Beer duty stamp, twenty-seven gallons
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Block of four Beer duty stamps, eighteen gallons
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Picryl description: Public domain image, drawing, American, 19th centu...
Picryl description: Public domain image, drawing, American, free to use, no copyright restrictions
The American farmer - where he has to sell, and where he has to buy / ...
Print shows Uncle Sam as an American farmer trying to sell his products labeled "Pork, Wheat, Butter, Beef, Oats", and corn overseas where there is stiff "Open Competition" at the "Market of the World" represen... More
The bounty jumper of 1894 / Dalrymple.
Print shows Benjamin Harrison standing on the deck of a ship labeled "Republican Party", under sails labeled "Prohibitory Protection"; he is holding a rope that leads to a rowboat labeled "McKinleyism" with Wil... More
Puck magazine cover - The neglected idol / Dalrymple.
Print shows William McKinley as Napoleon I, wearing the hat, coat, and sword in the style of Napoleon, standing on a pedestal labeled "Protection", with a tiny wreath labeled "From Southern Friends" lying on th... More
The spring athletic meeting / Dalrymple., Political Cartoon
Print shows Grover Cleveland lifting a heavy weight labeled "Silver Question", he has several medals pinned to his chest, with him are "W.E. Russell", David B. Hill, Robert E. Pattison, Adlai E. Stevenson, Jame... More
He has one medicine for all ills / J.S. Pughe.
Print shows President McKinley as a physician dispensing strong "Tariff" medicine in the men's ward of a sanatorium where beds line the walls and are occupied by a "Business Man", a "Populist", a "Jingoist", a ... More
His foolish effort to raise the wind / Dalrymple.
Print shows President McKinley sitting in a sailboat labeled "Prosperity", using a bellows labeled "Tariff for Trusts" to generate enough wind to fill the sails and propel the boat. Illus. from Puck, v. 41, no... More
Our "infant" industries -- why can't they be content with the half the...
Illustration showing a gigantic Andrew Carnegie standing between two large pumps, one labeled "Protective tariff" representing the Treasury building and the other labeled "Legitimate business" representing his ... More
The Cuban Gordian-Knot - Drawing. Public domain image.
Cartoon shows Theodore Roosevelt and Republican House Majority Leader Sereno Payne tightening a knot in a cord "Tariff Law 1897 [paragraph] 209 16 Dutch" around the waist of a man "Cuba" holding a "cane knife."... More
Theodore Roosevelt - Wire tapping, Political Cartoon
Cartoon shows a bicycle messenger rushing from the White House to the Capitol with a roll of papers. As he speeds along papers labeled "Remove 16 Dutch veto," "Must not hurt sugar trust," and "Annexation is the... More
"Here's how!" / Kep. - Political cartoon, public domain image
Illustration shows a hand labeled "Republican Party" pouring champagne from a bottle labeled "Tariff Revision" into a glass held by another hand labeled "Protected Interests"; two hands labeled "Consumer" are h... More
The campaign issue / Keppler. - Political cartoon, public domain image
Illustration shows the Republican elephant labeled "G.O.P." holding an empty "Dinner Pail" which he is asking a woman labeled "Mrs. Consumer" to fill, she is holding an "Empty Market-Basket" labeled "Tariff Tax... More
Humpty Dumpty slips from the wall; Humpty's due for an awful fall / K.
Illustration shows Humpty Dumpty labeled "Excessive Protection" slipping off a wall labeled "Tariff Wall", many men have thrown a rope labeled "Stand Pat Influence" around his waist, hoping to prevent him from ... More
Tilden-Hendricks Promotional and Satirical Items, ca. 1876-1880 (43600...
Collection: Cornell University Collection of Political Americana, Cornell University Library Repository: Susan H. Douglas Political Americana Collection, #2214 Rare & Manuscript Collections, Cornell University ... More
Beer duty stamp, two gallons - Public domain banknote scan
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Beer duty stamp, eighteen gallons
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Beer duty stamp, two gallons - Public domain banknote scan
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Beer duty stamp, three gallons - Public domain banknote scan
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Blundering again! / Gillam., Washington, D.C., Political Cartoon
Print shows a group of Democrats on a log raft that is breaking up within sight of land, with two logs labeled "New Jersey [and] New York" coming loose and drifting away; there is a small sail labeled "Democra[... More
Delilah Randall betrays the democratic Samson / Gillam.
