Fotothek df tg 0000876 Geometrie ^ Perspektive ^ Architektur ^ Gewölbe
Original image description from the Deutsche FotothekGeometrie & Perspektive & Architektur & Gewölbe Public domain scan of 17th-century scientific illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - P... More
One Point Perspective Bedroom 2 - Drawing. Public domain image.
Rendered background using one point perspective; traditional media enhanced in photoshop. Educational purpose: to illustrate terms such as perspective, computer game, background, etc. Artwork by Simon Kirby, r... More
Ptp p67 img01 - Public domain portrait drawing
First illustration on page 48 (67) captioned “Perspective Drawing by a Lens”
Paolo uccello, perspective study
Public domain scan of 15th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Utriusque Cosmi Majoris, page 341
Utriusque cosmi majoris, Robert Fludd, 1617, page 341 Public domain scan of 17th-century scientific illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Construct a shadow from a single light source
Construct a shade from a single light source, from the book Elements of perspective drawing, MDCCCXLI (1841)
Tor zum Theresianum-Park in Wien
Gate of Theresianum park in Vienna
Leonardo, Studio per l'Adorazione dei Magi, Uffizi
LEONARDO da Vinci Perspectival study of the Adoration of the Magi Pen and ink, traces of silverpoint and white on paper, 163 x 290 mm Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
Perspective - Pearson Scott Foresman Archives
Line art drawing of perspective
Blackboards 002 - Drawing. Public domain image.
Rendered background using one point perspective; traditional media enhanced in photoshop. Educational purpose: to illustrate terms such as perspective, computer game, background, etc. Artwork by Simon Kirby, r... More
Practical perspective Fleuron T101235-17
Fleuron from book: Practical perspective. Being a course of lessons, exhibiting easy and concise rules for drawing justly all sorts of objects. Adapted to the Use of Schools. By H. Clarke. In two volumes. Vol.1.
Mazzocchio - Drawing. Public domain image.
Esperanto: Barbaro, Perspetivi (1569), mazzocchio perspektivigita
Fotothek df tg 0000875 Geometrie ^ Perspektive ^ Architektur ^ Gewölbe
Original image description from the Deutsche FotothekGeometrie & Perspektive & Architektur & Gewölbe Public domain scan of 17th-century scientific illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - P... More
Stoa - Pearson Scott Foresman Archives
an ancient Greek portico usually walled at the back with a front colonnade designed to afford a sheltered promenade
The art of drawing in perspective made easy to those who have no previ...
Fleuron from book: The art of drawing in perspective made easy to those who have no previous knowledge of the mathematics. By James Ferguson, F.R.S. Illustrated with plates.
Homaj testoj - Drawing. Public domain image.
Esperanto: Barbaro Perspektivo (1569), homa vizaĝo perspektivigita
Gilly Perspektivisches Studienblatt 1798-99
A perspective study by the German architect Friedrich Gilly Public domain scan of drawing related to architecture design, elements of decor, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Control of rats and mice (1948) (20071343123)
[Original description:] Containers for safe exposure of baits used to poison rats. English: Title: Control of rats and mice Identifier: controlofratsmic142stor (find matches) Year: 1948 (1940s) Authors: Stor... More
Fotothek df tg 0007104 Architektur ^ Geometrie ^ Perspektive
Original image description from the Deutsche FotothekArchitektur & Geometrie & Perspektive Public domain scan of 17th-century scientific illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ptp p40 img02 - Early photography, Public domain image
Second illustration on page 21 (40) captioned “Perspective Rendering by the Camera Obscura”
Blackboard Classroom - Drawing. Public domain image.
Rendered background using one point perspective; traditional media enhanced in photoshop. Educational purpose: to illustrate terms such as perspective, computer game, background, etc. Artwork by Simon Kirby, r... More
Inclined plane 1
Italiano: Tavola preparatoria per l'esecuzione della prospettiva a quadro obliquo dall'alto del solido rappresentato. Il file è stato creato scandendo il disegno con uno scanner.
Fotothek df tg 0000788 Geometrie ^ Perspektive ^ Würfel ^ Schatten ^ L...
Original image description from the Deutsche FotothekGeometrie & Perspektive & Würfel & Schatten & Licht
Fotothek df tg 0000872 Geometrie ^ Perspektive ^ Kreuz ^ Leiter
Original image description from the Deutsche FotothekGeometrie & Perspektive & Kreuz & Leiter Public domain photograph of architecture design drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Degas- La classe de danse 1874 (perspective)
Degas: La classe de danse with perspective lines
Fotothek df tg 0000796 Geometrie ^ Perspektive ^ Würfel ^ Schatten ^ L...
Original image description from the Deutsche FotothekGeometrie & Perspektive & Würfel & Schatten & Licht
Bathroom 02 - Drawing. Public domain image.
Photoshop CGI depicting a light-filled bathroom. Educational purpose: to demonstrate the use of two point perspective in Japanese computer games, visual novels, animation etc. Artwork by S.J. Kirby, released u... More
Hondius Perspective - Public domain architectural engraving
Perspective engraved by Henricus Hondius (1597-1651) Polski: Perspektywa wg Henricusa Hondiusa (1597-1651)
Ptp p37 img01 - Drawing. Public domain image.
