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portrait paintings of girls from russia

102 media by topicpage 1 of 2
Annushka by I.Argunov (1767, Kuskovo)

Annushka by I.Argunov (1767, Kuskovo)

Annushka, a Kalmyk of Western Mongolian Oirat ancestry, was a serf and pupil of Countess Varvara Sheremeteva, daughter of Count Sheremetev. Argunov himself was a serf of Count Sheremetev (1713-1788). In her han... More

Borovik pt naryshkinoy2 - Public domain  painting

Borovik pt naryshkinoy2 - Public domain painting

Портрет Елены Александровны Нарышкиной в детстве Public domain photograph of 18th-century female portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Makovsky Konstantin Egorovich - Portrait of Varvara Bibikova

Makovsky Konstantin Egorovich - Portrait of Varvara Bibikova

Varvara Alexandrovna Bibikova (1894–1923) was the daughter of the court councillor (from 1915) Alexander Alexandrovich Bibikov (1874–?) and Varvara Vasilyevna, née Mashkova.Русский: Варвара Александровна Биби... More

Alexandra Pavlovna by Lampi (1790s, Gatchina)

Alexandra Pavlovna by Lampi (1790s, Gatchina)

Иоганн Баптист Лампи (1751-1830) Портрет великой княжны Александры Павловны в детстве 1790-е гг., xолст, масло, 70 x 53,5 см Музей-заповедник "ГАТЧИНА"

Boris Kustodiev. Portret Iriny Kustodievoy, 1911

Boris Kustodiev. Portret Iriny Kustodievoy, 1911

Борис Кустодиев. «Портрет Ирины Кустодиевой», 1911, карт./темпера, 107х81.5. Эстимейт: GBP 1,200,000-1,800,000 Последний раз портрет дочери с успехом демонстрировался на выставке объединения «Мира искусства» 19... More

Alexander ii and maria nikolaevna

Alexander ii and maria nikolaevna

Picryl description: Public domain image of children, kids, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Harlamoff Alexei Little Girl with Veil

Harlamoff Alexei Little Girl with Veil

Picryl description: Public domain image of an artwork, painting, figurative art, 19th, 20th century art, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Pavel Shuvalov in Childhood - Public domain scenic painting

Pavel Shuvalov in Childhood - Public domain scenic painting

Граф Шувалов Павел Петрович (1846 - 1902),сын графа Петра Павловича Шувалова и Софии Львовны (урождённой Нарышкиной).

Anna Petrovna and Elizaveta Petrovna

Anna Petrovna and Elizaveta Petrovna

Public domain photo of portrait art painting, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Varnek 001 - Public domain scenic painting

Varnek 001 - Public domain scenic painting

Public domain photograph of portrait painting, 17th-18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Графиня Толстая М.П. 1852г. - Public domain portrait painting

Графиня Толстая М.П. 1852г. - Public domain portrait painting

Русский: Государственное музейное объединение "Художественная культура Русского Севера", Холст, масло. 53 x 44 см

Ivan Berezin 01 - Public domain portrait painting

Ivan Berezin 01 - Public domain portrait painting

Portrait of E.N. Tishininoy Русский: Портрет Е.Н.Тишининой. Public domain photograph of 18th-century female portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Temerina A. P. (Pavel Kolendas)

Temerina A. P. (Pavel Kolendas)

Русский: Темерина Александра Петровна, 5 лет (1844). Холст, масло. 113*66. Ярославские портреты XVIII-XIX веков (набор открыток). Переславль-Залесский музей. Инв. 1020

Wassilij Iwanowitsch Surikow 007 -  The Yorck Project Masterpieces of Painting

Wassilij Iwanowitsch Surikow 007 - The Yorck Project Masterpieces of ...

