Loggers with assortment of saws standing on stump which reads LLLL (fo...
Caption on image: Camp 1F, Palix River, 57th Spruce Sqdn. C. Kinsey Photo, Seattle. No. 67x PH Coll 516.4584The Palix River rises in the high country south of South Bend in west central Pacific County and f... More
Lewis Mill and Timber Company two-truck Shay locomotive no 1 with donk...
Caption on image: Lewis Mills, Camp 4. C. Kinsey Photo, Seattle. No. 143 PH Coll 516.1739The Lewis Mills & Timber Company was in business ca. 1910 to 1931, headquartered in South Bend and with logging opera... More
Choker setters, Lewis Mill and Timber Company, ca 1922 (KINSEY 207)
Caption on image: Lewis Mill and Timber Co. No. 50 PH Coll 516.1728The Lewis Mill & Timber Company was in business ca. 1910 to 1931, headquartered in South Bend and with logging operations in Frances. In 19... More
Logging crew outside mess hall, Lewis Mills and Timber Company camp no...
Caption on image: Lewis Mills, Camp 4. C. Kinsey Photo, Seattle. No. 150 PH Coll 516.1745The Lewis Mills & Timber Company was in business ca. 1910 to 1931, headquartered in South Bend and with logging opera... More
Logging crew, Lewis Mills and Timber Company camp no 4, ca 1922 (KINSE...
Caption on image: Lewis Mills, Camp 4. C. Kinsey Photo, Seattle. No. 146 PH Coll 516.1741The Lewis Mills & Timber Company was in business ca. 1910 to 1931, headquartered in South Bend and with logging opera... More
Mess hall crew, Lewis Mills and Timber Company camp no 4, ca 1922 (KIN...
Caption on image: Lewis Mills, Camp 4. C. Kinsey Photo, Seattle. No. 144 PH Coll 516.1740The Lewis Mills & Timber Company was in business ca. 1910 to 1931, headquartered in South Bend and with logging opera... More
Wagon on North Beach, Pacific County, Washington
Wagon on North Beach (now called Long Beach), in Pacific County, Washington, circa 1892
Logging crew standing on flat car with supplies in the foreground, Sag...
Caption on image: Saginaw Timber Co., Saginaw, Wash. No. 69 PH Coll 516.3097 The Saginaw Timber Company incorporated on March 18, 1908 and organized in 1909. The company was to be capitalized at $100,000. ... More
Logging crew and Willamette donkey engine, Lewis Mills and Timber Comp...
Caption on image: Lewis Mills, Fern Creek Camp. C. Kinsey Photo, Seattle. No. 140 PH Coll 516.1736The Lewis Mills & Timber Company was in business ca. 1910 to 1931, headquartered in South Bend and with logg... More
[Bank of Seahaven]. Albumen print, Getty Museum. Public domain photogr...
Public domain photograph of bank building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Logging crew and Willamette donkey engine, Lewis Mills and Timber Comp...
Caption on image: Lewis Mills, Fern Creek Camp. C.K. Kinsey Photo, Seattle. No. 141 PH Coll 516.1737The Lewis Mills & Timber Company was in business ca. 1910 to 1931, headquartered in South Bend and with l... More
Crew and horse team graders for construction of railroad right-of-way,...
Caption on image: Constructing railroad for getting out spruce, Nemah, Wash. C. Kinsey Photo, Seattle. No. 107 PH Coll 516.4610 Subjects (LCTGM): Graders (Earthmoving machinery); Horse teams--Washington (S... More
Choker setters, Lewis Mill and Timber Company, ca 1922 (KINSEY 208)
Caption on image: Lewis Mill and Timber Co. No. 51 PH Coll 516.1729The Lewis Mill & Timber Company was in business ca. 1910 to 1931, headquartered in South Bend and with logging operations in Frances. In 19... More