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theatrical posters

13,186 media by topicpage 1 of 132
Kiralfy's grand spectacle of Paradise lost

Kiralfy's grand spectacle of Paradise lost

Includes portraits of Julia Seaman, Kiralfy Brothers, and others. "Printed by Stannard & Son, 7, Poland St., London ...." Copyrighted by Imre and Bolossy Kiralfy, 1874. Signed: R.J. Hamierton(?), London. Forms ... More

Alice Oates, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1920

Alice Oates, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1920

K11701 U.S. Copyright Office Created and "copyright Metropolitan Litho. Studio, 29 Warren St., N.Y., 1879." J.E. Jackson, agent. Signed: Renault. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Burlesque, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1920

Burlesque, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1920

K15688 U.S. Copyright Office Created and "copyright Metropolitan Litho. Studio, 29 Warren St., N.Y. 1879." J.E. Jackson, agent. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Fanny Davenport - Public domain portrait photograph

Fanny Davenport - Public domain portrait photograph

Public domain scan of portrait print from Library of Congress, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De Wolf Hopper, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1920

De Wolf Hopper, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 192...

Created by "The Metropolitan Printing Co., N.Y." Newspaper clipping encased in mylar. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Booth's Theatre, two weeks, commencing Monday, Feb. 6, every ev'ng and Saturday matinee with the ideal opera company

Booth's Theatre, two weeks, commencing Monday, Feb. 6, every ev'ng and...

Caption: N.W. Whitney. Created by "Armstrong & Co., Boston & N.Y." Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Brockton City Theatre Poster - Girofle-Girofla! - Brockton, Massachusetts

Brockton City Theatre Poster - Girofle-Girofla! - Brockton, Massachuse...

Public domain photograph related to music, performing arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Brockton City Theatre Poster - Olivette--Bennett & Moulton's Comic Opera Company

Brockton City Theatre Poster - Olivette--Bennett & Moulton's Comic Ope...

Public domain scan of printed performance advertisement, dance, musical, opera, operetta, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Brockton City Theatre Poster - Hamlet--Miss Louise Pomeroy - Brockton, Massachusetts

Brockton City Theatre Poster - Hamlet--Miss Louise Pomeroy - Brockton,...

Public domain reproduction of illuminated book page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Robert B. Mantell as Monbars - Public domain portrait engraving

Robert B. Mantell as Monbars - Public domain portrait engraving

S26672 U.S. Copyright Office Copyrighted 1887 by Augustus Pitou. Created by "The Strobridge Lith. Co., Cin'ti, N.Y., London." N.Y. 1950. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Bolossy Kiralfy's great production, Dolores by Victorien Sardou.

Bolossy Kiralfy's great production, Dolores by Victorien Sardou.

S29361 U.S. Copyright Office "Copyrighted by Bolossy Kiralfy, 1887, New York." Created by "A.S. Seer's Litho. Print., New York." Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Modern minstrels, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1920

Modern minstrels, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1...

Consists of multiple portraits, including the Eight Madrigal Boys. "Photos by Falk, N.Y." Created by "H.A. Thomas & Wylie Lith., 7 E 19th St., N.Y." Upper left corner missing; part of title missing. Forms part ... More

Brockton City Theatre Poster - Two Johns - Brockton, Massachusetts

Brockton City Theatre Poster - Two Johns - Brockton, Massachusetts

Public domain scan of theatrical program brochure, printed advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Arabian nights, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1920

Arabian nights, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 192...

"Imperial Burlesque Co. under the direction of Joseph Brooks & Alfred Thompson." Created by The Courier Lith. Co., Buffalo, N.Y. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Alvin Joslin in a new play One of the old stock

Alvin Joslin in a new play One of the old stock

T104258 U.S. Copyright Office "Copyrighted 1888 by Chas. L. Davis." Caption: I want to know; Gosh I'm a cuss; Yours farmingly, Chas. L. Davis; Do tell; How be you. Created by "The MacBrair Lith. Co., Cin'ti, O.... More

Joseph Jefferson, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1920

Joseph Jefferson, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1...

