Flask with Harpies, Animals, and Human Figures in Lush Vegetation and ...
Public domain photo of sculpture, Iran, classical or archaic, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Jar with Ducks in Lotus Pond, Ming dynasty
A blue and white porcelain jar, probably from the late China, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Landschap met Pyramus en Thisbe, Philips Galle
De overleden Pyramus ligt bij de fontein. Hij heeft zichzelf neergestoken met zijn zwaard, omdat hij dacht dat Thisbe door een leeuw was gedood. Thisbe ontdekt haar stervende geliefde, waarop zij zelfmoord plee... More
Sutra Box (Kyōbako) with Lotus Pond
Public domain photograph of 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Gezicht op de Vijver en het Binnenhof in Den Haag vanuit het noorden
Picryl description: Public domain image of Dutch print related to Haag, Netherlands, free to use, no copyright restrictions
Gezicht vanaf de stenen brug in een laan bij Slot Zeist
Gezicht in de centrale laan van het park achter de tuin achter Slot Zeist vanaf de brug over de halfronde vijver, uit het noordoosten.
Public domain photo of a 3d object, Europe, free to use, no copyright ...
Public domain photo of a 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Landschap een vijver - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication image
Public domain scan of 17th-18th century Dutch landscape print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Open colonnade met zuilen en kruisgewelven boven een vijver
Open colonnade met zuilen en kruisgewelven boven een vijver. In de vijver zwemmen zwanen. In de hoeken diamantvormig ornament. De prent maakt deel uit van een album.
Twee pelgrims bij een vijver. Jan van de Velde II
Twee pelgrims aan de rand van een meer, waarvan een op de rug gezien. Op de achtergrond twee figuren met manden op hun rug. Derde prent uit een serie van zes.
Huntsmen and Company Observing Dogs Retrieving Ducks in a Pond (The Mo...
Public domain image, 16th-17th century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gezicht in een tuin met een vijver, een fontein en een pauw
Gezicht in een tuin met een vijver en een fontein, op de voorgrond een pauw. Ontwerp voor een schildering.
Poort en vijver in het park van Enghien
Public domain image, 17th-18th century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Fontein bij de grote vijver in de tuinen van Paleis Het Loo
Prent uit een serie van 71 prenten met Rijnlandschappen, gezichten op vorstelijke paleizen en stadsgezichten uit Den Haag en Amsterdam.
Beeld van de Faun in het doolhof van de tuinen van Paleis Het Loo
Elegant geklede dames en heren wandelen rondom een vijver met een beeld van een faun in de tuinen van Het Loo. De vijver bevindt zich op de zogenoemde 'zesweg' in het midden van het doofhof. Prent uit een seri... More
Figuren bij een vijver aan de rand van een dorp
Op de achtergrond een duiventoren. Blad 27 recto uit een schetsboek met 30 bladen.
Snuff Bottle with Scene of a Lotus Pond
Public domain photograph of 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Photo of Lidded Jar - Public domain dedication
Eivormige dekselpot van porselein, beschilderd op het glazuur in blauw, rood, groen, geel, aubergine en zwart. Op de wand een omheinde tuin met twee kraanvogels, één staand en een op het hek, bij een vijver met... More
Vijver in een bos - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication
Public domain photograph of artwork in the Rijksmuseum, Netherlands, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gevel van paleis met vijver - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication
Public domain reproduction of art print, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Bertoldino gooit zijn geldkist in de vijver
Public domain reproduction of art print, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Two Women Leading a Child toward a Teapot on a Table near a Pond
Gabriel Huquier (French, Orléans 1695–1772 Paris) Public domain scan of French 18th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Portret van Willem IV, prins van Oranje-Nassau
Portret van Willem IV. Hij zit naast een tafel op een terras. Op de achtergrond een vijver. Midden onder zijn wapen met een kroon, gedecoreerd met de Kousenband en het devies van de Orde van de Kousenband. In d... More
Public domain photo of a 3d object, Europe, free to use, no copyright ...
Public domain photo of a 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Public domain photo of a 3d object, Europe, free to use, no copyright ...
Public domain photo of a 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
A 19th century oak cannon, Europe, free to use, no copyright restricti...
