The World's Largest Public Domain Media Search Engine

soviet union

34,393 media by topicpage 1 of 344
Stop SALT II - A poster with a picture of a rocket on it

Stop SALT II - A poster with a picture of a rocket on it

Public domain scan of American poster, United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

[I︠A︡kov Sverdlov, "Pres't. Soviets of Russia," half-length portrait, seated at table]

[I︠A︡kov Sverdlov, "Pres't. Soviets of Russia," half-length portrait, ...

Detail of photograph of halftone of Sverdlov, Smoliansky(?), and Avasenov(?), half-length portrait, seated around table. Photograph by Bain News Service. George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress).

Christ with cross vs. Trotsky - A drawing of jesus carrying the cross

Christ with cross vs. Trotsky - A drawing of jesus carrying the cross

Public domain reproduction of World War One propaganda poster, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

That peace bird smells a little "high"

That peace bird smells a little "high"

Small animal, "Trotsky," advising bear, "Russia," about peace offer from Germany. Pencil sketch of trap on verso not on digital file. (DLC/PP-1932:0042). Forms part of: Cabinet of American illustration (Library... More

The Strongest Culture Makes the Strongest Cooperation
Why We Need the Don Basin... Coal and Iron

Why We Need the Don Basin... Coal and Iron

Public domain reproduction of World War One propaganda poster, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

May Day - A poster with a picture of a group of men

May Day - A poster with a picture of a group of men

Public domain photograph of abstract painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Polish-Soviet war prisoners (ca. 1919-1920)

Polish-Soviet war prisoners (ca. 1919-1920)

Boris Souvarine Papers - Soviet Russia ( ) ..Notes: The back o... More

"Near Smolny", Petrograd [17th July 1920]

"Near Smolny", Petrograd [17th July 1920]

Public domain photograph of procession, parade in Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

[Two small coffins being carried on stretchers to cemetery in the Volga famine district of Bolshevist Russia]

[Two small coffins being carried on stretchers to cemetery in the Volg...

No copyright renewal per LC Photoduplication Service. No. S/274,126/Fo. Underwood and Underwood photo.

Soviet Repka - Public domain historical image
Portrait of Kliment Vorochilov by Yury Annenkov, Moscow, 1923

Portrait of Kliment Vorochilov by Yury Annenkov, Moscow, 1923

Boris Souvarine Papers - Soviet Russia ( ) ..Notes: This pictu... More

U.S. Envoy to tell president of talk with Stalin. Washington, D.C., June 25. Joseph E. Davies, recently resigned envoy to the Soviet, arriving at the White House today where he gave President Roosevelt a first-hand observation of political and economic conditions in Europe. He also described his two hour talk with Stalin

U.S. Envoy to tell president of talk with Stalin. Washington, D.C., Ju...

A black and white photo of a man in a suit and hat. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Marusya Sukhova with carrots grown on a collective farm in the Gorki region in the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)

Marusya Sukhova with carrots grown on a collective farm in the Gorki r...

Public domain photograph related to Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

U.S. Ambassador to Soviet confers with president. Washington, D.C., May 30. U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet, Laurence A. Steinhardt, arriving at the White House today for a conference with President Roosevelt

U.S. Ambassador to Soviet confers with president. Washington, D.C., Ma...

A black and white photo of a man in a suit and hat. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Collective farm nursery-on-wheels in the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)

Collective farm nursery-on-wheels in the USSR (Union of Soviet Sociali...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a horse carriage, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Millerovo, North Caucasus, USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). Woman farmer feeding piglets on a collective farm

Millerovo, North Caucasus, USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)....

Public domain photograph related to Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Nursery school children out of doors watering flowers in the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)

Nursery school children out of doors watering flowers in the USSR (Uni...

Image source: National Council of American-Soviet Friendship, New York. Title and other information from caption card. Transfer; United States. Office of War Information. Overseas Picture Division. Washington D... More

Khorog, Soviet Pamir region, USSR. Training course for nurses

Khorog, Soviet Pamir region, USSR. Training course for nurses

Picryl description: Public domain image of ethnic group, people gathering, anthropology, colonies, exotic, indigenous people, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Russian symphony series, Eugene Plotnikoff conducting Featuring works of Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich, Rachmaninoff & others : W.P.A. Federal Music Project.

Russian symphony series, Eugene Plotnikoff conducting Featuring works ...