First illustration on page 18 (37) captioned “(A) Curve for Placing Figures to Appear as in (B) on a Panoram Negative”
Vanishing points
Italiano: Si tratta di un disegno eseguito a mano libera che illustra sinteticamente come procedere per costruire una prospettiva col metodo dei punti di fug. Il file è stato creato scandendo il disegno con uno scanner.
Construct a shadow from a single light source far away like the sun
Construct a shadow from a single light source far away like the sun, from the book Elements of perspective drawing, MDCCCXLI (1841)
J Room - Drawing. Public domain image.
Rendered background using one point perspective; traditional media enhanced in photoshop. Educational purpose: to illustrate terms such as perspective, computer game, background, etc. Artwork by Simon Kirby, r... More
Johannes Taklo - Perspektivøvelse. Arkitekturtegning af et hus (2) - 1...
Academic drawing from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen
Ptp p32 img01 - Drawing. Public domain image.
First illustration on page 13 (32) captioned “Elements in Geometrical Perspective”
Studium perspektywiczne do Pokłonu Trzech Króli
pl: Studium perspektywiczne do Pokłonu Trzech Króli en: Study for Adoration of Magi
Fotothek df tg 0000873 Geometrie ^ Perspektive ^ Architektur ^ Mauer
Original image description from the Deutsche FotothekGeometrie & Perspektive & Architektur & Mauer Public domain scan of 17th-century scientific illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Pic... More
Perspective Drawing for The Pair-Oared Shell
Pictures by Thomas Eakins Thomas Eakins (July 25, 1844 – June 25, 1916) - American realist painter, photographer, and sculptor, born in Philadelphia, a pioneer in the field of photography. He was one of the fi... More
Nouveau traité élémentaire de perspective J-B Cloquet 1823
Français : Jean-Baptiste Cloquet, Nouveau traité élémentaire de perspective à l'usage des artistes et des personnes qui s'occupent du dessin, éditions Bachelier, Paris, 1823.
Fotothek df tg 0000793 Geometrie ^ Perspektive ^ Würfel ^ Schatten ^ L...
Original image description from the Deutsche FotothekGeometrie & Perspektive & Würfel & Schatten & Licht
Fotothek df tg 0006328 Malerei ^ Grafik ^ Perspektive ^ Proportion
Original image description from the Deutsche FotothekMalerei & Grafik & Perspektive & Proportion Public domain photograph of 17th-18th century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
New principles of linear perspective- or the art of designing on a pla...
Fleuron from book: New principles of linear perspective: or the art of designing on a plane, the representations of all sorts of objects, In A more General and Simple Method than has been hitherto done. The th... More
New principles of linear perspective- or the art of designing on a pla...
Fleuron from book: New principles of linear perspective: or the art of designing on a plane, the representations of all sorts of objects, In A more General and Simple Method than has been hitherto done. The th... More
Perspektive 2
Deutsch: Eine perspektivische Zeichnung mit Informationen die nachträglich hinzugefügt worden sind. Sonstiges: Es im Eintrag "Perspektive" ein Bild ( d... More
The art of drawing in perspective made easy to those who have no previ...
Fleuron from book: The art of drawing in perspective made easy to those who have no previous knowledge of the mathematics. By James Ferguson, F.R.S. Illustrated with plates.
Ptp p35 img01 - Drawing. Public domain image.
Illustration on page 16 (35) captioned “Perspective on an Inclined Plane”
Elements of science and art - being a familiar introduction to natural...
Title: Elements of science and art : being a familiar introduction to natural philosophy and chemistry : together with their application to a variety of elegant and useful arts Identifier: elementsofscienc02i... More
New principles of linear perspective- or the art of designing on a pla...
Fleuron from book: New principles of linear perspective: or the art of designing on a plane, the representations of all sorts of objects, In A more General and Simple Method than has been hitherto done. The th... More
Fotothek df tg 0000792 Geometrie ^ Perspektive ^ Würfel ^ Schatten ^ L...
Original image description from the Deutsche FotothekGeometrie & Perspektive & Würfel & Schatten & Licht
Fotothek df tg 0007101 Architektur ^ Geometrie ^ Perspektive ^ Säule ^...
Original image description from the Deutsche FotothekArchitektur & Geometrie & Perspektive & Säule & Pyramide
Elements of perspective; containing the nature of light and colours Fl...
Fleuron from book: Elements of perspective; containing the nature of light and colours, and the theory and practice of perspective, in regard to lines, surfaces, and solids, with its application to architectur... More
The practice of perspective- or, an easy method of representing natura...
Fleuron from book: The practice of perspective: or, an easy method of representing natural objects according to the rules of art. Applied and exemplified in all the variety of cases; as Landskips, Gardens, Bui... More
Nicolai Abildgaard, Gade i en antik by Perspektivisk studie til maleri...
Dansk: Gade i en antik by. Perspektivisk studie til maleriet "Simo betror sig til Sosia"
Ptp p55 img01 - Drawing. Public domain image.
