Centenaire du Chat Noir / Musée de Montmartre
Montmartre (Serie's title) Affiche sans montage. Public domain photograph of art nouveau artwork, France, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Theophile Alexandre Steinlen - Dans la rue. Bonne année
Dessin au recto Public domain photograph of cartoon illustration, satire, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Theophile Alexandre Steinlen - Dans la rue. Les quat'pattes
Inscription - Inscriptions : paroles de la chanson
Theophile Alexandre Steinlen - Twee vrouwen in een slaapvertrek
Ontwerp voor een prent. Public domain scan of decorative drawing, decor elements, art design, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Theophile Alexandre Steinlen - La Rafle
Public domain photograph of military personnel, army, militia, infantry, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Theophile Alexandre Steinlen - Fille de Ferme
Picryl description: Public domain photograph of chicken, poultry, agriculture, farm animals, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Affiche Signature - S.B.G.: " T A Steinlen " Lettre - " EXPOSITIONS/PARTICULIERE/ LE DIMANCHE 15 MAI/ PUBLIQUE/ les 16, 17, 18 et 20 MAI 1898/ AVANT LA VENTE/ de 1h 1/2 à 2h 1/2/ VENTE/ HOTEL/ DROUOT/Salle Nº1/... More
La Légende des siècles, LII : Les pauvres gens
Victor Hugo : Cinq poèmes, Paris : Éditions d'art Édouard Pelletan, 1902 (Group title) Epreuve d'essai sans le texte. Oeuvre fixée à un montage avec passe-partout. Lettre - Signature en bas de l'image, à droite... More
Theophile Alexandre Steinlen - Three Companions (Les trois compagnons)
Picryl description: Public domain photograph of a boat, water, fishing, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
La Vision de Hugo, par Steinlen. L'Assiette au beurre, n° 47, 26 févri...
Numéro complet du journal de 16 pages. Oeuvre non montée. Lettre - En haut de la page à gauche : "N°47 / 26 Février 1902" ; en haut de la page, centré : "L'ASSIETTE AU BEURRE" ; en haut de l'image à gauche : "1... More
Théophile Alexandre Steinlen - Cocorico - Google Art Project
Picryl description: Public domain photograph of chicken, poultry, agriculture, farm animals, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Théophile Alexandre Steinlen - Summer- Cat on a Balustrade - Google Ar...
Public domain reproduction of art nouveau poster, cover, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Steinlein-rictus - Public domain portrait painting
Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Steinlen - a-la-place-maubert-1886
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - a-saint-ouen-1885
Work by Théophile Steinlen Public domain photograph related to music, performing arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Steinlen - auguste-mystifie
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - bavarde-1889
Work by Théophile Steinlen Public domain photograph related to music, performing arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Steinlen - cats - A black and white drawing of two cats
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - chasses-d-automne-1886
Work by Théophile Steinlen Public domain photograph of art nouveau artwork, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Steinlen - chemineau-sous-la-pluie-1902
Work by Théophile Steinlen Public domain photograph related to the history of France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Steinlen - clairmarais - A painting of a house in a field
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - dans-la-vie-prospectus-1901
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - deux-baigneuses
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - et-puis-apres
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - femme-assise-s-essuyant-les-pieds-1902
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - il-n-y-est-pas-1901
Work by Théophile Steinlen Public domain photograph - performance, burlesque, dance, cabaret, operetta, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Steinlen - la-misere-sous-la-neige-1894
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - le-chant-de-la-pluie
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - le-fiacre-de-l-etat-1901
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - les-deux - A drawing of two men standing next to each other
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - les-festes-de-l-ete-1889
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - les-glaieuls
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - lycee-racine-1903
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - peony-pivoines
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - people-at-the-cafe
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - portrait-of-woman-in-blue-blouse-1920
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - refugees-1916
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - roumaine-1889 - Art nouveau public domain image
Work by Théophile Steinlen Public domain photograph of art nouveau artwork, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Jean Richepin by Steinlen - Public domain portrait print
French poet, novelist and dramatist Jean Richepin (1848-1926) by Théophile Alexandre Steinlen (1859-1923)
Théophile Alexandre Steinlen - Împărat și proletar, 1907
Illustration to Împărat și proletar, by the Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu.
Français : Illustration de Steinlen pour les "Chansons rouges" de Maurice Boukay, Paris, Flammarion, 1896
Ambassadeurs - Yvette Guilbert Tous les soirs / / Th. Steinlen, '94.
Poster showing Guilbert standing before an audience. Exchange; Victoria and Albert Museum. See: The Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress, Summer 1982, p. 147 to p. 164.
Theophile Alexandre Steinlen - Karikaturale portret- en figuurstudies ...
Public domain scan of 19th century Dutch drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Theophile Alexandre Steinlen - Dans la rue. Soupé du Mac
Public domain photograph - French art, History of France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Theophile Alexandre Steinlen - Dans la rue. Lézard
Public domain photograph - French art, History of France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Theophile Alexandre Steinlen - Yvette Guilbert Ambassadeurs
Public domain photograph of an advertising poster, advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Prochainement/Tournée/ DU/ CHAT/ NOIR/ AVEC/ RODOLPHE SALIS
Affiche Signature - S.B.G.: " T A Steinlen " Lettre - " Prochainement/Tournée/ DU/ CHAT/ NOIR/ AVEC/ RODOLPHE SALIS " Lettre - Dans le vitrail: " MONT. JOYE MONTMARTRE " Lettre - Sur le côté D.: " Imp. CHARLES ... More
En Belgique les Belges ont faim. Tombola artistique . . .
