Maritime Services Board Steam Sheerlegs with capsized ferry RODNEY in ...
On 13 February 1938 a crowd of spectators onboard the ferry RODNEY were farewelling the USS LOUISVILLE in Sydney Harbour. It was top heavy and as passengers ran to one side of the ferry it capsized off Bradleys... More
Sydney Harbour Bridge with HMAS Canberra in foreground taken from Farm...
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription below photo... More
Orient liner SS Orford passing under Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March 1...
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription below photo... More
Nearly completed Sydney Harbour Bridge with SS MARIPOSA, February 1932
This photo is part of the Australian National Maritime Museum’s Samuel J. Hood Studio collection. Sam Hood (1872-1953) was a Sydney photographer with a passion for ships. His 60-year career spanned the romantic... More
Sydney Harbour Bridge and City from North Sydney
Sydney Harbour Bridge and City from North Sydney - 31 August 1937
Ships surrounding Sydney Harbour and Sydney Harbour Bridge taken from ...
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription below photo... More
A Navy deck handler signals the pilot of an MV-22B
A Navy deck handler signals the pilot of an MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft before takeoff atop the flight deck of the USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6), off the coast of Sydney, Australia, June 29, 2017. The MV-22... More
Sydney Harbour Bridge from Dawes Point, 19 March, 1932
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Also available in an electronic version via the Internet vn3... More
Dutch mail packet New Zeeland ship passing under Sydney Harbour Bridge...
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription below photo... More
USS ASTORIA in Farm Cove, Sydney, August 1934
Arrival of the warship USS ASTORIA into Farm Cove, Sydney. USS ASTORIA, a New Orleans class heavy cruiser, visited Sydney in August 1934 during its shakedown cruise of the Pacific after its commissioning...This... More
An MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft with Marine Medium
An MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft with Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 265 (Reinforced), idles atop the flight deck of the USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6), off the coast of Sydney, Australia, June 29, 2017. VMM... More
'Bridge from Fort Macquary' RAHS/Osborne Collection
The Royal Australian Historical Society (RAHS), Australia's oldest historical organization founded in Sydney in 1901, promotes the study of Australian history.
SS MARIPOSA departing Sydney Cove, March 1932
This photo is part of the Australian National Maritime Museum’s Samuel J. Hood Studio collection. Sam Hood (1872-1953) was a Sydney photographer with a passion for ships. His 60-year career spanned the romantic... More
Sydney Harbour Bridge and display of speed boats, 19 March 1932
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription below photo... More
Warship, probably the French naval sloop BELLATRIX, off Farm Cove in S...
This image probably depicts the French cloop BELLATRIX during its visit to Sydney in July 1932. The ferry to the left is possibly SS KIRRULE. The sloop arrived in Sydney Harbour at 11:18am on Saturday 2 July 19... More
The mail ship Maloja passing under Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March 193...
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription below photo... More
Sydney Harbour Bridge crowded with onlookers during the water and aeri...
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription below photo... More
American Eagle model A-1 biplane VH-UHV in flight above Sydney Harbour...
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription below photo... More
An MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft flies above Sydney
An MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft flies above Sydney International Airport after takeoff, June 29, 2017. The MV-22B belongs to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 265 (Reinforced). VMM-265 (Rein.) is part of the... More
A set of MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft fly in formation
A set of MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft fly in formation above Sydney Harbor, Sydney, Australia, June 29, 2017. Below are the world-famous Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbor Bridge. The MV-22Bs belong to Ma... More
'HMS Sussex' RAHS/Osborne Collection, Sydney, NSW, Australia
The Royal Australian Historical Society (RAHS), Australia's oldest historical organization founded in Sydney in 1901, promotes the study of Australian history.
Aerial view of the procession of mail ships, Maloja, Orford, Nieuw Zee...
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on accompanying documentat... More
Warship, probably the French naval sloop BELLATRIX, off Farm Cove in S...
