Unidentified woman; psychologist Clark Leonard Hull
90-105, 9B, "Portraits, Hu-Hub"; "Unidentified woman; psychologist Clark Leonard Hull (1884-1952); and psychologist James Burt Miner (1873-1943), taken by Marjorie Van de Water, at the American Psychological As... More
Scene at waterhole near En Café Island of La Gonave, Haiti
Creator: Watson Perrygo...Local number: SIA2008-2659...Summary: The photograph documents Watson Perrygo's field work with Arthur J. Poole in Haiti....Dates: 1928-1929...Collection: SIA RU 7306, Watson M. Perryg... More
left to right: Theodore Leslie Shear (1880-1945) and Josephine Platner...
Subject: Shear, Theodore Leslie 1880-1945. Shear, Josephine Platner. Princeton University. Wellesley College. Columbia University..Type: Black-and-white photographs..Date: 1936. 27-Jul-36..Topic: Archaeology. W... More
114. Copper Island, Smithsonian Institution archives
Description: View of town on coast of Ostrov Mednyy, Russia. Photograph was taken during Stejneger's field work for U.S. Bureau of Fisheries...Photographer: Leonhard Stejneger..Date: c. 1882-1916..Image ID: SIA... More
China, Miscellaneous Scenes: Chinese man carrying large drums on shoul...
Creator: Sowerby, Arthur de Carle 1885-1954..Subject: Hartung's Photo Shop..Type: Black-and-white photographs..Topic: Chinese. China--Description and travel..Local number: SIA RU007263 [SIA2008-2929]..Summary: ... More
China, Miscellaneous Scenes: Chinese men with heavily loaded cart
Creator: Sowerby, Arthur de Carle 1885-1954..Subject: Hartung's Photo Shop..Type: Black-and-white photographs..Topic: Carriages and carts..Local number: SIA RU007263 [SIA2008-2936]..Summary: Stamped on verso: "... More
China, Miscellaneous Scenes: Exploration in North China - An old pries...
Creator: Sowerby, Arthur de Carle 1885-1954..Subject: Chong shan si (Taiyuan, Shanxi Sheng, China)..Type: Black-and-white photographs..Topic: Priests. Chinese..Local number: SIA RU007263 [SIA2008-2987]..Cite as... More
Smithsonian Exhibit at the 1888 Cincinnati, Ohio, Exposition
Description: The Smithsonian Institution Exhibit at the 1888 Centennial Exposition of the Ohio Valley and Central States in Cincinnati, Ohio. The sign on the long, low exhibit case in the middle of the photogra... More
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, gelatin silver print
Photograph showing Smithsonian Castle, Washington, D.C. Forms part of the Detroit Publishing Company Collection.
Chicago World's Columbian Exposition, 1893
Description: At the Chicago World's Columbian Exposition in 1893. A view of the reflecting pool traversed by several bridges and several Exposition buildings. The large dome of one of the buildings is visible i... More
Cecilia Helena Payne Gaposchkin (1900-1979)
Subject: Gaposchkin, Cecilia Helena Payne 1900-. Harvard College Observatory..Type: Black-and-white photographs..Topic: Astrophysics. Women scientists..Local number: SIA Acc. 90-105 [SIA2009-1327]..Summary: Cec... More
Man working with fossil, 1900-1935.
Local number: SIA2011-1428..Summary: RU 424 Box 7 Lantern Slide Box 18. Man working with fossil, 1900-1935. Mammoths, mastadons, and other large mammals from the Late Cenozoic were collected in Idaho and on dis... More
North from the Smithsonian Institution, Washington,D.C.
Public domain photograph of history of technology, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
USS Houston, 1938. Warship photograph collection
Creator: Waldo Schmitt..Local number: SIA2011-2234..Summary: Smithsonian staff were aboard the USS Houston during the Franklin D. Roosevelt's Presidential Cruise of 1938...Dates: 1938..Collection: RU 007231 Wal... More
Natural History Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
A black and white photo of a large building, Library of Congress Harris and Ewing collection Date based on date of negatives in same range. Gift; Harris & Ewing, Inc. 1955. General information about the Harris... More
Old Nat. Museum - Glass negative photogrpah. Public domain.