Poster for Federal Music Project presentation of a Russian symphony concert series at the Federal Music Theatre, 254 W. 54th St., New York City. Date stamped on verso: Jun 28 1939. Work Projects Administration ... More

Närbild av flygplansdel av nedskjutet sovjetiskt flygplan DB-3 vid Svenska frivilligkåren i Finland, F 19.

Närbild av flygplansdel av nedskjutet sovjetiskt flygplan DB-3 vid Sve...

Närbild av flygplansdel av nedskjutet sovjetiskt flygplan DB-3 vid Svenska frivilligkåren i Finland, F 19.

Flygfotografi av landskap kring Märkäjärvi i norra Finland under finska vinterkriget, 1940. Spaningsbild över skog, väg, å, sjö och fält tagen av flygare vid F 19, Svenska frivilligkåren i Finland.

Flygfotografi av landskap kring Märkäjärvi i norra Finland under finsk...

Flygfotografi av landskap kring Märkäjärvi i norra Finland under finska vinterkriget, 1940. Spaningsbild över skog, väg, å, sjö och fält tagen av flygare vid F 19, Svenska frivilligkåren i Finland.

Flygfotografi av landskap kring Märkäjärvi i norra Finland under finska vinterkriget, 1940. Spaningsbild över skog tagen av flygare vid F 19, Svenska frivilligkåren i Finland.

Flygfotografi av landskap kring Märkäjärvi i norra Finland under finsk...

Flygfotografi av landskap kring Märkäjärvi i norra Finland under finska vinterkriget, 1940. Spaningsbild över skog tagen av flygare vid F 19, Svenska frivilligkåren i Finland.

Transport av nedskjutet sovjetiskt flygplan DB-3 vid Svenska frivilligkåren i Finland, F 19. Närbild av flygplanet lastat på vagn. Militärer kring flygplanet.

Transport av nedskjutet sovjetiskt flygplan DB-3 vid Svenska frivillig...

Transport av nedskjutet sovjetiskt flygplan DB-3 vid Svenska frivilligkåren i Finland, F 19. Närbild av flygplanet lastat på vagn. Militärer kring flygplanet.

Flygfotografi av nedskjutet sovjetiskt bombflygplan TB-3 märkt nummer 22198 vid Svenska frivilligkåren i Finland, F 19.

Flygfotografi av nedskjutet sovjetiskt bombflygplan TB-3 märkt nummer ...

Flygfotografi av nedskjutet sovjetiskt bombflygplan TB-3 märkt nummer 22198 vid Svenska frivilligkåren i Finland, F 19.

Untitled - Political cartoon, public domain image

Untitled - Political cartoon, public domain image

Berryman Political Cartoon Collection Public domain photograph related to World War Two, National Socialism, The Third Reich, Europe under Nazi occupation, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl... More

Red Army soldiers in the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)

Red Army soldiers in the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)

Image source: Sovfoto, New York. Negative misnumbered LC-USF343-091145-A. Title and other information from caption card. Transfer; United States. Office of War Information. Overseas Picture Division. Washington... More

Två generaldirektörer framför stationshuset i Kontupohja.

Två generaldirektörer framför stationshuset i Kontupohja.

Railway stations in Sweden Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Housewives collecting thir pots and other metal ware to be turned in for scrap in the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)

Housewives collecting thir pots and other metal ware to be turned in f...

Image source: National Council of American-Soviet Friendship, New York. Title and other information from caption card. Transfer; United States. Office of War Information. Overseas Picture Division. Washington D... More

Hartford, Connecticut (vicinity). Mrs. Komorosky in her living room. Stove is for heat in winter, Russian style!

Hartford, Connecticut (vicinity). Mrs. Komorosky in her living room. S...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Washington, D.C. Russian war anniversary benefit at the Watergate. Paul Robeson backstage

Washington, D.C. Russian war anniversary benefit at the Watergate. Pau...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Sevastopol, USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). Underground arms factory in the cliffs

Sevastopol, USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). Underground ar...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

The uniforms are different but the cause is the same. Officers of the United Nations attend a garden party of the United Nations Club at Dumbarton Oaks, Sunday, September 6, 1942. Left to right: Lieutenant Colonel Sutton, Australia; Major Barayev, Assistant Military Attache, Russian Embassy; Colonel O. Spaniel, Czecholslovakia; Major Stefan M. Dobrowolski, Assistant Military Attache, Polish Embassy; Major M. V. Mishovich, Assistant Military Attache, Yugoslavia; Captain Alfred Leondopoulos

The uniforms are different but the cause is the same. Officers of the ...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

A black and white photo of a woman. Office of War Information Photograph

A black and white photo of a woman. Office of War Information Photogra...