Caption: Rip Van Winkle (before the sleep of 20 years). Created by "Lemercier & Cie, Rue de Seine 57, Paris." Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

[Ballerina in white costume with flowers in dance pose]

[Ballerina in white costume with flowers in dance pose]

V35184 U.S. Copyright Office Created and "copyrighted 1890 by the Calvert Litho. Co., Detroit, Mich." No. 2. Title devised. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Brockton City Theatre Poster - Old Jed Prouty--with Richard Golden-(Jan 20)

Brockton City Theatre Poster - Old Jed Prouty--with Richard Golden-(Ja...

Public domain scan of broadway musical poster, advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Brockton City Theatre Poster - Kajanka - Brockton, Massachusetts

Brockton City Theatre Poster - Kajanka - Brockton, Massachusetts

Public domain scan of broadway musical poster, advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Brockton City Theatre Poster - The witch - Brockton, Massachusetts

Brockton City Theatre Poster - The witch - Brockton, Massachusetts

Public domain scan of theatrical program brochure, printed advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Brockton City Theatre Poster - The hustler--w/ John Kernell - Brockton, Massachusetts

Brockton City Theatre Poster - The hustler--w/ John Kernell - Brockton...

Public domain scan of broadway musical poster, advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Brockton City Theatre Poster - Third concert in Y.M.C.A. course - Brockton, Massachusetts

Brockton City Theatre Poster - Third concert in Y.M.C.A. course - Broc...

Public domain scan of theatrical program brochure, printed advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Brockton City Theatre Poster - The seven ages! - Brockton, Massachusetts

Brockton City Theatre Poster - The seven ages! - Brockton, Massachuset...

Public domain photograph of pharmacy, convenience store, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

[Blond woman in black dress with roses holding up skirt]

[Blond woman in black dress with roses holding up skirt]

X3587 U.S. Copyright Office Created and "copyrighted 1892 by Calvert Litho. Co., Detroit, Mich." No. 25. Small part of lower right corner missing. Title devised. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Lib... More

Kellar and his perplexing cabinet mysteries

Kellar and his perplexing cabinet mysteries

Public domain photograph of theatrical production, cabaret, musical, performance, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Kellar, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1920

Kellar, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1920

Z29088 U.S. Copyright Office Caption: Levitation. Created and "copyright 1894 by The Strobridge Lith. Co., Cin'ti & New York." No. 5803B. Forms part of: Magic poster collection (Library of Congress)

D'Oyly Carte's Opera Co. in Utopia, limited Gilbert & Sullivan's new opera.

D'Oyly Carte's Opera Co. in Utopia, limited Gilbert & Sullivan's new o...

Created and "copyright 1894 by The Strobridge Lith Co, Cincinnati & New York." No. 5762. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Too much Johnson with William Gillette.

Too much Johnson with William Gillette.

Z60954 U.S. Copyright Office Caption: Say! Hold on a minute. Created and "copyright 1894 by The Strobridge Lith Co, Cin'ti. N.Y." Management, Charles Frohman. No. 6268. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collec... More

Merry Katie Emmett in Chat, an American boy

Merry Katie Emmett in Chat, an American boy

Public domain scan of American 19th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert L. Flint annual tour

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert L. Flint annual tour

Created by "National Pr. & [Eng. Co.], Chicago." No. 1602. Small piece of poster missing. Transferred from; LC Rare Book and Special Collections Division; 1956. Forms part of: Magic poster collection (Library o... More

Poster - The war of wealth - Public domain lithograph

Poster - The war of wealth - Public domain lithograph

By C.T. Dazey, author of "In old Kentucky." Caption: A dollar for the novel, if you'll hurry with the message! Created and "copyright 1895 by The Strobridge Lith Co, Cin'ti New York." Jacob Litt, proprietor. ... More

Rice's beautiful Evangeline, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1920

Rice's beautiful Evangeline, American vaudeville and popular entertain...