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleeves. Date from negatives in same range. Gift; Herbert A. French; 1947. General information about the National P... More
Skongen, Expedition's Ship, Smithsonian Institution archives
Author: Unknown..Subject: Rasmussen, Knud 1879-1933. Arctic Expedition. Skongen (Ship). Thule Expedition (5th : 1921-1924) Report of the Fifth Thule Expedition, 1921-24..Type: Photographic print. Landscape..Dat... More
Freer Gallery, Smithsonian Institution. Exterior of Freer Gallery I
Public domain photograph of history of technology, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Chien-shiung Wu (1912-1997), professor, scientist
Subject: Wu, C. S (Chien-shiung) 1912-1997. Columbia University..Type: Black-and-white photographs..Topic: Physics. Women scientists..Local number: SIA Acc. 90-105 [SIA2010-1509]..Summary: In 1963, Chien-shiung... More
Carolina Amor de Fournier, scientist
Description: Carolina Amor de Fournier was associated with the Mexican journal La Prensa Médica Mexicana and was editor of Hummingbirds and Orchids of Mexico (1963)...Creator/Photographer: Watson Davis..Medium:... More
President Wilson's Sheep at White House
Creator: Gruber, Martin A..Subject: Wilson, Woodrow 1856-1924. Wilson, Edith Bolling Galt 1872-1961. White House (Washington, D.C.)..Type: Black-and-white photographs..Date: 1919. C. 1920-1924..Topic: Buildings... More
Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori (1896-1957) and Carl Ferdinand Cori (1896-1...
Description: Biochemist Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori (1896-1957) and her husband Carl Ferdinand Cori (1896-1984) were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine in 1947 for their work on how the human body metab... More
Barbara Kegerreis Lunde (b. 1937)
Subject: Lunde, Barbara Kegerreis b. 1937. Goddard Space Flight Center. Northwestern Bell Telephone Company..Type: Black-and-white photographs..Date: 1964..Topic: Aerospace engineering. Women engineers..Local n... More
Hazel Gay, scientist, Smithsonian Institution archives
Description: When she retired in 1961, Hazel Gay had served for 45 years as head librarian at the American Museum of Natural History in New York...Creator/Photographer: Unidentified photographer..Medium: Black ... More
Enrico Fermi (1901-1954), Smithsonian Institution archives
Subject: Fermi, Enrico 1901-1954..Type: Black-and-white photographs..Topic: Physics. Nobel Prizes. Nuclear physics. Quantum physics..Local number: SIA Acc. 90-105 [SIA2008-0574]..Summary: Italian-born physicist... More
Photograph of birds on antenna supports for LORAN tower on Sand-Johnst...
Creator: unknown...Local number: SIA2013-08806...Summary: Photograph was taken as part of field documentation for the Pacific Ocean Biological Survey Program, on Sand-Johnston Island [Johnston Atoll], 1963....D... More
Tennessee v. John T. Scopes Trial: Main Street, Dayton, Tennessee.
Description: Taken the month before the Tennessee v. John T. Scopes Trial. Robinson's Drugstore is shown on the right. June 1925..Creator/Photographer: Watson Davis..Medium: Black and white photographic print.... More
R.T. Tallman of Smithsonian Institution with Babylonian Documents, 2/7...
Public domain photograph of people in office, interior, the 1910s-1920s America, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Mlle. Marchal, scientist, Smithsonian Institution archives
Subject: Marchal, Mlle. College de France. American Chemical Society. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry..Type: Black-and-white photographs..Date: 1925. C. 1925..Topic: Chemistry. Women scientist... More
Unidentified man, Dayton, Tennessee, July 1925.
