Ierusalem, cum suburbiis, prout tempore Christi floruit, accurate nota...
Relief shown pictorially. German. Titles in Latin and German. Shows Jerusalem during the time of Christ. Includes descriptive text in German. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
Map of Poland from BL Harley 3686, ff. 100v-101
Map of Poland to the Volga River. Image taken from ff. 100v-101 of Geography (index Cosmographie primus), translated by Jacopo Angeli da Scarperia, with eighteen maps of Europe, Asia and Africa (index portolan ... More
Miniature of a map: 'Crete hodie candia'. from BL Arundel 93, f. 134v
Miniature of a map: 'Crete hodie candia'. Image taken from f. 134v of Liber insularum archipelagi. Written in Latin. The Arundel Manuscript Collection was amassed by the Howard family, particularly Thomas Howa... More
Chios from BL Arundel 93, f. 150 - Public domain old map
Detail of a map of the island of Chios, illustrating section 58. Image taken from f. 150 of Liber insularum archipelagi. Written in Latin. The Arundel Manuscript Collection was amassed by the Howard family, pa... More
Belegering van Batavia door de koning van Java, 1628
Public domain scan of a architecture diagram, settlement map, plan, or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.
Beleg van Dachstein in de Elzas, 1610
Public domain image of vintage Dutch map, plan of a city siege, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Het beleg van Haarlem, 1572-1573 - Public domain old map
Public domain image of vintage Dutch map, plan of a city siege, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Cornelis Anthonisz - Plattegrond van Amsterdam, 1544 (vijfde deel)
Vijfde deel van een plattegrond van Amsterdam in vogelvluchtperspectief, bestaande uit elf delen (twaalfde deel ontbreekt).
Frans Hogenberg - Beleg van Coevorden door Maurits, 1592
Beleg en verovering van Coevorden door het Staatse leger onder prins Maurits, 12 september 1592. Op de voorgrond beschietingen en gevechten tijdens de verovering van (waarschijnlijk) Emlichheim op 7 september 1... More
Plattegrond van Basel, ca. 1701-1713
Public domain scan of an 18th-century map, vintage, old city plan, fortifications, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.
Beleg van Alkmaar, 1573 - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication image
Public domain scan of an 18th-century map, vintage, old, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.
Plattegrond van Bommel, 1599 - Public domain old map
Plattegrond van Bommel ten tijde van het beleg door de Spanjaarden onder Mendoza, mei-juni 1599. Onderaan de Waal, linksboven een cartouche met de titel. Genummerd rechtsonder 23.
Beleg van Mantua, 1629-1630 - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication ima...
Public domain scan of an 18th-century map, vintage, old, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.
Plattegrond van Goch, 1631-1632, Flanders
Plattegrond van Goch. Onderdeel van een groep plattegronden van steden, forten en dijken in Brabant veroverd door het Staatse leger onder Frederik Hendrik in de jaren 1631-1632.
Herovering van La Bassée door Francisco de Melo, 1642
Kaart met de herovering van de vestingstad La Bassée door het Spaanse leger onder landvoogd Francisco de Melo op 11 mei na een belegering begonnen op 19 april 1642. Centraal de versterkte stad, op de voorgrond ... More
Plattegrond van het belegerde Sas van Gent, 1644
Plattegrond van Sas van Gent, belegerd door het Staatse leger onder Frederik Hendrik, begonnen 28 juli en ingenomen op 5 september 1644. Plattegrond van de versterkingen rond Sas-van-Gent, onderaan twee mannen ... More
Gezicht op het kapucijnenklooster te Tervuren
Gezicht in vogelvluchtperspectief op het kapucijnenklooster te Tervuren. Boven, in het midden, een banderol met titel. In de vijver op de voorgrond een roeiboot en een aantal vogels.
Caspar Luyken - Kaart van de grietenij Ferwerderadeel
Linksboven titelcartouche, daaromheen het wapen van Ferwerderadeel en een visser met visnetten. Linksonder cartouche met bestuurlijke informatie over de grietenij. Daaromheen het wapen van grietman jonker Berna... More
Jan Luyken - Plattegrond van Rosas - Public domain map
Prent rechtsboven gemerkt: Fol: 266.
