Caricature, WWI Poster Rumania, public domain cartoon image
Public domain photograph related to Great Britain in World War One, military conflict, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Jebens085 Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich the Elder
Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Uniformen DragRgt Nr25 - A book with a bunch of military uniforms
Deutsch: Die Uniformen des Dragoner-Regiments Königin Olga (1. Württ.) Nr. 25
Paul Iribe - La Danse Macabre, Avril 1916
Public domain reproduction of political cartoon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Carl Steffeck-Reille1884,Ruhmeshalle-3
General Reille überbringt König Wilhelm I. auf dem Schlachtfelde von Sedan das Schreiben Kaiser Napoleons. Wandgemälde von Carl Steffeck (1884) für die ehemalige Ruhmeshalle Berlin. Zerstörung nach Bombentreffe... More
0262 Lemercier Viskovatov, Russian Empire
Русский: Рядовой Драгунского Его Императорского Высочества Наследника Цесаревича полка. 1848-1855. English: Private Dragoon of His Imperial Highness the crown Prince of the regiment. 1848-1855.
Caricature, Deutschlands Zukunft, public domain cartoon image
Deutsch: „Deutschlands Zukunft“. Die Bildunterschrift lautet: „Kommt es unter einen Hut? Ich glaube, 's kommt eher unter eine Pickelhaube!“. Karikatur aus dem österreichischen Satiremagazin Kikeriki, 22. Augus... More
Sächsische Armee 66 - A drawing of two men riding horses in a field
Sächsische Armee: Artillerie, Pioniere und Train: siehe Beschriftung auf Grafik
Ww I agitka1 1 - Drawing. Public domain image.
Русский: Русская открытка времен Первой Мировой войны.Взято из книги А. ru:Бушкова "Сталин. Корабль без капитана", 2005 год. Сведений о дополнительной обработке фотографии не указано. The rhyme says: Well, now ... More
Dame Europa 20
Illustration of the Franco-Prussian War; Caricature depicting Wilhelm I of Germany, large and big-bellied. By Thomas Nast.
Remember Belgium during World War I
World War I poster. "Remember Belgium--Buy bonds--Fourth Liberty Loan" - During World War I, Allied Nations relied for propaganda on images and accounts of German atrocities to motivate their citizens to partic... More
Maior Ion Cornescu
Major Ion Cornescu as aide-de-camp wearing a model 1851 uniform with Russian style pickelhaube.
Guglielmo in Grecia L’Asino, 1907
Public domain reproduction of political cartoon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
? (Question Mark) Australian WWI Poster - Norman Lindsay
Français : Poster australien de propagande anti-nazie datant de la première guerre mondiale. English: Australian WWI war poster. Poster depicts an ape monster in a German helmet with bloody hands reaching aro... More
Caricature, Alsace tiraillée 1928, public domain cartoon image
Cliché du National d'Alsace : "Si seulement ils allaient tous au diable !".
'Destroy this mad brute' WWI propaganda poster (US version)
"DESTROY THIS MAD BRUTE - Enlist U.S. Army" is the caption of this World War I propaganda poster for enlistment in the US Army. A drooling, mustachioed ape wielding a club bearing the German word "Kultur" and ... More
Heinrich Zille-VaddingOW - Drawing. Public domain image.
Vadding in Ost und West Public domain photograph related to German history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Jofre Esquella de la Torratxa - Public domain weapon drawing
Satyric drawing about Josep Joffre (taken from Almanac de l'Esquella de la Torratxa, 1915 Català: Dibuix satíric respecte a Josep Jofre (tret de l'Almanac de l'Esquella de la Torratxa, 1915
La Baïonnette numéro 4 couverture
Caricature Public domain photograph related to the history of Germany, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Patrouille im Osten during World War I
Fritz Erler, 'Patrouille im Osten' ('Army patrol in the East'). Early 1916, just before the introduction of the Steelhelmet.
