The World's Largest Public Domain Media Search Engine


111,223 media by topicpage 1 of 1113
portrait from "An Account of a geographical and astronomical expedition to the northern parts of Russia, performed by ... J. Billings in the year 1785 ... to 1794. The whole narrated from the original papers, by M. Sauer"

portrait from "An Account of a geographical and astronomical expeditio...

This image has been taken from scan 000377 from "An Account of a geographical and astronomical expedition to the northern parts of Russia, performed by ... J. Billings in the year 1785 ... to 1794. The whole na... More

portrait from "An Account of a geographical and astronomical expedition to the northern parts of Russia, performed by ... J. Billings in the year 1785 ... to 1794. The whole narrated from the original papers, by M. Sauer"

portrait from "An Account of a geographical and astronomical expeditio...

This image has been taken from scan 000196 from "An Account of a geographical and astronomical expedition to the northern parts of Russia, performed by ... J. Billings in the year 1785 ... to 1794. The whole na... More

portrait from "An Account of a geographical and astronomical expedition to the northern parts of Russia, performed by ... J. Billings in the year 1785 ... to 1794. The whole narrated from the original papers, by M. Sauer"

portrait from "An Account of a geographical and astronomical expeditio...

This image has been taken from scan 000073 from "An Account of a geographical and astronomical expedition to the northern parts of Russia, performed by ... J. Billings in the year 1785 ... to 1794. The whole na... More

portrait from "Ancient and Modern Malta: containing a description of the ports and cities of Malta and Goza ... also, the history of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem ... till the beginning of the 19th century ... With an appendix containing a number of authentic state papers, etc. [With plates and a chart.]"

portrait from "Ancient and Modern Malta: containing a description of t...

This image has been taken from scan 000308 from volume 02 of "Ancient and Modern Malta: containing a description of the ports and cities of Malta and Goza ... also, the history of the Knights of St. John of Jer... More

portrait from "Ancient and Modern Malta: containing a description of the ports and cities of Malta and Goza ... also, the history of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem ... till the beginning of the 19th century ... With an appendix containing a number of authentic state papers, etc. [With plates and a chart.]"

portrait from "Ancient and Modern Malta: containing a description of t...

This image has been taken from scan 000066 from volume 01 of "Ancient and Modern Malta: containing a description of the ports and cities of Malta and Goza ... also, the history of the Knights of St. John of Jer... More

portrait from "[Ancient and Modern Malta: containing a description of the ports and cities of Malta and Goza ... also, the history of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem ... till the beginning of the 19th century ... With an appendix containing a number of authentic state papers, etc. [With plates and a chart.]]"

portrait from "[Ancient and Modern Malta: containing a description of ...

This image has been taken from scan 000399 from volume 01 of "[Ancient and Modern Malta: containing a description of the ports and cities of Malta and Goza ... also, the history of the Knights of St. John of Je... More

map from "Papers relating to the Island of Nantucket, with documents relating to the original settlement of that island, Martha's Vineyard, and other islands adjacent, known as Dukes County, while under the Colony of New York. Compiled from official records, etc. F.P"

map from "Papers relating to the Island of Nantucket, with documents r...

This image has been taken from scan 000189 from "Papers relating to the Island of Nantucket, with documents relating to the original settlement of that island, Martha's Vineyard, and other islands adjacent, kno... More

[William Lyon Mackenzie, three-quarter length portrait, standing, facing slightly right, with left hand on papers]

[William Lyon Mackenzie, three-quarter length portrait, standing, faci...

Copyright by G. Barrie & Sons. Public domain scan of portrait print from Library of Congress, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

#19A Waiting for morning papers. On steps of World Building. 1 A.M. February 12,1908. Small boy in centre of group is Joseph Levite, 83 Hester Street, 13 years old. Small boy on his right and below is Abraham Jachnes (See photo # 22[A]) Location: New York, New York (State)

#19A Waiting for morning papers. On steps of World Building. 1 A.M. Fe...

Picryl description: Public domain vintage artistic photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

[Sunday morning, March 7, 1909. Morris Hurowitz, 10 years old. Been selling 2 years. Sells Saturday until 8 P.M. Starts out again Sunday at 7 A.M. Sells 25 or more Sunday papers. Is a bright business-like chap, but shows signs of nervousness, (eye twitching, etc.) photo 608.]  Location: Hartford, Connecticut.

