Der ander Theil, der newlich erfundenen Landschafft Americae, von drey...
Imprint from special t.p. for plates. The general title is printed within the engr. border used for the 1st Latin ed., and the engr. imprint of that ed. (Francoforti ad Moenvm, Typis I. Wecheli, sumtibus T. de ... More
Der ander Theil, der newlich erfundenen Landschafft Americae, von drey...
Imprint from special t.p. for plates. The general title is printed within the engr. border used for the 1st Latin ed., and the engr. imprint of that ed. (Francoforti ad Moenvm, Typis I. Wecheli, sumtibus T. de ... More
Der ander Theil, der newlich erfundenen Landschafft Americae, von drey...
Imprint from special t.p. for plates. The general title is printed within the engr. border used for the 1st Latin ed., and the engr. imprint of that ed. (Francoforti ad Moenvm, Typis I. Wecheli, sumtibus T. de ... More
Der ander Theil, der newlich erfundenen Landschafft Americae, von drey...
Imprint from special t.p. for plates. The general title is printed within the engr. border used for the 1st Latin ed., and the engr. imprint of that ed. (Francoforti ad Moenvm, Typis I. Wecheli, sumtibus T. de ... More
Description & representation de toutes les victoires tant par eau que ...
Translation of Den Nassauschen lauren-crans. Added t.p., with title: Les lauriers de Nassav. By J.J. Orlers and H.L. van Haestens. Kraus, H.P. Sir Francis Drake, no. 35 Gift of Hans P. and Hanni Kraus. DLC
The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English na...
Some contents are translations accompanied by original texts. Mandeville's travels (p. 24-79) in Latin only. "The famous voyage of Sir Francis Drake into the South Sea ...": [12] p. inserted between p. 643 and... More
The copie of a letter sent from sea by a gentleman,
The letter describing a voyage begun Feb. 4 is dated at sea Mar. 12, 1588 [i.e. 1589] and signed: T. F. [i.e. Thomas Fenner?] STC 10653 Kraus, H.P. Sir Francis Drake, no. 23 Also available in digital form on th... More
The world encompassed by Sir Francis Drake, being his next voyage to t...
Compiled by Francis Drake, nephew of the Admiral. STC, 7161 Kraus, H.P. Sir Francis Drake, no. 42 Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site.
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
The principal navigations, voiages, traffiqves and discoueries of the ...
This title was cancelled and in a later issue a new t.p. with various alterations and with date 1599 was substituted for it. On the new t.p. no mention is made of the "victorie atchieued at the citie of Cadiz,... More
The principal navigations, voiages, traffiqves and discoueries of the ...
This title was cancelled and in a later issue a new t.p. with various alterations and with date 1599 was substituted for it. On the new t.p. no mention is made of the "victorie atchieued at the citie of Cadiz,... More
The principal navigations, voiages, traffiqves and discoueries of the ...
This title was cancelled and in a later issue a new t.p. with various alterations and with date 1599 was substituted for it. On the new t.p. no mention is made of the "victorie atchieued at the citie of Cadiz,... More
The principal navigations, voiages, traffiqves and discoueries of the ...
This title was cancelled and in a later issue a new t.p. with various alterations and with date 1599 was substituted for it. On the new t.p. no mention is made of the "victorie atchieued at the citie of Cadiz,... More
The principal navigations, voiages, traffiqves and discoueries of the ...
This title was cancelled and in a later issue a new t.p. with various alterations and with date 1599 was substituted for it. On the new t.p. no mention is made of the "victorie atchieued at the citie of Cadiz,... More
The principal navigations, voiages, traffiqves and discoueries of the ...
This title was cancelled and in a later issue a new t.p. with various alterations and with date 1599 was substituted for it. On the new t.p. no mention is made of the "victorie atchieued at the citie of Cadiz,... More
Americae pars VII. Verissima et ivcvndissima descriptio praecipvarvm q...
Translation of Ulrich Schmidel's Warhafftige und liebliche Beschreibung. The 3 numb. plates intended to illustrate this pt. were published with pt. 8, 1st ed., 1599. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating... More
Americae pars VII. Verissima et ivcvndissima descriptio praecipvarvm q...