Title and other information from caption card. Transfer; United States. Office of War Information. Overseas Picture Division. Washington Division; 1944. More information about the FSA/OWI Collection is availabl... More

Official pictures of meeting of Stalin, Churchill, Harriman. These are the first official pictures released in the United States of the recent meetings of Premier I.V. Stalin, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Britain; and W. Averrell Harriman, representing President Roosevelt. The three men met in the middle of August, 1942, at the request of the Soviet leader, and held a series of conversations concerned with the future conduct of the war. Also present was V.M. Molotov, Peoples' Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The meetings lasted four days. Foreground, left to right: Molotov, Harriman and Churchill at Moscow civil airport. Admiral William Harrison Stanley, American Ambassador to the Soviet Union, is behind Churchill at the right of the picture. British Admiral Miles is saluting behind Harriman

Official pictures of meeting of Stalin, Churchill, Harriman. These are...

Actual size of negative is B (approximately 5 x 7 inches). Title and other information from caption card. Transfer; United States. Office of War Information. Overseas Picture Division. Washington Division; 1944... More

Nome, Alaska. A plane which crashed at the base of the Air Transport Command, but was repaired and got to the Russo-German front

Nome, Alaska. A plane which crashed at the base of the Air Transport C...

Public domain photograph of 1930s-1940s US industrial development, Second World War, US war production, indusry, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

A black and white photo of a lot of boxes. Office of War Information Photograph

A black and white photo of a lot of boxes. Office of War Information P...

Actual size of negative is D (approximately 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 inches). Title and other information from caption card. Transfer; United States. Office of War Information. Overseas Picture Division. Washington Divisi... More

Somewhere in the Persian corridor. A United States Army truck convoy carrying supplies for Russia moving past Iranian huts. A waterfall is in the background

Somewhere in the Persian corridor. A United States Army truck convoy c...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a quarry, excavation or mining site, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Somewhere in the Persian corridor. A United States Army truck convoy carrying supplies for the aid of Russia climbing a mountain road over the Iranian mountains

Somewhere in the Persian corridor. A United States Army truck convoy c...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

A black and white photo of a man wearing a hat. Office of War Information Photograph

A black and white photo of a man wearing a hat. Office of War Informat...

Title and other information from caption card. Transfer; United States. Office of War Information. Overseas Picture Division. Washington Division; 1944. More information about the FSA/OWI Collection is availabl... More

Somewhere in Iran. Jack Tchernawitz, a Russian-born United States Army Major of New York, New York, wearing his parka at a delivery point of American supplies to Russia. Major Tchernawitz is the Russian-speaking liason officer of the United States Army forces here

Somewhere in Iran. Jack Tchernawitz, a Russian-born United States Army...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

A black and white photo of a group of men standing in front of a truck. Office of War Information Photograph

A black and white photo of a group of men standing in front of a truck...

Title and other information from caption card. Transfer; United States. Office of War Information. Overseas Picture Division. Washington Division; 1944. More information about the FSA/OWI Collection is availabl... More

Untitled - Political cartoon, public domain image

Untitled - Political cartoon, public domain image

Berryman Political Cartoon Collection Public domain photograph related to World War Two, National Socialism, The Third Reich, Europe under Nazi occupation, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl... More

Navy Ship AMS-113 - Public domain photograph

Navy Ship AMS-113 - Public domain photograph

Photographs of U.S. and Foreign Naval Vessels Public domain image of an American navy ship during cold war, 1940s, 1950s, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Soviet Communism Threatens Education

Soviet Communism Threatens Education

Propaganda Posters Distributed in Asia Public domain photograph of a poster, United States government propaganda, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Senator Joseph McCarthy standing at microphone with two other men, probably discussing the Senate Select Committee to Study Censure Charges (Watkins Committee) chaired by Senator Arthur V. Watkins TOH

Senator Joseph McCarthy standing at microphone with two other men, pro...

Title devised by Library staff from contact sheet folder caption. Date from contact sheet folder caption. Contact sheet available for reference purposes: USN&WR COLL - Job no. 394, frame 9. Contact sheet folder... More

JvmKBEB03862, Svenska Järnvägarna

JvmKBEB03862, Svenska Järnvägarna

JvmKBEB03862 Public domain image of ferry ship, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Soviet/Russian Lab visitors. Frol Kozlov (First Deputy Chairman, USSR Council of Ministers), interpreter;  and Edwin McMillan, Radiation Laboratory. Photograph taken July 6, 1959

Soviet/Russian Lab visitors. Frol Kozlov (First Deputy Chairman, USSR ...