Gezicht op Kassel, Flanders - Public domain old map
Gezicht op Kassel in vogelvluchtperspectief. Boven, in het midden, de titelcartouche met legenda A-Z en 1-2. Linksboven het wapen van Kassel, rechts daarvan het wapen van de koning van Spanje. Rechtsboven het w... More
Giovanni Battista Falda - Plattegrond van de stad Rome
Deel van een plattegrond van Rome. Public domain scan of 17th-century etching print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Plattegrond van Verua (Verue), 1693
Plattegrond van de versterkingen rond de stad Verua (Verue) aan de Po in Piemonte. Onderdeel van het tweede deel (1693) van het prentwerk waarin gebundeld zijn de acht delen van Les forces de l'Europe uitgegeve... More
Plan du siege de Brimston Hill. - Public domain old map
Scale ca. 1:14,440. Manuscript, pen-and-ink and watercolor. Hand colored. Accompanied by photocopy of map. LC Maps of North America, 1750-1789, 1994 Relief shown by shading. Available also through the Library o... More
A map of New-England, being the first that ever was here cut, and done...
Scale ca. 1:900,000. Manuscript, pen-and-ink. Oriented with north to the right. Relief shown pictorially. "This is a copy of the first map engraved in New England. Taken from one in Hubbard's Narrative of the t... More
An exact draught of the island of New Providence one of the Bahama Isl...
Scale ca. 1:50,000. Manuscript, pen-and-ink and watercolor. Has watermark. Oriented with north to the bottom. Relief shown pictorially and by shading. Depths shown by soundings. LC Maps of North America, 1750-1... More
[Map showing Trinidad Island and adjacent coast of Venezuela].
Relief shown pictorially. Depths shown by soundings. Watermark: PVL [Pieter van Ley] in 1 character. Black, red, and yellow inks. Mounted on cloth backing. LC Luso-Hispanic World, 808 Available also through the... More
Plattegrond van Koblenz, ca. 1701-1713 (Abraham Allard)
Plattegrond van de versterkingen om de Duitse stad Koblenz. Onderdeel van de gebundelde reeks van 49 platen van vermaarde sterke steden en vestingen in de Spaanse Successieoorlog, ca. 1701-1713. Met de titels i... More
Gezicht op Tarku in Dagestan, 1726
Gezicht op de plaats Tarku (Tarki?) in Dagestan, op de voorgrond een legerkamp. Plaat nr. 471 in deel XIX van het prentwerk: Les Forces de l'Europe, Asie, Afrique et Amerique ... Comme aussi les Cartes des Côte... More
Kaart van het oostelijk deel van Java
Kaart van Oost Java. Bovenaan een gezicht op Batavia vanaf het water. Er zijn vijf windrozen en op de kaart zijn topografische bijzonderheden aangebracht: rijstvelden, bergen, wilde dieren etc. Met het eiland M... More
Luxembourg, une fortresse tres-celebre de la duché de cette nom dans P...
Relief shown by hachures. Title and index in French and German; text in German. Appears in Seutter's Grosser Atlas worinnen enthalten alle die jenige geographisches Universal-Special- und Particular-Mappen, mit... More
Gezicht op Neuchâtel - Public domain vintage map
Gezicht op de stad Neuchâtel in Zwitserland. In het onderschrift de legenda 1-19. Onderdeel van een atlas met 223 kaarten van landen en steden en oorlogstaferelen in Europa in de periode ca. 1690-1735.
Reynier Blokhuysen - Gezicht op het Land van Beveren
Gezicht in vogelvluchtperspectief op het Land van Beveren. Onder een inzet met een gezicht op het kasteel, de kerk en het stadhuis van het dorp Beveren. Boven een inzet met een kaart van de omgeving van Beveren... More
[Plan of New Ebenezer, Ga., 1742, which was settled in 1736 by the per...
Illus. in: S. Urlsperger, ...Nachrichten von der königlich-gross-britannischen Colonie Saltzburgischer Emigranted in America..., 1741-52, vol. 3. Reference copy may be in LOT 4388 D. This record contains unveri... More
Plan of ancient Rome with a view of the Pantheon lower left and a triu...
Public domain photograph of 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
A prospective plan of the battle fought near Lake George on the 8th of...
In late summer 1755, a force of colonial militia advanced up the Hudson River with the goal of capturing the French fortress of Saint Frederic on Lake Champlain. Near Lake George they were ambushed by a large f... More
Plan du terrain sur le cap appartenant à la paroise de cette uille 175...
Scale ca. 1:550. Manuscript, pen-and-ink and watercolor. The original manuscript plot of the top of the cape at Quebec, on which the Chateau St. Louis stood, where the Chateau Frontenac now stands, as well as t... More
A general map of the middle British colonies in America: Viz. Virginia...
Scale ca. 1:2,250,000. Hand colored. Prime meridian: London and Philadelphia. Relief shown pictorially. Includes numerous notes, especially concerning inland water communications and natural resources, 3 distan... More
Plan of the inlet, strait, & town of St. Augustine.