Translation of Ulrich Schmidel's Warhafftige und liebliche Beschreibung. The 3 numb. plates intended to illustrate this pt. were published with pt. 8, 1st ed., 1599. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating... More
Das sechste Theil Americae oder Der Historien Hieron. Benzo das dritte...
Imprint from special t.p. for plates, dated: 1618. The general title is printed within same engr. border as that of 1st ed. Second edition, 1st issue. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 189; pla... More
Das sechste Theil Americae oder Der Historien Hieron. Benzo das dritte...
Imprint from special t.p. for plates, dated: 1618. The general title is printed within same engr. border as that of 1st ed. Second edition, 1st issue. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 189; pla... More
Das sechste Theil Americae oder Der Historien Hieron. Benzo das dritte...
Imprint from special t.p. for plates, dated: 1618. The general title is printed within same engr. border as that of 1st ed. Second edition, 1st issue. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 189; pla... More
Das sechste Theil Americae oder Der Historien Hieron. Benzo das dritte...
Imprint from special t.p. for plates, dated: 1618. The general title is printed within same engr. border as that of 1st ed. Second edition, 1st issue. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 189; pla... More
Das sechste Theil Americae oder Der Historien Hieron. Benzo das dritte...
Imprint from special t.p. for plates, dated: 1618. The general title is printed within same engr. border as that of 1st ed. Second edition, 1st issue. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 189; pla... More
The historie of the most renowned and victorious Princesse Elizabeth, ...
Translation of Annales rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum regnante Elizabetha. Translator's pref. signed: R.N. [i.e. Robert Norton] Six unnumbered pages between p. 104 and 105 (4th group) STC 4500. Kraus, H.P. Si... More
The historie of the most renowned and victorious Princesse Elizabeth, ...
Translation of Annales rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum regnante Elizabetha. Translator's pref. signed: R.N. [i.e. Robert Norton] Six unnumbered pages between p. 104 and 105 (4th group) STC 4500. Kraus, H.P. Si... More
The historie of the most renowned and victorious Princesse Elizabeth, ...
Translation of Annales rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum regnante Elizabetha. Translator's pref. signed: R.N. [i.e. Robert Norton] Six unnumbered pages between p. 104 and 105 (4th group) STC 4500. Kraus, H.P. Si... More
Das vierdte Buch von der Neuwen Welt. Oder Neuwe vnd gründtliche Hist...
Imprint from colophon. Translation of the 1st book of Benzoni's Historia del Mondo Nuovo. Second ed., 1st issue. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 184. With slip bearing German title on t.p. f... More
Wunderbarliche, doch warhafftige Erklärung, von der Gelegenheit vnd S...
Illus. 1-23 have title: Wahrhafftige Contrafacturen vnd Gebräuch der Innwohnern der jenigen Landtschafft in America, welche Virginia genennet worden ... Alles auff das allerfleissigst erkündigt, vnd ... abcontr... More
Wunderbarliche, doch warhafftige Erklärung, von der Gelegenheit vnd S...
Illus. 1-23 have title: Wahrhafftige Contrafacturen vnd Gebräuch der Innwohnern der jenigen Landtschafft in America, welche Virginia genennet worden ... Alles auff das allerfleissigst erkündigt, vnd ... abcontr... More
Additamentvm; das ist, Zuthuung zweyer fürnemmer Reysen ... Herrn Fra...
Bound with the editor's [America. pt. 8. German] Franckfurt, 1599. Copy 1. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 194. The history of Drake's first voyage is translated from the account by... More
Additamentvm; das ist, Zuthuung zweyer fürnemmer Reysen ... Herrn Fra...
Bound with the editor's [America. pt. 8. German] Franckfurt, 1599. Copy 1. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 194. The history of Drake's first voyage is translated from the account by... More
Additamentvm; das ist, Zuthuung zweyer fürnemmer Reysen ... Herrn Fra...
Bound with the editor's [America. pt. 8. German] Franckfurt, 1599. Copy 1. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 194. The history of Drake's first voyage is translated from the account by... More
Der ander Theil, der newlich erfundenen Landschafft Americae, von drey...