A group of hungry Belgians holding food pails. Translation of title: In Belgium the Belgians are hungry. Artistic raffle . . . . Signed: Steinlen, 15. Promotional goal: Fr. K95.J7. 1915//Fr. G2. 1915. Item is ... More
Soldat, la patrie compte sur toi; garde lui toutes tes forces. Résiste...
At the left is a soldier embracing a woman 'of the street.' At the right is a man sitting in front of a hospital and at the bottom is a skull and crossbones. Translation of title: Soldier, the country is count... More
L'Aisne dévastée. Oeuvre de guerre pour la reconstitution des foyers d...
Mother holding two children; in background is the destroyed region of Aisne. Translation of title: Devastated Aisne. War fund for the reconstruction of destroyed homes. Signed: Steinlen. Missing pieces at fold... More
La Vision de Hugo, par Steinlen. L'Assiette au beurre, n° 47, 26 févri...
Numéro complet du journal de 16 pages. Oeuvre non montée. Lettre - En haut de la page à gauche : "N°47 / 26 Février 1902" ; en haut de la page, centré : "L'ASSIETTE AU BEURRE" ; en haut de l'image à gauche : "1... More
Steinlen - association-de-malfaiteurs-1897
Work by Théophile Steinlen Public domain photograph of cartoon illustration, satire, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Steinlen - cat-1906 - A painting of a black cat standing in the dark
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - cat-sketches
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - cats-1 - A page with a picture of cats on it
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - chanson-a-boire-preliminary-sketch
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - chansons-de-paris-1
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - chansons-du-peuple-1892-1
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - cigarette-la-boheme-1879
Work by Théophile Steinlen Public domain photograph of art nouveau artwork, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Steinlen - clinique-cheron - Art nouveau public domain image
Work by Théophile Steinlen Public domain photograph of art nouveau artwork, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Steinlen - compagne-francaise-des-chocolats-maitres-de-l-affiche-1895
Work by Théophile Steinlen Public domain photograph of French art nouveau artwork, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Steinlen - en-belgiques-les-belges-ont-faim-1915
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - femmes-pleurant
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - gai-pinson - A drawing of a man climbing a ladder
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - l-affaire-crainquebille-cover
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - l-orage-1914(1)
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - la-cinquantaine-1898-1
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - la-fee-aux-cheveux-d-or-1897-1
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - la-foret-rouge
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - la-madeleine
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - la-penitence
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - la-ville-lointaine
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - laundress - A drawing of a woman carrying a bird cage
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - le-coup-de-vent
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - les-chanteurs-des-rues-1899-2
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - les-deux-meres-1903-1
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - les-femmes-de-france-1897-c-192-3912
Work by Théophile Steinlen Public domain photograph related to the history of France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Steinlen - les-gaietes-bourgeoises-1898
Work by Théophile Steinlen Public domain photograph related to music, performing arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Steinlen - les-quatre-dames
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - marche-des-bicyclistes
Work by Théophile Steinlen Public domain image of bicyclist, bicycle, cyclist, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Steinlen - noel-1894 - Public domain portrait drawing
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - nude-on-bed-1
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - oeuvres-nouvelles-de-paul-delmet
Work by Théophile Steinlen Public domain photograph of an advertising poster, advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Steinlen - promenade - A drawing of a man walking a dog
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - spaniard-1897
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Steinlen - vent-d-est-1916
Work by Théophile Steinlen
Black cat watching fish at the bowl-aquarium Public domain reproduction of art nouveau poster, cover, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Crainquebille - Steinlen (4)
Picryl description: Public domain photograph of a jury, political committee, politics, and government, no copyright restrictions.
Poster - Journée Serbe. 25 Juin 1916 - Public domain lithograph
Depicts a group of Serbian civilians and soldiers as they migrate to the mountains. Translation of title: Serbia Day. June 25, 1916. Signed: Steinlen, 1916. Promotional goal: Fr. H59. 1916. Item is no. 132 in ... More
Theophile Alexandre Steinlen - Dans la rue. Les petits joyeux
Inscription - Inscription : Portée de musique et paroles
Theophile Alexandre Steinlen - Dans la rue. Fantaisie triste
Public domain photograph - French art, History of France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Theophile Alexandre Steinlen - De gevangen tijger
Blad met 8 voorstellingen van twee zeemannen die een tijger vangen in een ton. Onder elke voorstelling een onderschrift. Genummerd linksboven: Série 7. - No. 4.
Theophile Alexandre Steinlen - Misère (Crauzat 176)
Signature - A rebours dans la planche et signature au crayon sous la planche en bas à droite : "Steinlen" Inscription - Au crayon en bas à droite : "La chambre des misérables"
La Vision de Hugo, par Steinlen. L'Assiette au beurre, n° 47, 26 févri...
Numéro complet du journal de 16 pages. Oeuvre non montée. Lettre - En haut de la page à gauche : "N°47 / 26 Février 1902" ; en haut de la page, centré : "L'ASSIETTE AU BEURRE" ; en haut de l'image à gauche : "1... More
Denkende vrouw met boek
Een dame, van voren gezien, zit in melancholike houding op een stoel, haar hoofd steunend met haar linkerhand. Op schoot heeft ze een opengeslagen boek.
Theophile Alexandre Steinlen - Affiche Midi Vernet-les-Bains
Poster of the former Compagnie des chemins de fer du Midi: Vernet-les-Bains.