Svartedauen - no-nb digibok 2011111612002-20
Norsk bokmål: Illustrasjon hentet fra boken Svartedauen av Kittelsen, Th. og utgitt av L.E. Tvedte (no, 1901)
WW002 - A comic strip with a comic strip in the middle of it
"The Weird Wager" from Out Of The Night number 9 (AGC, June 1953. After the superhero genre went into decline during the late 40s, publishers began experimenting with new genres, most notably crime and horror.
Cordial de l'ànima. La Mort
Català: Gravat xilogràfic que il·lustra la traducció valenciana del Cordiale quattuor novissimorum realitzada per Bernadí Vallmanya sobre la traducció castellana de Gonzalo García de Santa María i impresa a Va... More
Jefferson Davis Inauguration Cartoon
Political cartoon satirizing the inauguration of Jefferson Davis as President of the Confederate States of America. From Harper's Weekly, 8 March 1862. Davis is caricatured as a crowned skeletal personificatio... More
Svartedauen - no-nb digibok 2011111612002-40
Norsk bokmål: Illustrasjon hentet fra boken Svartedauen av Kittelsen, Th. og utgitt av L.E. Tvedte (no, 1901)
WW001 - A comic page with an image of a man being attacked by a woman
"The Weird Wager" from Out Of The Night number 9 (AGC, June 1953. After the superhero genre went into decline during the late 40s, publishers began experimenting with new genres, most notably crime and horror.
Edmund J Sullivan Illustrations to The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam First ...
This is a quatrain illustration by Edmund J. Sullivan to the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, First Version (translated by Edward Fitzgerald).
Kriegerdenkmal-Relief (Liebich)
Deutsch: Kriegerdenkmal-Relief von Curt Liebich
Svartedauen - no-nb digibok 2011111612002-23
Norsk bokmål: Illustrasjon hentet fra boken Svartedauen av Kittelsen, Th. og utgitt av L.E. Tvedte (no, 1901)
Strange Mysteries covers
This is the image of five covers of the comic book Strange Mysteries (4, 14, 6, 7 and 11 )
Caricature, Призрак большевизма, public domain cartoon image
Русский: Обложка буклета выставки "GROSSE ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE AUSSTELLUNG", 1937, Германия, Бавария, Нюрнберг. Подготовлен Министерством Пропаганды
Christian Griepenkerl - Abschied - 1897
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Nazi V Waffen Rocket Propagandaleaflet 1944 June
Nazi V-Waffen rocket propaganda leaflet delivered to London during bombings. End of June 1944.Русский: Нацистская пропагандистская листовка, доставленная в Лондон с помощью ракеты "Фау". Конец июня 1944 года.
Narbut Allegory 1914 - A painting of a skeleton on a surfboard
H. I. Narbut. Allegory "1914" (fragment). Русский: Г. И. Нарбут. Аллегория «1914 год» (фрагмент).
Błazen i Śmierć - Drawing. Public domain image.
Polski: Błazen i Śmierć. Ilustracja do wiersza Dmitrija Mereżkowskiego "Pieśń błazna". English: The Jester and the Death.
Rohlfs - Tod auf einem Klepper reitend, 1910
Public domain scan of 1910s woodcut print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
San Pietro in Vincoli Tombe Aldobrandini 17042017 01
Tomba del Cardinale Cinzio Passeri Aldobrandini. Roma, San Pietro in Vincoli.
Der Tod und der Raucher flämisch 17Jh
Deutsch: Der Tod und der Raucher, Öl auf Holz, 22 x 30 cm, flämische Schule, 17. Jh. English: Death and the Smoker. Oil on panel, 22 x 30 cm. Flemish School, 17th century.
Hans Burgkmair the elder - Lovers Surprised by Death - Google Art Proj...
Public domain image of print or drawing, symbolism or allegory, depicting saint, winged creature, Icarus, flying angel, religious figure, flight, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Bodleian Libraries, Politicaldreamings Visions of peace Perspective ho...
Satire on the Napoleonic wars. (British political cartoon)
Svartedauen - no-nb digibok 2011111612002-19
Norsk bokmål: Illustrasjon hentet fra boken Svartedauen av Kittelsen, Th. og utgitt av L.E. Tvedte (no, 1901)
This pen drawing on parchment, 69.0 cm x 56.5 cm (27.2 in x 22.2 in), has verses in Old French and was formerly in the collection of Robert Forrer. It was auctioned in 1911 but its current location is unknown.... More
Death and Three Nude Women
Beham, (Hans) Sebald (1500-1550): Engraving. Death and Three Nude Women (P.152, B.151 ii/iii, with the monogram of H.S. Beham and fully reworked by him. With four hatchings in the background).