[Sunday morning, March 7, 1909. Morris Hurowitz, 10 years old. Been se...

Picryl description: Public domain photograph of city street life, vendor, shop sign, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

[Harry Silverstein, Newsboy, 703 W. 6th St., 7 years old. Sells papers, (selling 3 months average earnings 25 cents per week). Father working Morocco Mills, earns $18 weekly. Boy's earnings not needed at home. Don't smoke. Visits saloons. Works 8 hours per day. Edward F. Brown, Investigator. ].  Location: Wilmington, Delaware / Photo by Lewis W. Hine.

[Harry Silverstein, Newsboy, 703 W. 6th St., 7 years old. Sells papers...

Picryl description: Public domain image of child labor, exploitation, children workers, economic conditions, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Al. Brown, newsboy, 219 W. 2nd [3rd?] St. 11 years of age. Selling newspaper 3 years. Average earnings 50 cents per week. Father merchant tailor, $26 weekly. Selling papers own choice. Earnings not needed at home. Don't smoke. Visits saloons. Works 7 hours a day. Wants money to spend . Investigator, Edward F. Brown.  Location: Wilmington, Delaware / Photo by Lewis W. Hine., May, 1910.

Al. Brown, newsboy, 219 W. 2nd [3rd?] St. 11 years of age. Selling new...

Picryl description: Public domain vintage artistic photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Mary Malchade, 27 Roosevelt St., 9 years old. Sells papers near Brooklyn Bridge.  Location: New York, New York (State)

Mary Malchade, 27 Roosevelt St., 9 years old. Sells papers near Brookl...

Public domain photograph - portrait of athlete, champion, sport, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Union Square Newsie. Joseph Blata, 7 years old. Lives in Basement, 306 E. 11th St. Collects discarded papers and sells them to storekeepers.  Location: New York, New York (State)

Union Square Newsie. Joseph Blata, 7 years old. Lives in Basement, 306...

Picryl description: Public domain image of child labor, exploitation, children workers, economic conditions, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

The girl is Arlie Searcy, beginning work in the Arlington Mill, Spartenberg [sic], S.C. Been working at Clifton Mills. Got her papers there. Mother said she is 12 years old but it is questionable. The boy Ralph hasn't his working papers but is trying to get them. Mother said he was 12 years old.  Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina.

The girl is Arlie Searcy, beginning work in the Arlington Mill, Sparte...

Picryl description: Public domain vintage artistic photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Noon hour at Massachusetts Mill, Lindale, Ga. During the days following this, I proved the ages of nearly a dozen of these children, by gaining access to Family Records, Insurance papers, and through conversations with the children and parents, and found these that I could prove to be working now, or during the past year at 10 and 11 years of age, some of them having begun before they were ten. Further search would reveal dozens or more. (See Hine Report).  Location: Lindale, Georgia.

Noon hour at Massachusetts Mill, Lindale, Ga. During the days followin...

Picryl description: Public domain image of child labor, exploitation, children workers, economic conditions, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Group of workers in the Massachusetts Mills, Lindale, Ga. Photo taken at noon, April 12, 1913, while they were being paid off. During the days following this, I proved the ages of nearly a dozen of these children, by gaining access to Family Records, Life Insurance papers, and through conversations with the children and parents, and found these that I could prove to be working now, or during the past year at 10 and 11 years of age, some of them having begun before they were ten. Further search would reveal dozens more. (See Hine Report).  Location: Lindale, Georgia.

Group of workers in the Massachusetts Mills, Lindale, Ga. Photo taken ...

Picryl description: Public domain photograph of child, child labor, farmer, early 20th-century farm, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Noon hour at Massachusetts Mill, Lindale, Ga. During the days following this I proved the ages of nearly a dozen of these children, by gaining access to Family Records, Life Insurance papers, and through conversations with the children and parents, and found these that I could prove to be working now, or during the past year at 10 and 11 years of age, some of them having begun before they were ten. Further search would reveal dozens more. (See Hine Report).  Location: Lindale, Georgia.

Noon hour at Massachusetts Mill, Lindale, Ga. During the days followin...

