Man and child, lantern slide - An old photo of a man holding a child
SFFf-1992078.0005..Description: The girl is probably Anna Øye, later married Nordang (1906-1997). The man holding her is Elling J. Øyehol (born 1841) from Heimste-Holen...Photographer: S. J. Beckett...http://ww... More
Boys fishing, Sweden, National heritage board
Two boys fishing, somewhere in Sweden. In the background a sailing boat. ..Två pojkar som metar, någonstans i Sverige. I bakgrunden en segelbåt. ..Parish (socken): Unknown .Province (landskap): Unknown .Municip... More
Ani-Musa - the Well of Moses in the Sinai desert 8 miles south of Suez
Published as halftone in Harper's Weekly, 1895, p. 304. Similar to lantern slide W7-143. Photographic print made by LC from Jackson's vintage film negative. Photograph taken from Sinai's western coast on the Gu... More
Wickham House [no title], Richmond Virginia
Description: The Valentine Museum, Richmond, Virginia, Staircase, Wickham-Valentine House, Robert Mills, Architect, 1812..Manufacturer: Meriden Gravure Company, Meriden, Conn...Date Postmarked: Not postmarked..... More
[William Pinkney Rodgers, half-length portrait, seated, holding white ...
Photographer unidentified. Hallmark: 40 [asterisk]. Label on back of case: William Pinkney Rodgers, 1821-1893. Gift; Mrs. Alexander Macomb; 1976; (DLC/PP-1976:307). Forms part of: Rodgers Family Papers, 1740-19... More
[Unidentified man and woman, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front...
Photographer unidentified. Case: central floral motif. Transfer; LC Manuscript Division; 1985; (DLC/PP-1985:575). Forms part of: Harvey Washington Wiley Papers, ca. 1854-1944 (Library of Congress). Forms part o... More
[Unidentified man wearing spectacles, half-length portrait, seated, fa...
Photographer unidentified. Hallmark: Rinhart 46. Source unknown. Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress).
[Unidentified man, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right]
Alternative identification: John J. Crittenden or Thomas L. Crittenden. Scratched on back of plate: Crittendon. Purchase; Alice H. Cox and Mary H. Evans; 1954. Forms part of: Brady-Handy collection (Library of ... More
[James Duncan, three-quarters to the right, in military uniform]
Colonel, U.S. Army. Alternative identification: Col. Joseph Duncan, Illinois. Scratched on back of plate: 328; Col. Duncan. Written in pencil on back of plate: Col. James Duncan. Hallmark: 40. Identification fr... More
[John Van Buren, half-length portrait, three-quarters to left]
Democratic congressman from New York, 1841-1843; son of President Martin Van Buren. Scratched on back of plate: 75; 133. Hallmark: [asterisk] Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920. (DLC/PP-1920:46153). Forms part of... More
[R.M.T. Hunter, half-length portrait, three-quarters to the left]
Whig Congressman from Virginia, 1837-1843, 1845-1847; Senator, 1847-1861. Scratched on back of plate: #144; Sen. Hunter, Virginia. Hallmark: 40M. Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920; (DLC/PP-1920:46153). Forms par... More
[Unidentified man, about 45 years of age, half-length portrait, facing...
Scratched on back of plate: 8. Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920; (DLC/PP-1920:46153). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress). Produced by Mathew Brady's studio.
[Unidentified man, about 55 years of age, head-and-shoulders portrait,...
Scratched on back of plate: 89. Hallmark: Rinhart 9. Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920; (DLC/PP-1920:46153). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress). Produced by Mathew Brady's studio.
[Members of the Cresson and Prichett families, with three seated women...
Embossed on velvet lining inside case: W. & F. Langenheim Philadelphia Exchange. Written on seal: Restored by A.R. Phillips, Jr., May 1943. Case: flowers and butterflies. Probably a copy daguerreotype (a latera... More
[Unidentified man, about 75 years of age, half-length portrait, three-...
Scratched on back of plate: 48; 269. Corners trimmed. Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920; (DLC/PP-1920:46153). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress). Produced by Mathew Brady's studio.
[Hickson W. and Mary Elizabeth Field, three-quarter length portrait of...
Photographer unidentified. Case: central floral motif surrounded by scrolls. Accompanying note: Mr. & Mrs. Hickson W. Field of Rome. Gift; Family of William B. Osgood Field; 1997; (DLC/PP-1999:155). Forms part ... More
[Henry L. Abbot, half-length portrait, facing left]
Case: variant of Rinhart 131. Label in case: Henry L. Abbot at Boston Pub. Latin Sch. No electronic surrogate available. Transfer; Manuscript Division (Henry L. Abbot family papers); 2004; (DLC/PP-2004:044). Fo... More
[William Young McAllister, three-quarters length portrait, seated in a...
