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second world war

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Bilder ohne Worte (In der Bauernstube)

Bilder ohne Worte (In der Bauernstube)

RAFA-3309 U71_0354..Vil du bla i albumet, kan du gjøre det i Digitalarkivet: ( ) ..If yo... More

Photograph of a Broken Fire Escape after the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

Photograph of a Broken Fire Escape after the Triangle Shirtwaist Facto...

Photographs from the Depression and World War II Public domain photograph of New York historic building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Photograph of People Viewing Victims of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire in Coffins

Photograph of People Viewing Victims of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factor...

Photographs from the Depression and World War II Public domain photograph - United States military, propaganda free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Reviving wounded German with Pulmotor

Reviving wounded German with Pulmotor

Photograph shows a German being revived with a Pulmotor, an artificial respiration device, during World War I. (Source: Flickr Commons project, 2012)

Wounded with dum-dum bullet during World War I

Wounded with dum-dum bullet during World War I

Photograph shows a man holding the arm of a person with expanding bullet wounds.

Emblemas de la libertad y de la humanidad La Cruz Roja, Madre de todas las naciones.

Emblemas de la libertad y de la humanidad La Cruz Roja, Madre de todas...

Poster showing two Red Cross nurses, one, a Madonna figure, cradling in her arms a wounded soldier(?) on a litter, between the flags of Ecuador and the United States.

Another sort of war ruin - after several days in the trenches

Another sort of war ruin - after several days in the trenches

A British Red Cross orderly escorting a wounded, captured, German soldier to a field hospital for treatment. National Photo Company Collection. Photo by Central News Photo Service. No. 8800A.

Wounded heroes of the Battle of Mons

Wounded heroes of the Battle of Mons

Photograph shows a woman with soldiers who were wounded in the Battle of Mons which took place on August 23, 1914 in France during World War I. (Source: Flickr Commons project, 2011)

Sgt. George A. Klein - Glass negative photogrpah. Public domain.

Sgt. George A. Klein - Glass negative photogrpah. Public domain.

Photograph shows First Sergeant George A. Klein, reported as wounded during World War I.(Source: Flickr Commons, 2016 and The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, July 31, 1918) Title from data provided by the Bain News Servi... More

Case of Frank Wiegel, 3916 - # Ave., Brooklyn N.Y., injured after working 18 hours a day. He was injured at 1:55 A.M. January 18, 1914. Age 15 years. Employed by the Henry Bosch Paper Co., makers of wallpaper sample books. On Saturday, or rather Sunday morning at 1:55, Frank must have fallen asleep and in some way he knocked against the controlling pedal, and the next thing he knew his hand was caught in the machine. He sued the Co. for damages and after 2 years' litigation he received an award of $10,000 - $5,000 for each of 2 fingers which were amputated. The lawyer's fee has not yet been decided upon by the court. Location: New York--Brooklyn, New York (State)

Case of Frank Wiegel, 3916 - # Ave., Brooklyn N.Y., injured after work...

Attribution to Hine based on provenance. In album: Miscellaneous. Title from NCLC caption card for Hine no. 4075. Hine no. 4076. Credit line: National Child Labor Committee collection, Library of Congress, Prin... More

Union Hospital - Lewis Palmer - 14 years - 455 Peckham St. - Rope hauler in Estes Mill, making mop rope. Began April 25th. Hand cut by rope May 18th. Laid up one month. Wages $4.60 - compensation $4. Goes on Sunday hikes with his crowd.  Location: Fall River, Massachusetts / Lewis W. Hine.

Union Hospital - Lewis Palmer - 14 years - 455 Peckham St. - Rope haul...

Picryl description: Public domain image of child labor, exploitation, children workers, economic conditions, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Wilfred Levoie - 15 years - 120 Diman St. - Weaver, American Linen Co. Cut leg June 20, 1916. (See Mr. Wagner's schedule.) Was pushing and pulling basket along floor; basket caught a loose board and threw him against loom cutting his leg.  Location: Fall River, Massachusetts / Lewis W. Hine.

Wilfred Levoie - 15 years - 120 Diman St. - Weaver, American Linen Co....

Picryl description: Public domain image of child labor, exploitation, children workers, economic conditions, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Entry of Field Marshall Allenby, Jerusalem, Dec. 11th, 1917. British troops lining the streets of Jerusalem

Entry of Field Marshall Allenby, Jerusalem, Dec. 11th, 1917. British t...