Public domain photo of portrait art painting, 16th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Children with lamb by Borovikovsky

Children with lamb by Borovikovsky

Дети с барашком Public domain photograph of 19th-century portrait, child, children, infant, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Anna Labzina with ward Sofia by Borovikovsky

Anna Labzina with ward Sofia by Borovikovsky

Лабзина Анна Евдокимовна (1758-1828), урожденная Яковлева, в первом браке была замужем за А.М.Карамышевым, во втором - за А.Ф.Лабзиным

Elena Pavlovna of Russia as child by J.L.Voille (1792, Hermitage)

Elena Pavlovna of Russia as child by J.L.Voille (1792, Hermitage)

Портрет великой княгини Елены Павловны в детстве Public domain photograph of 18th-century female portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Elena Pavlovna by Lampi - Public domain portrait painting

Elena Pavlovna by Lampi - Public domain portrait painting

Иоганн Баптист Лампи (1751-1830) Портрет великой княжны Елены Павловны в детстве около 1790 года, xолст, масло, 69,5 x 53,5 см

Serov 0025 - Public domain portrait painting

Serov 0025 - Public domain portrait painting

Lyola Derviz Public domain photograph of 19th-century Russian painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

L.A. Gorchakova by V.Tropinin (1810s, GIM)

L.A. Gorchakova by V.Tropinin (1810s, GIM)

портрет княжны Л.А. Горчаковой, в замужестве графини Бобринской с птичкой в руке (художник В.А. Тропинин. Начало 1810-х гг.)

Alexandra of Oldenburg by Hau - Public domain portrait painting

Alexandra of Oldenburg by Hau - Public domain portrait painting

Александра Ольденбургская Public domain photograph of 19th-century Russian painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Nevrev c 006 - Public domain portrait painting

Nevrev c 006 - Public domain portrait painting

Nikolai Nevrev (1830-1904) Portrait daughter Русский: Николай Васильевич Неврев (1830-1904) Портрет дочери

Nikolay Ge 008 - Public domain portrait painting

Nikolay Ge 008 - Public domain portrait painting

Ге Николай Николаевич. Портрет Ольги Павловны Костычевой (род. 1880), дочери П.А. Костычева 1891. Холст, масло. 64 х 53. Русский музей

Sofia Volkonskay - Public domain portrait painting

Sofia Volkonskay - Public domain portrait painting

Софья Дмитриевна Волконская (3.10.1842 - 5.01.1875), в замужестве Репнина. Public domain photograph of 19th-century portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Girl in Russian dress by V.Khudyakov (1844, Ulyanovsk)

Girl in Russian dress by V.Khudyakov (1844, Ulyanovsk)

Русский: Девочка в русском костюме Public domain photograph of 19th-century female portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Девочка с куклой - Public domain scenic painting

Девочка с куклой - Public domain scenic painting

Русский: Девочка с куклой. Первая половина 1890-х. Холст, масло. 46x36 см. Государственная Третьяковская галерея, Москва

Maria Kikina - Public domain print

Maria Kikina - Public domain print

Maria Kikina Русский: Мария Петровна Кикина (1816-1854), в замужестве Волконская

A.A. Venetsianova by Venetsianov

A.A. Venetsianova by Venetsianov

Public domain photo of portrait art painting, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Каравак - Портрет цесаревны Натальи Петровны

Каравак - Портрет цесаревны Натальи Петровны

Русский: Портрет цесаревны Натальи Петровны (1718-1725). Русский Музй, Михайловский замок.English: Portrait of Natalia Romanov (1718–1725)

Levitzky Vorontsova Maria - Public domain portrait painting

Levitzky Vorontsova Maria - Public domain portrait painting

Русский: Графиня Мария Артемьевна Воронцова (1775-1866) - старшая дочь А.И. Воронцова, фрейлина.

Catherine Pavlovna by Zharkov - Public domain portrait painting

Catherine Pavlovna by Zharkov - Public domain portrait painting

Русский: Портрет великой княжны Екатерины Павловны. ГМЗ "Павловск". ЦХ-2871-/1-ХI.