Picryl description: Public domain photograph of child, child labor, farmer, early 20th-century farm, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

San Antonio newsboys need supervision. Here are three brothers - Sasser family, 729 Porter Street. The youngest one is five years old and makes 30 cents a day. Lawrence is seven years old but "he spends all he earns" his brother says.  Boyce [?], makes 75 cents a day, and has a hard time keeping the others at work. Boyce is ten years old. They all start out at 6:00 A.M. and sell until 9:00 and 10:00 P.M. nearly every day except Sunday. I found them selling after ten P.M. Boyce said "We don't go to school; got to sell papers. Father is sick."  Location: San Antonio, Texas.

San Antonio newsboys need supervision. Here are three brothers - Sasse...

Picryl description: Public domain image of child labor, exploitation, children workers, economic conditions, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

The Davison Family, 1312 Tampa Street. William, 14 years. Been selling for 9 years. George, 12 years. Peter, 7 years. All start this morning at 4 A.M. (Sunday). Up to 9:30 Peter had sold 3 papers. Usually quit at 8 P.M. Go to school. Bright Family. Do not know how much they earn.  Location: Tampa, Florida.

The Davison Family, 1312 Tampa Street. William, 14 years. Been selling...

Picryl description: Public domain photograph of child, child labor, farmer, early 20th-century farm, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Ceremonies - Liberations - Naturalization Ceremonies - Office of Naturalization Clerk, New York City, soon after the United States entered the war. Applicants for naturalization papers taking their oaths. Three clerks kept busy filling in answers of applicants to questions on blanks

Ceremonies - Liberations - Naturalization Ceremonies - Office of Natur...

Photographer: Elliot Fisher Co. Ceremonies - Liberations - Naturalization Ceremonies Public domain photograph of an official meeting, group of people, managers, directors, discussion, free to use, no copyright... More

American Red Cross - Canteens - American Red Cross Canteen, Issoudan, France. Typical scene: Red Cross workers serve coffee and sandwiches to the men while they enjoy the magazines and papers

American Red Cross - Canteens - American Red Cross Canteen, Issoudan, ...

Photographer: American Red Cross American Red Cross - Canteens Public domain photograph related to the United States in World War One, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

[Motion picture advertisements: His Picture in the Papers, starring Douglas Fairbanks]

[Motion picture advertisements: His Picture in the Papers, starring Do...

Lantern slide proof copyrighted by Novelty Slides, Inc. This record contains unverified data from caption card. Caption card tracings: Motion Pictures; B.I.; Adv.

Two thousand newly discovered family papers of George Washington brought to Capital. A newly discovered trunk close to two centuries old, that had belonged to George Washington's only sister, Betty, containing upward of 2,000 original papers of George Washington's family and contemporaries were brought to Washington today from Fredericksburg, Virginia, by Henry Woodhouse, President of the Aerial League of America. Inspecting the papers in the photograph are, left to right: William Tyler Page, Clerk of the House of Representatives and Executive Secretary of the United States Commission for the Celebration of the 200th anniversary of George Washington's birth; William Selden Washington, descendant of George Washington's brother; and Henry Woodhouse

Two thousand newly discovered family papers of George Washington broug...

A black and white photo of three men in suits. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Arrives at court to protest Black's right to sit on nation's highest tribunal Washington, D.C., Oct. 4. Albert Levitt, Department of Justice Attorney, arriving at the U.S. Supreme Court where he asked permission to file a formal suit challenging Black's constitutional eligibility to sit on the bench. Chief Justice Hughes instructed Levitt to file his papers with the Clerk of the Court. When it convenes next Monday the court is expected to announce whether it will hear Levitt's petition. 10/4/37

Arrives at court to protest Black's right to sit on nation's highest t...

A black and white photo of a man in a coat and hat. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Rubber band snapper Norris. Washington, D.C., March 12. The whang, whang, of a heavy rubber band in the hands of Senator George Norris, of Nebraska today interrupted the proceedings at the Senate Judiciary Supreme Court hearing, the noise reverberated in the marble caucus room. Finally Chairman Ashurst stood up and said: "However, I should like to ask the audience to quit shuffling around, to cease fiffling papers and stop snapping rubber bands." Norris flushed, scowled and put his hands in his pockets, Norris is shown with his rubber band during the lull...

Rubber band snapper Norris. Washington, D.C., March 12. The whang, wha...