No. 1844. Title from: Catalogue of photographs & lantern slides ... [1936?]. This record contains unverified data from caption card. Forms part of: the G. Eric and Edith Matson Photograph Collection. Caption ca... More

Document, 'Returned Effects Distribution Department'

Document, 'Returned Effects Distribution Department'

Public domain image related to New Zealand's participation in World War One, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Not one wounded Yank will be forgotten

Not one wounded Yank will be forgotten

Title and notes from Red Cross caption card. Photographer name or source of original from caption card or negative sleeve: A.R.C. Group title: Hospital, U.S. in France. On caption card: (3605), (3602) Date base... More

Wounded Americans in London Hospitals: Private Kenneth Williams of Rochester, N.Y., in the fine new South African Hut hospital in Richmond Park, London

Wounded Americans in London Hospitals: Private Kenneth Williams of Roc...

Title, date and notes from Red Cross caption card. Photographer name or source of original from caption card or negative sleeve: A.R.C. Group title: Hospitals U.S. in England. Used in: Atlantic Division, 9/28/1... More

American Red Cross Sunshine Room. The American Red Cross is providing Rooms with tasteful decorations and with every comfort in Army Hospitals. As it has been found that wounded soldiers who are dependent or suffering from serious shell-shock, respond much more quickly to treatment when placed in congenial surroundings. June 1918

American Red Cross Sunshine Room. The American Red Cross is providing ...

Sunshine room, Chaumont. Title, date and notes from Red Cross caption card. Photographer name or source of original from caption card or negative sleeve: Hine. Group title: Military Hospitals. Gift; American Na... More

Lest we forget - Drawing. Public domain image.

Lest we forget - Drawing. Public domain image.

Elderly woman holding flowers and kneeling at grave of soldier, France This record contains unverified, old data from caption card. Caption card tracings: WWI France 1918; Cemeteries France 1918; Holidays Memor... More

Living up to the tradition of her name, Miss Clara Barton, Grand Rapids, Mich. Burn treatment of machine gun wound, 3D operation, Hospital #5. Living up to the tradition of her name, Miss Clara Barton of Grand Rapids, Michigan, is caring for the wounded American soldiers at American Military Hospital No. 5 at Auteuil, a tent hospital put up and supported by the AMERICAN RED CROSS. This man is having the sun cure. The treatment consists in exposing the wound to the full sunshine with only the protection of a mosquito netting stretched above it to protect against insects, etc

Living up to the tradition of her name, Miss Clara Barton, Grand Rapid...

Caption from negative sleeve: The sun's rays in general are germicidal and the treatment is especially successful in tubercular wounds. Title, date and notes from Red Cross caption card. Photographer name or so... More

If you fail - He dies - Drawing. Public domain image.

If you fail - He dies - Drawing. Public domain image.

Post card showing Red Cross nurse with wounded soldier, World War I.

ARC nurse and camion driver assisting wounded French soldiers from the train to the camion, St. Etienne. July 1918

ARC nurse and camion driver assisting wounded French soldiers from the...

Title, date and notes from Red Cross caption card. Photographer name or source of original from caption card or negative sleeve: Hine. Group title: Wounded French soldiers. Gift; American National Red Cross 194... More

Military Hospital #1. Ask Miss Sullivan. This nurse form Mercy Hospital, Chicago, who has tended many French and British wounded, is now caring for an American soldier whose leg came into collision with a bullet from a Boche machine gun. He is recovering, on the roof of the American Military Hospital No. 1 at Neuilly which is supported by the AMERICAN RED CROSS

Military Hospital #1. Ask Miss Sullivan. This nurse form Mercy Hospita...

Title, date and notes from Red Cross caption card. Photographer name or source of original from caption card or negative sleeve: Hine. Group title: Military Hospitals. Gift; American National Red Cross 1944 and... More

Labelling the parcels. The "front parcel" is the specialty of the American Red Cross workrooms, Rue St. Didier, Paris. It contains the first dressings the wounded soldier gets when he comes from the battle ground to the field dressing station

Labelling the parcels. The "front parcel" is the specialty of the Amer...

