Tabula (Square) with Vine Scrolls Containing Aquatic Birds
Public domain photograph of rug, fabric, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Tabula Cebetis - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication image
Public domain scan of 16th-17th century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Jean Boisseau - Africae nova tabula / Historic map, Library of Congres...
Relief shown pictorially. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Includes watermark. Acquisitions control no. 6-85
M. Vitruvius per Iocundum solito castigatior factus cum figuris et tab...
Public domain reproduction of Italian art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
M. Vitruvius per Iocundum solito castigatior factus cum figuris et tab...
Public domain reproduction of a relief art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Tabula (Square) with the Head of Spring
Public domain photo of a 3d object, Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Nova totius terrarum orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabula /
Dated 1606 in statement of dedication. Relief shown pictorially. Described in: The mapping of the world / Rodney W. Shirley. London : Holland Press, 1983. No. 255, state 2. Includes ill. and 2 insets. Available... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Tabula (Square) with Vine Scrolls Containing Aquatic Birds
Public domain photograph of rug, fabric, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Tabula Cebetis (The Tabula of Cebes or The Journey of Human Life)
Tabula Cebetis. Allegorische voorstelling van de levensweg als de passage door concentrische ringen naar de tempel van geluk op een berg in het midden. Gedetailleerde voorstelling met talloze personen en allego... More
Fluviorum in Europa pricipis Danubii cum adiacentibus regnis nec non t...
Най-нова карта на течението на Дунав и прилежащите му страни заедно с Гърция и архипелата от Йохан Баптис Хоман, включена в неговия Нов атлас, Нюрнберг, 1707 г.; М 1:4 100 000; Мащаб в германски и унгарски мили
Nova Virginiae tabula - An old map of the state of new hampshire
Public domain scan of a 17th-18th-century map, vintage, old, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.
Nova totius terrarum orbis tabula / - Public domain map
Relief shown pictorially. Includes col. ill. Insets: Polus arcticus -- Polus antarcticus -- Polus septentrionalis -- Systema mundi juxtamentem Claudii Ptolemaei Alexand -- Genuinum mundi systema secundum N. Cop... More
Tabula (Square) with the Head of Spring
Public domain photo of a 3d object, Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Tabula Cebetis, David Kandel - Engraving, Public domain image
Public domain reproduction of a relief art print, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Orbis terrarum nova et accuratissima tabula /
Relief shown pictorially. Appears in the author's Atlas minor. Amsterdam, 1690? Includes ancillary maps of north polar region and south polar region and col. ill. Mounted on cloth. LC copy imperfect: Fold-lined... More
Principatuum Moldanae et Walachiae Tabula Geographica Generalis : ex A...
Comprende la RSS de Moldavía, el suroeste de la RSS de Ucrania y Rumania
Tabula Cebetis, David Kandel - Public domain dedication. Metropolitan ...
Public domain reproduction of a relief art print, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Tabula (Square) with the Head of Spring
Public domain photo of a 3d object, Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Tabula Cebetis, David Kandel - Engraving, Public domain image
Public domain reproduction of a relief art print, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
John Ogilby - Nova Virginiae Tabula, Montanus Arnoldus 1625-1683, cart...
Public domain scan of an 18th-century map, vintage, old, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.
Tabula Decimaquarta. Book illustration from Library of Congress
Illustrations of 9 marine and submarine navigational and breathing devices. Illus. in: Giovanni A. Borelli, De Motu Animalium, 1680, vol. 1. Reference copy may be in LOT 7007. This record contains unverified, o... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Allegorische voorstelling met Tabula Cebetis
Public domain scan of 16th-17th century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
M. Vitruvius per Iocundum solito castigatior factus cum figuris et tab...
Marcus Pollio Vitruvius (Roman, active late 1st century B.C.) Public domain photograph of 16th-century woodblock print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Tabula (Square) with the Head of Spring
Public domain photo of a 3d object, Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
M. Vitruvius per Iocundum solito castigatior factus cum figuris et tab...
Public domain reproduction of a relief art print, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Tabula (Square) with the Head of Spring
Public domain photo of a 3d object, Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Nova tabula geographica complectens borealiorem Americae partem : in q...
Public domain scan of a 17th-18th-century map, vintage, old, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Tabula (Square) with the Head of Spring
Public domain photograph of 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Nova totius terrarum orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabula
Public domain reproduction of illuminated manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Fragment of a Tabula (Square) with Birds and Pomegranates in a Vine Sc...
Public domain photograph of textile, rug, fabric, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Nova & accuratissima totius terrarum orbis tabula nautica variationum ...
Public domain image of a vintage map, geography atlas, maritime navigation, age of discovery, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Totius Africæ accuratissima tabula /
Available also through the Library of Congress web site as a raster image.
Tabula (Square) with Vine Scrolls Containing Aquatic Birds
Public domain photo of a rug, fabric, Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Johann Baptist Homann - Imperii Persici in omnes suas provincias nova ...
Relief shown pictorially. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Regnorum Hispaniae et Portugalliae [Material cartográfico] : Tabula Ge...
Márgenes graduados. Public domain photograph related to the history of Spain, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Tabula (Square) with Vine Scrolls Containing Aquatic Birds
Public domain photo of a rug, fabric, Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Tabula Cebetis, David Kandel - Engraving, Public domain image
Public domain reproduction of a relief art print, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Tabula Cebetis - Public domain city architecture drawing
Public domain image, 16th-17th century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Tabula (Square) with Vine Scrolls Containing Aquatic Birds
Public domain photo of a textile, rug, fabric, Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Tabula (Square) with the Head of Spring
Public domain photo of a 3d object, Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
M. Vitruvius per Iocundum solito castigatior factus cum figuris et tab...
Public domain reproduction of a relief art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Novi Belgii Novaeque Angliae nec non partis Virginiae tabula
Public domain image of the vintage map from NYPL Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description. The Lionel Pincus and Princ... More
Regnorum Hispaniae et Portugalliae [Material cartográfico] : Tabula ge...
Este mapa de Homann está basado en el realizado por Guillaume de L'Isle, como se refleja en el título.
Totius Danubii cum Adjacentibus Regnis nec non totius Graeciae et Arch...
Мащаб в германски, италиански, турски и унгарски мили
Nova tabula geographica complectens borealiorem Americae partem : in q...
Public domain image of the vintage map from NYPL Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division, free to use, no copyright restrictions image. The Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division is one of the wo... More
Tabula nouarum insularum, quas diuersis respectibus Occidentales & Ind...
Public domain image of the vintage map from NYPL Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division, 17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description. The Lionel Pincus and Princess F... More
Tabula (Square) with Vine Scrolls Containing Aquatic Birds
Public domain photo of a rug, fabric, Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Tabula (Square) with Vine Scrolls Containing Aquatic Birds
Public domain photo of a rug, fabric, Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Tabula (Square) with the Head of Spring
Public domain photo of a 3d object, Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Johann Baptist Homann - Imperii Persici in omnes suas provincias nova ...
Relief shown pictorially. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
Totius Neobelgii Nova et accuratissima tabula.
Public domain image of a vintage map, geography atlas, maritime navigation, age of discovery, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
"Tabula terminorum" for the dates of Easter.
Public domain scan of a medieval manuscript, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Nova landgraviatus Turgovia chorographica tabula, ...
Public domain image of the vintage map from NYPL Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division, free to use, no copyright restrictions image. The Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division is one of the wo... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More