A 19th century oak cannon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Landschap: Birch Point, Island Pond, Vermont, Verenigde Staten, met re...
Public domain photograph of historic park, 19th-century vintage card, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Ducks on pond] - Print, Library of Congress collection
This record contains unverified data from PGA shelflist card. Associated name on shelflist card: Armstrong, (Charles) & Co.
Public domain photo of a 3d object, Europe, free to use, no copyright ...
Public domain photo of a 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
map from "[Modern geography ... The astronomical introduction by M. La...
This image has been taken from scan 000903 from volume 01 of "[Modern geography ... The astronomical introduction by M. La Croix ... Translated by John Pond ... The third edition, corrected, etc.]". The title a... More
Ernst Willem Jan Bagelaar - Landschap met herder en zijn kudde bij een...
Public domain scan of 18th century dutch print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
A wooden box with a man on a horse on top, Europe, free to use, no cop...
A wooden box with a man on a horse on top, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Public domain photo of a 3d object, Europe, free to use, no copyright ...
Public domain photo of a 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Public domain photo of a 3d object, Europe, free to use, no copyright ...
Public domain photo of a 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Landschap met een pad en bomen rond een vijver
Op de vijver liggen waterlelies. Op de achtergrond een poort. Blad 5 recto uit een schetsboek met 45 bladen.
Charles Marville - Untitled, 19th century
Picryl description: Public domain image of a park, trees, outdoors, free to use, no copyright restrictions. Charles Marville (born Charles François Bossu; 13 March 1813 – 19 October 1879) - French photographer... More
[View of the Jungle, Bengal] - Early photography, Public domain image
Captain R. B. Hill The albumen silver print is a photographic printing process that was widely used in the 19th century. It involves coating paper support with a mixture of egg whites and salt, which creates a... More
Groot gebouw met vijver, Perzië
Public domain image of 19th-century Iran, historical city building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Forest pond, Mount Auburn cemetery, Stereoscope Card
Picryl description: Public domain image of a stereoscopic card from Boston Public Library, free to use, no copyright restrictions photograph.
Egrets in a Lotus Pond - Public domain dedication. Metropolitan Museum...
Yamamoto Baiitsu (Japanese, 1783–1856) Edo period (1615–1868) Public domain photograph of Japanese silk textile, design, pattern, fragment, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Jardin zoologique de Bruxelles - Early photography, Public domain imag...
Louis-Pierre-Théophile Dubois de Nehaut (French, active Belgium, 1799–1872)
Charles Marville - Bois de Boulogne
Picryl description: Public domain image of a park, pond, water reflection, romantic landscape, 18th-19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions. Charles Marville (born Charles François Bossu; 13 March... More
Gezicht op de vijver in het Haagse Bos
The albumen silver print is a photographic printing process that was widely used in the 19th century. It involves coating paper support with a mixture of egg whites and salt, which creates a glossy surface to h... More
De grote vijver in de Tuilerieën, Parijs
Picryl description: Public domain photograph of Paris, France, 19th-century city architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions
Public domain photo of a 3d object, Europe, free to use, no copyright ...
Public domain photo of a 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Sargent estate, Brookline Mass photograph collection
Sargent Estate, pond surrounded by trees in the foreground, with the family home visible in the center of the photograph. Courtesy of Public Library of Brookline
Natuurgebied met water en bomen
Picryl description: Public domain image of trees, forest, park, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Vijver met dieren en planten - Engraving, Public domain image
Public domain photo of art print, 17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Vijver in de Tuileries, Parijs - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication ...
Picryl description: Public domain image of a fountain, historic landmark, classical or neoclassical architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Vijver met de Tempel van Diana bij de Villa Pallavicini in Pegli
Onderdeel van Reisalbum met foto's van bezienswaardigheden in Genua, Florence en Venetië.
A Glimpse of the French Broad at Smiths Creek [North Carolina]
Picryl description: Public domain image of a park, pond, water reflection, romantic landscape, 18th-19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Cluj - Victoria amazonica din noile sere ale grădinii botanice : carte...
