Serbian refugees waiting for food, WWI
"Serbian Refugees Waiting for Food."
Havoc of War - Refugees - Italy - Children of Refugees in Italy. Child...
Scope and content: Photographer: American Red Cross
Klemens Brosch - Verhungerte Flüchtlinge - 1916
Public domain photo of drawing, 20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Refugees from the Battle Zone NGM-v31-p376
Le Miroir, n°141 (p.14) during World War I
Français : Le Miroir, n°141. 6 août 1916.
Slovenščina: Begunci odhajajo z domov ob soški fronti. Domačini v krajih, kamor so se zatekli, niso vedno prijazno gledali na prišleke. Ne samo, da jih niso sprejeli odprtih rok, večkrat so jih tudi napadali.
Havoc of War - Refugees - Miscellaneous - Refugee women who are earnin...
Scope and content: Date Taken: 12/1/1918 Photographer: American Red Cross
Armenian refugee camp train near east relief Syria 10 25 1916
Armenian refugee, camp, train, near east relief, Syria.
Havoc of War - Refugees - Italy - American Red Cross at an American Re...
Scope and content: Photographer: American Red Cross
Havoc of War - Refugees - Italy - Children in Italy. Ospizio children ...
Scope and content: Photographer: American Red Cross
Havoc of War - Refugees - Armenians, Belgians, English, French - Ameri...
Scope and content: Date Taken: 4/1/1918 Photographer: Int. Films Ser.
Refugees asking reservist regiment for bread, 1914
Српски / srpski: "Pecka; puk drugog poziva posle forsiranog marša; izbeglice traže hleba" English: "Pecka; a regiment of the second call after a forced march; refugees asking for bread"
Franse vluchtelingen, vrouwen, moeders en kinderen, arriveren bepakt e...
Nederlands: Omschrijving: Franse vluchtelingen, vrouwen, moeders en kinderen, arriveren bepakt en bezakt in het Nederlands grensgebied, februari 1918.
Havoc of War - Refugees - Italy - Children Refugees in Italy. Children...
Scope and content: Photographer: American Red Cross
Havoc of War - Refugees - Italy - Genoa, Italy. Children at the Americ...
Scope and content: Photographer: American Red Cross
Galician Jews fleeing Galicia to Russia on approach of Germans, 1915 (...
Lot-8885-5: WWI – German Activities. Galician Jews fleeing Galicia to Russia on approach of Germans. October 6, 1915. Courtesy of the Library of Congress. (2016/10/04
Havoc of War - Refugees - Italy - Children Refugees in Italy - NARA - ...
Scope and content: Original Caption: Children Refugees in Italy. Lone Reale, one of the children cared for at American Red Cross Camp near Pontasso, not far from Genoa. She has extraordinary native ability and... More
Flüchtlingstransport Leibnitz - k.k. Innenministerium - 1914
Petschar, Friedlmeier, Steiermark in alten Fotografien, Ueberreuther Verlag Wien. Scanprojekt Community Projektbudget 2012 This scan or this PDF-file was created within the GLAM-project Bookscanning, supported... More
John Copley - 22.Copley-Refugees-No-3-Guests
Offered for sale by Abbott and Holder in September 2020 when it was described as "Refugees No.3: Guests (W.116). Lithograph. Signed. 1915. From an edition of 17. 30.5x18.5 cm."
Jewish refugees from Lublin, Poland, on the road to Austrian lines, WW...
Lot-8885-4: WWI – German Activities. Jewish refugees from Lublin, Poland, on the road to Austrian lines for safety and protection, October 6, 1915. Courtesy of the Library of Congress. (2016/10/04).
Russian poster WWI 024 during World War I
poster Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Havoc of War - Refugees - Miscellaneous - Refugees at Red Cross barrac...
Scope and content: Photographer: American Red Cross
Havoc of War - Refugees - Italy - Refugees in Italy at work. Exterior ...
Scope and content: Photographer: American Red Cross
Russian poster WWI 026 during World War I
poster Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Lager von Juden. German postcard
Postkarte Public domain scan of the vintage German Empire postcard, 19th century, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Havoc of War - Refugees - Italy - Children Refugees in Italy. Children...
