Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Mapa geográfico de la frontera de los reinos de Andalucía, Granada, Ja...
Manuscrito firmado y rubricado por los autores. A plumilla en tinta negra y coloreado a la acuarela en azul, carmín y amarillo
Mapa general de España, dividido en sus actuales provincias, islas ady...
Comprende la Península Ibérica, Islas Baleares, Sur de Francia y Norte de África
Mapa Geografico de la frontera de los Reynos de Granada, Jaén, Córdoba...
"Visto Bueno": Morete
La política de España en sus provincias ultramarinas su pasado, su pre...
Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Microfilm. Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress Preservation Microfilming Program : Available from Library of Congress Photoduplication Serv... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
La política de España en sus provincias ultramarinas su pasado, su pre...
Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Microfilm. Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress Preservation Microfilming Program : Available from Library of Congress Photoduplication Serv... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Carta de correos y postas de las provincias de Almeria, Cádiz, Córdoba...
Explicación de las señales y nota aclaratoria
Relación de los servicios que hizo a su majestad del Rey Don Felipe S...
One of 2 different editions with same imprint and date. In the present ed. line 7 on recto of 2d prelim. leaf reads: ... contra la armada Inglesa ... Cf. H.P. Kraus. Sir Francis Drake; a pictorial biography, 19... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Mappa Gubernii Irkutensis, complectens Provincias Irkutensem, Jakutens...
Comprende la parte oriental de la RSFS de Rusia, desde el río Anabara hasta el océano Pacífico
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Johann Baptist Homann - Imperii Persici in omnes suas provincias nova ...
Relief shown pictorially. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
Lancero, de acostamiento de las provincias vascongadas ([Año] 1480).
The collection by the Dutch physician H. J. Vinkhuijzen (1843-1910). 19th-century European military.
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Mapa de la America Septentrional dividido en dos partes. En la primera...
Scale ca. 1:6,250,000. Hand colored. Relief shown pictorially. Described in United States. Library of Congress. The Lowery collection. 1912. No. 416. LC Maps of North America, 1750-1789, 35 Includes illus. of "... More
Mapa o carta corographica que comprehende todas las provincias de mari...
Representa prácticamente toda Andalucía desde Ayamonte hasta el cabo de Gata, con las provincias de marina: Ayamonte, Sevilla, Segura, San Lucar, Málaga, Motril y Almería
cover from "Revista pintoresca de las provincias Bascongadas. Edicion ...
This image has been taken from scan 000608 from "Revista pintoresca de las provincias Bascongadas. Edicion de lujo. Adornada con vistas ... por S. Lambla. Escrita por L. M. de E. y A. A. y H. Entrega 1-45". The... More
cover from "Revista pintoresca de las provincias Bascongadas. Edicion ...
This image has been taken from scan 000475 from "Revista pintoresca de las provincias Bascongadas. Edicion de lujo. Adornada con vistas ... por S. Lambla. Escrita por L. M. de E. y A. A. y H. Entrega 1-45". The... More
cover from "Revista pintoresca de las provincias Bascongadas. Edicion ...
This image has been taken from scan 000632 from "Revista pintoresca de las provincias Bascongadas. Edicion de lujo. Adornada con vistas ... por S. Lambla. Escrita por L. M. de E. y A. A. y H. Entrega 1-45". The... More
cover from "Revista pintoresca de las provincias Bascongadas. Edicion ...
This image has been taken from scan 000492 from "Revista pintoresca de las provincias Bascongadas. Edicion de lujo. Adornada con vistas ... por S. Lambla. Escrita por L. M. de E. y A. A. y H. Entrega 1-45". The... More
cover from "Revista pintoresca de las provincias Bascongadas. Edicion ...
This image has been taken from scan 000620 from "Revista pintoresca de las provincias Bascongadas. Edicion de lujo. Adornada con vistas ... por S. Lambla. Escrita por L. M. de E. y A. A. y H. Entrega 1-45". The... More
cover from "Revista pintoresca de las provincias Bascongadas. Edicion ...
