Join the Irish Canadian Rangers Overseas Battalion
Poster shows a soldier with shamrocks in his hand, cap and in his gun barrel, walking along a country road.
Fight for king & empire. Our brave soldiers need your help / H.T. & Co...
Poster is text only, with small armorial device of King George V. Poster no. 10. No. 4823-14.
Men wanted for the army / Michael P. Whelan.
U.S. Army recruiting poster showing an officer standing with a soldier, seated on a horse, blowing a bugle. Form no. 404. A.G.O.
A chance shot This is a chance photograph of a chance shot at a "sub" ...
U.S. Navy recruitment poster showing scene aboard ship of sailors loading artillery. Poster caption continues: There is a chance for you too; to build up your body, to learn or perfect a trade, to see the world... More
Rally round the flag. Every fit man wanted / H.T. & Co.
Poster is text only, with small British flag at top. Poster no. 2. No. 4824.
Fransk propagandabild från första världskriget.
French propaganda image from the First World War. Public domain photograph related to Swedish military, army, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
"They need us over there" 1000 graduate nurses a week for eight weeks ...
American Red Cross recruitment poster showing a three-quarter length portrait of a nurse. Poster caption continues: Apply to the American Red Cross.
Do your duty - join the U.S. Marines Help them defend America on land ...
U.S. Marine Corps recruitment poster showing marines firing artillery from the deck of a ship.
Fransk propagandabild från första världskriget.
French propaganda image from the First World War. Public domain photograph related to Swedish military, army, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
He is getting our country's signal - are you? Join the Navy.
U.S. Navy recruitment poster showing sailor with signal flag. Poster caption continues: For information apply at your nearest recruiting station or Navy League Headquarters.
Extra - your country needs you in the U.S. Navy at once
Women's Auxiliary Naval recruitment poster. Poster caption continues: Apply at recruiting stations ; Women's Auxiliary Naval recruiting.
All in one with the Irish Canadian Rangers 199th Overseas Battalion
Poster shows a map of Ireland and the battalion insignia. Public domain scan of Canadian poster, advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The happy man today is the man at the front. Royal Highlanders of Cana...
Poster shows a soldier of the Royal Highlanders Battalion. Public domain scan of Canadian poster, advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
What Burns said [in] 1782 holds good in 1915. Take his tip / printed b...
Poster showing a cameo portrait of Scottish poet Robert Burns, with a verse of his poetry quoted below. Caption: O! why the deuce should I repine / And be an ill foreboder? / I'm twenty three, and five feet nin... More
Is your home worth fighting for? It will be too late to fight when the...
Poster showing a family at home, surprized by German soldiers bearing bayonets. P 661.
More men are wanted for his majesty's army. [...] Men are wanted - enl...
Poster is text only, with details of qualifications, terms, pay, allowances, pensions, and procedures. Poster no. 115. 15M. W.10754. 1/15. W8189. 3/15.
"We took the Hill, come and help us keep it!" / Harry J. Weston.
Poster shows a wounded Australian soldier standing over the body of an enemy soldier; in background, ships in the sea. Poster is possibly a reference to the battle at Gallipolli.
What in the end will settle this war? Trained men. It is your duty to ...
Poster is text only. Poster no. 66. Public domain photograph - United States during World War One, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
"England expects" Are you doing your duty to-day? 1805-1915 / / printe...
Poster showing a sailor in 19th century uniform, with modern battleships at sea and a distant shore in flames. Design copyright Seargeant Bros. Ltd. Poster no. 101.
The prime minister's pledge to married men is now being redeemed by pa...
Text continues: But let the young unmarried men themselves redeem that Pledge by joining under the Group System to-day. Do not force your country to force you to fight, but come of your own free will. Poster is... More
Are you trained to do your share? Plattsburg [sic]
Poster showing soldiers marching with their rifles shouldered; tents and cannons in the background, presumably the Military Training Camp in Plattsburgh, N.Y.
Navy recruiting week April 28th--May 5th.
Poster is text only. Forms part of: Willard and Dorothy Straight Collection.
10,000,000 members by Christmas On Christmas eve, a candle in every wi...
Poster showing a holly-decked candle in a window, with the Red Cross symbol in its glow. Forms part of: Willard and Dorothy Straight Collection.
Cardinal Mercier - Le Cardinal supplie l'Administration-Alimentaire de...
