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photography theory and practice

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Ptp p53 img01

Ptp p53 img01

First illustration on page 34 (53) captioned “Images by Internal Reflection”

Ptp p40 img01 - Early photography, Public domain image

Ptp p40 img01 - Early photography, Public domain image

First illustration on page 21 (40) captioned “Formation of the Image in the Camera Obscura”

Ptp p117 img01

Ptp p117 img01

First illustration on page 98 (117) captioned “Compound Shutter (Deckel), Closed”

Ptp p84 img03

Ptp p84 img03

Third illustration on page 65 (84) captioned “Steinheil's Group Antiplanat, F/6.2”

Ptp p30 img02

Ptp p30 img02

Second illustration on page 11 (30) captioned “The Positive Image”

Ptp p32 img01 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Ptp p32 img01 - Drawing. Public domain image.

First illustration on page 13 (32) captioned “Elements in Geometrical Perspective”

Ptp p54 img02

Ptp p54 img02

Second illustration on page 35 (54) captioned “Veil from Internal Reflection”

Ptp p73 tbl02

Ptp p73 tbl02

Used in rotating cells from table on page 54 (73)

Ptp p37 img01 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Ptp p37 img01 - Drawing. Public domain image.

First illustration on page 18 (37) captioned “(A) Curve for Placing Figures to Appear as in (B) on a Panoram Negative”

Ptp p37 img02

Ptp p37 img02

Second illustration on page 18 (37) captioned “Test Object for Sharpness of Vision”

Ptp p51 imp02

Ptp p51 imp02

Second illustration on page 32 (51) captioned “Diffraction Image”

Ptp p85 img06

Ptp p85 img06

Sixth illustration on page 66 (85) captioned “Taylor's Cooke Lens, F/6.5”

Ptp p98 img01

Ptp p98 img01

First illustration on page 79 (98) captioned “Effect of Light-filter on Focus”

Ptp p113 img01

Ptp p113 img01

First illustration on page 94 (113) captioned “ Guerry Single-flap Shutter”

Ptp p47 img01

Ptp p47 img01

First illustration on page 28 (47) captioned “Astigmatic Images of a Point”

Ptp p92 img01

Ptp p92 img01

First illustration on page 73 (92) captioned “Plate Size in Relation to Lens Field”

Ptp p101 img02

Ptp p101 img02

Second illustration on page 82 (101) captioned “The Same Subject Photographed Through an Eastman Pola Screen”

Ptp p43 img01

Ptp p43 img01

First illustration on page 24 (43) captioned “Types of Lens Elements”

Ptp p48 img02

Ptp p48 img02

Second illustration on page 29 (48) captioned “Coma (S.P. Thompson)”

Ptp p86 img02

Ptp p86 img02

Second illustration on page 67 (86) captioned “Zschokke's Celor, F/4.5”

Ptp p44 img01A

Ptp p44 img01A

First illustration on page 25 (44) captioned “Optical Centre In a Lens”

Ptp p45 img03

Ptp p45 img03

Third illustration on page 26 (45) captioned “Spherical Aberration”

Ptp p107 img01

Ptp p107 img01

First illustration on page 88 (107) captioned “Positions (1, 2, 3, and 4) for Operation of Shutter”

Ptp p112 img01

Ptp p112 img01

First illustration on page 93 (112) captioned “Action of Guillotine Shutter”

Ptp p44 img02

Ptp p44 img02

Third illustration on page 25 (44) captioned “ Focus and Focal Length”

Ptp p67 img01 - Public domain portrait drawing

Ptp p67 img01 - Public domain portrait drawing

First illustration on page 48 (67) captioned “Perspective Drawing by a Lens”

Ptp p58 img02

Ptp p58 img02

Second illustration on page 39 (58) captioned “Law of Conjugate Foci”

Ptp p58 img01

Ptp p58 img01

First illustration on page 39 (58) captioned “Image Formation”

Ptp p110 img01

Ptp p110 img01

First illustration on page 91 (110) captioned “The Simple Drop Shutter”

Ptp p108 img01

Ptp p108 img01

First illustration on page 89 (108) captioned “Opening and Closing of Diaphragm Shutter”

Ptp p66 img04

Ptp p66 img04

Fourth illustration on page 47 (66) captioned “Pupils of a Lens”

Ptp p72 img01 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Ptp p72 img01 - Drawing. Public domain image.