Creator/Photographer: William Silverman..Type: Photographs..Date: 1925..Image ID: 2009-21075..Description: Taken on the Rhea County Courthouse lawn, this photo captures the informal atmosphere surrounding the t... More
Tennessee v. John T. Scopes Trial: John Thomas Scopes (l) and George W...
Description: Taken the month before the Tennessee v. John T. Scopes Trial. June 1925..Creator/Photographer: Watson Davis..Medium: Black and white photographic print..Dimensions: 4.25 in x 3 in..Culture: Americ... More
Dorothy Maud Wrinch (1894-1976)
Creator: Davis, Fremont 1915-1977..Subject: Wrinch, Dorothy 1894-1976. University of Oxford Mathematical Institute. Johns Hopkins University..Type: Black-and-white photographs..Date: 1937. 9/13/1937..Topic: Mat... More
Professor Albert B. Bibb, Smithsonian Institution archives
Author: Tolman, Ruel P (Ruel Pardee) b. 1878..Type: Photographic print. Person, candid..Date: 1936..Topic: Men..Standard number: SIA2011-0268 and 32372-3..Physical description: Number of Images: 1 Color: Black ... More
Lillian Josephine Hawes, scientist
90-105, 9A, "Portraits, Hav-Haz"; Lillian Josephine Hawes (b. 1905) graduated from Stanford University in 1928 and first served as a public health nurse in Los Angeles. This photograph was distributed when she... More
Muriel E. Mussells Seyfert (b. 1909)
Creator: Fuller, Wesley..Subject: Seyfert, Muriel E. Mussells 1909-. Harvard College Observatory..Type: Black-and-white photographs..Date: 1936. 3/16/1936..Topic: Astronomy. Women scientists..Local number: SIA ... More
Eleanor Plunkette Brown (b. 1887)
Description: During the 1930s, when this photograph was taken, Eleanor Plunkette Brown was National Secretary of the Society for the Prevention of Blindness; by 1944, now married, Eleanor Brown Merrill was the ... More
left to right: Unidentified man and Marion Schmidt Escallon (1912-2003...
Subject: Escallon, Marion Schmidt 1912-2003, Sinclair Oil Company, Geological Survey (U.S.), University of Michigan, Texaco (Colombia), Petroleum.....Type: Black-and-white photographs.....Date: 1937, Dec-37....... More
Miss Bertha Ferguson, Smithsonian Institution archives
Author: Tolman, Ruel P (Ruel Pardee) b. 1878..Type: Photographic print. Person, candid..Date: 1935..Topic: Women..Standard number: SIA2011-0905 and 32112..Physical description: Number of Images: 1; Color: Black... More
Boxes placed in Smithsonian in 1881 by telephone inventor opened for f...
A group of people standing around a table, Library of Congress Harris and Ewing collection Title from unverified caption data received with the Harris & Ewing Collection. Gift; Harris & Ewing, Inc. 1955. Gener... More
Smithsonian Institution. Exterior of Smithsonian Institution Building ...
Picryl description: Public domain image of a historical building, landmark architecture, world heritage, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Children stand in wonder at a mural of astronauts at the Smithsonian I...