A catechism of mythology; containing a compendious history of the heat...
Identifier: catechismofmytho00darl (find matches) Title: A catechism of mythology; containing a compendious history of the heathen gods and heroes, indispensable to a correct knowledge of the ancient poets an... More
Svartedauen - no-nb digibok 2011111612002-22
Norsk bokmål: Illustrasjon hentet fra boken Svartedauen av Kittelsen, Th. og utgitt av L.E. Tvedte (no, 1901)
Strange Fantasy 12 - A comic book cover with a man smoking a cigarette
Cover of Strange Fantasy #12, June-July 1954
INF3-253 Anti-rumour and careless talk Never mention sailing dates
Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Shunsen Shinigami 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
Shinigami (死神, The Japanese Grim Reaper) from the Ehon Hyaku monogatari (絵本百物語)
Joseph Sattler, Die Grenze - Drawing. Public domain image.
The Border (or The Limit) Français : La Frontière ( ou La Limite ) Crayon, lavis de gouache et aquarelle sur papier vélin Don de l’artiste en 1920
Adventures Into Darkness 1003 - Drawing. Public domain image.
Adventures Into Darkness #10 Page 3 Public domain photograph of an advertising poster, advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
A. Scheiner - Zlatovláska, ilustrace - str. 117
Čeština: Ilustrace Artuše Scheinera k pohádkám K. J. Erbena, sken reprodukce z roku 1974, str. 117
La Mort conduisant un régiment, par And. Gill (La Rue, 1867-11-02)
Français : La Mort conduisant un régiment. Public domain photograph of French cartoon, caricature, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
'Edgard Poë et ses oeuvres' by Lix and Dargent 6
An illustration from Jules Verne's essay "Edgard Poë et ses oeuvres" (Edgar Poe and his Works,1862) drawn by Frederic Lix or Yan' Dargent. Polski: Ilustracja artykułu Juliusza Verne'a "Edgard Poë et ses oeuvr... More
Caricature, The silent highwayman, public domain cartoon image
The silent highwayman : Death rows on the Thames, claiming the lives of victims who have not paid to have the river cleaned up, during the Great Stink. Français : The silent highwayman : la Mort rame sur la T... More
Zhupel (N3, 1905-6) cover
Жупел. Журнал художественной сатиры. № 3 за 1905-1906 гг. СПб.: Тип. Р. Голике и А. Вильборг, 1905-1906.
Svartedauen - no-nb digibok 2011111612002-39
Norsk bokmål: Illustrasjon hentet fra boken Svartedauen av Kittelsen, Th. og utgitt av L.E. Tvedte (no, 1901)
Bloktheatre - A picture of a woman in a red dress and a man in a black...
Title page of Alexander Blok's book Theatre (1909) as designed by Konstantin Somov.
Rudolf Schiestl (1878-1931) - Tod von Basel
Aus: Rudolf Schiestl:Der Tod von Basel. Acht Holzschnitte zu dem alten Volksliede. Berlin, Heyder, o.J. (ca. 1910). Quer-4°. 600 Exemplare. Der erste Originalholzschnitt vom Künstler signiert. Der Druck erfolgt... More
An elaborate Wheel of Fortune allegory. Fortuna's wheel is turned by Time, while Death takes the figure at the bottom of the wheel. A ranks of mankind, including the pope and other religious figures as well as... More
Ausschnitt 23 674734Y 001
Warhafftiger vnd Eygentlicher Bericht vom Stamm vnd Ankunfft der kleinen Männlein / auch wie sie allezeit die Hoffertigsten und Zornigsten Leutlein seind. [S.l.]
Eglise Orbais-l'Abbaye 13 02 2011 stalles 22
Français : Stalles de l'église Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul à Orbais l'Abbaye, sculptées par Jean Huilier et offertes en 1520 par Louis de Bourbon, abbé du couvent. Détail d'un accoudoir: la Mort.
Bodleian Libraries, Princely piety, or- the worshippers at Wanstead
Caricature of Napoleon I. (British political cartoon) St. George Conquering the Dragon is a popular subject in Christian art, representing the victory of good over evil. St. George is a Christian martyr who is... More
Spicy Mystery Stories March 1936
Cover of the pulp magazine Spicy Mystery Stories (March 1936, vol. 2, no. 5) "Ghoul's Nightmare" by Ken Cooper.