Digital Preservation File Name and Format: 434-LB-5-XBD201208-00621.TIF Photographs Documenting Scientists, Special Events, and Nuclear Research Facilities, Instruments, and Projects at the Berkeley Lab

Manchuria-U.S.S.R. boundary. Historic map, Library of Congress

Manchuria-U.S.S.R. boundary. Historic map, Library of Congress

Includes 2 insets. LC copy mounted on cloth backing. LC copy stamped on: "440" In the bottom left corner: "-60." Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.

Karlskrona, Sweden: Port, Shipyard, Warehouse buildings, etc. V20289

Karlskrona, Sweden: Port, Shipyard, Warehouse buildings, etc. V20289

V20289 Public domain photograph, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Moscow - Recreation/Community Center/Gym/Theater - 1961

Moscow - Recreation/Community Center/Gym/Theater - 1961

The original finding aid described this item as: Property Number: X 3003 Photographs Related to Embassies, Consulates, and Other Overseas Buildings

Moscow - Recreation/Community Center/Gym/Theater - 1966

Moscow - Recreation/Community Center/Gym/Theater - 1966

The original finding aid described this item as: Property Number: X 3003 Photographs Related to Embassies, Consulates, and Other Overseas Buildings

JvmKBDB13387:03, Västra Götaland, Sverige

JvmKBDB13387:03, Västra Götaland, Sverige

JvmKBDB13387:03 Public domain photograph of a train station in Sweden, railroad, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

AS10-27-3927 - Apollo 10 - Apollo 10 Mission image - Craters Langrenus - Sea of Moscow

AS10-27-3927 - Apollo 10 - Apollo 10 Mission image - Craters Langrenus...

The original database describes this as: Description: View of Craters Langrenus - Sea of Moscow during Apollo 10 Mission. Principal Point on Transearth Injection (TEI). Film magazine was N,film type was SO-3... More

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1970

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1970

The original finding aid described this item as: Format: Slide Architect: Adamovich & Mayat; 1914 Property Number: L 2002 Photographs Related to Embassies, Consulates, and Other Overseas Buildings

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1970

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1970

The original finding aid described this item as: Format: Slide Architect: Adamovich & Mayat; 1914 Property Number: L 2002 Photographs Related to Embassies, Consulates, and Other Overseas Buildings

An aerial port beam view of a Soviet trawler, in the area during the launch of a UGM-73 Poseidon C-3 submarine-launched ballistic missile, from the nuclear-powered strategic missile submarine USS NATHANAEL GREEN (SSBN 636) (not shown)

An aerial port beam view of a Soviet trawler, in the area during the l...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Country: Unknown Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files

Russische Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Gromyko,

Russische Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Gromyko,

Russische Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Gromyko, brengt bezoek van drie dagen aan Nederland, Gromyko passeert demonstranten op het Binnenhof

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

The original finding aid described this item as: Property Number: L 1001 Photographs Related to Embassies, Consulates, and Other Overseas Buildings

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

The original finding aid described this item as: Property Number: L 1001 Photographs Related to Embassies, Consulates, and Other Overseas Buildings

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

The original finding aid described this item as: Property Number: L 1001 Photographs Related to Embassies, Consulates, and Other Overseas Buildings

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

The original finding aid described this item as: Property Number: L 1001 Photographs Related to Embassies, Consulates, and Other Overseas Buildings

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

The original finding aid described this item as: Property Number: L 1001 Photographs Related to Embassies, Consulates, and Other Overseas Buildings

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

The original finding aid described this item as: Property Number: L 1001 Photographs Related to Embassies, Consulates, and Other Overseas Buildings

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

The original finding aid described this item as: Property Number: L 1001 Photographs Related to Embassies, Consulates, and Other Overseas Buildings

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

The original finding aid described this item as: Property Number: L 1001 Photographs Related to Embassies, Consulates, and Other Overseas Buildings

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

The original finding aid described this item as: Property Number: L 1001 Photographs Related to Embassies, Consulates, and Other Overseas Buildings

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

The original finding aid described this item as: Property Number: L 1001 Photographs Related to Embassies, Consulates, and Other Overseas Buildings

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

The original finding aid described this item as: Property Number: L 1001 Photographs Related to Embassies, Consulates, and Other Overseas Buildings

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

The original finding aid described this item as: Property Number: L 1001 Photographs Related to Embassies, Consulates, and Other Overseas Buildings