Carl Ludwig Christineck 020 - Public domain scenic painting

Carl Ludwig Christineck 020 - Public domain scenic painting

Христинек (Кристинеке) Карл ЛюдвигПортрет девочки 63,4 x 47 Холст, масло 1781

Портрет детей Волконских с арапом

Портрет детей Волконских с арапом

Портрет детей Волконских с арапом На портрете изображены двоюродные сестры: княжна Елизавета Григорьевна (1838–1891), дочь гофмейстера князя Г.П.Волконского, и княжна Софья Дмитриевна (1841–1875), дочь гофмейс... More

Liza and Dasha Arapova by I.Makarov

Liza and Dasha Arapova by I.Makarov

Девочки-сестры. Портрет Лизы и Наташи Араповых (внучки Натальи Николаевны Гончаровой и Пётра Петровича Ланского, дочери Елизаветы Петровны Ланской и полковника Кавалергардского полка Николая Андреевича Арапова)

Fedor Rokotov 01 - Public domain scenic painting

Fedor Rokotov 01 - Public domain scenic painting

Public domain photo of portrait art painting, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Levitzky Vorontsova Katerina - Public domain portrait painting

Levitzky Vorontsova Katerina - Public domain portrait painting

Public domain photo of portrait art painting, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Ekaterina Dmitrievna Obreskova - Public domain portrait painting

Ekaterina Dmitrievna Obreskova - Public domain portrait painting

Русский: Екатерина Дмитриевна Обрезкова (1822-1874), дочь виленского губернатора Дмитрия Михайловича Обрезкова (1790-1864) и Наталии Васильевны Шереметевой (1795-1865), была замужем за посланником в Петербурге... More

Grande-duchesse Anna by Quadal - Public domain scenic painting

Grande-duchesse Anna by Quadal - Public domain scenic painting

Public domain image - 17th-18th-century female portrait, aristocracy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Ivan Khrutsky. Girl - Public domain portrait painting

Ivan Khrutsky. Girl - Public domain portrait painting

Public domain image of portrait painting, 18th-19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Ivan Vishnyakov 03 - Public domain portrait painting

Ivan Vishnyakov 03 - Public domain portrait painting

Portrait of Girl with birdРусский: Девочка с птичкой Public domain photograph of 18th-century portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

E.N. Milyukova by G.Soroka (1840s, Russian museum)

E.N. Milyukova by G.Soroka (1840s, Russian museum)

see filename Public domain photograph of 19th-century portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Sofia Muravyova by Bestuzhev - Public domain print

Sofia Muravyova by Bestuzhev - Public domain print

Sofia Muravyova, daughter of Decembrist Nikita Muravyov Русский: Софья Никитична Муравьева (1828 — 1892), дочь декабриста Н.Муравьева, была замужем за Бибиковым Михаилом Илларионовичем.

Ivan Vishnyakov - Portrait of Sarah Eleanore Fairmore - Google Art Project

Ivan Vishnyakov - Portrait of Sarah Eleanore Fairmore - Google Art Pro...

Google Cultural Institute Public domain photograph of 18th-century female portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Girl in chair by Fedor Tulov 2 (1842, Russian museum)

Girl in chair by Fedor Tulov 2 (1842, Russian museum)

Портрет девочки, сидящей на стуле 499. Portrait of a Girl Sitting on a Chair[3] Первая половина 1840-х Парный каталог 498. Холст, масло. 28,3 х 22,7 На верхней планке подрамника светло-зеленая этикетка с ... More

Lidia Milykova by G.Soroka (1840s, Hermitage)

Lidia Milykova by G.Soroka (1840s, Hermitage)

Public domain image of an artwork, painting, figurative art, 19th, 20th century art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Anna Petrovna and Elizaveta Petrovna

Anna Petrovna and Elizaveta Petrovna

Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Golovin Girl with porcelain 1916

Golovin Girl with porcelain 1916

"Girl with porcelain" 1916 Русский: Девочка и Фарфор (Фрося) Public domain photograph of 20th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Catherine of Oldenburg by Hau - Public domain portrait painting

Catherine of Oldenburg by Hau - Public domain portrait painting

Екатерина Ольденбургская Public domain photograph of portrait painting, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vishnakov sara fermor - Public domain portrait painting

Vishnakov sara fermor - Public domain portrait painting

Public domain image, 18th-century female portrait, aristocracy, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Little foxy. Portrait of A.S. Botkina, P.M. Tretiakov's granddaughter by F. Malyavin (1902)

Little foxy. Portrait of A.S. Botkina, P.M. Tretiakov's granddaughter ...