Case: green leather with flowers and butterflies. Embossed on velvet inside case: Root's Gallery, 140 Chestnut St., Philada. Label attached to case: W.Y. McAllister. Label attached to case: About 1851. Label at... More
[George Lippard, head and shoulders portrait, facing left]
In plain leather case. Label adhered to case: "31." Purchase; Marian S. Carson; 1998; (DLC/PP-1998:151.11). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress). Forms part of: Marian S. Carson collect... More
[Benjamin Perley Poore, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing slightly r...
Photographer unidentified. Case: variant of Rinhart 124. Accompanying note: Ben Perley Poore. Purchase; 1995; (DLC/PP-1995:089). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress).
Ile de Fîleh (Philae) - colonnade, pylône et première cataracte vus du...
General view of columns and capitals on the western colonnade and the first pylon of the temple on the island of Philae, and the first cataract of the Nile, as seen from "point R" (see map, pl. 85 bis). Blind s... More
Débôd (Parembole) - vue générale des ruines / Félix Teynard.
General view of ruins at the Temple of Dābūd. Illus. in: Égypte et Nubie : sites et monuments les plus intéressants pour l'étude de l'art et de l'histoire / Félix Teynard. Paris : Goupil et Cie, [1858], pl. 106... More
Ibrîm (Premnis) - vue générale de la ville et du désert / Félix Teynar...
General view of walled city and valley with the Nile in the distance. Illus. in: Égypte et Nubie : sites et monuments les plus intéressants pour l'étude de l'art et de l'histoire / Félix Teynard. Paris : Goupil... More
Ile de Fîleh (Philae) - colonnades et premier pylône - vue prise du po...
View of colonnades to the right and left in front of the pylons on the island of Philae, as seen from "point T" (see map, pl. 85 bis). Blind stamp on mount: F Teynard. Illus. in: Égypte et Nubie : sites et monu... More
[Samuel Anderson Emery as Robin Roughhead in Fortunes frolics, full-le...
Image is very faint and hard to see, so the portrait is described in the title in some detail. Scratched on face of plate: 33; Emery. Hallmark: [asterisk double paschal lamb] 50. Identification from engraving b... More
Dakkeh (Pselcis) - sculptures d'une des parois intérieures du naos / F...
Detail view of interior wall of the naos of the temple at Ed Dakka showing hieroglyphics and carvings. Illus. in: Égypte et Nubie : sites et monuments les plus intéressants pour l'étude de l'art et de l'histoir... More
[William Cullen Bryant, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing slightly l...
American poet and editor. Hallmark: Rinhart 9. Purchase; Alice H. Cox and Mary H. Evans; 1954. Forms part of: Brady-Handy collection (Library of Congress). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Co... More
Ile de Fîleh (Philae) - colonnade orientale [sic] - ruines vues du poi...
View of the western colonnade on the island of Philae, as seen from "point S" (see map, pl. 85 bis). Blind stamp on mount: F Teynard. Illus. in: Égypte et Nubie : sites et monuments les plus intéressants pour l... More
[San Francisco, 1851, from Rincon Hill]
J141156 U.S. Copyright Office Reproduction of daguerreotypes likely taken prior to April 22, 1851. Date based on the presence of the steamer "C.M. Weber," which was in San Francisco for repairs. Sections missin... More
Dakkeh - village et rives du Nil / Félix Teynard phot.
General view of palm trees and the ruins of a village on the banks of the Nile. Blind stamp on mount: F Teynard. Illus. in: Égypte et Nubie : sites et monuments les plus intéressants pour l'étude de l'art et de... More
Djîzeh (Nécropole de Memphis) - Pyramide de Chéops (Grand Pyramide) / ...
The Great Pyramid of Cheops at Jīzah, Egypt. Illus. in: Égypte et Nubie : sites et monuments les plus intéressants pour l'étude de l'art et de l'histoire / Félix Teynard. Paris : Goupil et Cie, [1858], pl. 9. S... More
Kalabcheh (Talmis) - palmier doum et mimosa / FT [monogram] Félix Teyn...
General view showing doum palm and mimosa. Illus. in: Égypte et Nubie : sites et monuments les plus intéressants pour l'étude de l'art et de l'histoire / Félix Teynard. Paris : Goupil et Cie, [1858], pl. 120. S... More
[John McAllister, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing front ...