Cluj - Victoria amazonica din noile sere ale grădinii botanice [material iconografic] : carte poştală. - Bucureşti : Meridiane, [196-?]. - 1 ilustrată : color ; 15x10 cm
Palm House Pond and Museum No1 at Kew Gardens (detail from stereoview)
A fairly standard view taken from the south end of the Palm House terrace - a view that has barely changed today...This is one of two stereoviews bought from an eBay seller in the US. They are in exceptional c... More
Beeld met vijver in de Tiergarten, Berlijn, by Johann Friedrich Stiehm
Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Chautauqua Lake, N.Y. - Public domain image. Dry plate negative.
Public domain photograph - New York, United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
- Fotografi -, etnografiska museet, Sweden
0434.0024 Public domain image of 19th-century ethnography, travel, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain image of 19th-century Swedish ethnogra... More
[Lake of Worlitz, Eichenkranz and Gondelplatz, Anhalt, Germany]
Title from the Detroit Publishing Co., catalogue J foreign section. Detroit, Mich. : Detroit Photographic Company, 1905. Print no. "1689". Forms part of: Views of Germany in the Photochrom print collection.
Cranberry Lake, N.J. - Public domain image. Dry plate negative.
Public domain photograph of park, trees, outdoors, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Tentoonstelling van schilderijen van het leven in vijvers in een pavil...
Public domain photograph of 19th-century photomechanical print, book illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Poeri te Lingsar met soldaten tijdens Lombok-expeditie 1894
Deze foto maakt deel uit van een album. The albumen silver print is a photographic printing process that was widely used in the 19th century. It involves coating paper support with a mixture of egg whites and ... More
Looking across the lake, Eden Park, Cincinnati, O
No. 103-c. Public domain photograph of 19th-century stereoscopic card, landscape, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Backhoppning i Bro, Storvik Sverige. Public domain image.
Backhoppning i Bro, Storvik Public domain historical photograph, Galvenborg, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Claude Monet - Water Lily Pond - Public domain dedication, Art Institu...
Picryl description: Public domain photo of Japanese painting, free to use art, no copyright restrictions image.
Country Club, New Haven - Public domain image. Dry plate negative.
Date based on Detroit, Catalogue J Supplement (1901-1906). "758" on negative. Detroit Publishing Co. no. 013684. Gift; State Historical Society of Colorado; 1949.
Swartswood Lake, N.J - Public domain image. Dry plate negative.
Detroit Publishing Co. no. 012053. Gift; State Historical Society of Colorado; 1949.
Västerbergs Folkhögskola / Länsmuseet Gävleborg
Västerbergs Folkhögskola Public domain photograph of residential house in Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Grosse Isle duck farm, home of the breeders
Date based on Detroit, Catalogue J Supplement (1901-1906). "G 72" on negative. Detroit Publishing Co. no. 013630. Gift; State Historical Society of Colorado; 1949.
Palmer Park lake, Detroit the beautiful
Detroit Publishing Co. no. 042153. Gift; State Historical Society of Colorado; 1949.
Järnvägsstation i Storvik. / Länsmuseet Gävleborg
Järnvägsstation i Storvik. Public domain photograph of train station, platform, train tracks, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Västerbergs Folkhögskola / Länsmuseet Gävleborg
Västerbergs Folkhögskola Public domain photograph of Swedish people, group portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Porträtt av ung fröken/ dam. - Public domain portrait photograph
Porträtt av ung fröken/ dam. Public domain historical portrait photograph, Scandinavian, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
In Gage's Wood, Oct 21, 1900. Hamilton, Ontario
32022206624039..City of Hamilton Album. 1900-1901. Public domain photograph of a pond, trees in the park, reflection in the water, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Lake Carsaljo [sic], Lakewood, N.J.
Public domain photograph of park, trees, outdoors, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Distribution Department, Low Service Spot Pond Reservoir, panoramic vi...
Public domain photograph of park, trees, outdoors, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Lake Fairfield and Fairfield Inn, Sapphire, N.C.
Public domain photograph of a lake, water, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Distribution Department, Northern High Service Bear Hill Reservoir and...