Caption: Chief of police. Created and "copyright 1896 by The Strobridge Lith Co, Cincinnati = New York." NY 7083. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Secret service by William Gillette. during American Civil War

Secret service by William Gillette. during American Civil War

Caption: I know some things that you don't! Created and "copyright 1896 by The Strobridge Lith Co, Cin'ti & N.Y." No. 7445. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Morrison's original production of Faust

Morrison's original production of Faust

B244190 U.S. Copyright Office "Copyright 1896 by Edw. J. Abra[ha]m." Caption: Faust and Marguerite. Created by "Liebler & Maass Lith., N.Y." No. T-86 1902. Under the management of Edw. J. Abra[ha]m. Forms part ... More

No gentleman of France - Drawing. Public domain image.

No gentleman of France - Drawing. Public domain image.

A man rides a horse. Courtesy of Boston Public Library Public domain photograph of art nouveau artwork, France, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Francis Wilson under the management of A.H. Canby in the comic opera, Half a king

Francis Wilson under the management of A.H. Canby in the comic opera, ...

Created and "copyright 1896 by The Strobridge Lith. Co., Cinti & N.Y." Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Poster - John Drew's new play, Rosemary - Public domain lithograph

Poster - John Drew's new play, Rosemary - Public domain lithograph

B252644 U.S. Copyright Office By Parker & Carson; management of Charles Frohman. Caption: The room seems brighter already. Created and "copyright 1896 by The Strobridge Lith Co, Cinti & N.Y." No. 7317. Forms pa... More

Morrision's production of the new sensational melo-drama, The Indian

Morrision's production of the new sensational melo-drama, The Indian

Public domain scan of American 19th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Hoyt's A midnight bell laughter every minute.

Hoyt's A midnight bell laughter every minute.

Caption: Dot - "Mr. Keene, try another chair?" Created by "The Enquirer Job Printing Co., Cin., O." Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Mr. James K. Hackett. The tree of knowledge by R.C. Carton.

Mr. James K. Hackett. The tree of knowledge by R.C. Carton.

Public domain scan of American 19th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Mathews & Bulger presenting rag time opera, By the sad sea waves

Mathews & Bulger presenting rag time opera, By the sad sea waves

45218 U.S. Copyright Office Caption: Excuse us for dropping in. Created and "copyright 1898 by The Strobridge Lith. Co., Cincinnati & New York." Direction of Dunne & Ryley. N.Y. no. 8164. Forms part of: Theatri... More

Brown's in town, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1920

Brown's in town, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 19...

"Russell-Morgan Print." Caption: Where have I seen that face before? Created and "copyrighted 1898 by The U.S. Printing Co., Cin., U.S.A." Lower right corner missing. No. 3591. Forms part of: Theatrical poster ... More

Hoyt's A midnight bell laughter every minute.

Hoyt's A midnight bell laughter every minute.

Caption: Visiting the school. Created by "The Enquirer Job Printing Co., Cin., O." Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

This is it, Johnny on the spot a "Bill Nye" musical farce.

This is it, Johnny on the spot a "Bill Nye" musical farce.

70344 U.S. Copyright Office "Russell-Morgan Print." Caption: Pat, "Wow! Wow! but it's awful."; Schmelzer, "How can she liv mid such a face?" Created and "copyrighted 1898 by The U.S. Printing Co., Cin, U.S.A." ... More

Georgia Waldron / from photo by C.M. Hayes & Co., Detroit.

Georgia Waldron / from photo by C.M. Hayes & Co., Detroit.

Created by "The Strobridge Litho. Co., Cin'ti & New York." No. 12049. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Chas. E. Blaney's big extravaganza success, A female drummer

Chas. E. Blaney's big extravaganza success, A female drummer

"Russell-Morgan Print." Blaney and Vance, managers. Caption: The world's celebrated Blaney Quartette : on of the many features of this famous production. Created and "copyrighted 1898 by The U.S. Printing Co., ... More

Mistakes will happen written by Grant Stewart.

Mistakes will happen written by Grant Stewart.