Purchase; Marian S. Carson; 1997; (DLC/PP-1997:105). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress). Forms part of: Marian S. Carson collection (Library of Congress)
James C. Strout / Taken by George W. Butler.
Photograph shows portrait of James C. Strout just before entering Bowdoin College; he would later become Assistant Librarian of the Library of Congress. Case: Leather; floral design. Notation in case behind pl... More
[Portrait of a blacksmith in his workshop]
Case: Rinhart 141. Purchase; 2008; (DLC/PP-2008:127). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress).
[Henrietta, wife of Wardale G. McAllister, three-quarters length, seat...
Written on back: Mrs. Wardale G. McAllister, May 18, 1855. Purchase; Marian S. Carson; 1997; (DLC/PP-1997:105). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress). Forms part of: Marian S. Carson col... More
Stephen Putney House [no title], Richmond Virginia
Description: Stephen Putney House, Built 1859, Corner of Eleventh and Marshall Streets, Richmond, Virginia...Manufacturer: Meriden Gravure Company, Meriden, Conn...Date Postmarked: Not postmarked...Rights: This... More
St. Mary's Church and Trailer Chapel Headquarters, 316 East Marshall S...
Description: St. Mary's Church built in 1851 was in charge of the Jesuits until 1860. The Benedictine Fathers labored here from 1860 until 1937 when the Church and rectory became the Headquarters of the Dioces... More
[Mabel Hubbard, half-length portrait of a girl, facing front, seated]
Photographer unidentified. Case: back only, plain leather. Accompanying note: Mabel G. Hubbard. Transfer; Manuscript Division; 1975; (DLC/PP-1975:199). Forms part of: Gilbert H. Grosvenor collection of Photogra... More
Confederate Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, Richmond, Va.
Description: Confederate Soldiers and Sailors' Monument, Richmond, Va. It was unveiled May 30, 1894, at a reunion of Confederate Veterans. This imposing monument is situated in Libby Hill Park, and is one of th... More
Drawing Room, White House of the Confederacy [no title]
Description: Drawing Room, White House of the Confederacy, 1861-1865, Confederate Museum, Richmond, Va...Manufacturer: Cussons, May & Co., Richmond, Va...Date Postmarked: Not postmarked...Rights: This item is i... More
'White House of the Confederacy' (Twelfth and Clay Streets), Richmond,...
Description: Formerly a private residence, it was purchased in 1862 by the City of Richmond for the use of the Confederate Government and was occupied during the war by President Davis and his family. It is no... More
Francis Frith - Antiquities at the island of Biggeh / Frith 1857.
Stone structures on the island of Biggeh. Signed and dated on glass plate. Published in: Upper Egypt and Ethiopia / Francis Frith. London : William Mackenzie, [1862?, pl. 16].
Libby Prison, Richmond, Va. [front of card reads 'The only picture in ...
Date Postmarked: Not postmarked...Rights: This item is in the public domain. Acknowledgement of the Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries as a source is requested...Reference ,207 ( http://dig.library.vcu.... More
[Iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Labrador]
Illus. in album: Photographs of arctic ice / William Bradford, [plate 8] Typewritten text in album lists photographers as J.L. Dunmore and G.P. Critcherson, but William H. Pierce, from the firm of J.W. Black, ... More
[Bird Rock in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Labrador]
Title devised by Library staff (Source: The Labrador Coast by Alpheus Spring Packard). Illus. in album: Photographs of arctic ice / William Bradford, [plate 34] Typewritten text in album lists photographers as ... More
The pulpit, Fort Fisher, N.C. / negative by T.H. O'Sullivan, positive ...
Photograph showing a group of military personnel at the barricade inside Fort Fisher, North Carolina, near the mouth of the Cape Fear River. Illus. in: Gardner's photographic sketch book of the war / Alexander... More
Interior View, Planters National Bank, Richmond, Va.
Description: The Planters National Bank opened for business in 1865. Its history since that time has made its name synonymous with safety and strength. The Planters Bank has the largest surplus and profits of... More
Moore's Lake - head of Bear River, Uintah Mountains (Andrew J. Russel)
Photograph shows aerial view of Moore's Lake at the head of the Bear River in the Uinta Mountains in Utah. Illus. in: Sun pictures of Rocky Mountain scenery, with a description of the geographical and geologic... More
Church Buttes - near Fort Bridger, Wyoming Territory (Andrew J. Russel...
