Saint-vincent-de-paul church basilica, religion. A church with a clock...
Architecture stock photograph: The church of the holy cross / A church with a clock on the front of it.
Dominique Papety - Almanach phalanstérien
Manchette de l'almanach phalanstérien
Lyons, France, Religious Medal of St Vincent de Paul 1843 by Artist Ma...
Lyons, France, Religious Medal of St Vincent de Paul 1843 by Artist Marius Penin Bronze medallion d. = 36 mm. Saint Vincent de Paul, 1581 Pouy (today Saint-Vincent-de-Paul), Guyenne and Gascony, Kingdom of Fra... More
Illustrated biography; or, Memoirs of the great and the good of all na...
Identifier: illustratedbiogr00sava (find matches) Title: Illustrated biography; or, Memoirs of the great and the good of all nations and all times; comprising sketches of eminent statesmen, philosophers, hero... More
Glaspalast München 1897 030
St. Vincent von Paul Public domain photograph related to music, performing arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Antoine Hérisset - communion de saint Vincent de Paul
Public domain photograph of priest, clergy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Josef Gold - Verherrlichung des heiligen Vincenz von Paul
Picryl description: Public domain photo of religious art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Château de Bussy-Rabutin - Saint Vincent de Paul (bgw19 0376)
Public domain reproduction of portrait art print, 15th-16th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
St vincent de paul - A painting of a large group of people
Français : Saint Vincent présente les premières filles de la charité à la reine Anne d'Autriche. Tableau de frère André, religieux dominicain, dans l'église de sainte Marguerite à Paris, XVIIIe siècle. À droit... More
[Church of Saint Vincent De Paul, Paris, France]
Picryl description: Public domain image of a historic place, world heritage building, classical or neoclassical architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department des Landes, France - Geographicus...
This is a fascinating 1852 map of the French department Landes, France. This area is known for its production of Chalossais, a white cow cheese with a gentle, acidic edge. Tursan wine is also distilled here, ... More
A gold statue of a man holding a golden object. Basilica saint sernin ...
A statue of a man holding a flower / A bust of a man holding a apple sculpture.
Vincent de Paul
Vincent de Paul
Antoine Hérisset - Saint Vincent de Paul visitant Louis XIII sur son l...
Public domain photograph related to the history of France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
St Vincent de Paul - A black and white drawing of a man
Français : St Vincent de Paul Public domain photograph of a priest, clergy, bishop, portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Stereobild med motiv av kyrkan Église Saint-Vincent-de-Paul i Paris. K...
Stereobild med motiv av kyrkan Église Saint-Vincent-de-Paul i Paris. Kyrkan uppfördes mellan 1824-1844 på platsen för det gamla fängelset Saint-Lazare.
Dépt. des Landes (région du sud-ouest) - Fonds Ancely - B315556101 A L...
Français : Titre complet du recueil : Atlas national illustré des 86 Départements et des Possessions de la France divisé par Arrondissements, Cantons et Communes avec le tracé de toutes les routes, chemins de ... More
Charles Meynier - Saint Vicent de Paul prêchant la charité aux dames d...
Français : « Saint Vincent de Paul prêchant la charité aux dames de la cour de Louis XIII », huile sur toile de Charles Meynier, 1824. Tableau exposé dans la chapelle Saint-Vincent-de-Paul (aujourd'hui chapell... More
Antoine Hérisset-Prédication de saint Vincent de Paul
Public domain reproduction of art print, 17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
General biography; or, Lives, critical and historical, of the most emi...
Identifier: generalbiographyv7pt2aiki (find matches) Title: General biography; or, Lives, critical and historical, of the most eminent persons of all ages, countries, conditions, and professions, arranged acc... More
Little lives of the great saints (1880) (14580196359)
Identifier: littlelivesofgre00murr (find matches) Title: Little lives of the great saints Year: 1880 (1880s) Authors: Murray, John O'Kane, 1847-1885 Subjects: Christian saints Publisher: New York, P. J. Ke... More
Vera effigies S. Vincentii a Paulo (1850)
Vera effigies of Saint Vincent de Paul, in Fr. João do SS. Sacramento (1850). Vida de S. Vicente de Paulo. Lisboa: Oficina de Jose Antonio da Silva.
Perrot - Bue ar Zent pajenn515
Français : Image de la page 515 de la "Vie des Saints" en langue bretonne. Écrit par Yann-Vari Perrot et publié en 1912.
Maquette pour la chapelle de la maison de l'éducation des jeunes ouvri...
Picryl description: Public domain photo of religious art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Páli Szent Vince gondolatai
Magyar: Páli Szent Vince (1581-1660) gondolatai - Páli sz. Vincze egy-egy gondolata az év minden napjára (1902)