Poster showing a portrait of Cardinal Mercier. Text continues: Par conséquent, consommez moins de pain-de viande-de graisse et de sucre. Augmentez autant que possible vos envois aux malheureuses victimes de la ... More
American field service / Nuyttens 17.
Poster showing a man on the running board of a truck identified as Transport Americain, with missiles exploding in the sky above. Merchants - Chicago. Forms part of: Willard and Dorothy Straight Collection.
American Library Association - Posters - A.L.A. Book Campaign - 1918
Date Taken: 1918 Photographer: American Library Association American Library Association - Posters
Uphold our honor--Fight for us Join Army-Navy-Marines.
Poster showing figure of Liberty with the American flag. Forms part of: Willard and Dorothy Straight Collection.
Artists - F. Walter Taylor of Phila, PA. who devoted much of his time ...
Date Taken: 1917 Photographer: Wm. Shewell Ellis Artists Public domain photograph related to the United States in World War One, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Stenographers! The Kaiser is afraid of you! There is a shortage of 500...
Ordnance Dept. recruiting poster showing the Kaiser, holding a bloody sword, cowering in the shadow of a young woman typing.
Join - Red Cross work must go on! All you need is a heart and a dollar...
Poster showing a Red Cross nurse. Public domain photograph of nurses, hospital, medical care, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
National service. National security. No shirking. Enrol to-day. Forms ...
Poster is text only, with emblem of the National Service Industrial Army, 1917. Series B.1.
Honor the brave, Memorial Day, May 30, 1917
Poster showing boys with fife and drum leading a parade of veterans and soldiers. In memory of American soldiers of the wars of 1775-1783, 1812-1814, 1846-1847, 1861-1865, 1898. Monogram unidentified. Forms par... More
Men wanted for U.S. Coast Guard
Poster soliciting enlistees for the United States Coast Guard. Text specifies, "machinists, oilers, firemen, coxswains, seamen, quartermasters, cooks, boys, buglers, ordinary seamen, coal heavers." Poster is te... More
Rustningernes krig. Hvorledes Storbritannien har mobiliseret sine indu...
Poster showing 14 vignettes of the British munitions industry, including related descriptions and facts. Poster is in Danish. No. 15.
Poster - Rules for Christmas Shopping - Public domain lithograph
World War I poster. Issued by Connecticut State Council of Defense
Navy men needed now, US Navy Photogrpah
U.S. Navy recruitment poster showing "Executive Order" signed by Woodrow Wilson authorizing the increase of Naval strength to 87,000 men. Poster caption continues: Help your country and help yourself by enlisti... More
Artists - Sidney Riesenberg, Poster artist and one of the posters he d...
Photographer: C.P.I. Artists Public domain scan of World War One propaganda poster, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
I want you for the Navy Apply any recruiting station or postmaster / /...
Poster showing a young woman in Navy uniform jacket and cap. 1129 2nd Ave., near 59th St., N.Y. City. Stamped: U.S. Government Property, $5000 fine and imprisonment for defacing. Forms part of: Willard and Doro... More
Your opportunity to learn a trade Join the Air Service, United States ...
U.S. Army Air Service recruiting poster showing men on an airfield with airplanes flying overhead, and six halftone illustrations of classrooms for the "welding department, motor transport department, practical... More
Remember we must feed Daddy too / R.E. Johnston/18.
Poster shows a woman feeding a young boy on her lap. A vignette of a soldier with rifle appears in background, as if in her imagination.
Pioniere heraus! G.Kav.Schützen Div. / L. Zabel.
Poster shows a soldier carrying a shovel, pickax and a rifle; in background a line of ships. Text is call for sappers to join the G. Cavalry Protection Division, Berlin. Benefits are listed.
Elend und Untergang folgen der Anarchie / J.U. Engelhard,'18.
Poster shows a monster, an anarchist(?), holding a knife and a bomb. Text: Misery and destruction follows anarchy. Forms part of: Rehse-Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik. Design also issued under title ... More
Clear The Way!! Buy Bonds. Fourth Liberty Loan. Color poster by Howard...
Liberty Loan Public domain reproduction of World War One war bonds advertisement propaganda poster, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
You kept fit and defeated the Hun - now set a high standard, a clean A...
Post-World War I poster promoting health in America, showing a soldier with an eagle perched on his shoulder. No. 21294. Title transcribed from item.
Fight or buy bonds. Third Liberty Loan
Image shows young woman, known as the "Christy Girl," with raised arm holding an American flag. Courtesy of Boston Public Library
The United States Army builds men. Apply nearest recruiting office / H...