Scale ca. 1:9,100. Manuscript, pen-and-ink. "No. 9." LC Maps of North America, 1750-1789, 1636 LC Luso-Hispanic World, 907 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Vault. AACR2
Plan de Monaco. Historic map, Library of Congress
Scale ca. 1:6,000. Relief shown pictorially. Oriented with north toward the lower right. "Tome IV, no. 72." Covers commune of Monaco. From the author's Le petit atlas maritime. 1764. Available also through the ... More
A new chart of New Holland on which are delineated New South Wale, and...
Available also through the Library of Congress web site as a raster image.
[St. Eustatius, Leeward Islands]. - Public domain map
Shows aerial view of the port of Sint Eustatius in the northern Leeward Islands of the West Indies including buildings, ships, and fortifications. Relief shown pictorially. Bird's-eye-view. Pen-and-ink and penc... More
A new plan of Boston Harbour from an actual survey.
Scale ca. 1:110,000. "N.B. Charlestown burnt June 17th, 1775 by the regulars." Index for points of interest. Cited in David McNeely Stauffer's American engravers upon copper and steel as appearing in the Pennsy... More
A plan of that part of the Rosalij Estate call'd New-Found-Land, the p...
Scale ca. 1:3,960. Relief shown by hachures and shading. Manuscript, pen-and-ink and watercolor. Watermark: J. Whatman: C. [and a fleur-de-lis on a crowned shield, over the letters GR] Shows wood. Annotated ove... More
A plan of the east part of Long Island Sound from remarks made on boar...
Scale ca. 1:127,000. Manuscript, pen-and-ink and watercolor. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. LC copy annotated: By Lieutt. Knatchbull, Recd. 31 Jany. 1778. Includes directions for navigatio... More
Plan of Great Yarmouth : Surveyed by the late Mr. Henry Swinden ; M.I....
Dedicatoria : "Inscribed to the Right Honble. Charles Townshend, and the Honble. Richard Walpole Representatives in Parliament for this Borough, By their most Humble Servant Mostyn Yno. Armstrong, County Surveyor"
A chart of Nantucket Shoals - Vintage map, Norman B. Leventhal Collect...
Public domain image of a nautical map, chart, navigation pilot guide, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
View of the City of New York and Governors Island Taken from Brooklyn ...
Picryl description: Public domain photo of landscape art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Plan of a Room - Drawing. Public domain image.
Anonymous, British, 19th century Public domain scan of a plan of settlement buildings, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Croquis de una porción de terreno que ha sacado el Coronel Dn. Ramón F...
Manuscrito firmado y rubricado por el autor. A plumilla en tinta negra y coloreado a la acuarela en gris, ocre, verde y carmín
Embocadura del rio Mondego y Barra de Figueiras : situado el Fte. Sta....
Orientado con media flor de lis Public domain scan of a plan of settlement buildings, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Curso del río Orinoco desde su unión con el río Caroni hasta sus bocas
Título propio redactado a partir del contenido del documento
map from "[Travels in Switzerland, and in the Country of the Grisons ....
This image has been taken from scan 000024 from volume 01 of "[Travels in Switzerland, and in the Country of the Grisons ... The third edition.]". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated f... More
Kaart van de Omgestorte en onherstelbare Gebouwen te Leiden; Bij het s...
Plattegrond van het verwoeste gebied aan beide zijden van het Steenschuur te Leiden, na de Buskruitramp van 12 januari 1807. Bovenaan een allegorisch cartouche met de titel op de ruïne van een gebouw, hierbij e... More
Plano de las inmediaciones de Barcelona : que comprehende el término d...
Manuscrito firmado por el autor. A plumilla en tintas roja y negra y coloreado a la acuarela en carmín, gris, amarillo y azul
Configuracion de la ciudad de Mataró y sus terrenos contiguos e indica...
Presenta el plano de la ciudad de Mataró y parte del terreno circundante a la misma, hasta una distancia aproximada de 2 km
Croquis del terreno en que sostuvieron Acción las tropas del 3 Exercit...
Comprende la zona entre los pueblos de Ibi, Tibi, Castalla, Villena y Sax
Croquis de las inmediaciones del Guadalquibir y Guadalimar con las abe...
Manuscrito firmado y rubricado por el autor. A plumilla en tinta negra
Croquis aproximativo de las posiciones y Fuerte qe. ocupan los Enemigo...
Manuscrito firmado y rubricado por el autor. A plumilla en tinta negra y coloreado a la acuarela en gris y siena
Croquis del Campamto. de Tordesillas desde el dia 30 de Octubre hasta ...