Scope and content: Photographer: American Red Cross
American Red Cross - Refugees - Italian children at Lido, Venice, Ital...
Scope and content: Photographer: American Red Cross
Karta bezhantsi otets paisij - Public domain map
Български: Карта, показваща български бежански потоци в резултат от Балканските войни и Първата световна война, публикувана от Всебългарски съюз "Отец Паисий" през 1930-те години. English: A map of showing Bu... More
Refugees at Vodena 01
Refugees at Vodena
The War on the Eastern Front, 1914-1918 Q53529
The War on the Eastern Front, 1914-1918 Polish refugees with a cart that holds their belongings, 1914.
Havoc of War - Refugees - Italy - Refugees in Italy. Naples-Boys of th...
Scope and content: Photographer: American Red Cross
Franse vluchtelingen met al hun bezittingen bij Weert, Nederland oktob...
Nederlands: Omschrijving: Franse vluchtelingen met al hun bezittingen bij Weert, Nederland oktober 1918.
Refugees of Serbia entering Uskut showing the disheartened men, women ...
General notes: Use War and Conflict Number 680 when ordering a reproduction or requesting information about this image.
Begalci, Prva svetska vojna during World War I
Македонски: Бегалци од воените дејствија, Прва светска војна English: Refugees from war actions, WWI
Kamp Zeist brief
Postcard posted from Marnixstraat 356-I, Amsterdam (Name: Van Roessel) to Monsieur Roland at: 2e ligne - Musicien, baraque 13, camp I, Zeist. (Netherland). Has the militairy stamp of: Legerplaats bij Zeist. La... More
Near East relief armenians bound for Greece
Near East Relief: Armenian orphans being enloaded in barges from Constantinople, bound for Greece.
Helft den Vertriebenen aus unseren Grenzlanden (help the Refugees from...
Helft den Vertriebenen aus unseren Grenzlanden [help the Refugees from our Border Regions] whole: the image covers the upper two-thirds, with the title separate and positioned upper right, in brown and black go... More
Ignacy Paweł Fudakowski - Koczowisko uchodźców na Wołyniu podczas I wo...
Polski: Szałasy uchodźców w lesie. Public domain photograph of 1920s-1930s Poland, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Arys Orzysz 011. German postcard
Deutsch: Ostpreußische Familie vor zerstörtem Haus in Orzysz (dt. Arys) Public domain image of 19th-century Prussia, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Havoc of War - Refugees - Italy - Children of Italy. Venice children o...
Scope and content: Photographer: American Red Cross
Refugees at Hankau during uprising (LOC)
Bain News Service,, publisher. Refugees at Hankau during uprising [between ca. 1915 and ca. 1920] 1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller. Notes: Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service... More
Helft - Gebt Alle und Gebt Reichlich (help - All Give and Give Generou...
Helft - Gebt Alle und Gebt Reichlich [help - All Give and Give Generously] whole: the image occupies the majority, with the title integrated and positioned top edge centre, in blue gothic typeface. The subtitle... More
Olive Edis; Iwm Photographer of the Women's Services in France 1919 Q8...
Olive Edis; Iwm Photographer of the Women's Services in France 1919 War relief: members of the Mission of the Friends War Victims Relief Committee and the American Red Cross working on the supply of linen at Bar-le-Duc.
Havoc of War - Atrocities and Deaths - American troops inspecting a Ge...
Scope and content: Original Caption: American troops inspecting a German machine gun. American infantry during their advance on the Rheims Soissons salient are inspecting a German machine gun nest that was des... More
Havoc of War - Refugees - Armenians, Belgians, English, French - Ameri...
Scope and content: Original Caption: American Red Cross Aids French Refugees. American Red Cross workers in France brought refugees from the stricken towns near the fighting front to points of safety in and ar... More
Eerste Wereldoorlog, Vluchtelingen, SFA022802981
Nederlands: Omschrijving: Eerste Wereldoorlog, Vluchtelingen. Een gevluchte Franse vrouw en haar kinderen waarvan de dochter ziek is, worden verzorgd door een Nederlandse zuster of non, Nederland 1918.English:... More
Refugees at Vodena 02
Refugees at Vodena