Caption from negative sleeve: "Front Parcels." Title, date and notes from Red Cross caption card. Photographer name or source of original from caption card or negative sleeve: Hine. Group title: Surgical dressi... More

Major Perkins (left), American Red Cross Commissioner for Europe, Colonel Gibson (center) American Red Cross Commissioner for France and one of Colonel Gibson's aids at the door of a village church at the front where the ARC serves hot drinks to the wounded soldiers as they lie on straw waiting to be taken to the hospital

Major Perkins (left), American Red Cross Commissioner for Europe, Colo...

Title, date and notes from Red Cross caption card. Photographer name or source of original from caption card or negative sleeve: ARC Commission to France. Group title: Personnel, U.S. in France. On caption card... More

In the kitchen preparing the food for wounded soldiers in American Army Base Hospital No. 41, at St. Denis, which was formerly a school for daughters of French army officers and officers of the legion of honor, and has now been loaned to the American Red Cross, which equipped the building for the use of the army

In the kitchen preparing the food for wounded soldiers in American Arm...

Title and notes from Red Cross caption card. Photographer name or source of original from caption card or negative sleeve: A.R.C. France. Group title: Hospital. U.S. in France. On caption card: Ms. 503. 3821. D... More

Entrance of Poste de secours. Ford car waiting for wounded

Entrance of Poste de secours. Ford car waiting for wounded

Title, date and notes from Red Cross caption card. Photographer name or source of original from caption card or negative sleeve: ARC Commission to France. Group Title: France, Poste De Secours. Data: H.E. 50544... More

The greatest mother in the world - Red Cross Christmas roll call Dec. 16-23rd / A. E. Foringer.

The greatest mother in the world - Red Cross Christmas roll call Dec. ...

Poster showing a monumental Red cross nurse cradling a wounded soldier on a stretcher. No. 2XD-2. Copyright by American National Red Cross.

Tennis for convalescent soldiers. The ARC has taken over a French Tennis Club near one of our big base hospitals thus carrying out its policy of providing every form of healthy outdoor sport for our sick and wounded soldiers in order to hasten their return to health and strength

Tennis for convalescent soldiers. The ARC has taken over a French Tenn...

Title, date and notes from Red Cross caption card. Photographer name from LC-A6199-2757. Source of original on caption card: ARC Commission to France. Group title: Convalescents, France. On caption card: 2757. ... More

A.F.F.W. Drivers. Chauffeurs of the American Fund for French Wounded. They have assisted the AMERICAN RED CROSS by driving cars for the Children's Bureau, but are now attached to the Service de Sante, under the French Government. From left to right they are; Miss Roger, Miss Hughes, Miss Robeson, Miss Caspari, Mrs. Crean, Miss Kennerly, Miss Wilde and Miss Washburn

A.F.F.W. Drivers. Chauffeurs of the American Fund for French Wounded. ...

Title, date and notes from Red Cross caption card. Photographer name or source of original from caption card or negative sleeve: Hine. Group title: Women War Relief Corps and Other Auxiliary Associations. Gift;... More

The American wounded arriving at Dartford Hospital (near London) are a cheerful and optimistic lot of fighters. They come to the base hospitals in England, direct from the battlefield, after receiving first-aid at the casualty clearing stations. The Red Cross meets them as soon as they land on English soil, sees that they are provided with their immediate necessities, and then prepared further for them at their destination. Twenty American women are on duty as Red Cross "visitors" at the Dartford Hospital and they meet every convoy of wounded

The American wounded arriving at Dartford Hospital (near London) are a...

Title and note information from Red Cross caption card. Group title: Wounded, England. On caption card: B-310. Data: Credits. N.W. Division. 11/18. Lake Division. 11/18. Mt. Div. 11/18. Central Div. 11/18. Poto... More

Folding gauze sponges in the American Red Cross workrooms for making surgical dressings, Rue St. Didier, Paris. Many French women are employed here under the direction of the American Red Cross preparing the "front parcel" which contains the first dressings the wounded soldier gets at the field dressing station

Folding gauze sponges in the American Red Cross workrooms for making s...

Caption from negative sleeve: "Front Parcels." Title, date and notes from Red Cross caption card. Photographer name or source of original from caption card or negative sleeve: Hine. Group title: Surgical dressi... More

Red Cross carrying off the wounded Painting by Victor Tardieu

Red Cross carrying off the wounded Painting by Victor Tardieu

Title, date and notes from Red Cross caption card. Group Title: Ambulance, American, France. Data: H.E. 24586; Brown Brothers; July 8, American Motorist. Gift; American National Red Cross 1944 and 1952. General... More

The merry party of American convalescents from the Tottenham Hospital, near London, out for an hour's ride through the English countryside. Here is a stop for tea at a little village stationer's shop

The merry party of American convalescents from the Tottenham Hospital,...

