An historical miscellany of the curiosities and rarities in nature and...
Fleuron from book: An historical miscellany of the curiosities and rarities in nature and art. Comprising new and entertaining descriptions of the most surprising volcanos, caverns, cataracts, whirlpools, Wate... More
An historical miscellany of the curiosities and rarities in nature and...
Fleuron from book: An historical miscellany of the curiosities and rarities in nature and art. Comprising new and entertaining descriptions of the most surprising volcanos, caverns, cataracts, whirlpools, Wate... More
Birds and nature (1904) (14747928734)
Identifier: birdsnature151904chic (find matches) Title: Birds and nature Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Subjects: Birds Natural history Publisher: Chicago, Ill. : A.W. Mumford, Publisher Contributing Library:... More
Calcutta journal of natural history, and miscellany of the arts and sc...
Identifier: calcuttajournalo02mccl (find matches) Title: Calcutta journal of natural history, and miscellany of the arts and sciences in India Year: 1840 (1840s) Authors: McClelland, John, d. 1883 Subjects: ... More
Kosmos, biblii͡a prirody - sochinenie A.N. Benera; Perevod s ni͡emet͡s...
Identifier: kosmosbibliiapri00boeh_0 (find matches) Title: Kosmos, biblii͡a prirody : sochinenie A.N. Benera ; Perevod s ni͡emet͡skago Year: 1870 (1870s) Authors: Boehner, August Nathanael Subjects: Scie... More
The art of angling Fleuron T112047-7
Fleuron from book: The art of angling. By R. Brookes, M.D. In two parts. I. Contains an Account of Fish and Fish-Ponds-A new Art of Fly-Making-The Laws that concern Angling-The secret Ways of catching Fish by ... More
Histoire naturelle des quadrupèdes-ovipares (8313672391)
1. The Electric eel 2. ? 3. The Banded knifefishFrançais : 1. Le Gymnote électrique 2. Le Gymnote blane 3. Le Gymnote carapeNederlands: 1. De Sidderaal 2. ? 3. De Gestreepte mesaal
Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova (1889) (182251344...
Title: Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova Identifier: annalidelmuseoci2929188990muse (find matches) Year: 1870 (1870s) Authors: Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova (Italy) Subjects: Na... More
Narrative of a five years' expedition, against the revolted negroes of...
Identifier: narrativeoffivey02sted (find matches) Title: Narrative of a five years' expedition, against the revolted negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the wild coast of South America; from the year 1772, to 1... More
Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Fische (Page 73) BHL9686412
Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Fische : nach den neuesten Systemen zum gemeinnützigen Gebrauche entworfen und mit Berücksichtigung für den Unterricht der Jugend / bearbeitet von H. R. Schinz ; nach der Nat... More
The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geolo...
Title: The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geology Identifier: annalsmagazineof711898lond (find matches) Year: 1840 (1840s) Authors: Subjects: Natural history; Zoology; Botany; G... More
Histoire naturelle des quadrupèdes-ovipares (8313671727)
1.? 2. The Little dragonfish 3. The longtail seamothFrançais : 1. Le Macrorhinque argenté 2. Le Pégase Dragon 3. Le Pégase SpatuleNederlands: 1. ? 2. De Eurypegasus draconis 3. De Pegasus volitans
Naturalis Biodiversity Center - RMNH.ART.312-Uraspis helvola-Scomberom...
Uraspis helvola - Scomberomorus sp. - Lethrinus nematacanthus - Argyrosomus argentatus - Katsuwonus pelamis - indet.
An essay towards a natural history of the herring. By James Solas Dodd...
Fleuron from book: An essay towards a natural history of the herring. By James Solas Dodd, Surgeon.
-Snapper- (48753380237)
Title : [Snapper] Creator: Griffin, L. T, artist Date : [1920 - 1930] Format : Painting Media: Oil Size:152 x 229 mm Part of the Paintings and Drawings Collection Citation: Auckland Museum ref. PD-1971-5-1... More
Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Fische (Page 24) BHL9686314
Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Fische : nach den neuesten Systemen zum gemeinnützigen Gebrauche entworfen und mit Berücksichtigung für den Unterricht der Jugend / bearbeitet von H. R. Schinz ; nach der Nat... More
John Higginbotham, fishing-rod-maker, (from Drury-Lane) at the Golden ...