Public domain photograph of historic place, landmark, 19th-century, vintage travel, landscape, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Norwich Lake, Mass. showing Y.M.C.A. camp
Public domain photo of vintage Massachusetts postcard, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Lake Victoria, Hagley Park, Christchurch - Muir & Moodie
Picryl description: Public domain photo of vintage New Zealand postcard, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Outdoor scene., Mississippi Department of Archives and History
Collection: Stewart Photograph Collection.Call number: PI/1992.0006.System ID: 102268..Link to the catalog ( ) ..Outdoor scene...Please see our profile page ( http://www.flickr.com/people/mississippi-dept-of-a... More
Recreation Grounds, New Plymouth, Showing Punga Tree
Picryl description: Public domain photo of vintage New Zealand postcard, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
View across a pond of a house, autochrome process
Public domain photograph of a lake, river, pond in the woods, forest, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Otter Creek - Detroit publishing company. Public domain.
Scene in Rutland, Vt. Copyright by Detroit Publishing Co.. Detroit Publishing Company Photograph Collection (Library of Congress). This record contains unverified, old data from caption card. Caption card traci... More
Sargent estate, Brookline Mass photograph collection
Picryl description: Public domain image of a park, pond, water reflection, romantic landscape, 18th-19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
[William Brewster estate, Mount Carmel, Connecticut]
Man wearing robe and turban looking out over water; hills in background.
Ovansjö, kvinnan i fönstret är Sigrid Enlund. Gävle, Sverige
Ovansjö, kvinnan i fönstret är Sigrid Enlund. Public domain photograph - group portrait, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
A Group of Children out for a Ride with Their Teachers on the Swan Boa...
Public domain photograph of Boston, Massachusetts, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Vijvergezicht Oldenzaalseveen Lonneker
Vijvergezicht Oldenzaalseveen Lonneker Public domain photograph of a pond, trees in the park, reflection in the water, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Kanuga Lake, gelatin silver print, Panoramic Photograph
Copyright deposit; H. W. Pelton; August 9, 1911. Copyright claimant's address: Asheville, N.C.
Distribution Department, Low Service Spot Pond Reservoir, Porter Cove,...
Public domain photograph of park, trees, outdoors, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ngaere Gardens - Muir & Moodie - Publicd domain, Museum of New Zealand
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Huis Rooswijk - Jonkheer Barthold Willem Floris van Riemsdijk
Gezicht op Huis Rooswijk. De buitenplaats ligt aan een vijver en is aan de achterzijde door bomen omsloten.
["Gray Gardens," Robert Carmer Hill house, Lily Pond Lane, East Hampto...
Site History. House Architecture: Joseph Greenleaf Thorp, 1897. Landscape: Anna Gilman (Mrs. Robert C.) Hill. Other: Robert C. Hill acquired the house and four acres and half in 1913; Edith Bouvier Beale owned ... More
Huis Rooswijk - Jonkheer Barthold Willem Floris van Riemsdijk
Gezicht op Huis Rooswijk. De buitenplaats ligt aan een vijver en is aan de achterzijde door bomen omsloten.
Boldurka beim Dratverhau vor IR.84
Picryl description: Public domain scan of a park, pond, water reflection, romantic landscape, 18th-19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Blick auf Ostrozec, Sumpfweg, welcher das H.H. mit dem Ort verbindet. ...
Public domain image - scan of park, trees, outdoors, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
A black and white photo of a man in uniform. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Water Sports - North Carolina, National Forest Service photograph.
Photographs Relating to National Forests, Resource Management Practices, Personnel, and Cultural and Economic History
Västerberg / Länsmuseet Gävleborg
Västerberg Public domain female portrait photograph, Galvenborg, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain male portrait photograph, Galvenborg, Sweden, free to u... More
["Black Point," Colonel Henry Huttleston Rogers, Jr., Gin Lane and Old...
Site History. House Architecture: Walker & Gillette, 1914-1915. Landscape: Olmsted Brothers, 1914-1915. Lewis & Valentine, New York, N.Y. Company. Associated Name:, Mary Benjamin (Mrs. Henry H.) Rogers, Jr. Tod... More
Paesiello Emerson - Pool water plant, Longmeadow Massachusetts
Public domain historical photo, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description