Лисичка. Портрет А.С.Боткиной, внучки П.М.Третьякова 1902 г

Anna Petrovna of Russia by I.Nikitin (before 1718, Tretyakov gallery)

Anna Petrovna of Russia by I.Nikitin (before 1718, Tretyakov gallery)

Портрет цесаревны Анны Петровны. Не позднее 1716. ГТГ На портрете цесаревне около шести-семи лет, но она причесана и одета, как взрослая дама. В портрете видны следы парсунного письма. Никитин еще нарушает мн... More

Fuke.Tatiana Usupova 1875 - Public domain scenic painting

Fuke.Tatiana Usupova 1875 - Public domain scenic painting

Public domain photo of portrait art painting, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Anna Orlova 4 - Public domain monumental decor painting

Anna Orlova 4 - Public domain monumental decor painting

Public domain photo of portrait art painting, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Vera Malutina by Sergey Malutin 1909

Vera Malutina by Sergey Malutin 1909

Малютин Сергей Васильевич. Портрет Веры Малютиной. 1909

Peasant girl by F. Malyavin 01 - Public domain portrait painting

Peasant girl by F. Malyavin 01 - Public domain portrait painting

Крестьянская девочка Public domain photograph - child portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Dmitry Levitzky - Catherina Pavlovna of Russia as child

Dmitry Levitzky - Catherina Pavlovna of Russia as child

Public domain photo of portrait art painting, 18th-19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Ivan Argunov 19 - Public domain scenic painting

Ivan Argunov 19 - Public domain scenic painting

Public domain photo of portrait art painting, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Nastenka Khvasskaya by Venetsianov

Nastenka Khvasskaya by Venetsianov

Портрет Настеньки Хавской. 1826 Public domain photograph of 19th-century Russian painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Olga Sheremeteva by A.F. Belloli

Olga Sheremeteva by A.F. Belloli

Portrait d'Olga Cheremetiev, future princesse Demidoff Ольга Васильевна Шереметева (Демидова) Pastel and Crayon Size: 63 cm. (24.8 in.)

Sergey Malyutin 02 - Public domain portrait painting

Sergey Malyutin 02 - Public domain portrait painting

Малютин Сергей Васильевич. Портрет девочки. 1894 Public domain photograph of 19th-century Russian painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Girl by E.Krendovskiy (1830s, priv.coll)

Girl by E.Krendovskiy (1830s, priv.coll)

ЕВГРАФ ФЕДОРОВИЧ КРЕНДОВСКИЙ «ПОРТРЕТ ДЕВОЧКИ» Начало 1830-х годов. Холст, масло. 61 × 49 см (овал). На подрамнике: «писалъ Е.Крендовскiй».

Карл Людвиг Христинек - Портрет девочки (1781)

Карл Людвиг Христинек - Портрет девочки (1781)

Public domain photo of portrait art painting, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Alexandra Pavlovna of Russia in Russian dress by anonim (1790s, GRM)

Alexandra Pavlovna of Russia in Russian dress by anonim (1790s, GRM)

Неизвестный художник последней четверти XVIII века. Портрет великой княжны Александры Павловны в русском костюме. 1796(?). 1799(?). Холст, масло. 60х47,5.

Boris Kustodiev 06 - Public domain portrait painting

Boris Kustodiev 06 - Public domain portrait painting

Кустодиев. Портрет дочери. 1910. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Dmitry Levitzky 08 - Public domain portrait painting

Dmitry Levitzky 08 - Public domain portrait painting

Public domain photo of portrait art painting, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Countess Sophia Matyushkina as a child

Countess Sophia Matyushkina as a child

Portrait of Countess Sophia Dmitrievna Matiushkina (1755-1794) as a childРусский: Головачевский Кирилл. Портрет графини Софьи Дмитриевны Матюшкиной в детстве (1755-1794), с 1788 года жена Ю.М.Виельгорского.

Kustodiev irina - Public domain portrait painting

Kustodiev irina - Public domain portrait painting

Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Natalia Petrovna by L.Caravaque (1722, Russian museum)

Natalia Petrovna by L.Caravaque (1722, Russian museum)

Русский: Портрет цесаревны Натальи Петровны (1718-1725). Русский Музй, Михайловский замок.English: Portrait of Natalia Romanov (1718–1725)

Mavra Chernysheva - Public domain portrait painting

Mavra Chernysheva - Public domain portrait painting

Русский: Чернышева Мавра Ивановна (1784 - 1806), дочь генерал-поручика и сенатора И.Л. Чернышева и Евдокии Дмитриевны (урождённой Ланской).

