Marianne von Werefkin - Ave Mari
Marianne von Werefkin: Ave Maria
Marianne von Werefkin - The Living and the Dead
Marianne von Werefkin: The Living and the DeadDeutsch: Marianne von Werefkin: Die Lebenden und die Toten
Citta lituania - A painting of a woman walking down a street
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Marianne von Werefkin - Corpus Christi
Picryl description: Public domain painting of a park, trees, picnic, outdoor activity, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Marianne von Werefkin - In the Village
Deutsch: Marianne von Werefkin: Im DorfEnglish: painting by Marianne von Werefkin
Marianne von Werefkin - The Storm
Marianne von Werefkin: Tempête (The Storm)Deutsch: Marianne von Werefkin: Tempête (Der Sturm)
Marianne von Werefkin - The Red Tree
painting by Marianne von Werefkin
Marianne von Werefkin - Boarding School for Girls
Deutsch: Marianne von Werefkin: MädchenpensionatEnglish: painting by Marianne von Werefkin
Werefkin Ave Maria 1927
Deutsch: Marianne von Werefkin, Ave Maria", 1927. Das Bild zeigt den Begleiter der Malerin, Ernst Alfred Aye, als Priester vor einem Freudenhaus.
Marianne von Werekin, Der Tänzer Sacharoff, 1909
Deutsch: Museo Comunale d'Arte Moderna, Ascona, Schweiz
Marianne von Werefkin - At the Café
Deutsch: Marianne von Werefkin: Im CaféEnglish: Marianne von Werefkin - At the Café
Marianne von Werefkin - Autumn Idyll
painting by Marianne von WerefkinDeutsch: Herbstidyll
Marianne von Werefkin - Beer Garden
Picryl description: Public domain painting of a park, trees, picnic, outdoor activity, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Marianne von Werefkin - Church of Saint Anne, Vilnius
Deutsch: Marianne von Werefkin: Église St. AnneEnglish: painting by Marianne von Werefkin
Веревкина Трагическая атмосфера 1
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Marianne von Werefkin, Herbst (Schule), 1907
Public domain photograph related to music, performing arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Веревкина Близнецы - Drawing. Public domain image.
Русский: М. Веревкина. БлизнецыDeutsch: Marianne von Werefkin=Zwillinge
Marianne von Werefkin - The Dancer Alexander Sacharoff
Marianne von Werefkin:The Dancer SakharoffDeutsch: Marianne von Werefkin:Der Tänzer Sacharoff
Marianne von Werefkin - The Ragpicker
painting by Marianne von Werefkin
Веревкина Трагическая атмосфера
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Werefkin-steilküste von ahrenshoop
Deutsch: Marianne von Werefkin: Steilküste von Ahrenshoop, 1911
Marianne von Werefkin - Twins
painting by Marianne von Werefkin
Selbstbildnis im Atelier - Public domain portrait painting
Deutsch: Selbstbildnis im Lehnstuhl Public domain photograph of 20th-century male portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Werefkin Biergarten
Picryl description: Public domain painting of a park, trees, picnic, outdoor activity, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Modersohn-Becker - Ragazza con oche presso uno stagno, 1901, FKBA 09
Ragazza con oche presso uno stagno
Marianne von Werefkin - I pattinatori
Public domain photograph related to music, performing arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Der rote Baum, 1910 - A painting of a person sitting under a tree
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Marianne von Werefkin - Factory Town - The Way Home
Deutsch: Marianne von Werefkin: FabrikstadtEnglish: painting by Marianne von Werefkin
Marianne von Werefkin - Cliff at Ahrenshoop
Marianne von Werefkin: Cliff at AhrenshoopDeutsch: Marianne von Werefkin:Die Steilküste von Ahrenshoop
Marianne von Werefkin - The Night Shift
Marianne von Werefkin: The Night ShiftDeutsch: Marianne von Werefkin: Die Nachtschicht