Spicy Mystery Stories November 1936
Cover of the pulp magazine Spicy Mystery Stories (November 1936, vol. 4, no. 1) featuring "I Must Have 5 Corpses" by Robert Leslie Bellem.
WW004 - A page from a comic book with an image of a skeleton
"The Weird Wager" from Out Of The Night number 9 (AGC, June 1953. After the superhero genre went into decline during the late 40s, publishers began experimenting with new genres, most notably crime and horror.
WW006 - A page from a comic book with an image of a man and woman
"The Weird Wager" from Out Of The Night number 9 (AGC, June 1953. After the superhero genre went into decline during the late 40s, publishers began experimenting with new genres, most notably crime and horror.
Death and the merchant - Public domain dedication image
Death and the merchant. From Dance Macabre, by Hans Holbein the younger.
Theodor Kittelsen painting2. A black and white drawing of a person in ...
Public domain photograph of attic, house frame, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gustave Doré - Death on the Pale Horse (1865)
This work is linked to Revelation 6:8 "The Lamb of God opens the seven seals of a book "written within and on the backside". After the opening of the fourth seal, Death rides into the world. He is the fourth k... More
Skull with hat "Underseeboote Z17" detail, INF3-253 Anti-rumour and ca...
Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Caricature, Hinko Smrekar - Svet je takšen, public domain cartoon imag...
Public domain photograph of vintage postcard, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Hans von Faber du Faur Der Tod reitet
Deutsch: Der Tod reitet. Verso Nachlaßstempel. Vorläufiges Wvz. Nr. 18. Öl/Ktn. 70 x 88 cm
Coplas jm - Public domain dedication image
Public domain reproduction of illuminated manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Joseph Sattler - La Danse de la Mort
Français : Joseph Sattler, in Ein moderner Totentanz illustration de La Danse de la Mort, Berlin, 1912. (Grevel)
Christian herald and signs of our times (1891) (14754627306)
Identifier: christianheralds14unse (find matches) Title: Christian herald and signs of our times Year: 1891 (1890s) Authors: Subjects: Publisher: (New York, The Christian Herald) Contributing Library: Chr... More
Political-Dreamings! - Visions of Peace! - Perspective Horrors! (caric...
Political-Dreamings! - Visions of Peace! - Perspective Horrors! (caricature) Hand-coloured. Explanation at
Adventures Into Darkness 1008 - Egypt
Adventures Into Darkness #10 Page 8
Adventures Into Darkness 1010 - A comic book page with a picture of a ...
Adventures Into Darkness #10 Page 10
Popular Detective August 1935
Cover of the pulp magazine Popular Detective (August 1935, vol. 4, no. 1) featuring "Murder Money" by George Bruce.
Terror Tales October 1934
Cover of the pulp magazine Terror Tales (October 1934) featuring Village of the Dead by Wyatt Blasingame and Satan's Roadhouse by Carl Jacobi.
WW003 - A comic book page with a man in a boat
"The Weird Wager" from Out Of The Night number 9 (AGC, June 1953. After the superhero genre went into decline during the late 40s, publishers began experimenting with new genres, most notably crime and horror.
Trotsky on a Polish poster of 1920
Trotsky depicted by Polish propaganda as a blood-soaked Bolshevik during the Polish-Russian war of 1920
Revere Wicked Statesman
Political cartoon: "The wicked Statesman, or the Traitor to his Country, at the Hour of Deat[h]". Massachusetts royal governor Thomas Hutchinson is attacked by Death, who is accompanied by a devil carrying a s... More
This pen drawing on parchment, 69.0 cm x 56.5 cm (27.2 in x 22.2 in), has verses in Old French and was formerly in the collection of Robert Forrer. It was auctioned in 1911 but its current location is unknown.... More
Death skeleton leaning against a tree PK-P-140.341
Title: Death: skeleton leaning against a tree PK-P-140.341Author/creator: Aarts, Johannes Josephus (1871-1934)Shelfmark: PK-P-140.341Note: The woodblock is also in the Leiden Print Room.Language: No linguistic ... More
Mors ultima linea rerum, Philips Galle
Public domain photograph of human skeleton, death, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Neque Illic Mortuus, inside of Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome, Italy
"Neque illic Mortuus", lower part of monument to Giovani Baptista Gisleni (1670) in the Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome, Italy. Français : "Neque illic Mortuus", partie inférieure du monument funérai... More
Death and the loving couple - Drawing. Public domain image.
Death and the loving couple. From Dance macabre, by Hans Holbein the younger.