Title, date and notes from Red Cross caption card. Group title: Wounded, England. On caption card: B-317. Data: New England. 11/18. Pa. Div. Atlantic Div. Gift; American National Red Cross 1944 and 1952. Genera... More

With the American Red Cross in Roumania. Canteens like the one shown in this photo, were established in a dozen or more of the most destitute villages of Roumania last winter by the American Red Cross, when the morale of the country was at its lowest point on account of the wide spread misery that had been caused by the German occupation, when under orders of Field Marshall Vin Mackensen, the German troops requisitioned all the grain that could be found in the country and also took away tons of household supplies. When the Germans left and when the Bulgars and Turks-who were even more avaricious than the Germans in the matter of looting, took their departure, Roumania was left helpless. Without the American aid that was freely given, the Country could not have found strength or inclination to start on the work of reconstruction

With the American Red Cross in Roumania. Canteens like the one shown i...

Title, date and notes from Red Cross caption card. Photographer name or source of original from caption card or negative sleeve: A.R.C. Roumanian Comm. (via Paris Office) Group title: Roumania. Used in: Ex. ind... More

Know him by this sign - the medical caduceus The wounds of war are not all healed / / Bartow Matteson, Lieut. U.S.A.

Know him by this sign - the medical caduceus The wounds of war are not...

U.S. Army Medical Department recruiting poster showing bust portrait of man wearing hat, and a pin with the caduceus on it.

After passing in review themselves before the cheering millions of spectators the wounded veterans that had a place of honor in the column reviewed the rest of the great parade with which New York welcomed the Empire State's own, the Twenty-seventh Division back to these shores. The wounded were transported in the machines of the Women's Volunteer Motor Corps of the A.R.C., one of the members of which is seen in this photograph

After passing in review themselves before the cheering millions of spe...

Title, date and notes from Red Cross caption card. Group title: Parade, U.S. Gift; American National Red Cross 1944 and 1952. General information about the American National Red Cross photograph collection is a... More

Col. Blanton Winship & Mrs. Douglas MacArthur, 102825

Col. Blanton Winship & Mrs. Douglas MacArthur, 102825

Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negative or negative sleeve. Gift; Herbert A. French; 1947. General information about the National Photo Company collection is available ... More

Col. Blanton Winship & Mrs. Douglas MacArthur, 10/28/25

Col. Blanton Winship & Mrs. Douglas MacArthur, 10/28/25

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Photograph of Children with Mental Illness

Photograph of Children with Mental Illness

Photographs Obtained from the National Socialist German Workers' Party Archives Public domain photograph related to World War Two, National Socialism, The Third Reich, Europe under Nazi occupation, free to use... More

... with Chief of Staff. Corps Area Commanders and Division Commanders of the United States Army met with the Chief of Staff Maj. General Charles P. Summerall, at the War Department in Washington today to discuss subjects of current interest to the military establishment. In the group, left to right: (front row) Maj. General Douglas MacArthur, 3rd Corps Area Commander; Maj. General William Lassiter, Commanding 6th Corps Area; Maj. General James H. McRae, Commanding second Corps Area; Maj. General Charles P. Summerall, Chief of Staff; Maj. General John L. Hines, Commanding 9th Corps Area; Maj. General Ernest Hinds, Commanding 8th Corps Area; Maj. General Fox L. Connor, Commanding 1st Corps Area; Maj. General Hanson E. Ely, Commandant of the War College, back row, left to right: Maj. General Harry A Smith, assistant Chief of Staff; Maj. General Dennis E. Nolan, Commanding 5th Corps Area; Brig. General Edwin B... 1st Cavalry Division; ...

... with Chief of Staff. Corps Area Commanders and Division Commanders...

A black and white photo of a group of men, Library of Congress Harris and Ewing collection Date based on date of negatives in same range. Gift; Harris & Ewing, Inc. 1955. General information about the Harris &... More

Sailors on board SS AUTOLYCUS depart Sydney for Portsmouth, 13 May 1939

Sailors on board SS AUTOLYCUS depart Sydney for Portsmouth, 13 May 193...