This image has been taken from scan 000601 from "Revista pintoresca de las provincias Bascongadas. Edicion de lujo. Adornada con vistas ... por S. Lambla. Escrita por L. M. de E. y A. A. y H. Entrega 1-45". The... More
cover from "Revista pintoresca de las provincias Bascongadas. Edicion ...
This image has been taken from scan 000569 from "Revista pintoresca de las provincias Bascongadas. Edicion de lujo. Adornada con vistas ... por S. Lambla. Escrita por L. M. de E. y A. A. y H. Entrega 1-45". The... More
architecture from "Revista pintoresca de las provincias Bascongadas. E...
This image has been taken from scan 000429 from "Revista pintoresca de las provincias Bascongadas. Edicion de lujo. Adornada con vistas ... por S. Lambla. Escrita por L. M. de E. y A. A. y H. Entrega 1-45". The... More
architecture from "Revista pintoresca de las provincias Bascongadas. E...
This image has been taken from scan 000441 from "Revista pintoresca de las provincias Bascongadas. Edicion de lujo. Adornada con vistas ... por S. Lambla. Escrita por L. M. de E. y A. A. y H. Entrega 1-45". The... More
cover from "Revista pintoresca de las provincias Bascongadas. Edicion ...
This image has been taken from scan 000581 from "Revista pintoresca de las provincias Bascongadas. Edicion de lujo. Adornada con vistas ... por S. Lambla. Escrita por L. M. de E. y A. A. y H. Entrega 1-45". The... More
Johann Baptist Homann - Imperii Persici in omnes suas provincias nova ...
Relief shown pictorially. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
Relación de los servicios que hizo a su majestad del Rey Don Felipe S...
One of 2 different editions with same imprint and date. In the present ed. line 7 on recto of 2d prelim. leaf reads: ... contra la armada Inglesa ... Cf. H.P. Kraus. Sir Francis Drake; a pictorial biography, 19... More
Relación de los servicios que hizo a su majestad del Rey Don Felipe S...
One of 2 different editions with same imprint and date. In the present ed. line 7 on recto of 2d prelim. leaf reads: ... contra la armada Inglesa ... Cf. H.P. Kraus. Sir Francis Drake; a pictorial biography, 19... More
Relación de los servicios que hizo a su majestad del Rey Don Felipe S...
One of 2 different editions with same imprint and date. In the present ed. line 7 on recto of 2d prelim. leaf reads: ... contra la armada Inglesa ... Cf. H.P. Kraus. Sir Francis Drake; a pictorial biography, 19... More
Relación de los servicios que hizo a su majestad del Rey Don Felipe S...
One of 2 different editions with same imprint and date. In the present ed. line 7 on recto of 2d prelim. leaf reads: ... contra la armada Inglesa ... Cf. H.P. Kraus. Sir Francis Drake; a pictorial biography, 19... More
Relación de los servicios que hizo a su majestad del Rey Don Felipe S...
One of 2 different editions with same imprint and date. In the present ed. line 7 on recto of 2d prelim. leaf reads: ... contra la armada Inglesa ... Cf. H.P. Kraus. Sir Francis Drake; a pictorial biography, 19... More
Relación de los servicios que hizo a su majestad del Rey Don Felipe S...
One of 2 different editions with same imprint and date. In the present ed. line 7 on recto of 2d prelim. leaf reads: ... contra la armada Inglesa ... Cf. H.P. Kraus. Sir Francis Drake; a pictorial biography, 19... More
Relación de los servicios que hizo a su majestad del Rey Don Felipe S...
One of 2 different editions with same imprint and date. In the present ed. line 7 on recto of 2d prelim. leaf reads: ... contra la armada Inglesa ... Cf. H.P. Kraus. Sir Francis Drake; a pictorial biography, 19... More
Relación de los servicios que hizo a su majestad del Rey Don Felipe S...
One of 2 different editions with same imprint and date. In the present ed. line 7 on recto of 2d prelim. leaf reads: ... contra la armada Inglesa ... Cf. H.P. Kraus. Sir Francis Drake; a pictorial biography, 19... More
Relación de los servicios que hizo a su majestad del Rey Don Felipe S...