Illustration shows Samuel J. "Delilah" Randall sitting in a chair labeled "Protection", holding scissors labeled "41 Democrats" in one hand and hair labeled "Tariff Reform Bill" in the other, his feet are resti... More
Theodore Roosevelt - Bottom's dream, Political Cartoon
Illustration shows Puck's stereotypical Irishman labeled "Democracy" in the role of "Bottom" from Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream", with Puck holding the head of an ass above him. He is holding a paper t... More
"The independents fought nobly!" / J.S. Pughe.
Print shows David B. Hill draped over a cannon and Charles A. Dana with many New York politicians, identified as "Croker, Grant, Hinckley, Sheehan, Gilroy, Murphy, McLaughlin, Smyth, [and] Divver", and the Tamm... More
The chorus of the newly-converted communists / Dalrymple.
Print shows Benjamin Harrison playing the "Communists' Chorus" on a large pipe organ, with "Tom Reed" and "McKinley" singing along; all are wearing liberty caps. Includes text of the chorus, which laments "The ... More
The grand old game of tit for tat / Dalrymple.
Print shows Uncle Sam, looking obstinate and pointing his finger at some point between the "Germany Home Market" and the "France Home Market", as he responds to their complaints. He is standing on the left, at ... More
Form, 'Order for Beer Duty Stamps."
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
We four and no more - Drawing. Public domain image.
No accession number. Published in: Washington post. This catalog record contains preliminary or unverified data from a project done in BRS software, ca. 1985. mm / 860224.
Papa's pet / Dalrymple. - Public domain portrait engraving
Print shows President McKinley as a father showing favoritism by holding an infant labeled "High Protective Tariff", while ignoring another infant labeled "Financial Question" crying in a high chair. Illus. fr... More
The coming struggle / Keppler. - Drawing. Public domain image.
Illustration shows President Roosevelt as a knight on horseback carrying a lance labeled "Reciprocity" facing a giant ogre labeled "Infant Industries" and leaning on a club labeled "Dingley Tariff"; in the back... More
A strenuous reciprocity counter, Political Cartoon
Cartoon shows a boxing sugar beet "Producers" punching Theodore Roosevelt labeled "Reciprocity Champion" with fists labeled "Teller Investigation" and "Reciprocity Resolution Cuban Congress Nov. 28, '02." Ro... More
A hint to the Democratic platform makers / Keppler.
Illustration shows several men identified by last name "Hill, Jones, Olney, Clark, Bailey, Shepard, Watterson, [and] Lamont" carrying planks of lumber which are identified as Democratic policies from previous e... More
Why not wear brogans? Shoes are too small
Cartoon shows Republican House Majority Leader Sereno Payne standing on two documents, "Tariff Law 1897 [subsection mark] 209, 16 Dutch % reduction enrich sugar trust," and "Annexation policy, assist Cuba, do n... More
The Bliss-Palma idea of equity La idea de equidad de Bliss-Palma.
Cartoon shows a figure of Justice with two heads, those of Special Envoy to Cuba Tasker Bliss and President of Cuba Tomás Estrada Palma. Justice holds a scale "Reciprocidad" (Reciprocity.) On the left are weigh... More
A timely warning / J.S. Pughe. - Public domain dedication image
Illustration shows the Republican elephant wearing a hat labeled "G.O.P." and "High Protective Tariff" and a swimsuit labeled "Tariff-Protected Trusts", wading offshore toward huge waves labeled "Public Patienc... More
Caricature, Tedlet's soliloquy / Keppler., public domain cartoon image
Illustration shows Theodore Roosevelt, as Hamlet, sitting in a chair, holding a paper labeled "My Private Opinion". Caption: "Thus the tariff does make cowards of us all" Hamlet, Act III, Scene I, (revised). ... More
The master of the hounds / Keppler.
Illustration shows a fox hunting scene with a man labeled "Special Privilege" riding on a horse labeled "Congress" through "The People's Field" labeled "Trade, Individualism, Enterprise, [and] Trade" following ... More
The alarm / Motte - Keppler. - Political cartoon, public domain image
Illustration shows a scene after a painting by Henri-Paul Motte that depicts Rome being saved from an attack of the Goths by squawking geese; here "Lobbyists" are ascending the city wall around "Ottawa" and han... More
Liberty / K. - Political cartoon, public domain image
Illustration shows a large man holding a cat-o'-nine-tails labeled "Schedules" and wearing a crown labeled "Monopoly" shaped like the dome of the U.S. Capitol building with the statue of freedom, sitting atop a... More
Trading with the Indians / L.M. Glackens.