М.Кикина 1821 - Public domain print

М.Кикина 1821 - Public domain print

Portrait of Maria Pavlovna Volkonskaia (1816-1854), Русский: Мария Петровна Кикина (1816-1854), в замужестве Волконская

Child as Cupid by A.C.Ritt - Public domain portrait painting

Child as Cupid by A.C.Ritt - Public domain portrait painting

Portrait of a Child as a Cupid Русский: Портрет ребенка в виде Амура

Sergey Zaryanko 11 - Public domain portrait painting

Sergey Zaryanko 11 - Public domain portrait painting

Девочка в голубом платье. Портрет Наталии Зарянко, дочери художника 1870 Public domain photograph of 19th-century portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Girl in white dress by Fedor Tylov

Girl in white dress by Fedor Tylov

Тулов Федор Андреевич (1792 – 1855) «Портрет девочки в белом платье» Public domain photograph - child portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Portrait of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna

Portrait of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna

Portrait of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna of Russia. Study Public domain photograph of 19th-century female portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Glafira Zimina (Hermitage) - Public domain portrait painting

Glafira Zimina (Hermitage) - Public domain portrait painting

Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Lidia Milykova by G.Soroka (1840s, Hermitage) 2

Lidia Milykova by G.Soroka (1840s, Hermitage) 2

Portrait of Lydia Milyukova Hermitage Museum    Native name Государственный Эрмитаж Location Saint Petersburg Coordinates 59° 56′ 26″ N, 30° 18′ 49″ E   Established 1764  Web page hermitagemuseum.... More

Helene Schouvaloff - Public domain portrait painting

Helene Schouvaloff - Public domain portrait painting

Русский: Графиня Елена Григорьевна Шувалова (1830—1884), была замужем за А. Я. Скарятиным (1815—1884).

Sophie Nariskina - Public domain portrait painting

Sophie Nariskina - Public domain portrait painting

Russian: «Софья Львовна Нарышкина (1829-1894), дочь Л. А. Нарышкина и О. С. Потоцкой.»title QS:P1476,ru:"Софья Львовна Нарышкина (1829-1894), дочь Л. А. Нарышкина и О. С. Потоцкой." label QS:Lru,"Софья Львовна... More

Nikolai Pavlovich Krivtzoff - Public domain scenic painting

Nikolai Pavlovich Krivtzoff - Public domain scenic painting

Русский: Николай Павлович Кривцов (1839-?), сын действительного статского советника Павла Ивановича Кривцова от его брака с княжной Елизаветой Николаевной Репниной-Волконской.

Shakhovskay AM by Fedor Tulov - Public domain portrait painting

Shakhovskay AM by Fedor Tulov - Public domain portrait painting

Русский: Александра Михайловна Шаховская (1805-1863), княжна, дочь дочь Михаила Александровича Шаховского (1758-1817) и Елизаветы Сергеевны Головиной (1767-1831).

Portrait of Lialia (Adelaida) Simonovich

Portrait of Lialia (Adelaida) Simonovich

Portrait of Lialia (Adelaida) Simonovich. 1880. Oil on canvas. The Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia

Мужчына з дзіцем на каленях - Public domain portrait painting

Мужчына з дзіцем на каленях - Public domain portrait painting

Беларуская: Мужчына з дзіцем на каленях. Невядомы мастак. 53×42 см (авал) . Магілёўскі абласны краязнаўчы музей імя Раманава

Kulikov Daughter's portrait 1927

Kulikov Daughter's portrait 1927

Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Sergeev Matvey - Portrait of a Girl

Sergeev Matvey - Portrait of a Girl

Sergeev Matvey - Portrait of a Girl Public domain photograph of 19th-century Russian painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Zaytsev sisters by P.Tyurin (1847)

Zaytsev sisters by P.Tyurin (1847)

Русский: Портрет Евгении и Екатерины Зайцевых Портрет поступил из фамильного собрания. Изображены дочери художника Ивана Кондратьевича Зайцева — Евгения (1837— 1896) и Екатерина (1839—1893) в замужестве Котель... More

Shakhovskay by Fedor Tulov - Public domain vase painting

Shakhovskay by Fedor Tulov - Public domain vase painting

Русский: Шаховская, княжна, одна из дочерей Михаила Александровича Шаховского (1758-1817) и Елизаветы Сергеевны Головиной (1767-1831).