Caption: Please don't leave us! Created and "copyright 1898 by The Strobridge Lith Co, Cin'ti & N.Y." Jacob Litt, proprietor. N.Y. no. 8198. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Edward C. White's dramatic production, Two little vagrants by Pierre Decourcelle.

Edward C. White's dramatic production, Two little vagrants by Pierre D...

Public domain scan of American 19th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Hoyt's A day and a night in New York

Hoyt's A day and a night in New York

Created and "copyright 1898 by The Strobridge Lith. Co, Cin'ti. & New York." Hoyt & McKee, proprietors. N.Y. no. 8007. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Poster - A.Q. Scammon's Side tracked - Public domain lithograph

Poster - A.Q. Scammon's Side tracked - Public domain lithograph

11550 U.S. Copyright Office "Russell-Morgan Print." Caption: The dude's interrupted pose. Created and "copyrighted 1899 by The U.S. Printing Co., Cin., U.S.A." No. 3656. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collect... More

Bob Manchester's Cracker Jacks everything new.

Bob Manchester's Cracker Jacks everything new.

Public domain scan of American 19th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Poster - Hoyt's A black sheep - Public domain lithograph

Poster - Hoyt's A black sheep - Public domain lithograph

41292 U.S. Copyright Office "Russell Morgan Print." Caption: The editor busy all day: 10 a.m., 10:02 a.m., 10 p.m. Created and "copyrighted 1899 by The U.S. Printing Co., Cin., U.S.A." Direction, Fred E. Wright... More

Poster - Hoyt's new A trip to Chinatown - Public domain lithograph

Poster - Hoyt's new A trip to Chinatown - Public domain lithograph

38624 U.S. Copyright Office "Russell-Morgan Print." Caption: Welland Strong's hard luck ride through Chinatown. Created and "copyrighted 1899 by The U.S. Printing Co., Cin., U.S.A." Direction of Fred E. Wright.... More

Hurly-Burly Extravaganza and Refined Vaudeville

Hurly-Burly Extravaganza and Refined Vaudeville

Caption: Casino Comedy Four. Created and "copyright 1899 Courier Litho. Co., Buffalo, N.Y." No. 2824. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Cumberland '61 by Franklin Fyles. during American Civil War

Cumberland '61 by Franklin Fyles. during American Civil War

Caption: I will hang him as a spy. Created and "copyright 1899, Courier Litho. Co., Buffalo, N.Y." Lower left corner missing; pieces on mid right side missing. No. 2779. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collect... More

Waite's Stock Co. and grand orchestra the best for the least money.

Waite's Stock Co. and grand orchestra the best for the least money.

55892 U.S. Copyright Office Caption: Miss Kittie Rhoades. Created and "copyright 1899 Courier Litho. Co., Buffalo, N.Y." Jas. Waite, proprietor. No. 2769. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Fisher, Carroll in a slap-bang absurdity, The Lobster

Fisher, Carroll in a slap-bang absurdity, The Lobster

48532 U.S. Copyright Office "Make life worth living." "Russell-Morgan Print." Caption: Oh, I don't know! Created and "copyrighted 1899 by The U.S. Printing Co., Cin., U.S.A." Management of the author, Edgar Sel... More

E.R. Spencer & Isabel Pengra in Steele MacKaye's masterpiece, Paul Kauvar

E.R. Spencer & Isabel Pengra in Steele MacKaye's masterpiece, Paul Kau...

62925 U.S. Copyright Office Caption: Gouroc & Diane. Created and "copyright 1899 Courier Litho. Co., Buffalo, N.Y." No. 2777. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

[Man seated holding horn with arm raised and African American playing trombone]

[Man seated holding horn with arm raised and African American playing ...