Your Liberty Bond will help stop this Crisco restoration and colours
Poster showing German soldiers nailing a man to a tree, as American soldiers come to his rescue. "Your Liberty Bond will help stop this - Sus bonos de la libertad ayudarán á dar fin con esto". Published in Mani... More
Ottoengrave - A black and white photo of a man in uniform
Otto von Bismarck Public domain photograph related to German history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Die Gartenlaube (1874) b 387 2
Deutsch: Bild aus Seite 387. English: Image from page 387. This file has been extracted from another file: Die Gartenlaube (1874) 387.jpg
William Allen Rogers - Only the Navy Can Stop This (WWI U.S. Navy recr...
A WWI Recruitment poster, using a cartoon by W.A. Rogers. Shows an anthropomorphised Germany wading through a sea of dead bodies, with the slogan "Only the Navy can Stop This".
387 Changes in uniforms and armament of troops of the Russian Imperial...
Русский: Рядовые полков Лейб-Гвардии Преображенского и Московского. 4 августа 1862. (в парадной строевой форме).
Maurice Neumont, War is the National Industry of Prussia, 1917, Cornel...
This French propaganda poster from 1917 commissioned a map which portrayed Prussia as an octopus stretching out its tentacles vying for control and it is captioned with an 18th century quote: "Even in 1788, Mir... More
Harry R. Hopps, Destroy this mad brute Enlist - U.S. Army, 03216u edit
Propaganda poster shows a terrifying gorilla with a helmet labeled "militarism" holding a bloody club labeled "kultur" and a half-naked woman as he stomps onto the shore of America. Français : « Détruisez cet... More
Imperial Guard officer uniform 1891 04
日本語: 皇宮警察官大礼服(明治44年5月27日皇室令第4号)English: Imperial Guard officer full dress uniform Type 1911
Svenska Ingenjörstrupper2
Picryl description: Public domain book related to military, armed forces, war, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Guerre 14-18-Humour 1-Passage de la frontiére Française-vers 1914
Postcard of France - French Military Humour Propaganda: Passing the French frontier - unknown Year
William Allen Rogers - Only the Navy Can Stop This (WWI U.S. Navy recr...
A WWI Recruitment poster, using a New York Herald cartoon by W.A. Rogers. Shows an anthropomorphised Germany wading through a sea of dead bodies, with the slogan "Only the Navy can Stop This". Presumably a refe... More
Swertschkoff, Lappohjan taistelu
Suomi: Wladimir Swertschkoffin maalaus 19.5.1854 käydystä Lappohjan taistelusta, joka oli ensimmäinen Suomen alueella käyty Krimin sodan taistelu. Englannin laivaston saavuttua Pohjanpitäjänlahdelle Lappohjan ... More
0538 Lemercier Viskovatov, Russian Empire
Русский: Обер-офицер и Рядовой Внутренних Гарнизонных батальонов. 1844.
Caricature of Wilhelm I by Thomas Nast
Caricature of w:Wilhelm I, German Emperor by w:Thomas Nast which appeared in The Fight at Dame Europa's School by Henry William Pullen. Page border removed, image cleaned up, and contrast corrected to make ima... More
017 Changes in uniforms and armament of troops of the Russian Imperial...
Русский: Адъютант и Дежурный Штаб-офицер, числящиеся в Армейских войсках. (В полукафтане и вице-полукафтане.) 15 Марта 1855.
Guerre 14-18-Humour-La guerre européenne
Picryl description: Public domain photo of vintage French postcard, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Skandinavism. A group of men standing next to each other holding flags...