Konovnitsina EP - Public domain portrait painting

Konovnitsina EP - Public domain portrait painting

Русский: Портрет Елизаветы Петровны Коновницыной (1802-1867) в детстве Неизвестный художник начала 19 века Портрет графини Елизаветы Петровны Коновницыной в детстве. 1800-ыe Графиня Е.П. Коновницына (1801 или ... More

Carl Ludwig Christinec 001 - Public domain portrait painting

Carl Ludwig Christinec 001 - Public domain portrait painting

Русский: К.Л. Христинек. Девочки Public domain photograph of 18th-century female portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Protasova Alexandra by J.H.Schmidt (1784, GRM)

Protasova Alexandra by J.H.Schmidt (1784, GRM)

Русский: Протасова Александра Петровна (1774-1842), племянница статс-дамы А.С.Протасовой, в замужестве княгиня Голицына.

Каравакк - Портрет царевен Анны Петровны и Елизаветы Петровны

Каравакк - Портрет царевен Анны Петровны и Елизаветы Петровны

Public domain image - 17th-18th-century female portrait, aristocracy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Teresa of Oldenburg by Hau - Public domain portrait painting

Teresa of Oldenburg by Hau - Public domain portrait painting

Терезия Ольденбургская Public domain photograph of portrait painting, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Dmitry Levitzky - Portrait of Praskovia Artemevna Vorontsov

Dmitry Levitzky - Portrait of Praskovia Artemevna Vorontsov

Русский: Прасковья Артемьевна Воронцова (1786-1842), младшая дочь А.И. Воронцова и П.Ф. Воронцовой, в замужестве Тимофеева.

Repin Painters Daughter - Public domain scenic painting

Repin Painters Daughter - Public domain scenic painting

Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Protasova Vera by J.H.Schmidt (1784)

Protasova Vera by J.H.Schmidt (1784)

Русский: Вера Петровна Васильчикова (1780-1814), урождённая Протасова, жена с 1801 года И.В.Васильчикова (1776-1847); племянница камер-фрейлины А. С. Протасовой.

Varnek A Tomilova - Public domain portrait painting

Varnek A Tomilova - Public domain portrait painting

Русский: Александра Алексеевна Томилова (1815-1878), дочь А.Р.Томилова, была замужем за В.М.Щварцем (1808-1872)

O.Rybakova by A.Golovin (1920) - Public domain portrait painting

O.Rybakova by A.Golovin (1920) - Public domain portrait painting

Портрет Оли Рыбаковой. 1920 Public domain photograph - child portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Evgraf Krendovsky. Children. Daughters of the Artist

Evgraf Krendovsky. Children. Daughters of the Artist

Evgraf Krendovsky. Children. Daughters of the Artist. 1845. Oil on cardboard. Taganrog Picture Gallery. Taganrog, Russia.

Girl in chair by Fedor Tulov (1842, Russian museum)

Girl in chair by Fedor Tulov (1842, Russian museum)

Портрет девочки, сидящей в кресле 1842 Холст, масло. 28 х 23 Справа внизу подпись и дата: ..[смотри сканированный текст]едоръ Туловъ / 1842 года / Пропойскъ. На верхней планке подрамника ярлык с надписью: „Ж-1... More

Kirill Golovachevskiy 02 - Public domain portrait painting

Kirill Golovachevskiy 02 - Public domain portrait painting

Portrait of Countess Sophia Dmitrievna Matiushkina (1755-1794) as a childРусский: Головачевский Кирилл. Портрет графини Софьи Дмитриевны Матюшкиной в детстве (1755-1794), с 1788 года жена Ю.М.Виельгорского.

Evgeny Golitsyn - Public domain portrait painting

Evgeny Golitsyn - Public domain portrait painting

Русский: Евгений Александрович Голицын (1822-1854), сын А.Ф.Голицына и Н.И.Голицыной, ур. Кутайсовой. Капитан-лейтенант, утонул на Кронштадтском рейде при испытании шлюпок.


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