First illustration on page 36 (55) captioned “Small Cube as Seen by a Large Lens”
Staircase perspective
Italiano: Prospettiva accidentale di una scala a tre rampe, eseguita con il metodo dei punti misuratori. Il file è stato creato scandendo il disegno con uno scanner
New principles of linear perspective- or the art of designing on a pla...
Fleuron from book: New principles of linear perspective: or the art of designing on a plane, the representations of all sorts of objects, In A more General and Simple Method than has been hitherto done. The th... More
Axonometric scheme
Italiano: Disegno schematico degli elementi di riferimento di una prospettiva centrale. Il file è stato creato scandendo il disegno con uno scanner.
Ladislav Benesch - Podkoren-vaški motiv with perspective lines
Ladislav Benesch - Podkoren-vaški motiv with added perspective lines Public domain scan of drawing related to architecture design, elements of decor, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Nicolai Abildgaard, Perspektivisk studie til arkitekturen i billedet a...
Dansk: Perspektivisk studie til arkitekturen i billedet af jordemoderen der forlader Androspigens hus
New principles of linear perspective- or the art of designing on a pla...
Fleuron from book: New principles of linear perspective: or the art of designing on a plane, the representations of all sorts of objects, In A more General and Simple Method than has been hitherto done. The th... More
New principles of linear perspective- or the art of designing on a pla...
Fleuron from book: New principles of linear perspective: or the art of designing on a plane, the representations of all sorts of objects, In A more General and Simple Method than has been hitherto done. The th... More
The practice of perspective- or, an easy method of representing natura...
Fleuron from book: The practice of perspective: or, an easy method of representing natural objects according to the rules of art. Applied and exemplified in all the variety of cases; as Landskips, Gardens, Bui... More
The practice of perspective- or, an easy method of representing natura...
Fleuron from book: The practice of perspective: or, an easy method of representing natural objects according to the rules of art. Applied and exemplified in all the variety of cases; as Landskips, Gardens, Bui... More
Johannes Taklo - Perspektivøvelse. Arkitekturtegning af et hus og grun...
Academic drawing from "Det tekniske Selskabs Skole" in Copenhagen
Gewerbliche Fortbildungsschule Tübingen
Deutsch: Gewerbliche Fortbildungsschule Tübingen. Perspektivische Zeichnung eines Pfeilers
Heinecken Speculum XC - Drawing. Public domain image.
Deutsch: Paul Heine(c)ken: Lucidum prospectivæ Speculum, Das ist: Ein heller Spiegel der Perspective; In welchem So wohl der Grund dieser Kunst als auch die in Praxi täglich vorfallende mannigfältige Applicati... More
Ptp p32 img02 - Public domain portrait drawing
Second illustration on page 13 (32) captioned “Distance and Perspective” Public domain photo of technical drawing, 20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Dr Fleuron N008987-51
Fleuron from book: Dr. Brook Taylor's method of perspective made easy; both in theory and practice: in two books. Being An Attempt to make the Art of Perspective easy and familiar; To adapt it intirely to the ... More
Hondius Perspective - Public domain engraving
Perspective engraved by Henricus Hondius (1597-1651) Polski: Perspektywa wg Henricusa Hondiusa (1597-1651)
Ptp p34 img01 - Public domain portrait drawing
First illustration on page 15 (34) captioned “Wide-Angle Perspective” Public domain photo of technical drawing, 20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Ptp p36 img01 - Public domain portrait drawing
Illustration on page 17 (36) captioned “Panoramic Perspective” Public domain photo of technical drawing, 20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Ptp p34 img02 - Drawing. Public domain image.
Second illustration on page 15 (34) captioned “Effect of Viewpoint on Perspective”
A treatise of the theory and practice of perspective Fleuron T140974-2...
Fleuron from book: A treatise of the theory and practice of perspective. Wherein the principles of that most useful art, as said down by Dr. Brook Taylor, are fully and clearly explained, by means of moveable ... More
Dr Fleuron N008987-59
Fleuron from book: Dr. Brook Taylor's method of perspective made easy; both in theory and practice: in two books. Being An Attempt to make the Art of Perspective easy and familiar; To adapt it intirely to the ... More
Distance point
Italiano: Prospettiva frontale di un solido ottenuta con il metodo dei punti di distanza. Il file è stato creato scandendo il disegno con uno scanner.
A Summer Day with perspective lines
Painting of Ladislav Benesch - Podkoren-vaški motiv - with perspective lines added
Utriusque cosmi majoris scilicet et minoris metaphysica
Frontispiece illustration for Book 2 of Utriusque cosmi majoris scilicet et minoris metaphysica
3 flight staircase 1
Italiano: Disegno preparatorio per la prospettiva accidentale di una scala a tre rampe, eseguita poi col metodo dei punti misuratori. Il file è stato creato caricando il disegno con uno scanner.
Punti misuratori
Italiano: Disegno a mano libera che illustra sinteticamente la costruzione di una prospettiv con il metodo dei punti misuratori. Il file è stato creato scandendo il disegno con uno scanner.