First illustration on page 53 (72) captioned “Geometry of Hyperfocal Distance”

Ptp p40 img02 - Early photography, Public domain image

Ptp p40 img02 - Early photography, Public domain image

Second illustration on page 21 (40) captioned “Perspective Rendering by the Camera Obscura”

Ptp p102 img01

Ptp p102 img01

First illustration on page 83 (102) captioned “Action Lens Hood of Lens Hood”

Ptp p114 img03

Ptp p114 img03

Third illustration on page 95 (114) captioned “Bellows Shutter”

Ptp p64 img01

Ptp p64 img01

First illustration on page 44 (63) captioned “Self-focussing Linkage (Carpentier)”

Ptp p81 img01

Ptp p81 img01

First illustration on page 62 (81) captioned “Shading Representing the Different Types of Glass”

Ptp p87 img01

Ptp p87 img01

First illustration on page 68 (87) captioned “Optics of the Telephoto Lens”

Ptp p110 img03

Ptp p110 img03

Third illustration on page 91 (110) captioned “Efficiency of Drop Shutters”

Ptp p66 img03

Ptp p66 img03

Third illustration on page 47 (66) captioned “Waterhouse Diaphragms”

Ptp p59 img01

Ptp p59 img01

First illustration on page 40 (59) captioned “Scale of Image”

Ptp p88 img02

Ptp p88 img02

Second illustration on page 69 (88) captioned “Fixed-focus Telephoto, F/4.8 (Lee)”

Ptp p34 img01 - Public domain portrait drawing

Ptp p34 img01 - Public domain portrait drawing

First illustration on page 15 (34) captioned “Wide-Angle Perspective” Public domain photo of technical drawing, 20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Ptp p36 img01 - Public domain portrait drawing

Ptp p36 img01 - Public domain portrait drawing

Illustration on page 17 (36) captioned “Panoramic Perspective” Public domain photo of technical drawing, 20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Ptp p46 img01

Ptp p46 img01

First illustration on page 27 (46) captioned “Chart of Spherical Error”

Ptp p54 img01

Ptp p54 img01

First illustration on page 35 (54) captioned “False Images”

Ptp p101 img01

Ptp p101 img01

First illustration on page 82 (101) captioned “Photograph Taken Without Polarizer”

Ptp p45 img01

Ptp p45 img01

First illustration on page 26 (45) captioned “Chromatic Error of Various Lenses”

Ptp p46 img02

Ptp p46 img02

Second illustration on page 27 (46) captioned “Aberration of Oblique (A) and Axial (B) Rays”

Ptp p49 img01

Ptp p49 img01

First illustration on page 30 (49) captioned “Types of Distorsion”

Ptp p51 imp01

Ptp p51 imp01

First illustration on page 32 (51) captioned “Distorsion over Field of Image”

Ptp p55 img01 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Ptp p55 img01 - Drawing. Public domain image.

First illustration on page 36 (55) captioned “Small Cube as Seen by a Large Lens”

Ptp p64bis img01

Ptp p64bis img01

First illustration on page 45 (64) captioned “Cam Self-focussing (Pizzighelli)”

Ptp p44 img03

Ptp p44 img03

Forth illustration on page 25 (44) captioned “Chromatic Aberration”

Ptp p48 img01

Ptp p48 img01

First illustration on page 29 (48) captioned “Astigmatic Filds (von Rohr)”

Ptp p6 img01

Ptp p6 img01

First illustration on page 6, caption “View from Marley, Sussex taken on Ilford Panchromatic Plate”

Ptp p76 img01

Ptp p76 img01

First illustration on page 57 (76) captioned “Depth Focussing Scale (Piper)”

Ptp p90 img01

Ptp p90 img01

First illustration on page 71 (90) captioned “ Parts of Lens Mount”

Ptp p104 img03

Ptp p104 img03

Third illustration on page 85 (104) captioned “Action of Gradated Light-filter”

Ptp p34 img02 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Ptp p34 img02 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Second illustration on page 15 (34) captioned “Effect of Viewpoint on Perspective”

Ptp p62 img01

Ptp p62 img01

First illustration on page 43 (62) captioned “The Moëssard Tourniquet”

Ptp p83 img01

Ptp p83 img01

First illustration on page 64 (83) captioned “Petzval Portrait Lens, F/3.5”

Ptp p104 img02

Ptp p104 img02

Second illustration on page 85 (104) captioned “Sky Shade on Lens Front”

Ptp p45 img02

Ptp p45 img02

Second illustration on page 26 (45) captioned “Diaphragm to show Spherical Aberration”

Ptp p64 img02

Ptp p64 img02

Second illustration on page 44 (63) captioned “Self-focussing Linkage (Koenigs)”

Ptp p66 img02

Ptp p66 img02

Second illustration on page 47 (66) captioned “Rotating Diaphragms”

Ptp p85 img03

Ptp p85 img03

Third illustration on page 66 (85) captioned “Aldis Anastigmat, F/6”

