The World's Largest Public Domain Media Search Engine


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Bartisch-201v - A drawing of a man with a tear on his face

Bartisch-201v - A drawing of a man with a tear on his face

Ophthalmodouleia, p. 201v Public domain photograph related to the history of England, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bartisch-015r - A drawing of a man with a beard
Bartisch-059v - A drawing of a man with a beard
Bartisch-218r-col - Public domain portrait drawing

Bartisch-218r-col - Public domain portrait drawing

Ophthalmodouleia, p. 218r Public domain scan of 16th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bartisch-015r-col - Public domain portrait drawing

Bartisch-015r-col - Public domain portrait drawing

Ophthalmodouleia, p. 15r Public domain scan of 16th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bartisch-154r - Public domain portrait engraving
Bartisch-216r - A drawing of a man with a beard
Ophthalmodoulei ; das ist, Augendienst. Newer vnd wolgegründter Bericht von Vrsachen vnd Erkentnüs aller Gebrechen, Schäden vnd Mängel der Augen vnd des Gesichtes, wie man solchen anfenglich mit gebürlichen Mitteln begegenen, vorkommen vnd wehren, auch wie man alle solche Gebresten künstlich durch Artzney, I nstrument vnd Handgrieffe curiren, wircken vnd vertreiben sol ..

Ophthalmodoulei ; das ist, Augendienst. Newer vnd wolgegründter Berich...

Title within ornamental border. L. C. copy imperfect: leaves 205 and 210 wanting; leaves with missing text in MS. inserted. Library of Congress. Lessing J. Rosenwald collection, 718 LAC knj 2019-01-23 update (2 cards)

Bartisch-016r - A black and white drawing of a man's face
Bartisch-063r - A drawing of a man with a beard and glasses

Bartisch-063r - A drawing of a man with a beard and glasses

Ophthalmodouleia, p. 63r Public domain photograph related to German history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bartisch-186v - A drawing of a man with a beard
Bartisch-183v - A drawing of a man with tears on his face
Bartisch-232v - A drawing of a man with a beard
Bartisch-016v - Public domain portrait drawing

Bartisch-016v - Public domain portrait drawing

Ophthalmodouleia, p. 16v Public domain scan of 16th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bartisch-054v - A black and white drawing of a man with a beard

Bartisch-054v - A black and white drawing of a man with a beard

Ophthalmodouleia, p. 54v Public domain image - related to Portuguese history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bartisch-128v - Public domain portrait engraving

Bartisch-128v - Public domain portrait engraving

Ophthalmodouleia, p. 128v Public domain photograph of a portrait, illustration, engraving, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bartisch-149r - A drawing of a bearded man with a pipe in his mouth
Bartisch-151r - A drawing of a man with a beard
Bartisch-218r - A black and white drawing of a man wearing a hat

Bartisch-218r - A black and white drawing of a man wearing a hat

Ophthalmodouleia, p. 218r Public domain photograph of a military activity, war, 16th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bartisch-128r - A black and white drawing of a man with a beard
Bartisch-087v - A black and white drawing of a man wearing a hat
Bartisch-146r - A drawing of a man laying on a bed
Bartisch-013r - A drawing of a man wearing a hat
Bartisch-031r - A drawing of a man with glasses and a beard
Bartisch-070r - Public domain portrait engraving
Bartisch-062r - A drawing of a man and a woman in a kitchen

Bartisch-062r - A drawing of a man and a woman in a kitchen

Ophthalmodouleia, p. 62r Public domain scan German Renaissance print, art, 15th-16th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bartisch-143r - A drawing of a man sitting on a chair

Bartisch-143r - A drawing of a man sitting on a chair

Ophthalmodouleia, p. 143r Public domain image - related to Portuguese history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bartisch-147v - A drawing of a man with a mustache
Bartisch-181v - A drawing of a man with glasses and a beard
Bartisch-221v - A drawing of a bearded man wearing a helmet
Bartisch-04v - A drawing of a man with a beard
Bartisch-101r - A black and white drawing of a man with a beard
Bartisch-200r - A drawing of a man with a beard
Bartisch-058v - A black and white drawing of a man with a beard
Bartisch-144r - A drawing of a man with a tear on his face

Bartisch-144r - A drawing of a man with a tear on his face

Ophthalmodouleia, p. 144r Public domain image - related to Portuguese history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ophthalmodoulei ; das ist, Augendienst. Newer vnd wolgegründter Bericht von Vrsachen vnd Erkentnüs aller Gebrechen, Schäden vnd Mängel der Augen vnd des Gesichtes, wie man solchen anfenglich mit gebürlichen Mitteln begegenen, vorkommen vnd wehren, auch wie man alle solche Gebresten künstlich durch Artzney, I nstrument vnd Handgrieffe curiren, wircken vnd vertreiben sol ..

Ophthalmodoulei ; das ist, Augendienst. Newer vnd wolgegründter Berich...

Title within ornamental border. L. C. copy imperfect: leaves 205 and 210 wanting; leaves with missing text in MS. inserted. Library of Congress. Lessing J. Rosenwald collection, 718 LAC knj 2019-01-23 update (2 cards)

Ophthalmodoulei ; das ist, Augendienst. Newer vnd wolgegründter Bericht von Vrsachen vnd Erkentnüs aller Gebrechen, Schäden vnd Mängel der Augen vnd des Gesichtes, wie man solchen anfenglich mit gebürlichen Mitteln begegenen, vorkommen vnd wehren, auch wie man alle solche Gebresten künstlich durch Artzney, I nstrument vnd Handgrieffe curiren, wircken vnd vertreiben sol ..

Ophthalmodoulei ; das ist, Augendienst. Newer vnd wolgegründter Berich...

Title within ornamental border. L. C. copy imperfect: leaves 205 and 210 wanting; leaves with missing text in MS. inserted. Library of Congress. Lessing J. Rosenwald collection, 718 LAC knj 2019-01-23 update (2 cards)

Bartisch-086v - Public domain portrait engraving
Bartisch-146r-col - Public domain  print

Bartisch-146r-col - Public domain print

Ophthalmodouleia, p. 146r Public domain photograph related to the history of France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ophthalmodoulei ; das ist, Augendienst. Newer vnd wolgegründter Bericht von Vrsachen vnd Erkentnüs aller Gebrechen, Schäden vnd Mängel der Augen vnd des Gesichtes, wie man solchen anfenglich mit gebürlichen Mitteln begegenen, vorkommen vnd wehren, auch wie man alle solche Gebresten künstlich durch Artzney, I nstrument vnd Handgrieffe curiren, wircken vnd vertreiben sol ..

Ophthalmodoulei ; das ist, Augendienst. Newer vnd wolgegründter Berich...

Title within ornamental border. L. C. copy imperfect: leaves 205 and 210 wanting; leaves with missing text in MS. inserted. Library of Congress. Lessing J. Rosenwald collection, 718 LAC knj 2019-01-23 update (2 cards)

Bartisch-026v - A drawing of a woman in a dress

Bartisch-026v - A drawing of a woman in a dress

Ophthalmodouleia, p. 26v Public domain image - related to Portuguese history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bartisch-237r - A drawing of a man with a beard and a hat
Bartisch-168r - Public domain portrait engraving

Bartisch-168r - Public domain portrait engraving

Ophthalmodouleia, p. 168r Public domain photograph of a French engraving, portrait, illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bartisch-073r - A drawing of a bearded man wearing a helmet
Bartisch-046v - A black and white drawing of a man's face
Bartisch-179r - A drawing of a man with a beard
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