Birds - illustrated by color photography - a monthly serial (1897) (14...
Identifier: birdsillus111897chic (find matches) Title: Birds : illustrated by color photography : a monthly serial .. Year: 1897 (1890s) Authors: Subjects: Birds Natural history Publisher: Chicago, Ill. : ... More
Albertus Seba - Birds of Paradise, Paradisaeidae - Google Art Project
Public domain scan of 17-18th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Histoire naturelle de Buffon (1801) (14779422231)
Identifier: histoirenatur08buff (find matches) Title: Histoire naturelle de Buffon Year: 1801 (1800s) Authors: Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc, comte de, 1707-1788 Bernard, Pons Joseph, 1748-1816 Subjects: Sc... More
Webster's home, school and office dictionary (1916) (14797525993)
Identifier: webstershomescho00web (find matches) Title: Webster's home, school and office dictionary Year: 1916 (1910s) Authors: Webster, Noah, 1758-1843 Arrowsmith, Robert, 1860- (from old catalog) Peck, Ha... More
Bird of Paradise - Pearson Scott Foresman Archives
line art drawing Public domain scan of print / book page depicting birds, ornithology, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Histoire naturelle des oiseaux de paradis et des épimaques (1967842977...
Histoire naturelle des oiseaux de paradis et des épimaques : ouvrage orné de planches, dessinées et gravées par les meilleurs artistes / par R.-P. Lesson ...
Evolution and animal life; an elementary discussion of facts, processe...
Identifier: evolutionanimall00jord (find matches) Title: Evolution and animal life; an elementary discussion of facts, processes, laws and theories relating to the life and evolution of animals Year: 1907 (19... More