Public domain scan of American 19th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Lydia Barry, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1920

Lydia Barry, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1920

Created and "copyright 1899 Courier Litho. Co., Buffalo, N.Y." No. 2792. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Chas. H. Yale's forever Devil's auction

Chas. H. Yale's forever Devil's auction

53220 U.S. Copyright Office "Russell-Morgan Print." Caption: Everything new but the title. Created and "copyrighted 1899 by The U.S. Printing Co., Cin. & N.Y." No. 4029. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collect... More

Julia Arthur, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1920

Julia Arthur, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1920

"Photo by Steffens, Chicago." "Russell-Morgan Print." Created and "copyrighted 1899 by The U.S. Printing Co, Cin. & N.Y." No. 4008. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Julia Arthur, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1920

Julia Arthur, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1920

"Russell-Morgan Print." Created and "copyrighted 1899 by The U.S. Printing Co., Cin. & N.Y." No. 4007. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Poster - A.Q. Scammon's Side tracked - Public domain lithograph

Poster - A.Q. Scammon's Side tracked - Public domain lithograph

"Russell-Morgan Print." Caption: Quick lunch. Color version of poster: POS - TH - 1899 .S55, no. 2 (C size). Created and "copyrighted 1899 by The U.S. Printing Co., Cin., U.S.A." No. 4060. Forms part of: Theatr... More

Chas. H. Yale's forever Devil's auction

Chas. H. Yale's forever Devil's auction

52064 U.S. Copyright Office "Russell-Morgan Print." Caption: Toby creates a little consternation in fairyland. Created and "copyrighted 1899 by The U.S. Printing Co., Cin. & N.Y." No. 4025. Forms part of: Theat... More

Poster - Hoyt's new A trip to Chinatown - Public domain lithograph

Poster - Hoyt's new A trip to Chinatown - Public domain lithograph

38623 U.S. Copyright Office "Russell-Morgan Print." Caption: Complimenting the heathens in the deaf and dumb language on the beauties of their country. They understand him, (nit). Caption: Harry Gilfoil. Create... More

Poster - The real Widow Brown - Public domain lithograph

Poster - The real Widow Brown - Public domain lithograph

37103 U.S. Copyright Office "Russell-Morgan Print." Caption: The mask ball. Created and "copyrighted 1899 by The U.S. Printing Co., Cin., U.S.A." Direction of A.Q. Scammon. No. 3906. Forms part of: Theatrical p... More

A.Q. Scammon's The real Widow Brown

A.Q. Scammon's The real Widow Brown

64502 U.S. Copyright Office Caption: Miss May Wentworth. Created and "copyright 1899 by The U.S. Printing Co., Russell-Morgan Print, Cin. & N.Y." No. 4161. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library o... More

Joseph Hart Vaudeville Co. direct from Weber & Fields Music Hall, New York City.

Joseph Hart Vaudeville Co. direct from Weber & Fields Music Hall, New ...

Caption: O'Brien & Havel. Created and "copyright 1899 Courier Litho. Co., Buffalo, N.Y." No. 2719. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Harry Howard's latest success The doctor's warm reception

Harry Howard's latest success The doctor's warm reception

"Russell-Morgan Print." Caption: Noah, wait and get your medicine. Created and "copyrighted 1899 by The U.S. Printing Co., Cin. & N.Y." No. 3997. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Chas. E. Blaney's big extravaganza success, A female drummer

Chas. E. Blaney's big extravaganza success, A female drummer

21279 U.S. Copyright Office "Russell-Morgan Print." Blaney and Vance, managers. Caption: Nellie O'Neil - the acrobatic comedienne. Created by "The U.S. Printing Co., Cin., U.S.A." No. 3715. Forms part of: Theat... More

Poster - Hoyt's A contented woman - Public domain lithograph

Poster - Hoyt's A contented woman - Public domain lithograph

27574 U.S. Copyright Office "Russell-Morgan Print." Caption: The night before election: the city committee serenading the doubtful voters. Created and "copyrighted 1899 by The U.S. Printing Company., Cin., U.S.... More

Gorton's Original New Orleans Minstrels

Gorton's Original New Orleans Minstrels

Includes small portraits of Jos. Gorton and Chas. H. Larkin. 35118 U.S. Copyright Office Created and "copyright 1899 Courier Litho. Co., Buffalo, N.Y." No. 2700. Forms part of: Minstrel poster collection (Libra... More

Rose Hill English Folly Co. - Public domain portrait print

Rose Hill English Folly Co. - Public domain portrait print

Caption: Swan & Bambard, acrobatic comedians. Created and "copyright 1899 Courier Litho. Co., Buffalo, N.Y." No. 2752. Rice & Barton, props. & managers. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Gilda Gray herself in person. - Public domain portrait print

Gilda Gray herself in person. - Public domain portrait print

"Columbia, 7 days commencing Monday, May 18." Caption: She'll shake the town. Created by Holly Press, Allied Printing, Portland, Ore. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

The big farce comedy, Hello Bill a whole lot of fun - in 3 hours.