Digital image produced by Carol M. Highsmith to represent her original film transparency; some details may differ between the film and the digital images. Title, date, and keywords provided by the photographer.... More
Nina Kobelt, scientist, Smithsonian Institution archives
90-105, 11, "Portraits, Ko-Koc"; Nina Kobelt (1884-1973) was the secretary of Rockefeller Institute biologists Jacques Loeb (1859-1924) and Winthrop John Van Leuven Osterhout (1894-1961) and compiled the defini... More
Herbert Spencer Jennings, scientist
90-105, 10, "Portraits, Herbert S. Jennings"; "Johns Hopkins University protozoologist Herbert Spencer Jennings (1868-1947) and his wife. This is most likely his first wife, artist Mary Louise Burridge Jenning... More
The USS Burton Island (AG-88) and The USS Edisto (AG-89) in Antarctica
Author: Unknown..Subject: Operation Windmill..Type: Photographic print. Exterior..Date: 1947..Topic: Research expeditions. Scientific expeditions. Snow. Ice. Icebreakers (Ships). Ice breaking operations. Sleds.... More
The USS Burton Island (AG-88) and the USS Edisto (AG-89) Breaking Ice
Author: Unknown..Subject: Operation Windmill..Type: Photographic print. Exterior. Aerial..Date: 1947..Topic: Aerial photographs. Research expeditions. Scientific expeditions. Snow. Ice. Icebreakers (Ships). Ice... More
Jane Stafford (1899-1991), scientist
Subject: Stafford, Jane 1899-1991. Smith College. American Medical Association. Science Service. National Institutes of Health (U.S.). National Association of Science Writers. Women's National Press Club (U.S.)... More
Clara S. Stoltenberg (1865-1950)
Subject: Stoltenberg, Clara S. 1865-1950. Stanford University..Type: Black-and-white photographs..Topic: Anatomy. Women scientists..Local number: SIA Acc. 90-105 [SIA2009-3857]..Summary: Clara S. Stoltenberg (1... More
Olive Swezy (b. 1878), scientist
Subject: Swezy, Olive b. 1878. Scripps Institution for Biological Research. University of California (1868-1952)..Type: Black-and-white photographs..Topic: Zoology. Women scientists..Local number: SIA Acc. 90-1... More
Laurel van der Wal (d. 2009), engineer
Subject: Roennau, Laurel V. University of California (1868-1952). Society of Women Engineers. Space Technology Laboratories, inc..Type: Black-and-white photographs..Date: 1961..Topic: Women engineers. Aerospace... More
"How Tall Are You Exhibit," Hall of Health, Arts & Industries Building
Photographer: Unknown..Date: 1957..Type: Photographic print..Standard number: 2002-10650..Summary: Several visitors at the Hall of Health at the "How Tall Are You?" exhibit showing the growth rate of children a... More
Maria Goeppert-Mayer (1906-1972), walking in to the Nobel ceremony wit...
Description: This photo was taken in 1963, as physicist Maria Goeppert-Mayer (1906-1972) was being escorted by King Gustav Adolf of Sweden to a gala banquet following the ceremony during which she received the ... More
Youth Classes at Anacostia Neighborhood Museum
Photographer: Unknown..Date: 1968..Type: Photographic print..Standard number: 92-3567..Summary: Girls at a painting class at Anacostia Neighborhood Museum..: siarchives.si.edu/collections/siris_sic_8384 ( siris... More
Faye Johannes Marley (1900-1992)
Subject: Marley, Faye Johannes 1900-1992. Science Service. American Red Cross. University of Missouri. University of Michigan. International Cancer Congress..Type: Black-and-white photographs..Date: 1962. 7/13/... More
Jacqueline L. Schroedter - Womens history month
Subject: Schroedter, Jacqueline L. Lockheed Missiles and Space Company. University of Arizona. Astronautical Society of the Pacific..Type: Black-and-white photographs..Date: 1962..Topic: Astronomy. Women scient... More
Mary Alice McWhinnie, professor, scientist
90-105, 13, "Portraits, Mac-Mc L-Z (2)"; "Mary Alice McWhinnie (1922-1980) was a professor of biology at DePaul University and a world-renowned authority on krill when she began working on research ships off-sh... More
Valentine's Day Card Featuring the Smithsonian National Zoo’s Oranguta...
Instructions: Print out this template and fold it twice (once horizontally, once vertically.) If you come up with any fun captions, please share them on this related blog post: blog.photography.si.edu/2011/02/0... More
Emblem for the Division of Armed Forces History, National Museum of Am...
The original finding aid described this photograph as: Country: Unknown Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files
NZP Keeper Morna Holden Feeding Animals
Author: Cohen, Jessie..Subject: National Zoological Park (U.S.)..Type: Photographic print. Animal, candid..Date: 1987..Topic: Holden, Morna. Women. Animals. Sandhill Crane. Zoos. Zoo keepers. American bison. Bu... More
Springtime view of the Smithsonian Institution "Castle," the museum co...