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

The original finding aid described this item as: Property Number: L 1001 Photographs Related to Embassies, Consulates, and Other Overseas Buildings

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

The original finding aid described this item as: Property Number: L 1001 Photographs Related to Embassies, Consulates, and Other Overseas Buildings

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

The original finding aid described this item as: Property Number: L 1001 Photographs Related to Embassies, Consulates, and Other Overseas Buildings

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1973

The original finding aid described this item as: Property Number: L 1001 Photographs Related to Embassies, Consulates, and Other Overseas Buildings

APOLLO SOYUZ, NASA Technology Images

APOLLO SOYUZ, NASA Technology Images

The original finding aid described this as: Capture Date: 3/29/1974 Keywords: Larsen Scan Photographs Relating to Agency Activities, Facilities and Personnel

US Embassy in Moscow - Compound Site - 1990

US Embassy in Moscow - Compound Site - 1990

The original finding aid described this item as: Property Number: R4000 Photographs Related to Embassies, Consulates, and Other Overseas Buildings

AST-02-144 - Apollo Soyuz Test Project - Apollo Soyuz Test Project, Earth view, USSR

AST-02-144 - Apollo Soyuz Test Project - Apollo Soyuz Test Project, Ea...

The original database describes this as: Description: Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP),Earth view, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics USSR, Kazkh S.S R, Emba River. Image taken on Revolution 71. Greenwich Mea... More

AST-24-1966 - Apollo Soyuz Test Project - Apollo Soyuz Test Project, Rumania, USSR (Ukranian SSR) Mouth of Danube River, Haze

AST-24-1966 - Apollo Soyuz Test Project - Apollo Soyuz Test Project, R...

The original database describes this as: Description: Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP),Rumania,United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) (Ukranian Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR)), Mouth of Danube River,Haze. Im... More

AST-24-1960 - Apollo Soyuz Test Project - Apollo Soyuz Test Project, Rumania, USSR (Moldavia), Galati, Danuha River, Haze

AST-24-1960 - Apollo Soyuz Test Project - Apollo Soyuz Test Project, R...

The original database describes this as: Description: Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP),Rumania,USSR (Moldavia),Galati,Danuha River,Haze. Image taken on Revolution 135. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) of Photo 205:15... More

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – KSC Director Lee Scherer, left, escorts a Soviet interpreter and Vladimir Shatalov, Soviet Cosmonaut Training Chief, on a tour of Pad 39B at the Spaceport.  The Soviet and American personnel connected with July's Apollo Soyuz Test Project were at KSC February 8-10 to inspect equipment and tour facilities.      The first international crewed spaceflight was a joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. rendezvous and docking mission.  The Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, or ASTP, took its name from the spacecraft employed: the American Apollo and the Soviet Soyuz.  The three-man Apollo crew lifted off from Kennedy Space Center aboard a Saturn IB rocket on July 15, 1975, to link up with the Soyuz that had launched a few hours earlier.  A cylindrical docking module served as an airlock between the two spacecraft for transfer of the crew members.  Photo credit: NASA KSC-108-75P-0072

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – KSC Director Lee Scherer, left, escorts a Sovie...

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – KSC Director Lee Scherer, left, escorts a Soviet interpreter and Vladimir Shatalov, Soviet Cosmonaut Training Chief, on a tour of Pad 39B at the Spaceport. The Soviet and American person... More

BLDG. 30 - ASTP, Soviet Space Program

BLDG. 30 - ASTP, Soviet Space Program

S75-23883 (20 March 1975) --- A group of flight controllers from the Soviet Union take part in ASTP joint simulation activity at NASA's Johnson Space Center. They are in one of the support rooms in the Mission ... More

American ASTP crewmen briefed on operation of consoles in main control room

American ASTP crewmen briefed on operation of consoles in main control...

S75-25619 (25 April 1975) --- A group of American ASTP crewmen is briefed on the operation of the consoles in the main control room at the ASTP flight control center at the Cosmonaut Training Center (Star City)... More

American Apollo spacecraft as seen from Soviet Soyuz spacecraft in orbit

American Apollo spacecraft as seen from Soviet Soyuz spacecraft in orb...

AST-32-2675 (17-19 July 1975) --- The American Apollo spacecraft as seen in Earth orbit from the Soviet Soyuz spacecraft during the joint U.S.-USSR Apollo-Soyuz Test Project mission. The Command/Service Module ... More

Soviet Soyuz spacecraft in orbit as seen from American Apollo spacecraft

Soviet Soyuz spacecraft in orbit as seen from American Apollo spacecra...