This image depicts Royal Australian Navy (RAN) ratings in 'square rig' and chief petty officers standing on the forecastle and forward well deck of SS AUTOLYCUS. The head and shoulders of family and friends can... More

Das Volk wählt Liste 1 Nationalsozialisten Reichstagswahl 6.11.32 / WEM.

Das Volk wählt Liste 1 Nationalsozialisten Reichstagswahl 6.11.32 / WE...

Poster announcing political campaign for the Nazi party in Germany, showing a large number 1 (indicating first on the list) rising out of a huge swastika with throngs of people streaming toward the openings in ... More

Charles de Gaulle, chief of the Free France, is welcomed to Chad by Govenor-General Eboue of Free French Africa. Governor-General Eboue, a native of French Guinea, was the first Negro colonial governor in Africa. As governor of the Chad colony, he was the first African leader to rally to the Free French cause

Charles de Gaulle, chief of the Free France, is welcomed to Chad by Go...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

[Large painting hanging over a credenza in the dining room, Reichs Chancellery, Berlin, Germany]

[Large painting hanging over a credenza in the dining room, Reichs Cha...

Photographed by Atelier Troost. In portfolio: Interior views of the Chancellery.

[Furnishing in the salon, Reichs Chancellery, Berlin, Germany]

[Furnishing in the salon, Reichs Chancellery, Berlin, Germany]

Photographed by Atelier Troost. In portfolio: Interior views of the Chancellery.

[Furnishings around the salon fireplace, Reichs Chancellery, Berlin, Germany]

[Furnishings around the salon fireplace, Reichs Chancellery, Berlin, G...

Photographed by Atelier Troost. In portfolio: Interior views of the Chancellery.

[Furnishings in the smoking room, Reichs Chancellery, Berlin, Germany]

[Furnishings in the smoking room, Reichs Chancellery, Berlin, Germany]

Photographed by Atelier Troost. In portfolio: Interior views of the Chancellery.

[Sculpture "Earth" in dining room alcove, Reichs Chancellery, Berlin, Germany]

[Sculpture "Earth" in dining room alcove, Reichs Chancellery, Berlin, ...

Photographed by Atelier Troost. In portfolio: Interior views of the Chancellery.

[Large painting hanging over a credenza in the dining room, Reichs Chancellery, Berlin, Germany]

[Large painting hanging over a credenza in the dining room, Reichs Cha...

Photographed by Atelier Troost. In portfolio: Interior views of the Chancellery.

The Aviatrix, Cover of The Queenslander Pictorial, 1936

The Aviatrix, Cover of The Queenslander Pictorial, 1936

Author/Creator: Unidentified...Location: Queensland, Australia...Description: Woman aviator dressed in overalls and goggles taken in the cockpit of an aeroplane for the front cover of The Queenslander Pictoria... More

[The Autobahn with service station and view of the countryside] / Dr. Wolf Strache.

[The Autobahn with service station and view of the countryside] / Dr. ...

In: Physical training, military and civilian, in Germany, 1932-1943, folder 3, subfolder C.

Ter herinnering aan Erwin Seitz

Ter herinnering aan Erwin Seitz

Albumblad met een foto van een gesneuvelde vriend, Erwin Seitz, 26 juni 1942. Onderdeel van het fotoalbum Kriegsmarine.

Heropening hotel na het bombardement

Heropening hotel na het bombardement

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Seyss Inquart inspecteert het Totenkopf Bataljon

Seyss Inquart inspecteert het Totenkopf Bataljon

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Burgemeester De Vlugt begroet Seyss Inquart

Burgemeester De Vlugt begroet Seyss Inquart

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Groep Duitse Wehrmacht soldaten in een dorp

Groep Duitse Wehrmacht soldaten in een dorp

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Graven van gevallen Duitse soldaten van de Kriegsmarine

Graven van gevallen Duitse soldaten van de Kriegsmarine

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Parade in Berlijn - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication image

Parade in Berlijn - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication image

Parade in Berlijn met vrouwen die lopen met vlaggen waarop symbolen en opschrift "Der Gral".