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Boxer Rebellion. China imperialism cartoon, China, Qing Dynasty
Original caption: "En ChineLe gâteau des Rois et... des Empereurs" English: "China -- the cake of kings and... of emperors" (a French pun on king cake and kings and emperors wishing to "consume" China). Fren... More
Destroy This Mad Brute US Poster
"DESTROY THIS MAD BRUTE - Enlist U.S. Army" is the caption of this World War I propaganda poster for enlistment in the US Army. A dribbling, mustachioed ape wielding a club bearing the German word "kultur" and... More
Hess Garde Drag - A drawing of a man in a uniform
Deutsch: Garde-Dragoner-Regiment (1. Großherzoglich Hessisches) Nr. 23English: 1st Hessian Life Guard Dragoons (23rd Dragoons in the german army)
Infanterist IX. AK
Deutsch: Infanterist des kgl. preußischen IX. Armeekorps in Felduniform vor 1910
Guerre 14-18-Humour 3-Presque sous les murs de Paris-vers 1914
Picryl description: Public domain photo of vintage French postcard, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
INF3-140 War Effort We beat 'em before. we'll beat 'em again
Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Napoleon III Otto von Bismarck (Detail)
Otto von Bismarck and Napoleon III after the w:Battle of Sedan, painted in 1878 by Wilhelm Camphausen (1815-1885), an historical and battle painter. --Auntieruth55 (talk) 02:51, 6 July 2009 (UTC)
Schurz and Kaiser Wilhelm II
Caption: KAISER WILHELM'S FAVORITE TUNE. Political cartoon. A somewhat blind Carl Schurz sits on the steps and plays the concertina for a visibly moved Kaiser Wilhelm II who is standing with one leg and arm ... More
Drag Rgt Nr25 - A painting of two men on horses with flags
Deutsch: Urkunde des Dragoner-Regiments Königin Olga (1. Württ.) Nr. 25, nach einem Gemälde von A. Jank 1905
? (Question Mark) Australian WWI Poster - Norman Lindsay (cropped)
Français : Poster australien de propagande anti-nazie datant de la première guerre mondiale. English: Australian WWI war poster. Poster depicts an ape monster in a German helmet with bloody hands reaching aro... More
Anton von Werner - Garde-du-Corps-Kürassier
Deutsch: Preußischer Garde-du-Corps-Kürassier. (Künstler: Anton von Werner, Entstehungsjahr: 1882, Maße: 50 × 35 cm, Technik: Aquarell, Sammlung: Privatbesitz, Epoche: Realismus, Land: Deutschland) English: Pru... More
Stanley Wood CossackCourage - Public domain drawing
Cossack's Herculean Strength and Epic Courage. Drawing from The War Illustrated. The caption reads: One of the greatest feats of the war, a Cossack exploit in which eleven Germans were killed, is now the talk ... More
Von Bismarck
Otto von Bismarck
0699 Lemercier Viskovatov, Russian Empire
Русский: Обер-офицер и Трубач Кавалергардского Её Величества и Л. Гв. Конного полков. 1845.
317 Changes in uniforms and armament of troops of the Russian Imperial...
Русский: Унтер-Офицер Кирасирского Военного Ордена полка. В парадной форме. 24 Марта 1859.
Cestia Strousberg, Ghimpele, May 7 1871 MI oct72
C[h]estia Strousberg ("The Strousberg Question"), cartoon in Ghimpele, the Romanian satirical magazine. It refers to the exposure of German interests in Romania, and more specifically to the contract between i... More
Leibgrenadiere-in-der-Champagne Anton Hoffmann
Deutsch: „Badische Leibgrenadiere werfen die Franzosen aus einem Graben bei Aubérive in der Champagne. Nach einer Originalzeichnung von Professor Anton Hoffmann.“ Die Schlachtenszene aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg (... More
Louis Braun Württembergische Dragoner
Public domain photograph of 20th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Cum a eşit generalul din alegeri. Ţărănismul, 30 mai 1926
Cartoon published in the Romanian political newspaper Ţărănismul, mouthpiece of the Peasants' Party, in the wake of the 1926 parliamentary election. The election was widely alleged to have been stolen by the g... More
DE LA PITESCI LA FLORICA SI VICE-VERSA ("FROM PITE[Ş]TI TO FLORICA AND VICE VERSA"), cartoon poking fun at Ion Brătianu, the Premier of Romania. According to a poem published alongside the drawing, Brătianu ha... More
Kriegsumschlag - A poster of a man riding a horse
Deutsch: Jahrgangseinband der Zeitschrift Simplicissimus 1915-1918
US Navy in World War I LC-USZC4-4963 (18485254789)
World War I Recruiting Poster. Poster showing a florid German soldier, wearing pirate skull-and-crossbones and brandishing a bloody sword as he wades in a tide of women's and children's bodies. Library of Co... More
Bismarckottovon - Public domain portrait painting
Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
München - Karlstor 3. German postcard
Postcard, dated 8.6.1918. Title: "Just now happily arrived in Munich - Neuhauser street with Charles gate" Deutsch: Postkarte, datiert 8.6.1918. Titel: "Bin soeben glücklich in München angekommen - Neuhausers... More
Bismarck 1894
Otto von Bismarck in the year 1894Deutsch: Otto von Bismarck in 1894Français : Otto von Bismarck en 1894
Helm - Garde Du Korps, Russian Empire, 19th century
Deutsch: Preußischer Helm des Garde-Du-Corps, 1900 English: Prussian Helmet of the Garde-Du-Corps-Regiment, 1900
The New Mahomet. German postcard
Russian propaganda postcard from the First World War (or from the period just prior to its outbreak) depicting the relationship between Germany and the Ottoman Empire. The Kaiser is depicted as "The New Mahomm... More