Imprint from special t.p. for plates. The general title is printed within the engr. border used for the 1st Latin ed., and the engr. imprint of that ed. (Francoforti ad Moenvm, Typis I. Wecheli, sumtibus T. de ... More
Der ander Theil, der newlich erfundenen Landschafft Americae, von drey...
Imprint from special t.p. for plates. The general title is printed within the engr. border used for the 1st Latin ed., and the engr. imprint of that ed. (Francoforti ad Moenvm, Typis I. Wecheli, sumtibus T. de ... More
Der ander Theil, der newlich erfundenen Landschafft Americae, von drey...
Imprint from special t.p. for plates. The general title is printed within the engr. border used for the 1st Latin ed., and the engr. imprint of that ed. (Francoforti ad Moenvm, Typis I. Wecheli, sumtibus T. de ... More
Description & representation de toutes les victoires tant par eau que ...
Translation of Den Nassauschen lauren-crans. Added t.p., with title: Les lauriers de Nassav. By J.J. Orlers and H.L. van Haestens. Kraus, H.P. Sir Francis Drake, no. 35 Gift of Hans P. and Hanni Kraus. DLC
Description & representation de toutes les victoires tant par eau que ...
Translation of Den Nassauschen lauren-crans. Added t.p., with title: Les lauriers de Nassav. By J.J. Orlers and H.L. van Haestens. Kraus, H.P. Sir Francis Drake, no. 35 Gift of Hans P. and Hanni Kraus. DLC
The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English na...
Some contents are translations accompanied by original texts. Mandeville's travels (p. 24-79) in Latin only. "The famous voyage of Sir Francis Drake into the South Sea ...": [12] p. inserted between p. 643 and... More
The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English na...
Some contents are translations accompanied by original texts. Mandeville's travels (p. 24-79) in Latin only. "The famous voyage of Sir Francis Drake into the South Sea ...": [12] p. inserted between p. 643 and... More
The world encompassed by Sir Francis Drake, being his next voyage to t...
Compiled by Francis Drake, nephew of the Admiral. STC, 7161 Kraus, H.P. Sir Francis Drake, no. 42 Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site.
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
The principal navigations, voiages, traffiqves and discoueries of the ...
This title was cancelled and in a later issue a new t.p. with various alterations and with date 1599 was substituted for it. On the new t.p. no mention is made of the "victorie atchieued at the citie of Cadiz,... More
The principal navigations, voiages, traffiqves and discoueries of the ...
This title was cancelled and in a later issue a new t.p. with various alterations and with date 1599 was substituted for it. On the new t.p. no mention is made of the "victorie atchieued at the citie of Cadiz,... More
The principal navigations, voiages, traffiqves and discoueries of the ...
This title was cancelled and in a later issue a new t.p. with various alterations and with date 1599 was substituted for it. On the new t.p. no mention is made of the "victorie atchieued at the citie of Cadiz,... More
The principal navigations, voiages, traffiqves and discoueries of the ...
This title was cancelled and in a later issue a new t.p. with various alterations and with date 1599 was substituted for it. On the new t.p. no mention is made of the "victorie atchieued at the citie of Cadiz,... More
The principal navigations, voiages, traffiqves and discoueries of the ...
This title was cancelled and in a later issue a new t.p. with various alterations and with date 1599 was substituted for it. On the new t.p. no mention is made of the "victorie atchieued at the citie of Cadiz,... More
Americae pars VII. Verissima et ivcvndissima descriptio praecipvarvm q...
Translation of Ulrich Schmidel's Warhafftige und liebliche Beschreibung. The 3 numb. plates intended to illustrate this pt. were published with pt. 8, 1st ed., 1599. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating... More
Americae pars VII. Verissima et ivcvndissima descriptio praecipvarvm q...
Translation of Ulrich Schmidel's Warhafftige und liebliche Beschreibung. The 3 numb. plates intended to illustrate this pt. were published with pt. 8, 1st ed., 1599. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating... More
Americae pars VII. Verissima et ivcvndissima descriptio praecipvarvm q...