Een Wehrmacht soldaat op een hek

Een Wehrmacht soldaat op een hek

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Kriegsmarine op het strand van Scheveningen

Kriegsmarine op het strand van Scheveningen

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Assembling B-25 bombers at North American Aviation, Kansas City, Kan[sas]

Assembling B-25 bombers at North American Aviation, Kansas City, Kan[s...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Duitsers trekken Rotterdam binnen

Duitsers trekken Rotterdam binnen

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Craftwork at Newtown Church School

Craftwork at Newtown Church School

Teitl Cymraeg/Welsh title: Crefftwaith yn Ysgol yr Eglwys, y Drenewydd.Ffotograffydd/Photographer: Geoff Charles (1909-2002).Dyddiad/Date: November 18, 1939.Cyfrwng/Medium: Negydd ffilm / Film negative.Cyfeir... More

Early Rockets - A-4 (Aggregate-4) rocket. Later renamed the V-2 (Vengeance Weapon-2).

Early Rockets - A-4 (Aggregate-4) rocket. Later renamed the V-2 (Venge...

The cutaway drawing of the A-4 (Aggregate-4) rocket. Later renamed the V-2 (Vengeance Weapon-2), The rocket was developed by Dr. Wernher von Braun and the German rocket team at Peenemuende, Germany on the Balti... More

Women at work on bomber, Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif.

Women at work on bomber, Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif.

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

World War II (WWII) area photograph of US Marine Corps (USMC) Second Lieutenant (2LT) Charles David Jones. 2LT Jones is an Ace Pilot credited with 6 kills. His home is 112 Dow Avenue, Mineola, New York

World War II (WWII) area photograph of US Marine Corps (USMC) Second L...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Country: South Pacific Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files

Boys of the Newtown Scout troop collecting waste paper

Boys of the Newtown Scout troop collecting waste paper

Teitl Cymraeg/Welsh title: Bechgyn mintai sgowtiaid y Drenewydd yn casglu papur gwastraff..Ffotograffydd/Photographer: Geoff Charles (1909-2002).Dyddiad/Date: November 4, 1939.Cyfrwng/Medium: Negydd ffilm / Fi... More

Evacuees in Montgomeryshire - A black and white photo of a group of children wearing gas masks

Evacuees in Montgomeryshire - A black and white photo of a group of ch...

Teitl Cymraeg/Welsh title: Faciwis yn Sir Drefaldwyn.Ffotograffydd/Photographer: Geoff Charles (1909-2002).Dyddiad/Date: September 9, 1939..Cyfrwng/Medium: Negydd / Negative.Cyfeiriad/Reference: (gcc00891).Rhi... More

Gives the Nazi salute. Washington, D.C., Nov. 22. German Ambassador Hans Dieckhoff gives the familiar Nazi salute as he arrives at the State Department today to pay a farewell call on Secretary of State Cordell Hull. He expects to sail for Germany from New York next Friday night on the Europa

Gives the Nazi salute. Washington, D.C., Nov. 22. German Ambassador Ha...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Auf der Bali - Norway. Public domain image

Auf der Bali - Norway. Public domain image

RAFA-3309 U71_0212..Vil du bla i albumet, kan du gjøre det i Digitalarkivet: ( ) ..If yo... More

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Train station Mo - Public domain photograph.

Train station Mo - Public domain photograph.

RAFA-3309 U71_0068..Vil du bla i albumet, kan du gjøre det i Digitalarkivet: ( ) ..If yo... More

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Nochmals Lappen, eine Norwegerin

Nochmals Lappen, eine Norwegerin

RAFA-3309 U71_0288..Vil du bla i albumet, kan du gjøre det i Digitalarkivet: ( ) ..If yo... More

USSR, Moscow group of young men putting out nazi incendiary bombs

USSR, Moscow group of young men putting out nazi incendiary bombs

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

(Lyngenfjord) - Norway. Public domain image

(Lyngenfjord) - Norway. Public domain image

RAFA-3309 U71_0224..Vil du bla i albumet, kan du gjøre det i Digitalarkivet: ( ) ..If yo... More

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Public domain historical photo of Second World War, 18th-19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Der Rastplatz - Norway. Public domain image

Der Rastplatz - Norway. Public domain image

RAFA-3309 U71_0192..Vil du bla i albumet, kan du gjøre det i Digitalarkivet: ( ) ..If yo... More

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

The weeping Frenchman, 1940, World War II photo

The weeping Frenchman, 1940, World War II photo

Frenchman crying as the flags of fallen France were marched through the streets of Marseilles on their way to Africa. The man’s face conveys a sense of grief so profound as to transcend our expectations. The ph... More

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information

Pre-WWII collection of Farm Security Administration - Office of War In...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.


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