Illustration shows, in two scenes, a comparison of what was and what might have been; on the left, Natives trading furs with settlers, and on the right, Natives, burdened with furs, standing outside a stockade ... More
"Beg for it, doggie!" / L.M. Glackens.
Illustration shows an animated letter "K" labeled "Schedule" (Schedule K of the Payne/Aldrich Tariff Act) seated at a table spread with food and wine labeled "Benefits of Protection", and offering a bone labele... More
Cleopatra brought before Caesar in a carpet
"From the famous painting by J.L. Gerome." No accession number. Published by: Washington Post. This catalog record contains preliminary or unverified data from a project done in BRS software, ca. 1985. mm / 860221.
The opening of the Congressional session / J. Keppler.
Cartoon showing monster, "tariff question", in large bag "surplus", saying "Here I am Again! What are you going to do with me?," in House chambers.
A correct chart of Salt River - Public domain book illustration
"Salt River," the fictitious river of political doom, is charted here as a meandering stream of Democratic misfortunes. The chart was purportedly "prepared by Father Ritchie," i.e., Democratic editor and Polk a... More
Beer duty stamp, two gallons - Public domain banknote scan
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Puck's perplexing position - between two evils / D.K.
Print shows Puck standing between John Kelly, on the left, in front of "Tammany Hall", holding a flag that states "Down with the Bloated Monopolists!!", he has F.B. Thurber in his coat pocket, and on the right,... More
Plate proof for beer duty stamp, five gallons
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Beer duty stamp, thirty-six gallons
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Beer duty stamp, five gallons - Publicd domain, Museum of New Zealand
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Beer duty stamp, two gallons - Public domain banknote scan
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
She 's all right / Ehrhart. - coin, public domain photograph
Print shows an angel labeled "National Credit" with wings labeled "Sound Financial Policy" and "Repeal of Sherman Silver Law" rising above the flames of the wreck of the "U.S. Treasury", with among the wreckage... More
Even worse than he thought / Dalrymple.
Print shows the spirit of General Winfield S. Hancock holding a paper that states "Governors Island 1880. The Tariff is a Local Issue. Gen. W.S. Hancock", among congressmen in a congressional chamber where sena... More
Puck magazine cover - Getting troublesome again / Dalrymple.
Print shows Uncle Sam wearing a nightshirt, pacing the floor, carrying a large, crying infant labeled "Infant Industries"; a bottle of "41% Protection Soothing Syrup, Ineffectual" is on a nightstand next to a b... More
Will the Trojan horse trick work? / Keppler.
Print shows a large Trojan Horse labeled "Sound Money" with many businessmen climbing out, carrying papers labeled "Tobacco, Steel, Wool, Coal Demands for More Protection, We Want More Protection Iron, Drugs We... More
The Republican elephant and his growing burden / J.S. Pughe.
Illustration shows the Republican elephant using his trunk to support, overhead, an infant labeled "Infant Industries" in a cradle labeled "Protective Tariff"; the U.S. Capitol building is visible in the backgr... More
Twenty years after / J.S. Pughe., Political Cartoon
Illustration shows a man labeled "Republican Party" picking up the clothing of a man labeled "Democratic Party" swimming in the "Democratic Issue Pond" which is labeled "Socialism, Bryanism, Populism, Free Silv... More
Protected monopoly vs political exposure, Political Cartoon
Cartoon showsTheodore Roosevelt carrying a large rolled paper "Message." A man labeled "Sugar Trust" carries an umbrella labeled "Reciprocity" as a storm cloud "Tariff Revision" looms overhead. At the men's fee... More
A question of duty / J.S. Pughe.
Illustration shows President Theodore Roosevelt standing next to Uncle Sam who is sitting on a stool in a "U.S. Custom House", Roosevelt has his left hand on Sam's right arm and he is gesturing to the left, tow... More
"I wonder if it's loaded!" / J.S. Pughe.
Illustration shows an elephant labeled G.O.P. holding a double-barrel shotgun in its trunk, pointed toward itself, the rifle is labeled "Trust Issue Tariff Reform" and "1904". Illus. in: Puck, v. 53, no. 1366 ... More
Flirtation under difficulties / J.S. Pughe., Political Cartoon
Illustration shows Uncle Sam offering a bouquet of flowers labeled "Reciprocity" to a woman labeled "Canada"; Uncle Sam is being held back by a businessman labeled "Trusts" whose feet are planted against a rock... More
The ark of the Dingley covenant / Keppler.