Ptp p117 img02

Ptp p117 img02

Second illustration on page 98 (117) captioned “Compound Shutter, Open”

Ptp p48 img03

Ptp p48 img03

Third illustration on page 29 (48) captioned “Curvature of Field”

Ptp p60 img02

Ptp p60 img02

Second illustration on page 41 (60) captioned “Image Formation on Inclined Surface”

Ptp p65 img01

Ptp p65 img01

First illustration on page 46 (65) captioned “Effective Aperture”

Ptp p6 img02

Ptp p6 img02

Second illustration on page 6, caption “View from Marley, Sussex taken on Infra-red Plate, with Infra-red Filter”

Ptp p30 img01

Ptp p30 img01

First illustration on page 11 (30) captioned “The Negative Image”

Ptp p44 img01B

Ptp p44 img01B

Second illustration on page 25 (44) captioned “Optical Centre Outside Lens”

Ptp p47 img02

Ptp p47 img02

Second illustration on page 28 (47) captioned “Astigmatism of a Concentric Circles”

Ptp p55 img02

Ptp p55 img02

Second illustration on page 36 (55) captioned “Duplex Diaphragm”

Ptp p50 img01

Ptp p50 img01

Illustration on page 31 (50) captioned “Spherical Aberration of Nodal Points”

Ptp p72 img02

Ptp p72 img02

Second illustration on page 53 (72) captioned “Chart of Depth of Field (Scheffer)”

Ptp p82 img01

Ptp p82 img01

First illustration on page 63 (82) captioned “Wollaston's Single Meniscus, F/11”

Ptp p83 img02

Ptp p83 img02

Second illustration on page 64 (83) captioned “Steinheil's Symmetrical Aplanat, F/8”

Ptp p104 img01

Ptp p104 img01

First illustration on page 85 (104) captioned “Diaphragm Sky Shade”

Ptp p111 img01

Ptp p111 img01

First illustration on page 92 (111) captioned “Efficiency, and Length of Shutter Aperture”

Ptp p114 img01

Ptp p114 img01

First illustration on page 95 (114) captioned “Double-flap Shutter”

Ptp p116 img01

Ptp p116 img01

First to sixth illustrations on page 97 (116) captioned “Theoretical Forms of Two-, Three-, and Four-leaf Diaphragm Shutters”

Ptp p40 img03

Ptp p40 img03

Third illustration on page 21 (40) captioned “Making the Aperture for Pinhole Photography”

Ptp p84 img02

Ptp p84 img02

Second illustration on page 65 (84) captioned “Puyo and Pulligny's Symmetrical Anachromatic Lens, F/6.5”

Ptp p86 img01

Ptp p86 img01

First illustration on page 67 (86) captioned “Rudolph and Wandersleb's Tessar, F/3.5”

Ptp p111 img02

Ptp p111 img02

Second illustration on page 92 (111) captioned “Lancaster Rotary Shutter”

Ptp p115 img02

Ptp p115 img02

Second illustration on page 90 (115) captioned “Double-plate Shutter — Open”

Ptp p32 img02 - Public domain portrait drawing

Ptp p32 img02 - Public domain portrait drawing

Second illustration on page 13 (32) captioned “Distance and Perspective” Public domain photo of technical drawing, 20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Ptp p52 img03

Ptp p52 img03

Third illustration on page 33 (52) captioned “Lens Aperture for Oblique Pencils”

Ptp p51 imp03

Ptp p51 imp03

Third illustration on page 32 (51) captioned “Marginal Intensity of Image”

Ptp p49 img02

Ptp p49 img02

Second illustration on page 30 (49) captioned “Distorsion and the Diaphragm”

Ptp p64 img03

Ptp p64 img03

Third illustration on page 44 (63) captioned “Principle of Focussing Linkage”

Ptp p76 img02

Ptp p76 img02

Second illustration on page 57 (76) captioned “Depth Latitude in the Focal Plane”

Ptp p82 img02

Ptp p82 img02

Second illustration on page 63 (82) captioned “Chevalier's Single Lens F/14”

Ptp p88 img01

Ptp p88 img01

First illustration on page 69 (88) captioned “Variable Power Telephoto”

Ptp p102 img02

Ptp p102 img02

Second illustration on page 83 (102) captioned “Cone Pattern of Lens Hood”

Ptp p111 img04

Ptp p111 img04

Fourth illustration on page 92 (111) captioned “Efficiency, and Length of Shutter Aperture”

Ptp p114 img02

Ptp p114 img02

Second illustration on page 95 (114) captioned “Multiple-flap Shutter”


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