Comprende parte del término municipal de Tordesillas, en la provincia de Valladolid
Croquis que representa la situación y figura del Castillo de Oris
"Visto Bueno" de Antonio Puig "Ayte. 1"
Plano de la ciudad, puerto y arsenal de Cartagena : situado el Observa...
Orientado con flecha en cuadrante Public domain scan of a plan of settlement buildings, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Plano de la Península del Morrazo de entre las Rías de Pontevedra y Vi...
Manuscrito firmado y rubricado por el autor Public domain scan of a plan of settlement buildings, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Defeat of the British army 12,000 strong under the command of Sir Edwa...
Défaite de l'armée Anglaise forte de 12,000 hommes commandée par Sir Edward Packenham a l'attaque du 8 Janvier 1815 de la ligne de retranchement de l'armée Americaine defendue par 3,600 milicienes sous les ... More
map from "[Karamania, or, a brief description of the South Coast of As...
This image has been taken from scan 000022 from "[Karamania, or, a brief description of the South Coast of Asia-Minor and of the remains of antiquity. With plans, views, etc.]". The title and subject terms of t... More
plan from "History and Illustrations of the London Theatres: comprisin...
This image has been taken from scan 000093 from "History and Illustrations of the London Theatres: comprising an account of the origin and progress of the drama in England; with historical and descriptive accou... More
Desde la presa de Don Pedro de Silva hasta la de Canales, cuya distanc...
Public domain scan of a technical diagram, plan, or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.
Plan of Mount Auburn - Vintage map, Norman B. Leventhal Collection
Public domain image of the vintage map from Norman B. Leventhal Map Center, free to use, no copyright restrictions image. The Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center at the Boston Public Library is a special... More
North Downs from "An Introduction to Geology, illustrative of the gene...
This image has been taken from scan 000376 from "An Introduction to Geology, illustrative of the general structure of the earth; comprising the elements of the science, and an outline of the geology and mineral... More
map from "[The Channel Islands, etc. (Second edition.) [With maps.]]"
This image has been taken from scan 000022 from "[The Channel Islands, etc. (Second edition.) [With maps.]]". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated from tags, created by users of the Bri... More
Ionian Sea from "De Aardbol. Magazijn van hedendaagsche land- en volke...
This image has been taken from scan 000282 from volume 06 of "De Aardbol. Magazijn van hedendaagsche land- en volkenkunde ... Met platen en kaarten. [Deel 4-9 by P. H. W.]". The title and subject terms of this ... More
map from "The conquest of Scinde, with some introductory passages in t...
This image has been taken from scan 000499 from "The conquest of Scinde, with some introductory passages in the life of Major-General Sir Charles James Napier". The title and subject terms of this image have be... More
map from "L'Orléanais. Histoire des Ducs et du Duché d'Oriéans ... ...
This image has been taken from scan 000020 from "L'Orléanais. Histoire des Ducs et du Duché d'Oriéans ... Illustrée par MM. Baron, Français, etc". The title and subject terms of this image have been genera... More
Plano topográfico de la Coruña y terreno inmediato, en que tuvo lugar ...
Fecha y mención de responsabilidad tomadas del catálogo del SGE: "Mapas de Galicia. Siglos XVII al XIX". 1965
Vue de la Ville de Sviajsk du côté du Midi prise lors du Debordement
Titel auch in kyrill. Schrift Public domain scan of 17th-century etching print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain scan of 18th-century etching print, free to use,... More
Ein Goudveld Bij Lijdenburg from "Zuid-Afrika. Reisherinneringen. [Wit...
This image has been taken from scan 000207 from "Zuid-Afrika. Reisherinneringen. [With maps and illustrations.]". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated from tags, created by users of the... More
map from "Bibliothek deutscher Geschichte ... Herausgegeben von H. v. ...
This image has been taken from scan 000687 from volume 11 of "Bibliothek deutscher Geschichte ... Herausgegeben von H. v. Zwiedineck-Südenhorst". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated f... More
Nature from "The Earth and its Inhabitants. The European section of th...
This image has been taken from scan 000130 from volume 02 of "The Earth and its Inhabitants. The European section of the Universal Geography by E. Reclus. Edited by E. G. Ravenstein. Illustrated by ... engravin... More
map from "Kuvallinen Suomen historia vanhimmista ajoista nykyaikaan sa...
This image has been taken from scan 000133 from "Kuvallinen Suomen historia vanhimmista ajoista nykyaikaan saakka". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated from tags, created by users of t... More
Veduta della Sorgente della Fiumara e della Fabrica di Carta in Fiume
Public domain scan of Dutch 18th-19th-century landscape print or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
iceland from "Bibliothek geographischer Handbücher. Herausgegeben von...