Fleuron from book: John Higginbotham, fishing-rod-maker, (from Drury-Lane) at the Golden Fish, no.91, opposite Southampton-Street, Strand; makes all sorts of fishing-rods, and all Manner of the best Fishing Ta... More
Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova (1889) (177886568...
Title: Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova Identifier: annalidelmuseoci2929188990muse (find matches) Year: 1870 (1870s) Authors: Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova (Italy) Subjects: Na... More
The angler's progress, written by Mr. H. Boaz, July the 4th, 1789. Fle...
Fleuron from book: The angler's progress, written by Mr. H. Boaz, July the 4th, 1789.
The art of angling by R Fleuron N016237-10
Fleuron from book: The art of angling by R. Brookes, M.D. In two parts; I. An Account of Fish and Ponds-The Method of Fly-Making-The Laws that concern Angling-The secret Manner of catching Fish by Ointments, P... More
Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Upsaliensis (1740) (16583765328)
Title: Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Upsaliensis Identifier: actasocietatisre01vete (find matches) Year: 1740 (1740s) Authors: Vetenskaps-societeten i Upsala Subjects: Science Publisher: Stockholm Contri... More
Fish of San Christoval Isld (48752491488)
Title : Fish of San Christoval Isld Creator: Webster, John, 1818-1912, artist Description : Full inscription on painting face reads: "Fish of San Christoval Isld." Watercolour study of a blue, yellow and blac... More
The complete angler Fleuron T084917-12
Fleuron from book: The complete angler, or contemplative man's recreation; being a discourse on rivers, fish-ponds, fish, and fishing: in two parts; the first written by Mr. Isaac Walton, the second by Charles... More
Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Fische (Page 8) BHL9686282
Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Fische : nach den neuesten Systemen zum gemeinnützigen Gebrauche entworfen und mit Berücksichtigung für den Unterricht der Jugend / bearbeitet von H. R. Schinz ; nach der Nat... More
An historical miscellany of the curiosities and rarities in nature and...
Fleuron from book: An historical miscellany of the curiosities and rarities in nature and art. Comprising new and entertaining descriptions of the most surprising volcanos, caverns, cataracts, whirlpools, Wate... More
Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Fische (Page 72) BHL9686410
Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Fische : nach den neuesten Systemen zum gemeinnützigen Gebrauche entworfen und mit Berücksichtigung für den Unterricht der Jugend / bearbeitet von H. R. Schinz ; nach der Nat... More
The art of angling Fleuron T112047-15
Fleuron from book: The art of angling. By R. Brookes, M.D. In two parts. I. Contains an Account of Fish and Fish-Ponds-A new Art of Fly-Making-The Laws that concern Angling-The secret Ways of catching Fish by ... More
The art of angling Fleuron T112047-47
Fleuron from book: The art of angling. By R. Brookes, M.D. In two parts. I. Contains an Account of Fish and Fish-Ponds-A new Art of Fly-Making-The Laws that concern Angling-The secret Ways of catching Fish by ... More
Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Fische (Page 9) BHL9686284
Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Fische : nach den neuesten Systemen zum gemeinnützigen Gebrauche entworfen und mit Berücksichtigung für den Unterricht der Jugend / bearbeitet von H. R. Schinz ; nach der Nat... More
An historical miscellany of the curiosities and rarities in nature and...
Fleuron from book: An historical miscellany of the curiosities and rarities in nature and art. Comprising new and entertaining descriptions of the most surprising volcanos, caverns, cataracts, whirlpools, Wate... More
An historical miscellany of the curiosities and rarities in nature and...
Fleuron from book: An historical miscellany of the curiosities and rarities in nature and art. Comprising new and entertaining descriptions of the most surprising volcanos, caverns, cataracts, whirlpools, Wate... More
An history of the earth, and animated nature. By Oliver Goldsmith. In ...
Fleuron from book: An history of the earth, and animated nature. By Oliver Goldsmith. In eight volumes.
The history of esculent fish Fleuron T124812-8
Fleuron from book: The history of esculent fish, with plates, drawn and engraved by Eleazar Albin: and an essay on the breeding of fish, and the construction of fish-ponds, by the Honourable Roger North.
Photographic study of a fish(GN01236) (cropped)
Photographic study of a fish, displayed on a rough piece of fabric, placed on a rough wooden stand, which is in front of a wooden door, c. 1900s.