Photograph shows a prominent rock formation rising above the surrounding landscape near Fort Bridger, Wyoming. Illus. in: Sun pictures of Rocky Mountain scenery, with a description of the geographical and geol... More
Lake at the head of Bear River - Uintah Mountains (Andrew J. Russel)
Photograph shows Moore's Lake and nearby forest in the Uinta Mountains, Utah. Illus. in: Sun pictures of Rocky Mountain scenery, with a description of the geographical and geological features, and some account... More
Serrated rocks or Devil's Slide (near view) - Weber Cañon, Utah
Photograph shows serrated rock formations at Devils Slide, Weber Canyon, Utah. Illus. in: Sun pictures of Rocky Mountain scenery, with a description of the geographical and geological features, and some accoun... More
White blood corpuscles, exhibiting amoeboid movements in the external ...
Illus. in: Report to the surgeon general, of the United States Army, on certain points connected with the histology of minute blood vessels / Brevet Lieutenant Colonel J.J. Woodward, Assistant Surgeon, U.S. Arm... More
Alice Barber Stephens - [Woman sitting on couch looking at picture]
"Paris" after artist's signature. Title devised by cataloger. No publication information. (DLC/PP-1933:0012). Forms part of: Cabinet of American illustration (Library of Congress).
[Studio portrait of models wearing traditional clothing from the provi...
(1): Christian artisan of Belka; (2): wife of an artisan of Belka; and (3) Muslim peasant woman of the environs of Belka. French caption from book: Syrie: Figure 1: Artisan Chrétien de Belka; Figure 2: Femme d... More
[Studio portrait of models wearing traditional clothing from the provi...
(1) Muslim of Skodra (Shkodër); and (2) Married Muslim woman of Skodra (Shkodër). French caption: Skodra: Figure 1: Musulman de Skodra; Figure 2: Dame Musulmane de Skodra. Caption also in Ottoman Turkish. Part... More
[Studio portrait of models wearing traditional clothing from the provi...
(1): Christian mountain dweller of Zahlè (Zaḥlah) (2): Christian mountain dweller of Zgarta (Zgharta) and (3) Druze of Liban (Lebanon). French caption from book: Syrie: Figure 1: Montagnard Chrétien de Zahlè (... More
[Woman with hand out and baby on ground]
Title devised by cataloger. No publication information. (DLC/PP-1932:0068). Forms part of: Cabinet of American illustration (Library of Congress).
Agricultural Hall, International Exhibition, 1876--Fairmont Park, Phil...
Illus. in: Album of the International exhibition at Philadelphia to commemorate the centennial of the United States of America. New York : J. Bien, 1875, plate 12. Copyright by Schwarzmann & Pohl.
[Old woman in apron and shawl] - Drawing. Public domain image.
Title devised by cataloger. No publication information. (DLC/PP-1932:0068). Forms part of: Cabinet of American illustration (Library of Congress).
[Samurai warrior, half-length studio portrait, facing front, wearing a...
No. 654. Illus. in: Views & costumes of Japan by Stillfried & Andersen. Yokohama : Stillfried & Andersen, [ca. 1877, p. 2] In 1877 Stillfried & Andersen purchased Felice Beato's stock of photographs, some may ... More
Horses. Pacing. Book illustration from Library of Congress
Photograph shows twenty consecutive images of a man driving a sulkey pulled by "'Nimrod," a horse. Illus. in: The attitudes of animals in motion : a series of photographs illustrating the consecutive positions... More
Horses. Trotting. Book illustration from Library of Congress
Photograph shows twelve consecutive images of a man driving a sulkey pulled by a horse named "Edgington". Illus. in: The attitudes of animals in motion : a series of photographs illustrating the consecutive po... More
Horses. Leaping a 3 ft. 6 hurdle
Photograph shows twenty-four consecutive images of a man riding a horse named "Frankie", jumping over a hurdle. Illus. in: The attitudes of animals in motion : a series of photographs illustrating the consecut... More
Horses. Trotting. Book illustration from Library of Congress
Photograph shows twelve consecutive images of a man riding a horse named "Clyde." Illus. in: The attitudes of animals in motion : a series of photographs illustrating the consecutive positions assumed by anima... More
Horses. Leaping a 3 ft. 6 hurdle
Photograph shows twenty consecutive images of a man riding a horse named "Frankie", jumping over a hurdle. Illus. in: The attitudes of animals in motion : a series of photographs illustrating the consecutive p... More
Horses. Cantering. Book illustration from Library of Congress
Photograph shows two series of five consecutive images of a man riding a horse named Mahomet, cantering. Illus. in: The attitudes of animals in motion : a series of photographs illustrating the consecutive pos... More
Greyhound, running. Book illustration from Library of Congress
Photograph shows nine consecutive images of a greyhound running. Illus. in: The attitudes of animals in motion : a series of photographs illustrating the consecutive positions assumed by animals in performing ... More
Athletes. Irregular. Book illustration from Library of Congress
Photograph shows nine consecutive images of a man doing acrobatics. Illus. in: The attitudes of animals in motion : a series of photographs illustrating the consecutive positions assumed by animals in performi... More
Horses. Trotting. Book illustration from Library of Congress
Photograph shows twenty-four consecutive images of a man driving a sulkey pulled by a horse named "Occident". Illus. in: The attitudes of animals in motion : a series of photographs illustrating the consecutiv... More
[The St. Louis bridge.] The erection -- the ribs completed and the roa...
