Greek - Black-figure Exaleiptron with Peleus and Thetis (?) - Walters ...
This curiously shaped vessel is an exaleiptron, a small vessel distinguished by its squat foot and shallow bowl. Exaleiptra take various forms, some with more pronounced feet and others with handles. The form o... More
Detail Pioneer Group Louvre G65
Thetis's face, detail from a scene representing Thetis raped by Peleus. Side A from an Attic red-figure pelike, ca. 510 BC–500 BC. Français : Visage de Thétis, détail d'une scène représentant l'enlèvement de ... More
Greek - Black-figure Exaleiptron with Peleus and Thetis (?) - Walters ...
This curiously shaped vessel is an exaleiptron, a small vessel distinguished by its squat foot and shallow bowl. Exaleiptra take various forms, some with more pronounced feet and others with handles. The form o... More
Pelike Pioneer group Louvre G65
Thetis raped by Peleus. Side A from an Attic red-figure pelike, 510 BC–500 BC. Français : Enlèvement de Thétis par Pélée. Face A d'un pélikè attique à figures rouges, 510–500 av. J.-C.
Peleus Thetis Cdm Paris 349
Peleus raping Thetis, Nereids. Attic black-figure mastoid. Español: Peleo raptando a Tetis, Nereidas. Mastoide ático de figuras negras. Français : Pélée enlevant Thétis, Néréides. Mastoïde attique à figures noires.
Engraving from 'Scene e machine preparate alle nozze di Teti Balletto ...
Engraving from 'Scene e machine preparate alle nozze di Teti Balletto reale', Act III 2
Peleus Thetis Staatliche Antikensammlungen 1524
Deutsch: Peleus erringt Thetis. Fragment von einer schwarzfigurigen attischen Amphora, um 520 v. Chr. Aus Vulci. English: Peleus raping Thetis. Fragment of an Attic black-figure amphora, ca. 520 BC. From Vulc... More
Majolica plate by Nicola da Urbino - Peleus and Thetis (Venice Mus Cor...
Majolica plate from the "Correr Service": Peleus and Thetis.
The Loeb tripod C Staatliche Antikensammlungen Munich 22102016
Français : Thetis and Peleus, detail of the tripod C, from the Loeb tripods. ( Etruscan vessels and tripods, made in bronze, found in San Valentino di Marsciano, near Perugia . Circa 540-530 BC. Acquired by Ja... More
Sisyphus Painter Peleus and Thetis
Public domain photograph of 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl Description.
Kylix by Peithinos - Altes Museum Berlin from Harrison1894 0086 white-...
1864 Drawing of the Tondo of an Attic Red-Figure Kylix depicting Peleus capturing Thetis, painted by Peithinos, ca. 500 BCE. The actual kylix is in the Antikensammlung (inv. 2279) Altes Museum, Berlin. The ori... More
Peleus and Thetis attic red figure kylix by Douris Painter ca 490BCE 1...
PDWC Attic red-figured kylix, painted by the Douris Painter, ca. 490 BCE. Depicts the struggle of Peleus to subjugate the sea nymph Thetis prior to their marriage. Cabinet des Médailles. The original image wa... More
Teller Peleus und Thetis KGM K1884
Teller mit der Sage von Peleus und der Meergöttin Thetis, die sich in Tiere verwandelt; nach einem Holzschnitt von Benedetto Montagna; Entstehungsort unbekannt (Lüster: Gubbio 1534) Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin, ... More
Dish Thetis Peleus Louvre CA2569
Peleus and Thetis, Boeotian black-figure dish, ca. 500 BC–475 BC. Français : Pélée et Thétis, plat béotien à figures noires, v. 500–475 av. J.-C.
Peleus Thetis Staatliche Antikensammlungen 2619A
Deutsch: Raub der Thetis. Seite A von einer rotfigurigen attischen Kylix, 510-500 v. Chr. Aus Vulci. English: Rape of Thetis. Side A of an Attic red-figure kylix, 510–500 BC. From Vulci. Français : Enlèvemen... More
Peleus Thetis Staatliche Antikensammlungen 1415
Deutsch: Peleus erringt Thetis (die verwandelt sich in Feuer und Raubtiere), zwischen Cheiron und einer Nereide. Seite B einer schwartzfigurig-attischen Amphora, um 510 v. Chr. English: Peleus wrestling Theti... More
Group of Würzburg 199 - Black-Figure Neck-Amphora - Walters 4818 - Sid...
Both sides of this amphora are decorated with themes concerning Achilles' conception and the accession to manhood. Side A refers to him indirectly, showing the encounter and the binding of his parents: the divi... More
Thetis Peleus Cdm Paris 539
Thetis raptured by Peleus. Tondo of an Attic red-figured kylix, ca. 490 BC. From Vulci, Etruria. Français : Enlèvement de Thétis par Pelée. Intérieur d'un kylix attique à figures rouges, v. 490 av. J.-C. Prov... More
Greek - Black-figure Exaleiptron with Peleus and Thetis (?) - Walters ...
This curiously shaped vessel is an exaleiptron, a small vessel distinguished by its squat foot and shallow bowl. Exaleiptra take various forms, some with more pronounced feet and others with handles. The form o... More
Kylix by Peithinos - Altes Museum Berlin from Harrison1894 0086 white ...
