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theatre of japan

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Nô Shiga Scene - A couple of people standing next to each other
Japanese theatrical orchestra. Before 1902

Japanese theatrical orchestra. Before 1902

Русский: Японские театральный оркестр. Изображение из книги "Япония и японцы", 1902 год English: Japanese theatrical orchestra. Image from the book "Japan And Japanese" (1902)

Japanische Schauspieler - Otto Maria Porsche

Japanische Schauspieler - Otto Maria Porsche

“Japanese Actor,” by Otto Maria Porsche

Nichigeki dancing team musical revue Heil Hitler for Hitlerjugend 1938

Nichigeki dancing team musical revue Heil Hitler for Hitlerjugend 1938

A scene from a musical revue entitled "Heil Hitler" by the Nichigeki dancing team, staged at Tokyo's Nichigeki Music Hall, Yūrakuchō to welcome the Hitlerjugend that visited Japan in September 1938. From left ... More



poster of Shin-Tsukiji Gekidan's drama"Tsuchi" 日本語: 新築地劇団の舞台「土」のポスター

'Kutsugen' played by Zenshinza. Public domain image of 1950s Japan.

'Kutsugen' played by Zenshinza. Public domain image of 1950s Japan.

日本語: 1952年の前進座公演『屈原』での四代目河原崎長十郎といまむらいづみ

Shunzei Tadanori Szene - A man in a kimono is holding a sword
Igui Monsui Ise. 1900s Japan, public domain image.

Igui Monsui Ise. 1900s Japan, public domain image.

日本語: 『井杭』、伊勢門水、1900年前後

Theatrical street in Yokohama. Before 1902

Theatrical street in Yokohama. Before 1902

Русский: Театральная улица в Иокогаме. Изображение из книги "Япония и японцы", 1902 год English: Theatrical street in Yokohama. Image from the book "Japan And Japanese" (1902)

On a scene of the Japanese theatre. Before 1902

On a scene of the Japanese theatre. Before 1902

Русский: На подмостках японского театра. Изображение из книги "Япония и японцы", 1902 год. Страница 111 English: On a scene of the Japanese theatre. Image from the book "Japan And Japanese" (1902). Page 111

Kyogen suo costume, Japan, Meiji period, 19th century AD, view 1 - Textile Museum, George Washington University - DSC09457

Kyogen suo costume, Japan, Meiji period, 19th century AD, view 1 - Tex...

Exhibit in the Textile Museum, George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA. Photography was permitted in the museum without restriction. This work is old enough so that it is in the public domain.

Japanese actors. Before 1902

Japanese actors. Before 1902

Русский: Японские артисты. Изображение из книги "Япония и японцы", 1902 год English: Japanese actors. Image from the book "Japan And Japanese" (1902)



日本語: 明治英語会春季大会(ジュリアス・シーザー)

Sayokugekijo. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

Sayokugekijo. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

Performance of leftist theatrical company done in Fukuoka City theater in 1931. 日本語: 1931年6月12日に福岡市大博劇場で行われた左翼劇団の公演。

Mainard-1890-Livre d'Or des voyages-Asie-60

Mainard-1890-Livre d'Or des voyages-Asie-60

Français : Une des illustrations du Livre d'Or des Voyages, tome : Asie, par Louis Mainard.




Theatrical representation in Yesso (Hokkaido). Before 1902

Theatrical representation in Yesso (Hokkaido). Before 1902

Русский: Театральное представление в Хоккайдо (оригинальная подпись - "Театральное представленiе въ Iеддо"). Изображение из книги "Япония и японцы", 1902 год English: Theatrical representation in Yesso (Hokka... More

Nô Hakurakuten Szene - A group of people sitting around each other
Nô Drama "Tamura" - A woman in a kimono is holding a sword
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