Nederlands: Route Voyager-2 NASA-plaatje dus geen copyrights
Painted Lady Chrysalis micro CT
The Vanessa cardui adult at 16 days development within chrysalis revealed by micro CT, showing aspects of the internal anatomy (air lumen and gut structures), and the external anatomy such as limbs, mouthparts ... More
CDC illustration - Electromagnetic Spectrum
CDC illustration - Electromagnetic Spectrum
Graphic representation of the waveform of the English word "above" (amplitude as a function of time).
beats of harmonic pscilator
Nominations By Weekday
Chart showing number of RfA nominations by weekday for all nominations June 23, 2005 through November 7, 2005.
Ozone hole recovery
Ozone hole recovery projection, 1960-2100.
Deutsch: Symbol für Wissenschaft English: Symbol for science
TRF Schematic
Schematic of a Typical TRF Radio Six Tube Design using Triode Tubes – Two Radio Frequency Amplifiers, One Grid-Leak Detector, Three Class ‘A’ Audio Amplifiers
Spetrometer Aufbau
Deutsch: Prinzipieller Aufbau eines Spektrometers English: Principle of a spectrometer
Punased color nomenclature naturalists
Red colors. Plate VII. A nomenclature of colors for naturalists : and compendium of useful knowledge for ornithologists.
Pale Blue Dot
This is the "Pale Blue Dot" photograph of the Earth taken by the Voyager 1 spacecraft on February 14, 1990. The Earth is the relatively bright speck of light about halfway across the uppermost sunbeam. The or... More
Shock Absorbers Detail
Diagram of the main components of the twin-tube and mono-tube shock absorbers
Close-Up Look at a Jet Near a Black Hole
[top left] - This radio image of the galaxy M87, taken with the Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope in February 1989, shows giant bubble-like structures where radio emission is thought to be powered by the ... More
The logo of National Nuclear Security Administration – United States federal government agency English: Logo of the National Nuclear Security Administration, part of the United States Department of Energy
Artemis 2 Trajectory
Artemis 2 will send 4 astronauts over 10 days and have a re-entry speed of 24,500 mph (mach 32).
NASA New Horizons Kuiper Belt Ultima Thule 20181227
Journey of the New Horizons space probe through the Solar System and beyond.[1] The Kuiper Belt lies in the so-called "third zone" of our solar sy... More
Star spectra by Secchi
Secchi's four classes of stellar spectra, from a colored lithograph in a book published around 1870. This shows how someone looking through a spectrograph on a large telescope would see the spectrum from the br... More
Adipose tissue with crumpling artifact due to insufficient fixation
Adipose tissue with crumpling artifact due to insufficient fixation
Die coleopterologischen verhaeltnisse und die käfer Russlands BHL44168...
Die coleopterologischen verhaeltnisse und die käfer Russlands,
Spectrogram - motángo mwa basodá
Spectrogram of Lingala "motángo mwa basodá". Standard lingala, pronounced by a female speaker. light blue line = pitch dark blue lines = pulses red dots = formants
The electromagnetic spectrum, extracted from Radiological health for n...
The electromagnetic spectrum, extracted from Radiological health for nurses (1962)
Dipole receiving antenna animation 2 800x403x15ms
Animation showing a half-wave dipole antenna receiving power from a radio wave. The antenna consists of two metal rods each one-quarter of the wavelength long, attached through a parallel transmission line to... More
Schematic of field lines in a substorm.
Polyarizciya 2
trasing of the original file Polyarizciya.png Русский: трассировка оригинального файла Polyarizciya.png
Español: Planificación Gantt en KMKey
Earth's greenhouse effect (US EPA, 2012)
This diagram shows the Earth's "greenhouse effect." The Earth absorbs some of the energy it receives from the sun and radiates the rest back toward space. However, certain gases in the atmosphere, called green... More
U.S. Households By Total Yearly Income (Line Graph) (Alt)
This graph depicts a slice of U.S. households by total yearly income in bar chart form using data from the "Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2007" report published by the U.... More
Webb's Orbit (4201-Image)
Webb will orbit the Sun near the second Sun-Earth Lagrange point (L2), which lies approximately 1.5 million kilometers (1 million miles) from Earth on the far side of Earth from the Sun. Webb will not be locat... More
Beat Frequencies 50 Hz 55 Hz
Beat frequencies waveform from combining a 50Hz and a 55 Hz sine wave pure tone. Image was generated using the open source Audacity audio editor.