009 Changes in uniforms and armament of troops of the Russian Imperial...
Русский: Флигель-адъютанты Его Императорского Величества. (В полукафтане и в сюртуке) 15 марта 1855 года. Deutsch: Flügeladjutant Seiner Kaiserlichen Hoheit, 15. März 1855. English: Wing-adjutant in the mean... More
559 Changes in uniforms and armament of troops of the Russian Imperial...
Русский: Жандармские команды (Парадная и походная формы.) 16 сентября 1872. Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Cuiras H Mregiment 1910 Rus 2
Русский: Форма обмундирования обыкновенная лейб-гвардии Кирасирского Его Величества полка. 1910 год.
Preuss.Kürassier - A drawing of a man in uniform with a sword
Prussian Cavalry Public domain photograph related to the history of Germany, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Höhn Wilhelm - Public domain portrait painting
German Policeofficer Wilhelm Höhn (1839-1892) Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Public Domain Images - Lindsay German monster
Australian World War I era propaganda cartoon by Norman Lindsay, circa 1918 (certainly between 1914 and 1918). Commissioned for and first published by the Commonwealth of Australia, as such ownership was in the... More
BONNET ROUGE by Oscar Cesare.wittig collection oscarcesare01.prelimina...
Original drawing for a political cartoon, by Oscar Cesare. Anti-german, WW1
Auguste lamentazioni - L’Asino,12.01.1908
Italiano: Vignetta anticlericale apparsa durante lo it:Scandalo Harden-Eulenburg: Auguste_lamentazioni (da: "L’Asino", 12/0/.1908). I personaggi presi di mira sono l'imperatore tedesco Guglielmo II e il papa Pio X.
Caricature, Dame Wales, public domain cartoon image
Cartoon originally published in the Western Mail (Cardiff), 1898. Art and commentry by Joseph Morewood Staniforth. Dame Wales confronts riot police
Dreschplatz during World War I postcard
Old propaganda postcard from Austria – "European threshing floor" Public domain scan of the vintage Austro Hungarian postcard, 19th century, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Teufel Hunden US Marines recruiting poster
United States Marine Corps (USMC) World War I recruiting poster. A Marine bulldog chases a German dachshund, taking advantage of the German nickname for Marines as "Devil Dogs".
Brooklyn Museum - Novelle Forme de Sonnette Proposée par Le Charivari....
Part of the series Actualités, no. 110 . Published in Le Charivari, 13 June 1872. "Le Charivari" was a French newspaper that was published from 1832 to 1937. It was known for its satirical and humorous con... More
Weekblad Pallieter - voorpagina 1925 43 primo de rivera
Miguel Primo de Rivera. Front page of the Flemish magazine Pallieter (1922-1928). All front pages were designed and illustrated by Jos De Swerts (1890-1939). Español: El dictador español Miguel Primo de River... More
Paul Spangenberg - Die Rüstung des Helden, 1899
Die Rüstung des Helden. Signiert und datiert Paul Spangenberg 1899. Public domain photograph of 19th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Neuburg a.D. - Postcard. German postcard
Postcard, dated 8.9.1914. Title: "Greetings from the Royal Bavarian 15th Infantry-Regiment. - Barracks - Castle Barracks". Deutsch: Postkarte, datiert 8.9.1914. Titel: "Grüße vom K.B.( königlich bayrischen ) ... More
Dog with pickelhaube, Germany, c. 1910 AD - Braunschweigisches Landesm...