Soldier standing in front of three men symbolizing crafts, character, and physique. Promotional goal: U.S. J32. 1919(?).
Engineers blaze the trail for education! The engineers can place men f...
U.S. Army recruiting poster showing a group of men carrying the tools of the engineering trades, also shown is a list of educational opportunities available to new recruits.
After the Civil War Abraham Lincoln said: Let us strive on to finish t...
World War I poster. Issued by Liberty Loan Committee Public domain reproduction of World War One propaganda poster, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Keep the stars shining for Uncle Sam - Join the Quartermaster Corps / ...
Poster showing Uncle Sam in a quartermaster's uniform. Text continues: For your future success, be a business soldier in the United States Army. Enlistment for one or three years are [sic] now being made at [bl... More
Alte Frontsoldaten ... Das Vaterland is in Gefahr! Eile tut not! / R. ...
Poster shows head-and-shoulders portrait of a German soldier. Text is a call for veterans to join the border-guard batallion Spandau, stating "the Fatherland is in danger! This is an emergency!" Registration ad... More
Freischar Loeschebrand, der Garde Kavallerie Schützen Division. Offizi...
Poster shows a Landesknecht soldier beating a drum. Text encourages officers and enlisted soldiers, familiar with all weapons, to join the Freischar Loeschebrand. Place of registration and benefits are listed.
George Washington bought the first Liberty Bond
World War I poster. Issued by Liberty Loan Committee Public domain reproduction of World War One propaganda poster, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
CFFP Program Posters - All States, National Forest Service photograph.
Photographs Relating to National Forests, Resource Management Practices, Personnel, and Cultural and Economic History
Poster Celebrating George Washington's Inaugural Sesquicentennial
Maps Related to the U.S. Constitution Sesquicentennial Public domain photograph of a poster, United States government propaganda, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Ship going under bridge] Australia
Original Artwork for World War II Posters Public domain photograph of a poster, United States government propaganda, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain.. r...
Tattered American flag flies at half mast in front of black smoke and flames. Quote, "We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain," is from Lincoln's Gettysburg address. Courtesy of Bosto... More
A careless word… a needless sinking
Image shows lifeboat full of sailors looking back at burning, sinking ship. Poster distributed by the United States. Office of War Information to hotels, schools, war plants, libraries, terminals, recreational ... More
For Victory! June 14 - United Nations Day [Jan Clausing]
Original Artwork for World War II Posters Public domain photograph of a poster, United States government propaganda, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Use It Up - Wear It Out - Make It Do! Our labor And Our Goods are Fig...
Original Artwork for World War II Posters Public domain scan of World War Two propaganda poster, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
"Today We Own Germany-and Tomorrow the Whole World"-Storm Troopers Son...
Original Artwork for World War II Posters Public domain photograph related to Nazi Germany, World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Avenge December 7 [Bernard Perlin]
Original Artwork for World War II Posters Public domain photograph of beverage advertisement, food, drinks, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Factory worker testing a rifle] Battle Begins With Your Job. Do It Ri...
Original Artwork for World War II Posters Public domain photograph - United States military, propaganda free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bowl Them Over. MORE PRODUCTION. (Information on cover sheet: War Pro...
Original Artwork for World War II Posters Public domain photograph of a poster, United States government propaganda, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Family (father, mother, daughter and the family dog) planting a Victo...
Original Artwork for World War II Posters Public domain photograph of a poster, United States government propaganda, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[German military band playing music in front of a statue of Chopin tha...
Original Artwork for World War II Posters Public domain photograph related to World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Smokey Bear in professor gown...lecturing a small bear cub.]
Original Artwork for World War II Posters Public domain photograph of a poster, United States government propaganda, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
MORE PRODUCTION - Public domain propaganda poster
Original Artwork for World War II Posters Public domain photograph - United States military, propaganda free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Talk Is Not Cheap. Loose Talk Can Cost Lives [R.B. Yelie]
Original Artwork for World War II Posters Public domain photograph related to World War Two, Navy ships, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Nurse having a nurse's cap place on her head] [Victor Keppler]
Original Artwork for World War II Posters Public domain photograph of nurses, hospital, medical care, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[German soldier looking on as man is hanged and two small children com...