Drawing of the Tondo of an Attic Red-Figure Kylix depicting Peleus capturing Thetis, painted by Peithinos, ca. 500 BCE. The actual kylix is in the Antikensammlung (inv. 2279) Altes Museum, Berlin. The original... More
Kylix by Peithinos - Altes Museum Berlin
tondo of a kylix, Berlin Public domain photograph of erotic art, sexuality, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Peleus Nereides Staatliche Antikensammlungen 8966 n2
Deutsch: Raub der Thetis: Peleus dringt um den brennenden Altar ein, wo die Nereiden tanzen. Seite A von einer swartzfigurigen attischen Kylix, um 560 v. Chr. English: Rape of Thetis: Peleus appears near the ... More
Thetis and Peleus. (BM 1867,0309.409)
On a seashore in front of a cliff, Peleus, at left, holding the right hand of Thetis, seated on the ground at right, her upper body naked, her left arm lifted behind her head, looking to right towards the sky; ... More
Greek - Black-figure Exaleiptron with Peleus and Thetis (?) - Walters ...
This curiously shaped vessel is an exaleiptron, a small vessel distinguished by its squat foot and shallow bowl. Exaleiptra take various forms, some with more pronounced feet and others with handles. The form o... More
Thetis Peleus Louvre G65
Thetis raped by Peleus. Side A from an Attic red-figure pelike, ca. 510 BC–500 BC. Français : Enlèvement de Thétis par Pélée. Face A d'un pélikè attique à figures rouges, v. 510–500 av. J.-C.
Peleus Nereides Staatliche Antikensammlungen 8966 n1 resized glare red...
Attic Black-Figure Kylix, ca. 560 BCE by the C Painter depicting the Subjugation of Thetis. This view shows the dancing Nereids. The original photo was taken and uploaded to the public domain by User:Bibi Sai... More
Peleus and Thetis in the cave Engraving from Les Métamorphoses d'Ovide...
Peleus and Thetis in the cave Engraving from Les Métamorphoses d'Ovide, F. Foppens, Bruxelles 1677
Thetis Peleus Louvre G373
Peleus wrestling Thetis and holding her as she transforms into a snake. Side A from an Attic red-figure pelike, ca. 460 BC. Found in Bomarzo. Français : Enlèvement de Thétis par Pélée : le héros tient fermeme... More
Hydria Peleus Thetis 370 BC Staatliche Antikensammlungen n1
Deutsch: Peleus verfolgt Thetis, die sich in Seedrache und Hund verwandelt. Links, Chiron (Freund des Peleus) und Aphrodite, die Eros mit einer Siegerbinde sendet. Rotfigurig apulische Hydria, um 370 v. Chr. E... More
Peleus Nereides Staatliche Antikensammlungen 8966 n1
Deutsch: Raub der Thetis: Peleus dringt um den brennenden Altar ein, wo die Nereiden tanzen. Seite A von einer swartzfigurigen attischen Kylix, um 560 v. Chr. English: Rape of Thetis: Peleus appears near the ... More
Peleus Thetis Staatliche Antikensammlungen 2648
Deutsch: Raub der Thetis. Seite A von einer rotfigurigen attischen Kylix, 480-470 v. Chr. Aus Vulci. English: Rape of Thetis. Side A of an Attic red-figure kylix, 480–470 BC. From Vulci. Français : Enlèvemen... More
Peleus and Thetis in the cave Engraving from Les Métamorphoses d'Ovide...
White-balanced Peleus and Thetis in the cave Engraving from Les Métamorphoses d'Ovide, F. Foppens, Bruxelles 1677
Greek - Black-figure Exaleiptron with Peleus and Thetis (?) - Walters ...
This curiously shaped vessel is an exaleiptron, a small vessel distinguished by its squat foot and shallow bowl. Exaleiptra take various forms, some with more pronounced feet and others with handles. The form o... More
Peleus Abducts Thetis. 19th.century. August Theodor Kaselowsky. German...
Peleus Abducts Thetis. 19th.century. August Theodor Kaselowsky. German 1810-1900. mural Neues Museum
August Theodor Kaselowsky, Neues Museum Public domain photograph of erotic art, sexuality, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Peleus pursuing Thetis pyxis Nationalmuseet 4735
Peleus pursuing Thetis amongst dolphins, Attic red-figured pyxis. Français : Pélée poursuit Thétis parmi les dauphins, pyxide attique à figures rouges.
Peleus Thetis Staatliche Antikensammlungen Schoen64
Deutsch: Peleus verfolgt Thetis. Rotfigurige attische Pyxis, um 460 v. Chr. English: Peleus pursuits Thetis. Attic red-figure pyxis, ca. 460 BC. Français : Pélée poursuivant Thétis. Pyxide attique à figures ... More
Hydria Peleus Thetis 370 BC Staatliche Antikensammlungen n2
Deutsch: Peleus verfolgt Thetis, die sich in Seedrache und Hund verwandelt. Rechts fleht eine Nereide Vater Nereus an. Rotfigurig apulische Hydria, um 370 v. Chr. English: Peleus pursues Thetis, who shapeshif... More