This image has been taken from scan 000141 from volume 02 of "Bibliothek geographischer Handbücher. Herausgegeben von ... F. Ratzel". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated from tags, cr... More
Karnak (Thèbes) - avenue de sphinx - vue générale prise du point G / F...
Ruins along the avenue of Sphinxes as seen from "point G" showing palms and temple ruins in the distance (see map, pl. 42 bis). Illus. in: Égypte et Nubie : sites et monuments les plus intéressants pour l'étude... More
Chinese settlement in the suburbs of San Francisco, California / ... F...
Humble dwellings along bay. Illus. in: Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper, 1856 June 21, p. 21.
portrait from "History of Texas from its first settlement in 1685 to i...
This image has been taken from scan 000223 from volume 01 of "History of Texas from its first settlement in 1685 to its annexation to the United States in 1846 ... With an extended appendix [containing Memoir o... More
portrait from "The History and Antiquities of Boston, the capital of M...
This image has been taken from scan 000181 from volume 02 of "The History and Antiquities of Boston, the capital of Massachusetts ... from its settlement in 1630 to the year 1770. Also an introductory history t... More
portrait from "The History and Antiquities of Boston, the capital of M...
This image has been taken from scan 000047 from volume 01 of "The History and Antiquities of Boston, the capital of Massachusetts ... from its settlement in 1630 to the year 1770. Also an introductory history t... More
Norman's chart of the lower Mississippi River,
Scale ca. 1:140,000. Alternate title: From Natchez to New Orleans. Hand colored. Cadastral map showing landowners. LC copy 2 imperfect: Pieces missing primarily along outside margin and discolored. Shows planta... More
Architecture from "History of the City of New York, from its earliest ...
This image has been taken from scan 000421 from "History of the City of New York, from its earliest settlement to the present time ... Illustrated with ... engravings". The title and subject terms of this image... More
One hundred & fifty miles around Richmond. 9th ed.
Scale ca. 1:880,000. LC Civil War Maps (2nd ed.), 632.3 General map centered on Richmond, Virginia. Map is printed in blue with title and border in red. "Ninth edition 3000 of Magnus' all around map." "Dedicate... More
portrait from "The History of Haverhill, Massachusetts, from its first...
This image has been taken from scan 000675 from "The History of Haverhill, Massachusetts, from its first settlement, in 1640, to the year 1860. [With plates.]". The title and subject terms of this image have be... More
uppsala_högar from "One Year in Sweden; including a visit to the Isle ...
This image has been taken from scan 000209 from volume 02 of "One Year in Sweden; including a visit to the Isle of Götland ... Map and illustrations". The title and subject terms of this image have been genera... More
Plan of the Second Battle of Bull Run, Va. Showing position of both ar...
Public domain scan of a vintage map, plan, atlas, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.
Plan of the Battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Decr. 13, 1862.
Map shows the region surrounding Fredericksburg, Va., including Marie's Heights outside of the city and Falmouth across the Rappahannock River. Due to Burnside's slow maneuvering of the Union forces, Lee was a... More
[Map of Nelson Co. and part of the counties of Albemarle, Amherst, Aug...
"Map from the Confederate Engineer Bureau in Richmond, Va. General J.F. Gilmer, Chief Engineer[.] Presented to the Virginia Historical Society by his only daughter, Mrs. J.F. Minis, Sav[ana]h, Ga."--Note on map... More
[Map of the environs of Olley Creek near Marietta, Georgia, July? 1864...
Shows troop positions, fortifications, and names of some residents. Title and date from Stephenson's Civil War maps, 1989. LC Civil War maps (2nd ed.), S96, 198 Available also through the Library of Congress We... More
Map of the anthracite coalfields of Pennsylvania
The second half of the 19th century was the peak of anthracite coal mining in Pennsylvania. This 1886 map illustrates the geology of the region, and uses two modern techniques to visualize minerals below ground... More
Map of Winona County, Minnesota. 1867.
Phillips, 2046 LC Panoramic maps (2nd ed.), 414.1 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
William p Chappel - The Lamp Lighter, New York
Public domain photo of American art painting, 16th-17th century, 18th-19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Reverend Father Leonard Van Tighem
1875..Born in Flanders, Belgium in 1851, Reverend Father Leonard Van Tighem came to Canada in 1874 where he studied for the priesthood in Lachine, Quebec. He came to Fort MacLeod in 1886 and served parishes in... More
[Library of Congress ("National Library"), Judiciary Square site, Wash...
Public domain scan of architectural drawing, architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Quincy Canal (Birds eye view) map 1876
Picryl description: Public domain image - Massachusetts in the 1910s, free to use, no copyright restrictions.