Digital image produced by Carol M. Highsmith to represent her original film transparency; some details may differ between the film and the digital images. Title, date, and keywords provided by the photographer.... More
A giant panda, the star attraction at the Smithsonian Institution's Na...
Digital image produced by Carol M. Highsmith to represent her original film transparency; some details may differ between the film and the digital images. Title, date, and keywords provided by the photographer.... More
KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA. -- This 100-pound Mundrabilla meteorite s...
KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA. -- This 100-pound Mundrabilla meteorite sample is being studied in Wyle Laboratory's Nondestructive Testing Laboratory at KSC. The one-of-a-kind meteorite was found 36 years ago in... More
Ancient Earth, Alien Earths Event
Dr. Dawn Sumner, Professor of Geology, UC Davis, speaks on a panel at the “Ancient Earth, Alien Earths” Event at NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC Wednesday, August 20, 2014. The event was sponsored by NASA, ... More
Edison Talking Doll mechanism - view 3
"Jack and Jill" ; Edison Talking Doll cylinder, brown wax ; Smithsonian Institution.
Washington from Smithsonian Institute (Institution) castle, Washington...
Title from jacket. Six negatives form five-part panorama with close variant of left center section. Videodisc images are out of sequence; actual left to right order is 1A-19291, 19286 (or 19287), 19290, 19288, ... More
The Smithsonian Institution. Completed in 1855, the Castle is a home t...
Washington DC stereoscopic card. Robert Dennis's stereographs collection includes more than 72,000 stereoscopic views organized primarily by geography. The collection bears the name of the native New Yorker wh... More
The Smithsonian Institution. Completed in 1855, the Castle is a home t...
Picryl description: Public domain image of a public building, auditorium, hall, commons, 19th-20th century architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Acanthemblemaria atrata 4
Acanthemblemaria atrata, Cocos Island (Costa Rica) Public domain photograph of a marine biology, fish, ichthyology, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Acanthurus chirurgus SI
Acanthurus chirurgus Public domain photograph of a marine biology, fish, ichthyology, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Achirus achirus range
Achirus achirus range Public domain photograph of a marine biology, fish, ichthyology, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Achirus declivis range - Public domain map
Achirus declivis range
Alopias vulpinus teeth2
Alopias vulpinus Public domain photograph of a marine biology, fish, ichthyology, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Aluterus heudelotii range
Aluterus heudelotii range Public domain photograph of a marine biology, fish, ichthyology, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Czechoslovakia 1934 10 Ducats - coin, public domain photograph
Czechoslovakia 1934 10 Ducats Public domain photograph of a historical coin, money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
France 1709-A One Louis d'Or (rev)
France 1709-A One Louis d'Or (rev), depicting Louis XIV of France
France 1740-A Ecu in Gold (Louis15) Essai
France, gold écu (1740-A) depicting Louis XV. An Essai or pattern coin.
Freer Gallery of Art Groundbreaking
The ground-breaking for the Freer Gallery of Art on September 23, 1916. A crowd of people has formed a semi-circle to observe the event. While not all of the individuals are identified, several names are listed... More
Mustelus lunulatus head2
Mustelus lunulatus (Panama) Public domain photograph of a marine biology, fish, ichthyology, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
NMAH-2007-3743-000001 - A close up of a gun on a red background
Model 1855 U.S. Percussion Rifle used by Frank E. Brownell at the National Museum of American History.
Pietro Montana in his studio cropped
"Pietro Montana in his studio." Cropped.The Peter A. Juley & Son Collection of photographs was donated to the Smithsonian American Art Museum.