Translation of Ulrich Schmidel's Warhafftige und liebliche Beschreibung. The 3 numb. plates intended to illustrate this pt. were published with pt. 8, 1st ed., 1599. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating... More
Americae pars VII. Verissima et ivcvndissima descriptio praecipvarvm q...
Translation of Ulrich Schmidel's Warhafftige und liebliche Beschreibung. The 3 numb. plates intended to illustrate this pt. were published with pt. 8, 1st ed., 1599. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating... More
Americae pars VII. Verissima et ivcvndissima descriptio praecipvarvm q...
Translation of Ulrich Schmidel's Warhafftige und liebliche Beschreibung. The 3 numb. plates intended to illustrate this pt. were published with pt. 8, 1st ed., 1599. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating... More
Americae pars VIII. Continens primo, descriptionem trivm itinervm Fran...
Bound with the editor's [America. pt. 5. Latin. Francoforti] 1595. 1st ed., 1st issue, copy 3. Plates have special t.p.: Tabulae & imagines ad septimam et octavam Americae partem ... The history of Drake's firs... More
Americae pars VIII. Continens primo, descriptionem trivm itinervm Fran...
Bound with the editor's [America. pt. 5. Latin. Francoforti] 1595. 1st ed., 1st issue, copy 3. Plates have special t.p.: Tabulae & imagines ad septimam et octavam Americae partem ... The history of Drake's firs... More
Americae pars VIII. Continens primo, descriptionem trivm itinervm Fran...
Bound with the editor's [America. pt. 5. Latin. Francoforti] 1595. 1st ed., 1st issue, copy 3. Plates have special t.p.: Tabulae & imagines ad septimam et octavam Americae partem ... The history of Drake's firs... More
Das sechste Theil Americae oder Der Historien Hieron. Benzo das dritte...
Imprint from special t.p. for plates, dated: 1618. The general title is printed within same engr. border as that of 1st ed. Second edition, 1st issue. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 189; pla... More
Das sechste Theil Americae oder Der Historien Hieron. Benzo das dritte...
Imprint from special t.p. for plates, dated: 1618. The general title is printed within same engr. border as that of 1st ed. Second edition, 1st issue. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 189; pla... More
Das sechste Theil Americae oder Der Historien Hieron. Benzo das dritte...
Imprint from special t.p. for plates, dated: 1618. The general title is printed within same engr. border as that of 1st ed. Second edition, 1st issue. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 189; pla... More
Das vierdte Buch von der Neuwen Welt. Oder Neuwe vnd gründtliche Hist...
Imprint from colophon. Translation of the 1st book of Benzoni's Historia del Mondo Nuovo. Second ed., 1st issue. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 184. With slip bearing German title on t.p. f... More
Das vierdte Buch von der Neuwen Welt. Oder Neuwe vnd gründtliche Hist...
Imprint from colophon. Translation of the 1st book of Benzoni's Historia del Mondo Nuovo. Second ed., 1st issue. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 184. With slip bearing German title on t.p. f... More
Wunderbarliche, doch warhafftige Erklärung, von der Gelegenheit vnd S...
Illus. 1-23 have title: Wahrhafftige Contrafacturen vnd Gebräuch der Innwohnern der jenigen Landtschafft in America, welche Virginia genennet worden ... Alles auff das allerfleissigst erkündigt, vnd ... abcontr... More
Wunderbarliche, doch warhafftige Erklärung, von der Gelegenheit vnd S...
Illus. 1-23 have title: Wahrhafftige Contrafacturen vnd Gebräuch der Innwohnern der jenigen Landtschafft in America, welche Virginia genennet worden ... Alles auff das allerfleissigst erkündigt, vnd ... abcontr... More
Americae das fünffte Buch, vol schöner vnerhörter Historien,
Title printed on slip mounted over title of 2d issue of 1st Latin ed. of America, pt. 5. Imprint from special t.p. for plates (in letterpress, with no border) Translation of the 2d book of Benzoni's Historia de... More
Additamentvm; das ist, Zuthuung zweyer fürnemmer Reysen ... Herrn Fra...