Exhibit in the Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum, Braunschweig, Germany. This work is in the public domain because the creator(s) died more than 70 years ago.
Sächsische Armee 54 - A group of men in uniforms standing next to each...
Sächsische Armee: Artillerie, Pioniere und Train: siehe Beschriftung auf Grafik
Fußartillerist, Russian Empire, 19th century
Deutsch: Preuss. Fussartillerist, Ordonannzanzug Public domain photograph - portrait of an officer in military uniform, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
FAIVRE, Abel. Cover of Le Rire magazine, Feb. 6, 1915. (49998016116)
"How the World will wear that helmet"
Punch 1925 Kaiser cartoon - Public domain book illustration
1917 cartoon of Kaiser - Kaiser (to 1917 Recruit). "And don't forget that your Kaiser will find a use for you—alive or dead."
Carl Steffeck-Reille1884,Ruhmeshalle-4
General Reille überbringt König Wilhelm I. auf dem Schlachtfelde von Sedan das Schreiben Kaiser Napoleons. Wandgemälde von Carl Steffeck (1884) für die ehemalige de:Ruhmeshalle Berlin. Zerstörung nach Bombentre... More
Die Gartenlaube (1874) b 2 387
Bild aus Seite 387 in "Die Gartenlaube". Image from page 387 of journal Die Gartenlaube, 1874. Deutsch: keine Bildunterschrift English: no caption
Sächsische Armee 56 - A group of men in uniforms standing next to each...
Sächsische Armee: Artillerie, Pioniere und Train: siehe Beschriftung auf Grafik
560 Changes in uniforms and armament of troops of the Russian Imperial...
Русский: Л.Гв. Преображенский полк. Штаб-Офицер (воскресная) и Обер-Офицер (обыкновенная формы.) 22 Декабря 1872.
Herzoglich Gothaische Gendarmerie 1911 blauer Rock Helm nach preußisch...
Deutsch: Gendarmen des Herzoglich Gothaischen Gendarmeriekorps 1911.
Jgz Pf - A drawing of two men in uniforms
Deutsch: Preußischer Jäger zu Pferd. English: Royal Prussian Mounted Rifles.
Preuss Garde Pionier - A drawing of a soldier with a rifle
Deutsch: Preußischer Garde-Pionier, feldmarschmäßigEnglish: Prussian Engineers of the Guard Public domain photograph of army uniform, military, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Winterschlacht in den Karpaten postcard
Winterschlacht in den Karpaten A drawing of soldiers in the snow. A drawing of a group of soldiers in the snow. Public domain postcard scan.
La Baïonnette numéro 51 couverture
Carl Steffeck-Reille1884,Ruhmeshalle-2
General Reille überbringt König Wilhelm I. auf dem Schlachtfelde von Sedan das Schreiben Kaiser Napoleons. Wandgemälde von Carl Steffeck (1884) für die ehemalige de:Ruhmeshalle Berlin. Detail. Zerstörung nach B... More
Shchegolev Alexandr Petrovitch during World War I
Aleksander Petrovitch Tchegolew, here with the rang of Staff-captain (Штабс-капитан) about 1854. Deutsch: Aleksander Petrowitsch Tschegolew, hier im Range eines Stabs-Kapitan (Штабс-капитан), um 1854. Русский... More
Soldatenpuppe Berlin SlgKiJu
Sammlung Kindheit und Jugend (Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin) Soldatenpuppe (Deutschland, ca. 1900 bis ca. 1918?)
0719 Lemercier Viskovatov, Russian Empire
Русский: Рядовой и Трубач Л.-Гв. Драгунского полка. 1844-1848.
Dame Europa 27-1
Illustration of the Franco-Prussian War
Die Gartenlaube (1883) b 056
Bild aus Seite 056 in "Die Gartenlaube". Image from page 056 of journal Die Gartenlaube, 1883. Deutsch: Bildunterschrift: „Die Ueberschwemmung in Mainz, November 1882:Straßenverkehr.Nach der Natur gezeichnet ... More
Rapacki Artist's vision
Picryl description: Public domain image of an artwork, painting, figurative art, 19th, 20th century art, free to use, no copyright restrictions.