This image probably depicts the French cloop BELLATRIX during its visit to Sydney in July 1932. The ferry in the corner is possibly SS KIRRULE. The sloop arrived in Sydney Harbour at 11:18am on Saturday 2 July ... More
'Farm Cove' RAHS/Osborne Collection, Sydney, NSW, Australia
The Royal Australian Historical Society (RAHS), Australia's oldest historical organization founded in Sydney in 1901, promotes the study of Australian history.
Construction of Sydney Harbour Bridge - looking from Lavender Bay c....
The Royal Australian Historical Society (RAHS), Australia's oldest historical organization founded in Sydney in 1901, promotes the study of Australian history.
Sydney Harbour Bridge from Milsons Point, February 1932
This photo is part of the Australian National Maritime Museum’s Samuel J. Hood Studio collection. Sam Hood (1872-1953) was a Sydney photographer with a passion for ships. His 60-year career spanned the romantic... More
Orient liner SS Orford passing under Sydney Harbour Bridge turning tow...
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription below photo... More
Sydney harbor bridge night architecture building. A view of the sydney...
Architecture stock photograph: The sydney harbour bridge at night / A view of the sydney harbour bridge at night.
Sydney harbor bridge sunset sky, travel vacation. A bridge over a body...
Architecture stock photograph: A bridge over water with a sunset in the background / A bridge over a body of water at sunset.
09 - Milsons Point Station, Sydney, Australia, 1940s
Sydney Harbour Bridge, tram, road and rail tracks and Milsons Point Station.
Sydney Harbour Bridge viewed from North Sydney, late 1931
This image depicts an almost complete Sydney Harbour Bridge. The bridge's pylons appear incomplete. The photograph was possibly taken from Holtermann's Tower, which is now Sydney Church of England Grammar Schoo... More
Water pageant and regatta at Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March 1932
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription below photo... More
Warship, probably the French naval sloop BELLATRIX, off Farm Cove in S...
This image probably depicts the French cloop BELLATRIX during its visit to Sydney in July 1932. The sloop arrived in Sydney Harbour at 11:18am on Saturday 2 July 1932 having sailed from Noumea. Under Commandant... More
Sydney Harbour Bridge looking east, 19 March 1932
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription below photo... More
The ships New Zeeland and Manunda passing under Sydney Harbour Bridge,...
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription below photo... More
'From Hampton Court' RAHS/Osborne Collection
The Royal Australian Historical Society (RAHS), Australia's oldest historical organization founded in Sydney in 1901, promotes the study of Australian history.
Carnival at Bondi Beach, Sydney, 19 March 1932
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription below photo... More
An MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft flies toward the
An MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft flies toward the Australian coastline after departing the USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6), June 29, 2017. The MV-22B belongs to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 265 (Reinforced)... More
A set of MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft fly in formation
A set of MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft fly in formation above Sydney, Australia, June 29, 2017. The MV-22Bs belong to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 265 (Reinforced). VMM-265 (Rein.) is part of the Aviatio... More
Sydney Harbour Bridge at sunset, 19 March 1932
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription below photo... More
'Glimpse from Darling Point' RAHS/Osborne Collection
The Royal Australian Historical Society (RAHS), Australia's oldest historical organization founded in Sydney in 1901, promotes the study of Australian history.
'Granite and Steel' RAHS/Osborne Collection
The Royal Australian Historical Society (RAHS), Australia's oldest historical organization founded in Sydney in 1901, promotes the study of Australian history.
American Eagle model A-1 biplane VH-UHV in flight above Sydney Heads, ...
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription below photo... More
Sgt. Matthew Harmon, an MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft
Sgt. Matthew Harmon, an MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft crew chief, sits inside an MV-22B at Sydney International Airport after landing, June 29, 2017. Harmon, a native of Taneytown, Maryland, belongs to Marin... More
'Harbour from Potts Point' RAHS/Osborne Collection
The Royal Australian Historical Society (RAHS), Australia's oldest historical organization founded in Sydney in 1901, promotes the study of Australian history.
An MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft taxis the runway
An MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft taxis the runway at Sydney International Airport after landing, June 29, 2017. The MV-22B belongs to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 265 (Reinforced). VMM-265 (Rein.) is par... More
A set of MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft fly in formation
A set of MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft fly in formation above Sydney Harbor, Sydney, Australia, June 29, 2017. Below is the world-famous Sydney Opera House. The MV-22Bs belong to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squa... More
'Home' RAHS/Osborne Collection, Sydney, NSW, Australia
The Royal Australian Historical Society (RAHS), Australia's oldest historical organization founded in Sydney in 1901, promotes the study of Australian history.
The "Java", a warship of the Dutch East Indies, berthing with the Sydn...
Format: Photograph ..Find more detailed information about this photograph: 44109 ( http://44109 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ..From the collection of the State Library of... More
Pilot boat Captain Cook passing under Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March ...
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription below photo... More
Bradfield Highway and Sydney Harbour Bridge on its opening day, 19 Mar...
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription below photo... More
Sydney australia sydney opera house building. A large building with a ...
Architecture stock photograph: Sydney opera house with the sydney harbour bridge in the background / A large building with a bridge in the background.
Aerial view of Sydney and Circular Quay on the day of the official ope...
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on the caption below the p... More
Aerial view of the speed boat display after the official opening celeb...
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on accompanying documentat... More
Procession passing through large crowds gathered at Hyde Park and St M...
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription below photo... More
A pair of MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft fly in formation
A pair of MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft fly in formation above Sydney, Australia, June 29, 2017. The MV-22Bs belong to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 265 (Reinforced). VMM-265 (Rein.) is part of the Aviati... More
Crowds gathered at Bradfield Highway for the opening of the Sydney Har...
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription below photo... More
Sydney and Sydney Harbour Bridge taken from North Shore, 19 March 1932
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription below photo... More
Aerial view of Sydney and the Harbour Bridge on the day of the officia...
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on the caption below the p... More
An MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft taxis the runway
An MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft taxis the runway at Sydney International Airport after landing, June 29, 2017. The MV-22B belongs to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 265 (Reinforced). VMM-265 (Rein.) is par... More
A pair of MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft taxi the
A pair of MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft taxi the runway at Sydney International Airport before takeoff, June 29, 2017. The MV-22Bs belong to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 265 (Reinforced). VMM-265 (Rein.)... More
A pair of MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft fly in formation
A pair of MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft fly in formation above Sydney, Australia, June 29, 2017. Behind are the world-famous Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbor Bridge. The MV-22Bs belong to Marine Medium T... More
A set of MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft fly in formation
A set of MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft fly in formation above Sydney, Australia, June 29, 2017. Behind are the world-famous Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbor Bridge. The MV-22Bs belong to Marine Medium Ti... More
P. & O. mail boat "Maloja" leads procession, 19 March, 1932
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Also available in an electronic version via the Internet vn3... More
A set of MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft fly in formation
A set of MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft fly in formation above Sydney, Australia, June 29, 2017. Behind are the world-famous Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbor Bridge. The MV-22Bs belong to Marine Medium Ti... More
A set of MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft fly in formation
A set of MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft fly in formation above Sydney, Australia, June 29, 2017. Behind are the world-famous Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbor Bridge. The MV-22Bs belong to Marine Medium Ti... More
The USS Bonhomme Richard sits atop the Pacific Ocean
The USS Bonhomme Richard sits atop the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Sydney, Australia, June 29, 2017. The 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit and the Bonhomme Richard Expeditionary Strike Group arrived in Sydney a... More
An MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft belonging to Marine
An MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft belonging to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 265 (Reinforced) prepares to land aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6) off the coast of Sydney, Australia, June 29, 2017. VMM... More
RAAF biplane flying over HMAS Canberra, Farm Cove, Sydney, 19 March 19...
Searle, E. W. (Edward William)..Part of the collection: Official air views of the opening celebrations of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March, 1932.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription below photo... More
An MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft flies toward the
An MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft flies toward the Australian coastline after departing the USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6), June 29, 2017. The MV-22B belongs to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 265 (Reinforced)... More
An MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft belonging to Marine
An MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft belonging to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 265 (Reinforced) prepares to land aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6) off the coast of Sydney, Australia, June 29, 2017. VMM... More