Illustration shows Joseph Cannon leading Nelson W. Aldrich, Joseph B. Foraker, Henry Cabot Lodge, and Leslie M. Shaw who are carrying the golden ark of the Dingley Tariff, with figures labeled "Trust, Infant In... More
Tedlet's soliloquy "Thus the tariff does make cowards of us all." Haml...
Photograph of a cartoon showing Theodore Roosevelt slumped in a chair holding a scrolled marked "My private opinion." Illus. in: Puck (1907 October 30).
Hello, Bill!!! / Flohri. - Public domain print
William Howard Taft coming from the White House, carrying golf club, and shaking hands with crippled "tariff bill". Illus. in: Judge, v. 57, 1909 July 31, cover. Copyright by Judge Company, New York.
The smile that won't come on / L.M. Glackens.
Illustration shows President William H. Taft speaking from the back of a railroad caboose to a large crowd of skeptical mid-westerners that also includes Jonathan P. Dolliver, Robert M. La Follette, and Albert ... More
Puck Magazine Illustration - Harris and Ewing, Washington, D.C.
A painting of a man standing on top of a mountain, Library of Congress Harris and Ewing collection Portraits and news photographs by Washington, D.C.-based firm, showing people, events, architecture in Washing... More
The new pup Don't be afraid of him son!! / / Satterfield, 1913.
A puppy "Tariff Reform Law" wearing a big bow and wagging his tail sits before a little boy "Business", Uncle Sam tells the boy "Don't be afraid of him, son!!"; President Wilson pushed through Congress the Unde... More
David B. Hill with "Ways & Means" lapel ribbon holding string with "re...
Title devised by cataloger. No accession number. This catalog record contains preliminary or unverified data from a project done in BRS software, ca. 1985. mm / 860224.
Cleveland-Hendricks Campaign Items, ca. 1884 (4359966432)
Collection: Cornell University Collection of Political Americana, Cornell University Library Repository: Susan H. Douglas Political Americana Collection, #2214 Rare & Manuscript Collections, Cornell University ... More
Tilden-Hendricks Promotional and Satirical Items, ca. 1876-1880 (43593...
Collection: Cornell University Collection of Political Americana, Cornell University Library Repository: Susan H. Douglas Political Americana Collection, #2214 Rare & Manuscript Collections, Cornell University ... More
Tyrants prostrate liberty triumphant, Political Cartoon
A polemic applauding Democratic support of the Dorrite cause in Rhode Island. (See also "Trouble in the Spartan Ranks," and "The Great Political Car and Last Load of Patriots," nos. 1843-6 and 1845-5). In the ... More
Beer duty stamp, twenty-eight gallons
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Beer duty stamp, twenty-seven gallons
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Beer duty stamp, five gallons - public domain postal stamp scan
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Caricature, What 's in it? / Gillam., public domain cartoon image
Illustration shows Uncle Sam sitting at a table in the "Congresssional Lunch Rooms", he is being served a large sausage labeled "Tariff Bill" by a waiter labeled "Republican", another waiter labeled "Democrat" ... More
Beer duty stamp, five gallons - Publicd domain, Museum of New Zealand
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
George Hunt - Democratic harmony under the Jeffersonian banner / J. Ke...
Illustration shows Thomas F. Bayard carrying a banner that shows a portrait of Thomas Jefferson and is labeled "Jeffersonian Principles", with a streamer at top that states "A Government of the People, by the P... More
"The tribute to the Minotaur" - the interests of all other states sacr...
Illustration shows Samuel J. Randall seated at one end of a gondola and William D. Kelley standing at the other end calling out "to the Protection Minotaur of Pennsylvania", between them are several maiden wome... More
An uneven contest - Drawing. Public domain image.
No accession number. This catalog record contains preliminary or unverified data from a project done in BRS software, ca. 1985. mm / 860224.
He's back again! / J.S. Pughe. - Drawing. Public domain image.
Print shows a gigantic, well-dressed pig labeled "Protection Glutton" confidently striding into Congress carrying a paper that states "We Demand a Prohibitory Tariff on all Imports, in the Interest of the Suffe... More
Puck magazine cover - "McKinleyism" / Keppler. Businessman
Print shows, on the left, a fat businessman labeled "Monopolist" being welcomed into the "U.S. Senate", and on the right, a "Tax Payer" being booted out by a large shoe labeled "Tariff Legislation". Illus. fro... More
He'd better cut behind / J.S. Pughe.