Birds and nature (1904) (14568924499)
Identifier: birdsnature1511904chic (find matches) Title: Birds and nature Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Subjects: Birds Natural history Publisher: Chicago, Ill. : A.W. Mumford, Publisher Contributing Library... More
The civil and natural history of Jamaica Fleuron T089758-60
Fleuron from book: The civil and natural history of Jamaica. Containing I. An accurate description of that island, its Situation, and Soil; with a brief Account of its former and present State, Government, Rev... More
Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Upsaliensis (1740) (16745462836)
Title: Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Upsaliensis Identifier: actasocietatisre05vete (find matches) Year: 1740 (1740s) Authors: Vetenskaps-societeten i Upsala Subjects: Science Publisher: Stockholm Contri... More
Public domain photograph related to nature & natural history, free to ...
Choerodon azurio - Indets
An history of the earth, and animated nature. By Oliver Goldsmith. In ...
Fleuron from book: An history of the earth, and animated nature. By Oliver Goldsmith. In eight volumes.
The angler's museum; or, the whole art of float and fly fishing Fleuro...
Fleuron from book: The angler's museum; or, the whole art of float and fly fishing. Containing, I. The Nature and Properties of Fish in general. II. Rules and Cautions to be observed by young Anglers. III. The... More
Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Upsaliensis (1740) (16583947670)
Title: Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Upsaliensis Identifier: actasocietatisre05vete (find matches) Year: 1740 (1740s) Authors: Vetenskaps-societeten i Upsala Subjects: Science Publisher: Stockholm Contri... More
The art of angling by R Fleuron N016237-33
Fleuron from book: The art of angling by R. Brookes, M.D. In two parts; I. An Account of Fish and Ponds-The Method of Fly-Making-The Laws that concern Angling-The secret Manner of catching Fish by Ointments, P... More
The art of angling by R Fleuron N016237-16
Fleuron from book: The art of angling by R. Brookes, M.D. In two parts; I. An Account of Fish and Ponds-The Method of Fly-Making-The Laws that concern Angling-The secret Manner of catching Fish by Ointments, P... More
The natural history of Barbados - in ten books (1750) (14595154137)
Identifier: naturalhistoryof00hugh (find matches) Title: The natural history of Barbados : in ten books Year: 1750 (1750s) Authors: Hughes, Griffith, b. 1706 or 7 Mynda, engraver Ehret, Georg Dionysius, 1708... More
Magazine of natural history Fleuron T147006-3
Fleuron from book: Magazine of natural history. Comprehending the whole science of animals, plants, and minerals; divided into distinct parts, the characters separately described, and systematically arranged. ... More
The art of angling Fleuron T112047-9
Fleuron from book: The art of angling. By R. Brookes, M.D. In two parts. I. Contains an Account of Fish and Fish-Ponds-A new Art of Fly-Making-The Laws that concern Angling-The secret Ways of catching Fish by ... More
The British sportsman, or, nobleman, gentleman, and farmer's dictionar...
Fleuron from book: The British sportsman, or, nobleman, gentleman, and farmer's dictionary, of recreation and amusement. Including a most Improved System of Modern Farriery, And Anatomical Dissections of a Hor... More
Atlas zu der Reise im nördlichen Afrika BHL37141131
Atlas zu der Reise im nördlichen Afrika / Public domain scan - Fish, 19th-century zoological illustration, print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Andere Rots-visch - BNA-DIG-KOSTBARE-0427-035 e
Nederlands: Gravure van een "Rots-visch", uit Natuurlijke en Zedelijke Historie der Voor-Eylanden van Amerika (1662)
An history of the earth, and animated nature. By Oliver Goldsmith. In ...
Fleuron from book: An history of the earth, and animated nature. By Oliver Goldsmith. In eight volumes.
The art of angling Fleuron T112047-11
Fleuron from book: The art of angling. By R. Brookes, M.D. In two parts. I. Contains an Account of Fish and Fish-Ponds-A new Art of Fly-Making-The Laws that concern Angling-The secret Ways of catching Fish by ... More
Naturalis Biodiversity Center - RMNH.ART.315 - Lactoris cornutus - Thu...
Lactoris cornutus - Thunnus obesus - Pampus argenteus - Uranoscopus japonicus - indet