A black and white photo of a man sitting at a table. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Removes papers after senate subpoena. Washington, D.C., Nov. 19. Appearing before the Senate Civil Liberties Committees today, Chester A. Hanson, Milford, Conn., Secretary-Treasurer of the Constitutional Educational League, told how he had helped several other league officers remove important papers from his file after being served with a subpoena ordering him to submit all such information. When asked the meaning of the league, Hanson said it was an educational body devoted to informing the people on the Constitution. It also, he said, was dedicated to giving "information pertaining to subversive movement in this country" 111937

Removes papers after senate subpoena. Washington, D.C., Nov. 19. Appea...

A black and white photo of a man sitting at a table, Library of Congress Harris and Ewing collection Title from unverified caption data received with the Harris & Ewing Collection. Gift; Harris & Ewing, Inc. 1... More

Veteran Kansas Senator moves. Washington, D.C., Dec. 29. Veteran Republican Senator Arthur Capper of Kansas, packing his personal papers preparatory to moving to a new suite of offices in the Senate Office building. The move was by choice, 12/29/38

Veteran Kansas Senator moves. Washington, D.C., Dec. 29. Veteran Repub...

A black and white photo of a man opening a suitcase. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Washington, D.C. Mr. Venus Alsobrook, official salvage collector for the government wrapping old papers which he has gathered from all sections of the city

Washington, D.C. Mr. Venus Alsobrook, official salvage collector for t...

Picryl description: Public domain photograph of worker, marketplace, vendor, 1930s, Great Depression, economic conditions, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Southfields, New York. Interracial activities at Camp Nathan Hale, where children are aided by the Methodist Camp Service. Comic papers are very popular during the campers' free periods

Southfields, New York. Interracial activities at Camp Nathan Hale, whe...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of camp, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Schenectady, New York. Sixth graders at the Elmer Avenue Elementary School bringing a war map up to date. This map is changed daily. News is gotten from the morning papers and the radio in the classroom

Schenectady, New York. Sixth graders at the Elmer Avenue Elementary Sc...

Public domain scan of a plan, map, architecture drawing, or diagram, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Richard Nixon and Robert Stripling examine "pumpkin papers" microfilm obtained from Whittaker Chambers

Richard Nixon and Robert Stripling examine "pumpkin papers" microfilm ...

Photographic Materials Public domain photograph - White house, President of the United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

[ Major Houston (Gregory Walcott), Ernie Williams (Danny Kaye), and Colonel Somerset (Wilfrid Hyde-White) try to remove papers from Ernie's hands in a scene from "On the Double"]

[ Major Houston (Gregory Walcott), Ernie Williams (Danny Kaye), and Co...

Photograph related to American actor Danny Kaye. Danny Kaye was an American actor, singer, dancer, and comedian. The Library of Congress provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes ... More

First Lady's Press Secretary, Pamela Turnure, with a Foreign Correspondent

First Lady's Press Secretary, Pamela Turnure, with a Foreign Correspon...

This is a photograph of First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy’s Press Secretary, Pamela Turnure, with a foreign correspondent. Unidentified woman; Ms. Turnure (right). First Lady’s Press Secretary’s Office, White House... More

Marine recruits receive processing papers as they arrive to begin basic training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot

Marine recruits receive processing papers as they arrive to begin basi...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Usmc Recruit Depot,Parris Island State: South Carolina (SC) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Statu... More

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA. --  A presentation by Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering is on display at the KSC Visitor Complex for this year's NASA MarsPort Engineering Design Student Competition 2002 conference. Participants are presenting papers on engineering trade studies to design optimal configurations for a MarsPort Deployable Greenhouse for operation on the surface of Mars.  Judges in the competition were from KSC, Dynamac Corporation and Florida Institute of Technology.   The winning team's innovative ideas will be used by NASA to evaluate and study other engineering trade concepts KSC-02pd0663

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA. -- A presentation by Franklin W. Olin Coll...