The big farce comedy, Hello Bill a whole lot of fun - in 3 hours.

Caption: Bunch of big bills: Ha! Ha!! Ha!!! Created and "copyright 1900, by The H.C. Miner Litho. Co., N.Y." No. 7851. Some pieces of poster missing. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

The Princess Chic - Public domain portrait print

The Princess Chic - Public domain portrait print

Public domain scan of portrait print from Library of Congress, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The singing comedian, Andrew Mack in his new play, The rebel a drama of the Irish rebellion : by James B. Fagen.

The singing comedian, Andrew Mack in his new play, The rebel a drama o...

D13806 U.S. Copyright Office Caption: Black Michael's bargain. Created and "copyright 1900 by The Strobridge Litho Co, Cin'ti & New York." Management, Rich & Harris. N.Y. no. 9032. Forms part of: Theatrical pos... More

Hoyt's comic whirlwind, A brass monkey a satire on superstition.

Hoyt's comic whirlwind, A brass monkey a satire on superstition.

Public domain photograph of political cartoon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Royal Lilliputians a gigantic organization of lilliputians, dwarfs, midgets, and giants.

Royal Lilliputians a gigantic organization of lilliputians, dwarfs, mi...

Public domain scan of printed advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Marvelous feats in mind reading

Marvelous feats in mind reading

Created and "copyright 1900, The U.S. Printing Co., Russell-Morgan Print, Cincinnati & New York." No. 27. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Lost in the desert the sensational event of the year : a drama on new and original lines : by Owen Davis.

Lost in the desert the sensational event of the year : a drama on new ...

D14741 U.S. Copyright Office Caption: Then you die together. Created and "copyright 1900 by The Seer Print, N.Y." Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

David Higgins' idyl of the Tennessee mountains, At Piney Ridge

David Higgins' idyl of the Tennessee mountains, At Piney Ridge

D11197 U.S. Copyright Office Caption: Act II. The major. "Take her, and be happy!" Created and "copyright 1900 by The Strobridge Litho Co, Cin'ti & New York." Management of Higgins & Co. N.Y. no. 8979. Forms pa... More

A sumptuous revival of Bret Harte's beautiful story, M'liss

A sumptuous revival of Bret Harte's beautiful story, M'liss

D14763 U.S. Copyright Office Caption: M'liss: "That kind of snakes don't bite, Dad!" Created and "copyright 1900 by The Strobridge Litho Co, Cincinnati & New York." Management, A.J. Spencer. N.Y. no. 9074. Form... More

Chas. H. Yale's fantastic spectacle, The evil eye, or The many, merry mishaps of Nid and the weird, wonderful wanderings of Nod

Chas. H. Yale's fantastic spectacle, The evil eye, or The many, merry ...

Created and "copyright, 1900, by the U.S. Printing Co., Russell-Morgan Print., Cin. & N.Y." No. 4294. Under the management of the author, Sidney R. Ellis. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

A poor relation, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1920

A poor relation, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 19...

G xxc 1481 U.S. Copyright Office "Sol Smith Russell's comedy drama." Created and "copyright 1901 by The Strobridge Litho. Co., Cincinnati & New York." N.Y. no. 9691. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection ... More

General Lew Wallace's Ben-Hur Klaw & Erlanger's stupendous production.

General Lew Wallace's Ben-Hur Klaw & Erlanger's stupendous production.