One of 2 different editions with same imprint and date. In the present ed. line 7 on recto of 2d prelim. leaf reads: ... contra la armada Inglesa ... Cf. H.P. Kraus. Sir Francis Drake; a pictorial biography, 19... More
Relación de los servicios que hizo a su majestad del Rey Don Felipe S...
One of 2 different editions with same imprint and date. In the present ed. line 7 on recto of 2d prelim. leaf reads: ... contra la armada Inglesa ... Cf. H.P. Kraus. Sir Francis Drake; a pictorial biography, 19... More
Relación de los servicios que hizo a su majestad del Rey Don Felipe S...
One of 2 different editions with same imprint and date. In the present ed. line 7 on recto of 2d prelim. leaf reads: ... contra la armada Inglesa ... Cf. H.P. Kraus. Sir Francis Drake; a pictorial biography, 19... More
Relación de los servicios que hizo a su majestad del Rey Don Felipe S...
One of 2 different editions with same imprint and date. In the present ed. line 7 on recto of 2d prelim. leaf reads: ... contra la armada Inglesa ... Cf. H.P. Kraus. Sir Francis Drake; a pictorial biography, 19... More
Relación de los servicios que hizo a su majestad del Rey Don Felipe S...
One of 2 different editions with same imprint and date. In the present ed. line 7 on recto of 2d prelim. leaf reads: ... contra la armada Inglesa ... Cf. H.P. Kraus. Sir Francis Drake; a pictorial biography, 19... More
Relación de los servicios que hizo a su majestad del Rey Don Felipe S...
One of 2 different editions with same imprint and date. In the present ed. line 7 on recto of 2d prelim. leaf reads: ... contra la armada Inglesa ... Cf. H.P. Kraus. Sir Francis Drake; a pictorial biography, 19... More
Relación de los servicios que hizo a su majestad del Rey Don Felipe S...
One of 2 different editions with same imprint and date. In the present ed. line 7 on recto of 2d prelim. leaf reads: ... contra la armada Inglesa ... Cf. H.P. Kraus. Sir Francis Drake; a pictorial biography, 19... More
Relación de los servicios que hizo a su majestad del Rey Don Felipe S...
One of 2 different editions with same imprint and date. In the present ed. line 7 on recto of 2d prelim. leaf reads: ... contra la armada Inglesa ... Cf. H.P. Kraus. Sir Francis Drake; a pictorial biography, 19... More
Relación de los servicios que hizo a su majestad del Rey Don Felipe S...
One of 2 different editions with same imprint and date. In the present ed. line 7 on recto of 2d prelim. leaf reads: ... contra la armada Inglesa ... Cf. H.P. Kraus. Sir Francis Drake; a pictorial biography, 19... More
Relación de los servicios que hizo a su majestad del Rey Don Felipe S...
One of 2 different editions with same imprint and date. In the present ed. line 7 on recto of 2d prelim. leaf reads: ... contra la armada Inglesa ... Cf. H.P. Kraus. Sir Francis Drake; a pictorial biography, 19... More
Relación de los servicios que hizo a su majestad del Rey Don Felipe S...
One of 2 different editions with same imprint and date. In the present ed. line 7 on recto of 2d prelim. leaf reads: ... contra la armada Inglesa ... Cf. H.P. Kraus. Sir Francis Drake; a pictorial biography, 19... More
La política de España en sus provincias ultramarinas su pasado, su pre...
Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Microfilm. Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress Preservation Microfilming Program : Available from Library of Congress Photoduplication Serv... More
La política de España en sus provincias ultramarinas su pasado, su pre...
Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Microfilm. Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress Preservation Microfilming Program : Available from Library of Congress Photoduplication Serv... More
La política de España en sus provincias ultramarinas su pasado, su pre...
Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Microfilm. Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress Preservation Microfilming Program : Available from Library of Congress Photoduplication Serv... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More
Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...
The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More