Bound with the editor's [America. pt. 8. German] Franckfurt, 1599. Copy 1. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 194. The history of Drake's first voyage is translated from the account by... More
Additamentvm; das ist, Zuthuung zweyer fürnemmer Reysen ... Herrn Fra...
Bound with the editor's [America. pt. 8. German] Franckfurt, 1599. Copy 1. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 194. The history of Drake's first voyage is translated from the account by... More
Der ander Theil, der newlich erfundenen Landschafft Americae, von drey...
Imprint from special t.p. for plates. The general title is printed within the engr. border used for the 1st Latin ed., and the engr. imprint of that ed. (Francoforti ad Moenvm, Typis I. Wecheli, sumtibus T. de ... More
Der ander Theil, der newlich erfundenen Landschafft Americae, von drey...
Imprint from special t.p. for plates. The general title is printed within the engr. border used for the 1st Latin ed., and the engr. imprint of that ed. (Francoforti ad Moenvm, Typis I. Wecheli, sumtibus T. de ... More
Kurtze warhafftige Relation vnnd Beschreibung der wunderbarsten vier S...
At head of title: Sechster Theil. "A narrative of the four earliest circumnavigations of the world, forming part 6 of the Hulsius series of voyages; the present copy is the third Hulsius edition."--H. P. Kraus.... More
Description & representation de toutes les victoires tant par eau que ...
Translation of Den Nassauschen lauren-crans. Added t.p., with title: Les lauriers de Nassav. By J.J. Orlers and H.L. van Haestens. Kraus, H.P. Sir Francis Drake, no. 35 Gift of Hans P. and Hanni Kraus. DLC
Description & representation de toutes les victoires tant par eau que ...
Translation of Den Nassauschen lauren-crans. Added t.p., with title: Les lauriers de Nassav. By J.J. Orlers and H.L. van Haestens. Kraus, H.P. Sir Francis Drake, no. 35 Gift of Hans P. and Hanni Kraus. DLC
The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English na...
Some contents are translations accompanied by original texts. Mandeville's travels (p. 24-79) in Latin only. "The famous voyage of Sir Francis Drake into the South Sea ...": [12] p. inserted between p. 643 and... More
The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English na...
Some contents are translations accompanied by original texts. Mandeville's travels (p. 24-79) in Latin only. "The famous voyage of Sir Francis Drake into the South Sea ...": [12] p. inserted between p. 643 and... More
Orders,, 16th century, France - Public domain illuminated manuscript
STC 19625 Kraus, H.P. Sir Francis Drake, no. 19 Gift of Hans P. and Hanni Kraus. DLC Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site.
The copie of a letter sent from sea by a gentleman,
The letter describing a voyage begun Feb. 4 is dated at sea Mar. 12, 1588 [i.e. 1589] and signed: T. F. [i.e. Thomas Fenner?] STC 10653 Kraus, H.P. Sir Francis Drake, no. 23 Also available in digital form on th... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
The principal navigations, voiages, traffiqves and discoueries of the ...
This title was cancelled and in a later issue a new t.p. with various alterations and with date 1599 was substituted for it. On the new t.p. no mention is made of the "victorie atchieued at the citie of Cadiz,... More
The principal navigations, voiages, traffiqves and discoueries of the ...
This title was cancelled and in a later issue a new t.p. with various alterations and with date 1599 was substituted for it. On the new t.p. no mention is made of the "victorie atchieued at the citie of Cadiz,... More
The principal navigations, voiages, traffiqves and discoueries of the ...
This title was cancelled and in a later issue a new t.p. with various alterations and with date 1599 was substituted for it. On the new t.p. no mention is made of the "victorie atchieued at the citie of Cadiz,... More
The principal navigations, voiages, traffiqves and discoueries of the ...
This title was cancelled and in a later issue a new t.p. with various alterations and with date 1599 was substituted for it. On the new t.p. no mention is made of the "victorie atchieued at the citie of Cadiz,... More
The principal navigations, voiages, traffiqves and discoueries of the ...