The Illustrated Police News - 8 december 1888 - Opening the door to ad...
"East End Horrors. Opening the door to admit death ". Mary Jane Kelly and Jack the Ripper (depicted as a manifestation of Death, with a grinning skull for a head) in The Illustrated Police News, 8 December 1888.
Adolf Menzel Death Visitor - Drawing. Public domain image.
Adolph Menzel, "Death Visitor"; 1844/1845. Watercolor and gouache.
Black death XV - A painting of a man in a bed surrounded by other peop...
Italiano: Peste nera in una miniatura del XV secolo Public domain photograph of medieval or early renaissance painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
It was death sitting upon his chest wearing his golden crown
It was death sitting upon his chest wearing his golden crown. (Illustration by Charles Robinson in Fairy tales from Hans Christian Andersen)
George Taylor Hogarth
George Taylor Triumphing over Death
Jean Charles Baquoy - Oudry La mort et le malheureux
Deutsch: Illustration zu Fable XV: La mort et le malheureux aus: Jean de La Fontaine: Fables choisis, mises en vers. Paris 1755-59. Illustrationen: Entwurf von Jean-Baptiste Oudry; Umzeichnung von Charles-Nico... More
Карикатура из дореволюционного журнала (3)
Русский: Карикатура из дореволюционного журнала Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Herbert Cole Rubaiyat 06
Illustration (1900-1901) by Herbert Cole for an edition of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Wilhelm Oesterle Der Tod auf dem Schlachtfeld
Der Tod auf dem Schlachtfeld. Bleistiftzeichnung, 22 x 29 cm, 1923
Этот файл загружен Центральной универсальной научной библиотекой имени Н. А. Некрасовав рамках конкурса «Открытая библиотека» The art of Walter Grane Язык: русский.
San Pietro in Vincoli 17042017 01
Italiano: Tomba del Cardinale Cinzio Passeri Aldobrandini. Roma, San Pietro in Vincoli.
OLD FRIENDS MEET (Arch Dale cartoon)
In preparation for the outbreak of the First World War, the embodiment of Death shakes hands with the personification of the "Armaments Trust", who is clutching order forms labeled "GERMANY", "FRANCE", and "RUS... More
"HUNGER" and "CAPITALISM" art drawn by Hahn - Notecracker - from, The ...
Volume 1, Number 2 of The Masses
Albrecht Dürer - Death and the Landsknecht - WGA7168
Public domain photo of German painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bodleian Libraries, Copy of the transparency exhibited at Ackermann's ...
Satire on the Napoleonic wars. (British political cartoon) Public domain reproduction of political cartoon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Rodrigo de Valdepeñas (1560) Glosa a las Coplas de Jorge Manrique y ot...
Español: Portada de la "Glosa a las Coplas de Jorge Manrique y otros versos". Edición de 1560, impreso en Alcalá de Henares por Juan de Brocar.
Medihal PiedsDevant - Public domain sheet music scan
Français : Français : Couverture d'une partition petit format ; collection personnelle Eliane Daphy
Memento Mori Nordfriedhof Wiesbaden
Deutsch: Memento Mori - Grabmal Familie Eduard Bartling (1845-1927). Bildhauer: Ernst Herter. Nordfriedhof Wiesbaden
Skämtbilden och dess historia i konsten (1910) (14761459461)
Identifier: skmtbildenochd00lauruoft (find matches) Title: Skämtbilden och dess historia i konsten Year: 1910 (1910s) Authors: Laurin, Carl Gustaf Johannes, 1868-1940 Subjects: Caricature -- History Caricat... More
Svartedauen - no-nb digibok 2011111612002-12
Norsk bokmål: Illustrasjon hentet fra boken Svartedauen av Kittelsen, Th. og utgitt av L.E. Tvedte (no, 1901)
Svartedauen - no-nb digibok 2011111612002-14
Norsk bokmål: Illustrasjon hentet fra boken Svartedauen av Kittelsen, Th. og utgitt av L.E. Tvedte (no, 1901)
561st Fighter-Day Squadron - Emblem
561st Fighter-Day Squadron - Emblem
Tot und lebendig - A painting of a woman holding a skeleton
Deutsch: Memento Mori. Das Spruchband über der Figur sagt: Gedenck Mensch sich wer Du bist/Wie ungleich Dott und Lebendig ist Süddeutsche Schule des 18. Jahrhunderts, Öl auf Leinwand, 46 x 38,2 cm
Adventures Into Darkness 1006 - A comic book page with a man in a hat
Adventures Into Darkness #10 Page 6