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA. -- A presentation by Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering is on display at the KSC Visitor Complex for this year's NASA MarsPort Engineering Design Student Competition 2002 confer... More

US Marine Corps (USMC) Sergeant (SGT) Lauro Samaniego, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Technician, assigned to Headquarters Company (HQ Co), 9th Engineer Support Battalion (ESB), 3rd Force Service Support Group (FSSG), wears his EOD-8 Bomb Suit to protect him as he examines stacks of papers on a desk searching for a suspected simulated (dummy) letter bomb during a Force Protection Exercise (FPEX) being conducted on Camp Smedley D. Butler, Okinawa, Japan (JPN). This phase of the base-wide FPEX was conducted so that the EOD team members could test and improve their response time in preparation for a real event

US Marine Corps (USMC) Sergeant (SGT) Lauro Samaniego, Explosive Ordna...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Marine Corps Base, Camp Butler State: Okinawa Country: Japan (JPN) Scene Camera Operator: PFC Daniel Klein, USMC Release Status: Released to Pub... More

U.S. Army CAPT. James Hayes and 2nd LT. Mark Lichak, both with 2nd Squadron, 14th Cavalry (2-14), look through papers found in a car during a patrol near the Syrian border on Aug. 10, 2005.  2-14, operating out of Combat Outpost Rawah, is currently in the area to suppress terrorists from crossing the Syrian border into Iraq.  (U.S. Army photo by STAFF SGT. Kyle Davis)  (Released)

U.S. Army CAPT. James Hayes and 2nd LT. Mark Lichak, both with 2nd Squ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: IRAQI FREEDOM Base: Rawah State: Al Anbar Country: Iraq (IRQ) Scene Major Command Shown: B 3-21 Scene Camera Operator: SSG ... More

A figurine of a man holding a stack of books. Bureaucracy files tax consultant.

A figurine of a man holding a stack of books. Bureaucracy files tax co...

A man with a big smile and a stack of books / A man holding a stack of books and a big nose public domain stock photo.

A man standing in front of a wall of papers. Concept man papers.

A man standing in front of a wall of papers. Concept man papers.

Visual patterns: A man looking at a wall of paper with sketches on it / A man looking at a wall of papers - public domain stock photo.

A bunch of origami paper flowers on a carpet. Origami heaven and hell folded.

A bunch of origami paper flowers on a carpet. Origami heaven and hell ...

A bunch of origami paper balls / A pile of folded paper objects on a table public domain stock photo.

Public domain stock image. Bookcase vintage antique.

Public domain stock image. Bookcase vintage antique.

Rooms photos: Free images of rooms and interiors, available for commercial use and free download. Copyright-free, no attribution required.

Public Domain Stock Photo . Scrapbooking papers flowers, backgrounds textures.

Public Domain Stock Photo . Scrapbooking papers flowers, backgrounds t...

Autumn butterflies: Free images of butterflies during the fall season. All available for commercial use and free download. Copyright-free, no attribution required.

Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Miscellany, 1834-1918; Business and financial papers; Promissory note, 1863, Dec. 11

Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Miscellany,...

Public domain scan of a document related to American poet Walt Whitman, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Miscellany, 1834-1918; Business and financial papers; Accounts and receipts; 1853, Jan.-Dec

Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Miscellany,...

Public domain scan of a document related to American poet Walt Whitman, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Sigmund Freud Papers: Family Papers, 1851-1978; Correspondence with Sigmund Freud, 1876-1974; Other letters; "Reisebriefe"; 1903-1904

Sigmund Freud Papers: Family Papers, 1851-1978; Correspondence with Si...

Picryl description: Public domain manuscript page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Miscellany, 1834-1918; Business and financial papers; Accounts and receipts; 1853, Jan.-Dec

Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Miscellany,...

Public domain scan of a document related to American poet Walt Whitman, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Lewis H. Machen Family Papers: Machen-Gresham Correspondence, 1871-1889; Machen, Arthur W., to Gresham, Minnie; 1872, Aug.-1873, Jan.
Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Supplementary File, 1806-1981; Personal Papers, 1854-1980; Johnston, John H., family papers; Correspondence; Sprague, Harriet C., 1927-1947, undated

Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Supplementa...

Public domain scan of a document related to American poet Walt Whitman, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886; 1867, May 14-Dec. 4

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886;...

Public domain scan of American Civil War document, Confederates, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

[Assignment: 48-DPA-SOI_K_Hiking_Sign] Secretary Dirk Kempthorne signing papers, [at Main Interior ceremony with Western reporters, designating 36 trails in 24 states as new] National Recreation Trails [--adding more than 800 miles of trails to the National Trails System] [48-DPA-SOI_K_Hiking_Sign_DOI_6370.JPG]

[Assignment: 48-DPA-SOI_K_Hiking_Sign] Secretary Dirk Kempthorne signi...