Original Artwork for World War II Posters Public domain photograph related to World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
MOTION PICTURE BUREAU - Public domain propaganda poster
Original Artwork for World War II Posters Public domain photograph - United States military, propaganda free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Kinda give it your personal attention, will you? MORE PRODUCTION [Roe...
Original Artwork for World War II Posters Public domain scan of World War Two propaganda poster, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
UNITED We Are Strong. United We Will Win. OWI Poster No. 64. [Koerne...
Original Artwork for World War II Posters Public domain photograph - United States military, propaganda free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bits of careless talk are pieced together by the enemy
Hand wearing Nazi ring is placing final piece in a puzzle which reads "Convoy sails for England tonight." Courtesy of Boston Public Library
Less dangerous than careless talk. Don't discuss troop movements, ship...
Striking rattlesnake with bloody fangs. Courtesy of Boston Public Library Public domain scan of printed advertisement - Picryl description
[Paris Plastered with Political Posters]
[Paris Plastered with Political Posters] - [PAR-2581 through PAR-2619] Public domain scan of French poster, advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Paris Plastered with Political Posters]
[Paris Plastered with Political Posters] - [PAR-2581 through PAR-2619] Public domain scan of French poster, advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Paix et Liberte - Produces Anti-Communist Posters]
[Paix et Liberte - Produces Anti-Communist Posters] - [PAR-2789 through PAR-2790]
[Communist and Anti-Communist Posters]
[Communist and Anti-Communist Posters] - [PAR-2097 through PAR-2100] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Political Posters - Paris Posters Battle Against Communism, "Jojo la ...
[Political Posters - Paris Posters Battle Against Communism, "Jojo la Colombe" Stalin's Caricature] - [PAR-3450 through PAR-3458]
[Winners Announced in Child Poster Contest]
[Winners Announced in Child Poster Contest] - [PAR-2650 through PAR-2670]
[Communist Posters] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marshall Plan p...
[Communist Posters] - [PAR-2180 through PAR-2187] Public domain scan of French poster, advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Paris Plastered with Political Posters]
[Paris Plastered with Political Posters] - [PAR-2581 through PAR-2619] Public domain photograph of advertising campaign, billboard, street signs, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[NATO Posters] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marshall Plan photog...
[NATO Posters] - [PAR-2505 through PAR-2522] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Winners Announced in Child Poster Contest]
[Winners Announced in Child Poster Contest] - [PAR-2650 through PAR-2670]
[Communist Posters] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marshall Plan p...
[Communist Posters] - [PAR-2499 through PAR-2502] Public domain scan of French poster, advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
ECA - Fertilizer Poster, Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Eur...
Propaganda Posters Distributed in Asia Public domain scan of American poster, advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
["Salut a la France" Posters] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marsh...
["Salut a la France" Posters] - [PAR-7133 through PAR-7146] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Paris Plastered with Political Posters]
[Paris Plastered with Political Posters] - [PAR-2581 through PAR-2619] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Paris Plastered with Posters - Anti-Communist]
[Paris Plastered with Posters - Anti-Communist] - [PAR-3267 through PAR-3270]
["Salut a la France" Posters] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marsh...
["Salut a la France" Posters] - [PAR-7133 through PAR-7146] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Paix et Liberte - Produces Anti-Communist Posters]
[Paix et Liberte - Produces Anti-Communist Posters] - [PAR-2789 through PAR-2790]
[Paix et Liberte - Produces Anti-Communist Posters]
[Paix et Liberte - Produces Anti-Communist Posters] - [PAR-2789 through PAR-2790]
[NATO Posters] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marshall Plan photog...
[NATO Posters] - [PAR-2505 through PAR-2522] Public domain scan of theatrical program brochure, printed advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Paris Plastered with Political Posters]
[Paris Plastered with Political Posters] - [PAR-2581 through PAR-2619] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Political Posters - Paris Posters Battle Against Communism, "Jojo la ...
[Political Posters - Paris Posters Battle Against Communism, "Jojo la Colombe" Stalin's Caricature] - [PAR-3450 through PAR-3458]
[Winners Announced in Child Poster Contest]
[Winners Announced in Child Poster Contest] - [PAR-2650 through PAR-2670]
Operations: Help Juan, Cold War American Propaganda poster
Propaganda Posters Distributed in Asia Public domain scan of American poster, advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Statement of a Former Hut Commander of the Philippine Veterans Legion
Propaganda Posters Distributed in Asia Public domain scan of American poster, advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description