Print shows President McKinley driving a sleigh labeled "Prosperity", drawn by a horse labeled "Administration", and towing two small sleds, one labeled "Defective Currency System" is carrying William Jennings ... More
Its good is doubtful - its harm is certain / Keppler.
Print shows two smug, well-dressed men, one labeled "Exporter" and the other labeled "Farmer" riding in a fine carriage driven by the Roman god Mercury, his cape labeled "Commerce", and drawn by two horses labe... More
Then he (Thayer) went away back - and sat down
Cartoon shows Republican House Majority Leader Sereno Payne and a Republican elephant sweating in the top of a tree labeled "Sugar Trust." The roots of the tree are labeled "Dutch Standard," "Cartel," and "Boun... More
El juego Americano ping-pong Cuando se cansarán?
Cartoon shows Cuban President Thomas Estrada y Palma and Cuban Minister to the U.S. Gonzalo de Quesada playing ping pong on a table labeled "Washington / Havana" with a ball "Tratado reciprocidad Cubana America... More
The proposed concession to Cuba / K.
Illustration shows a young woman labeled "Cuba" turning away from Uncle Sam who is offering her a plate labeled "Reduction of Tariff on Cuban Sugar" with an egg labeled 20% on it; in the background a man labele... More
Caricature, Frightened / J.S. Pughe., public domain cartoon image
Illustration shows a tiny dog labeled "Cuban Reciprocity" barking at a man who has climbed a fence out of fear, his hat labeled "Sugar Trust" has fallen to the ground. Illus. in: Puck, v. 51, no. 1314 (1902 Ma... More
The Philippine Oliver asks for more / Keppler.
Illustration shows a large, bloated man wearing an apron labeled "The Trusts", standing next to a large cauldron labeled "Tariff Reduction"; standing in front of him is a diminutive, emaciated man labeled "The ... More
An unexpected challenge / J.S. Pughe., Political Cartoon
Illustration shows the newly elected Democratic governor of Massachusetts, William L. Douglas, as a gladiator holding a sword labeled "Popular Approval" and a shield showing the Seal of the State of Massachuset... More
The Hoosier Don Quixote / J.K. after Doré.
Illustration shows Vice President Charles W. Fairbanks as Don Quixote sitting in a chair, reading, with a sword in raised right hand, with visions of former (and current) presidents, as well as some of the soci... More
"Go home! D'yer hear me? Go home!" / L.M. Glackens.
Illustration shows a man labeled "Republican Campaign Manager" waving a cane, topped with the head of an elephant, at a small dog wearing a collar labeled "The Tariff" that has been following him. Illus. in: P... More
The chariot race / apologies to U. Checa.
Illustration shows a chariot race with "Miss Democracy driving" a team of democratic donkeys labeled "Dem. Congressional Campaign" and President "Taft" driving a team of white horses labeled "Rep. Congressional... More
Some class to this rail-splitter / J.K.
Illustration shows President Taft using an axe with the handle labeled "Tax Reform" and the head labeled "Argument" to drive a wedge labeled "Reciprocity" into a log labeled "Party Solidarity". Illus. in: Puck... More
Woodrow and the bean-stalk / L.M. Glackens.
Illustration shows a man labeled "Wilson" with an axe labeled "Tariff Revision" has chopped through vines labeled "Excessive Protection" causing a giant labeled "Monopoly" to fall to the ground. Illus. in: Puc... More
The effect of "Negative Gravity" : I don't know how it's done, Benjami...
Title on verso. Cf. CAI - Rogers, no. 75 (B size). (DLC/PP-1932:0029). Forms part of: Cabinet of American illustration (Library of Congress). Published in: Harper's weekly, 32:809 (Oct. 27, 1888).
Whig harmony - Political cartoon, public domain image
A severe split within the Whig ranks, between partisans of Henry Clay and those of Zachary Taylor, preceded the party's convention in June 1848. Here Horace Greeley, one of Clay's most influential northern supp... More
Questioning a candidate - Political cartoon, public domain image
Zachary Taylor's stubborn resistance to declaring his views on the major political issues during his candidacy in the 1848 presidential campaign was a favorite theme of the opposition. Here Taylor, in uniform, ... More
Beer duty stamp, three gallons - public domain postal stamp scan
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Beer duty stamp, fifty-two gallons
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Beer duty stamps, five gallons and three gallons (cancelled)
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Beer duty stamp, ten gallons - public domain postal stamp scan
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description