Complete assignment is listed as: Subject: Secretary Dirk Kempthorne signing papers, [at Main Interior ceremony with Western reporters, designating 36 trails in 24 states as new] National Recreation Trails [--... More

Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Hines, Mollie A., 1889-1902, undated

Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Hines, Mollie ...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... More

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886; 1872, Aug. 6-Sept. 23

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886;...

Public domain scan of American Civil War document, Confederates, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886; 1872, Jan. 4-Feb. 28

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886;...

Public domain scan of American Civil War document, Confederates, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886; 1872, Jan. 4-Feb. 28

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886;...

Public domain scan of American Civil War document, Confederates, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Clara Barton Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1849-1947; Speeches and lectures; Franco-Prussian War lecture, 1870s

Clara Barton Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1849-1947; Speeches a...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... More

Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; "G" miscellaneous, 1877-1912, undated

Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; "G" miscellane...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... More

Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1878-1880, Apr.; 1882, June 1-18 (includes copies of letters sent Aug.-Nov. 1886)

Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1878-1880, Apr.; 1882, June...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... More

Clara Barton Papers: Subject File, 1861-1952; Barton (Clara) Schoolhouse, Bordentown, N.J., 1902-1949, undated

Clara Barton Papers: Subject File, 1861-1952; Barton (Clara) Schoolhou...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... More

Charles Wellington Reed Papers: Printed matter, including books with illustrations by Reed; History of the 9th Mass. Battery, 1862-65, by Levi W. Baker, 1888

Charles Wellington Reed Papers: Printed matter, including books with i...

Picryl description: Public domain American Civil War historical book scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Clara Barton Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1849-1947; Speeches and lectures; War lectures, 1860s

Clara Barton Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1849-1947; Speeches a...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... More

Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Burnett, Mary Weeks and R. A., 1877-1908, undated

Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Burnett, Mary ...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... More

Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Halstead, Leonora B., 1890-1911, undated

Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Halstead, Leon...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... More

Clara Barton Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1849-1947; Speeches and lectures; Lectures and lecture notes, 1865-1868

Clara Barton Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1849-1947; Speeches a...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... More

Lewis H. Machen Family Papers: Machen-Gresham Correspondence, 1871-1889; Machen, Arthur W., to Gresham, Minnie; 1872, Apr.-July
Lewis H. Machen Family Papers: Machen-Gresham Correspondence, 1871-1889; Machen, Arthur W., to Gresham, Minnie; 1872, Apr.-July
Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886; 1880, Jan. 31-Dec. 11

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886;...

Public domain scan of American Civil War document, Confederates, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The morning papers - Drawing. Public domain image.

The morning papers - Drawing. Public domain image.

"The New World," "New York Tribune," "The Sun," "New York Times," and "The New York Herald" are each represented by a page showing their logo and a man with symbols of the logo. "Copyrighted by L. Hopkins, New ... More

Military Papers - December 26, 1815 - Nov. 30, 1816, Vol. IX

Military Papers - December 26, 1815 - Nov. 30, 1816, Vol. IX

Public domain scan of Andrew Jackson's correspondence, American history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886; 1870, Nov. 29-1871, Jan. 7

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886;...

Public domain scan of American Civil War document, Confederates, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

John C. Hamilton to Abraham Lincoln, Tuesday, November 29, 1864  (Federalist Papers and Emancipation Proclamation)
Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886; 1875, Nov. 11-1876, Jan. 21

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886;...

Public domain scan of American Civil War document, Confederates, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886; 1876, Jan. 23-Apr. 24

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886;...

Public domain scan of American Civil War document, Confederates, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886; 1862, Apr. 30-June 18

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886;...

Public domain scan of American Civil War document, Confederates, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886; 1870, Jan. 1-Feb. 24

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886;...

Public domain scan of American Civil War document, Confederates, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Frayer, Lucy A. and A., 1882-1901

Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Frayer, Lucy A...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... More

James Monroe Papers: Series 3, Letterbooks and Account Book, 1794-1806; Vol. 1; 1803 Apr. 9-1804 June 25 (Reel 10)
Picryl description: Public domain image, drawing, American, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions

Picryl description: Public domain image, drawing, American, 19th centu...

