleurs artistes / par R.-P. Lesson ...

Evolution and animal life; an elementary discussion of facts, processes, laws and theories relating to the life and evolution of animals (1907) (14770882574)

Evolution and animal life; an elementary discussion of facts, processe...

Identifier: evolutionanimall00jord (find matches) Title: Evolution and animal life; an elementary discussion of facts, processes, laws and theories relating to the life and evolution of animals Year: 1907 (19... More

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