Spatuloricaria atratoensis X-ray
Spatuloricaria atratoensis, X-ray Public domain photograph of animal skeleton, zoology, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Viking 7-09 - Rocket Technology
Viking rocket #7 Public domain photograph of rocket development in the USA, early stages of space exploration, NASA, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Viking 9-01 - Rocket Technology
Viking rocket #9 Public domain photograph of rocket development in the USA, early stages of space exploration, NASA, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Браши Бьютт3 - A grassy field with mountains in the distance
Русский: Долина вулкана Браши Бьютт.Вдалеке виднеется гора из хребта Солдиер (Soldiers mountnais),English: In this view from Little Hot Springs Valley to the NW, Soldier Mountain is the prominent peak in the ba... More
"Victoria" Plate, mid-19th century (CH 18693387)
Scalloped-edge plate with green transfer-printed decoration on white ground. Large central flower decorative motif printed on center of plate. Border reveals alternating wide bands filled with rows of wavy, dot... More
Botanical Plate, 1752–56 (CH 18411445)
Deep well; marli with wavy rim, turned up slightly. Thick purple stem with three large greenish-yellow and two small green leaves. Flower yellowish curly petals around massed anthers. Small sprig of blue mornin... More
Bottle (England), ca. 1770 (CH 18647961)
A blue and gold glass bottle with a picture of a cherub, United Kingdom, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Corsica Plate, mid-19th century (CH 18693367)
Scalloped-edge plate with green transfer-printed decoration on white ground. Central scene depicting Renaissance couple surrounded by classical architectural structures, columns, urns and mountainous landscape.... More
Cupids Grinding (Air), from a group called The Elements Figure Group, ...
Two cherubs under a tree on a mound of ricks with clinging vegetation. Standing cherub at left sharpening an Arrowpoint on a grindstone. Seated cherub holds a torch in an upraised hand.
Gypsy Pitcher, 1843 (CH 18734881) (cropped)
Putty-colored job with relief decoration showing a family under a tent.
Jar (England), ca. 1888–97 (CH 18638833)
Two high handles rising from the shoulders. Blue Hispano-Moresque decoration with dolphins.
Jar And Lid (England), 1749–60 (CH 18640227-2), Longton Hall porcelain...
Campana urn form with spreading circular foot. Raised leaf decoration with lime green and aubergine outlines. Dome shaped lid with vine shaped handle. Gords and vine on interior or base.
Jug (England), 1842 (CH 18707945)
A highly decorative cream jug with detail on the body, spout and handle. The center has panels depicting figures in an outdoor scene.
Jug (England), 1849 (CH 18707935)
A highly decorative white jug with detail on the body, spout and handle. The center depicts a knight riding a horse in an outdoor scene.
Jug (England), ca. 1842 (CH 18707941)
Blue-grey body; running stags decoration. Public domain photograph of vase-shaped vessel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Melbourne Plate, ca. 1881-1885 (CH 18669363-2)
Circular form, the white crackled ground with brown Japanese-inspired transfer-printed decoration, the top section showing birds in flight over a body of water, shoreline with tree and flowering plants in foreg... More
Mug (England), 18th–mid-19th century (CH 18707557)
Shepherd scene Public domain photograph of archaeological object, ceramics vessel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Peacock Tile, 1898–1907 (CH 18394159)
Square tile of reddish clay with grogg added. Bluish-white crackled glaze with peacock painted in blue.
Pitcher (England), 1800–1830 (CH 18707613-2)
Bulbous pitcher in yellow with pointed spout and angular and curved handle. Black border on rim and base. Depicts young man collecting wheat in circular frame. Below, inscribed: “APPLICATION”.
Rangoon Plate, ca. 1878–85 (CH 18669351)
Six-sided form with circular caveto, the cream-colored ground with brown transfer-printed decoration of three birds in flight among a tree and flowers, above a geometric-patterned band and a section with flower... More
Rose Trellis Tile, 1882–88 (CH 18394175)
Square tile of reddish buff clay with grog added. On white crackled glaze blue border and cross bars, over which a diagonally set plant with two large yellow flowers in painted.