Picryl description: Public domain image, drawing, American, free to use, no copyright restrictions

Clara Barton Papers: Family Papers: Genealogy; Barton family; Vassall, Bernard B. (compiler); Vols. 1-3, 1867-1946, undated

Clara Barton Papers: Family Papers: Genealogy; Barton family; Vassall,...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... More

Clara Barton Papers: Miscellany, 1856-1957; Holiday greetings and enclosures, acknowledgments, 1892-1894

Clara Barton Papers: Miscellany, 1856-1957; Holiday greetings and encl...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... More

Lewis H. Machen Family Papers: Diaries and Diary Transcriptions, 1860-1865; Diaries; Gresham, LeRoy Wiley; 1864, 1 Jan.-1865, 8 Jan.
Lewis H. Machen Family Papers: Diaries and Diary Transcriptions, 1860-1865; Diaries; Gresham, LeRoy Wiley; 1864, 1 Jan.-1865, 8 Jan.
Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; "T" miscellaneous, 1867-1904

Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; "T" miscellane...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... More

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886; 1869, Mar. 6-May 19

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886;...

Public domain scan of American Civil War document, Confederates, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886; 1869, Mar. 6-May 19

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886;...

Public domain scan of American Civil War document, Confederates, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886; 1869, Mar. 6-May 19

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886;...

Public domain scan of American Civil War document, Confederates, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1897, May 17-Sept. 5

Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1897, May 17-Sept. 5

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... More

Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1866, Jan. 1-13 (includes ledger accounts of May 1864-May 1866)

Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1866, Jan. 1-13 (includes l...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... More

Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1866, Jan. 1-13 (includes ledger accounts of May 1864-May 1866)

Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1866, Jan. 1-13 (includes l...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... More

Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1866, Jan. 1-13 (includes ledger accounts of May 1864-May 1866)

Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1866, Jan. 1-13 (includes l...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... More

Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1866, Jan. 1-13 (includes ledger accounts of May 1864-May 1866)

Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1866, Jan. 1-13 (includes l...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... More

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886; 1874, Feb. 10-Mar. 2

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886;...

Public domain scan of American Civil War document, Confederates, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886; 1874, Jan. 19-Feb. 9

Alexander Hamilton Stephens Papers: General Correspondence, 1784-1886;...

Public domain scan of American Civil War document, Confederates, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Clara Barton Papers: Letterbooks, 1876-1911; 1891, Dec.-1893, Aug.; pp. 1-474

Clara Barton Papers: Letterbooks, 1876-1911; 1891, Dec.-1893, Aug.; pp...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... More

Jack Ryan, 6 years old and Jesse Ryan, 10 years old. Onem Smith, 12 years old and lives at 1506 S. Robinson St. Onem said: "I never have been in school in my life but I got a pretty good education - sellin papers." Been selling here 6 months. See report on Truants by L.W. Hine. These boys are truants who were photographed during school hours.  Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma / Lewis W. Hine.

Jack Ryan, 6 years old and Jesse Ryan, 10 years old. Onem Smith, 12 ye...

Picryl description: Public domain image of child labor, exploitation, children workers, economic conditions, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Clara Barton Papers: Letterbooks, 1876-1911; Unbound copies; 1910, July-1911, Apr.

Clara Barton Papers: Letterbooks, 1876-1911; Unbound copies; 1910, Jul...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... More

Clara Barton Papers: Letterbooks, 1876-1911; 1904, Feb.-1907, Dec.; 1908, Aug.; pp. 1-512

Clara Barton Papers: Letterbooks, 1876-1911; 1904, Feb.-1907, Dec.; 19...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... More

Clara Barton Papers: Letterbooks, 1876-1911; 1904, Feb.-1907, Dec.; 1908, Aug.; pp. 1-512

Clara Barton Papers: Letterbooks, 1876-1911; 1904, Feb.-1907, Dec.; 19...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... More

Clara Barton Papers: Subject File, 1861-1952; Civil War; Grand Army of the Republic; Woman's Relief Corps; Miscellany; 1908-1911, undated

Clara Barton Papers: Subject File, 1861-1952; Civil War; Grand Army of...

Picryl description: Public domain book scan - American Civil War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Clara Barton Papers: Miscellany, 1856-1957; Cards and invitations, 1869-1912, undated

Clara Barton Papers: Miscellany, 1856-1957; Cards and invitations, 186...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... More


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