This title was cancelled and in a later issue a new t.p. with various alterations and with date 1599 was substituted for it. On the new t.p. no mention is made of the "victorie atchieued at the citie of Cadiz,... More
Americae pars VII. Verissima et ivcvndissima descriptio praecipvarvm q...
Translation of Ulrich Schmidel's Warhafftige und liebliche Beschreibung. The 3 numb. plates intended to illustrate this pt. were published with pt. 8, 1st ed., 1599. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating... More
Americae pars VII. Verissima et ivcvndissima descriptio praecipvarvm q...
Translation of Ulrich Schmidel's Warhafftige und liebliche Beschreibung. The 3 numb. plates intended to illustrate this pt. were published with pt. 8, 1st ed., 1599. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating... More
Americae pars VIII. Continens primo, descriptionem trivm itinervm Fran...
Bound with the editor's [America. pt. 5. Latin. Francoforti] 1595. 1st ed., 1st issue, copy 3. Plates have special t.p.: Tabulae & imagines ad septimam et octavam Americae partem ... The history of Drake's firs... More
Das sechste Theil Americae oder Der Historien Hieron. Benzo das dritte...
Imprint from special t.p. for plates, dated: 1618. The general title is printed within same engr. border as that of 1st ed. Second edition, 1st issue. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 189; pla... More
Das sechste Theil Americae oder Der Historien Hieron. Benzo das dritte...
Imprint from special t.p. for plates, dated: 1618. The general title is printed within same engr. border as that of 1st ed. Second edition, 1st issue. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 189; pla... More
Das sechste Theil Americae oder Der Historien Hieron. Benzo das dritte...
Imprint from special t.p. for plates, dated: 1618. The general title is printed within same engr. border as that of 1st ed. Second edition, 1st issue. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 189; pla... More
The historie of the most renowned and victorious Princesse Elizabeth, ...
Translation of Annales rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum regnante Elizabetha. Translator's pref. signed: R.N. [i.e. Robert Norton] Six unnumbered pages between p. 104 and 105 (4th group) STC 4500. Kraus, H.P. Si... More
Das vierdte Buch von der Neuwen Welt. Oder Neuwe vnd gründtliche Hist...
Imprint from colophon. Translation of the 1st book of Benzoni's Historia del Mondo Nuovo. Second ed., 1st issue. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 184. With slip bearing German title on t.p. f... More
Das vierdte Buch von der Neuwen Welt. Oder Neuwe vnd gründtliche Hist...
Imprint from colophon. Translation of the 1st book of Benzoni's Historia del Mondo Nuovo. Second ed., 1st issue. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 184. With slip bearing German title on t.p. f... More
Das vierdte Buch von der Neuwen Welt. Oder Neuwe vnd gründtliche Hist...
Imprint from colophon. Translation of the 1st book of Benzoni's Historia del Mondo Nuovo. Second ed., 1st issue. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 184. With slip bearing German title on t.p. f... More
Das vierdte Buch von der Neuwen Welt. Oder Neuwe vnd gründtliche Hist...
Imprint from colophon. Translation of the 1st book of Benzoni's Historia del Mondo Nuovo. Second ed., 1st issue. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 184. With slip bearing German title on t.p. f... More
Wunderbarliche, doch warhafftige Erklärung, von der Gelegenheit vnd S...
Illus. 1-23 have title: Wahrhafftige Contrafacturen vnd Gebräuch der Innwohnern der jenigen Landtschafft in America, welche Virginia genennet worden ... Alles auff das allerfleissigst erkündigt, vnd ... abcontr... More
Wunderbarliche, doch warhafftige Erklärung, von der Gelegenheit vnd S...
Illus. 1-23 have title: Wahrhafftige Contrafacturen vnd Gebräuch der Innwohnern der jenigen Landtschafft in America, welche Virginia genennet worden ... Alles auff das allerfleissigst erkündigt, vnd ... abcontr... More
Additamentvm; das ist, Zuthuung zweyer fürnemmer Reysen ... Herrn Fra...
Bound with the editor's [America. pt. 8. German] Franckfurt, 1599. Copy 1. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 194. The history of Drake's first voyage is translated from the account by... More