G xxc 502 U.S. Copyright Office At head of title: Illinois Theatre, Chicago commencing Sept 2d. matinees Wed & Sat. Created and "copyright 1901 by The Strobridge Lith. Co., Cincinnati, O." Dramatized by Wm. You... More

Happy Hooligan it is to laugh : nothing but fun.

Happy Hooligan it is to laugh : nothing but fun.

Caption: I always was a Jonah. Created and "copyright 1902 by The U.S. Lithograph Co., Russell-Morgan Print, Cincinnati & New York." No. 6553. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Tour of Mr. Charles B. Hanford - Public domain portrait painting

Tour of Mr. Charles B. Hanford - Public domain portrait painting

G xxc 3465 U.S. Copyright Office Caption: Very truly yours, Charles B. Harford. Created and "copyright 1902 by The U.S. Lithograph Co., Russell-Morgan Print, Cincinnati & New York." No. 6302. Forms part of: The... More

For her children's sake by Theo. Kremer : the companion play to The fatal wedding.

For her children's sake by Theo. Kremer : the companion play to The fa...

Caption: You scoundrel, I'll kill you! Created and "copyright 1903 by The U.S. Lithograph Co., Russell-Morgan Print, Cincinnati & New York." Management, Sullivan, Harris & Woods. No. 6508. Forms part of: Theatr... More

Forrester & Mittenthal present Florence Bindley in The street singer a musical drama by Hal Reid.

Forrester & Mittenthal present Florence Bindley in The street singer a...

Caption: Cordially yours, Florence Bindley. Created and "copyright 1904 by The Courier Company, Lith. Dpt., Buffalo, NY." Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Weber & Rush present Charles Ross & Mabel Fenton in Weber & Fields biggest and best musical production, Twirly whirly

Weber & Rush present Charles Ross & Mabel Fenton in Weber & Fields big...

Created and "copyrighted 1904 by The J. Ottmann Lith. Co., N.Y." Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Gorton's famous Minstrels, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1920

Gorton's famous Minstrels, American vaudeville and popular entertainme...

G xxc 11253 U.S. Copyright Office Created and "copyright 1905 by The Courier Co. of Buffalo." Featuring: Jos. Gorton, Jake Welby, C.C. Pearl. Jos. Gorton, originator and founder; C.C. Pearl, manager. Forms part... More

The Locked Room - theatrical playbill, public domain image

The Locked Room - theatrical playbill, public domain image

Beacon Theatre (venue) A playbill (program or brochure that is distributed to theater patrons prior to or during a performance that contains information about the play, its cast, and crew, as well as other det... More

Florence Roberts / from photo by Hall, New York.

Florence Roberts / from photo by Hall, New York.

G xxc 14227 U.S. Copyright Office Created and "copyright 1906 by The Strobridge Litho. Co., Cincinnati & New York." Management, John Cort. N.Y. no. 12048. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

The shoemaker the comedy drama : a play full of tears and laughter.

The shoemaker the comedy drama : a play full of tears and laughter.

Caption: It's never too late to mend. Created and "copyright 1907 by The U.S. Lithograph Co., Russell-Morgan Print, Cincinnati & New York." No. 10476. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Poster - Aida - Public domain lithograph

Poster - Aida - Public domain lithograph

Poster showing a scene from the spectacle "Aida." Public domain scan of American poster, advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Lew, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1920

Lew, American vaudeville and popular entertainment 1870 1920

G xxc 19748 U.S. Copyright Office Created and "copyright 1908 by The U.S. Lithograph Co., Russell-Morgan Print, Cincinnati & New York." No. 11688. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

The runaways the elaborate musical comedy from New York Casino.

The runaways the elaborate musical comedy from New York Casino.

G xxc 19934 U.S. Copyright Office Created and "copyright 1908 by The U.S. Lithograph Co., Russell-Morgan Print, Cin. & N.Y." No. 11684. Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

Free! - concert / theatrical poster

Free! - concert / theatrical poster

Text on Poster: Changed to Thursday Nights Free Free Free Federal Theatre Project Works Progress administration Invites you to attend The Alcazar Theatre Every Thursday night at 8:30 Present your I.D. ca... More


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