Satellite Orbital Elements Diagramm4 NumExcentricity
Internationale Raumstation: Verlauf der numerischen Exzentrizität
Doppler Shift of a Star’s Spectrum (01F8GFCAM7Q0EMKZ3QFAF9AQJ3)
As a planet orbits a star, the star wobbles. This causes a change in the appearance of the star’s spectrum called Doppler shift. While the star is moving toward us, its spectrum is blueshifted (top spectrum): ... More
Spaghettification (from NASA's Imagine the Universe!)
Schematic artist’s rendition of an astronaut falling into a black hole, illustrating the concept of "spaghettification"
Die coleopterologischen verhaeltnisse und die käfer Russlands BHL44168...
Die coleopterologischen verhaeltnisse und die käfer Russlands,
B 235 Wquant
Deutsch: Die Digitalisierung mit der Wirkung h ermöglicht typische Kombinationen von Flußquanten 0 und Elementarladungen e ( von links nach rechts : I- Flußquant 0 und Cooperpaar 2e, II- Flußquant 0 und... More
Half-life example graph
An line graph of radioactive sample with a half-life of 2 minutes
Waveform of an unstretched audio clip in Sony Sound Forge 9.0.
Apollo 15 mission trajectory Français : Trajectoire des vaisseaux de la mission Apollo 15 (source document de préparation de la mission)
MBM-Bubblebrot Zoom
Deutsch: Mandelbrot-Menge mit farbkodierter Periodizität aller Bildpunkte, gezoomt.
World per capita energy consumption projection
World per capita energy consumption from EIA IEO
Artemis III
Artemis 3 — Landing on the Moon in 2024.
Français : Principaux événements de la mission spatiale Galileo. Libellés en francais
JWST Deployment
Italiano: JWST Sequenza di sviluppo
Voyager 1 - Voyager 2 - Voyager 1 overtakes Voyager 2
Voyager 1 overtaking Voyager 2 in a diagram from the Voyager Bulletins, issue 12.
C6orf222 evolution rate
Displays the evolutionary rate of the gene C6orf222 in comparison with Cytochrome c and Fibrinogen alpha chain, which are slow and fast evolving proteins, respectively.
Analemma Earth
Analemma for planet Earth. This is a plot of the position of the sun at 12:00 noon at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich (latitude 51.4791° north, longitude 0°) during 2006. The horizontal axis is the azimuth a... More
Gantt Chart Anatomy
Created by Garry L. Booker. It is intended to be more descriptive than the previous example.
ACES Input Device Transform (IDT)
This shows the workflow of various sources into the common ACES space using and IDT.
ACES Output Device Transform (ODT) Workflow
This shows the output to difference display devices from the ACES space through the RRT and ODT.
Fluorescent Black-Light spectrum with peaks labelled
Spectrum of light from a fluorescent black light with peaks labelled. The spectrum was taken with an Ocean Optics HR2000 spectrometer [1]. The spectrometer used appears to be about ~.3 to .8 nm off, judging fr... More
Shear Force acting on a Surface
Shear Force acting on a Surface
SDWA Regulatory Analysis Processes - Flowchart - EPA 2016
Flowchart, "General Flow of Safe Drinking Water Act Regulatory Analysis Processes."
Schéma intrication quantique de Chlorobaculum tepidum
Français : Schéma d'intrication quantique de Chlorobaculum tepidum, illustrant les résultats tels qu'obtenus par David Coles, 2018 ( More