AST-01-053 (17-19 July 1975) --- The Soviet Soyuz spacecraft is contrasted against a black-sky background in this photograph taken in Earth orbit. This view is looking toward the aft end of the Soyuz. Two solar... More



The original finding aid described this as: Capture Date: 5/27/1976 Photographer: COPY NEGATIVE Keywords: Larsen Scan Photographs Relating to Agency Activities, Facilities and Personnel



The original finding aid described this as: Capture Date: 5/27/1976 Photographer: COPY NEGATIVE Keywords: Larsen Scan Photographs Relating to Agency Activities, Facilities and Personnel

An elevated port view of the sail of a Soviet Foxtrot class submarine while the ship is underway

An elevated port view of the sail of a Soviet Foxtrot class submarine ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Country: Mediterranean Sea (MED) Scene Camera Operator: PH2 James Bishop Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files

A starboard bow view of a Soviet Foxtrot class submarine underway

A starboard bow view of a Soviet Foxtrot class submarine underway

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Country: Mediterranean Sea (MED) Scene Camera Operator: PH2 James Bishop Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files

A close-up view of two 30 mm close-in weapons system guns mounted on the port quarter of the Soviet aircraft carrier KIEV (CVHG).  A Bass Tilt fire control radar is mounted behind the guns

A close-up view of two 30 mm close-in weapons system guns mounted on t...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Country: Mediterranean Sea (MED) Scene Camera Operator: PH2 James Bishop Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files

An elevated starboard view of the island and flight deck of the Soviet aircraft carrier KIEV (CVHG) while the ship is underway

An elevated starboard view of the island and flight deck of the Soviet...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Country: Mediterranean Sea (MED) Scene Camera Operator: PH2 James Bishop Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files

An underside view of a Soviet Yak-28 Firebar fighter aircraft in flight. (Substandard image)

An underside view of a Soviet Yak-28 Firebar fighter aircraft in fligh...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Country: Unknown Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files

A left side view of a Soviet Tu-95 Bear bomber aircraft equipped with undernose radar scanner and underbelly radome in flight

A left side view of a Soviet Tu-95 Bear bomber aircraft equipped with ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Country: Unknown Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files

Swearing-In of Foreman McIntire and Reinhardt; 15-24 Midge Costanza Interview; 25-28 Jimmy Carter with Vance Before Departure to Moscow

Swearing-In of Foreman McIntire and Reinhardt; 15-24 Midge Costanza In...

Carter White House Photographs: Presidential Public domain photograph - White house, President of the United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

His Excellency Anatoly F. Dobrynin, Ambassador of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

His Excellency Anatoly F. Dobrynin, Ambassador of the Union of Soviet ...

Carter White House Photographs: Presidential Public domain photograph - White house, President of the United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

A starboard quarter view of a docked Soviet tanker

A starboard quarter view of a docked Soviet tanker

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Guayaquil Country: Ecuador (ECU) Scene Camera Operator: PH2 J. Vinson Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photog... More

A starboard bow view of the Soviet cargo ship Pabehctbo anchored offshore during exercise Unitas XX

A starboard bow view of the Soviet cargo ship Pabehctbo anchored offsh...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: UNITAS XX Base: Conakry Country: Guinea (GIN) Scene Camera Operator: PH2 K. Brewer Release Status: Released to Public Combin... More

An air-to-air left side view of a Soviet Tu-142 Bear F anti-submarine aircraft. OFFICIAL U.S. NAVY PHOTO (RELEASED)

An air-to-air left side view of a Soviet Tu-142 Bear F anti-submarine ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Country: Unknown Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1993

US Embassy in Moscow - Chancery Office Building - 1993

The original finding aid described this item as: Property Number: L 1001 Photographs Related to Embassies, Consulates, and Other Overseas Buildings

AN air-to-air right side view of a Soviet Tu-95 Bear aircraft, top, being observed by two U.S. Air Force F-4 Phantom II aircraft over international waters

AN air-to-air right side view of a Soviet Tu-95 Bear aircraft, top, be...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Country: North Atlantic Ocean Scene Camera Operator: MSGT Richard Diaz Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files

AN air-to-air right side view of a Soviet Tu-95 Bear aircraft, front, being escorted by two F-4 Phantom II aircraft over international waters

AN air-to-air right side view of a Soviet Tu-95 Bear aircraft, front, ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Country: North Atlantic Ocean Scene Camera Operator: MSGT Richard Diaz Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files


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