Photograph shows view of the St. Louis Bridge under construction, spanning the Mississippi River. Illus. in: A history of the St. Louis bridge; containing a full account of every step in its construction and e... More
Horses. Running. Book illustration from Library of Congress
Photograph shows twenty consecutive images of a man riding a horse named "Mohamet". Illus. in: The attitudes of animals in motion : a series of photographs illustrating the consecutive positions assumed by ani... More
Light-house on Stannard's Rock, Lake Superior
Illus. in: Annual Report of the U.S. Light-House Board, 1882, frontispiece. On print, lower right: Phototype, F. Gutekunst, Philada. Above print: U.S. Light-House Establishment, 1882.
Puck magazine cover - Spoiling their slide / F. Opper.
Illustration shows Benjamin F. Butler spreading ashes labeled "Censure, Exposure, Desire for Reform, [and] Criticism" on a slide in the snow labeled "Slide of Public Mismanagement" to the dismay of a group of c... More
Animal locomotion--Baboon climbing a pole
Electro-photographic investigation showing a baboon climbing a pole. From: Animal locomotion / Eadweard Muybridge. Philadelphia : Photogravure Company of New York, 1887, pl. 749.
Animal locomotion. Book illustration from Library of Congress
Twenty-four consecutive images of man jumping over pole(?). 9192 U.S. Copyright Office. Copyright by Eadweard Muybridge. From: Animal locomotion / Eadweard Muybridge. Philadelphia : Photogravure Company of New ... More
Animal locomotion. Book illustration from Library of Congress
Electro-photographic investigation showing a series of consecutive images of a woman skipping rope. 9214S U.S. Copyright Office. From: Animal locomotion / Eadweard Muybridge. Philadelphia : Photogravure Company... More
[Five knights' helmets, unhappy to happy]
Title devised by cataloger. (DLC/PP-1936:0089). Forms part of: Cabinet of American illustration (Library of Congress). Published as tailpiece in: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court / Samuel Clemens. N... More
Lake in Reservoir Park, Richmond, Va.
Date Postmarked: Not postmarked...Rights: This item is in the public domain. Acknowledgement of the Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries as a source is requested...Reference ,237 ( http://dig.library.vcu.... More
Washington's Old Headquarters, Richmond, Va., Postcard by Hugh C. Leig...
Description: No published or copyright date listed on postcard...Manufacturer: Hugh C. Leighton Co., Manufacturers, Portland, ME...Date Postmarked: Not postmarked...Rights: This item is in the public domain. Ac... More
Central National Bank Building, 3rd and Broad Sts., Richmond, Va.
Description: This magnificent building is Richmond's tallest skyscraper, towering 21 stories above the heart of Richmond's retail shopping district, providing the home of one of the most progressive b... More
Church of the Holy Trinity, Opposite Monroe Park, Richmond, Va.
Description: No published or copyright date listed on postcard...Date Postmarked: Not postmarked...Rights: This item is in the public domain. Acknowledgement of the Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries as... More
Anice Terhune, three quarter length portrait
Postcard showing Anice Terhune, three-quarter length portrait, standing, facing slightly right.
Valentine's Studio, (No. 809 E. Leigh St.), Richmond, Va.
Description: Edward V. Valentine, the celebrated sculptor, of whom Virginia is so justly proud, is here shown in his studio, surrounded by models, casts, art works, etc. The bust in the foreground is a study o... More
[Hawk on perch] - Drawing. Public domain image.
Title devised by cataloger. No publication information. (DLC/PP-1938:0056, DLC/PP-1938:0066, DLC/PP-1938:0071, or DLC/PP-1938:0079). Forms part of: Cabinet of American illustration (Library of Congress).
Entrance to Lakeside Park, Richmond, Va.
Description: Lakeside Park, located five miles north of the city, is a recent development in Richmond. It was laid out and beautified by Major Lewis Ginter, and besides the usual attractions, has several club ... More
Pickford Hall, Virginia Union University, Richmond, Va.
Description: No published or copyright date listed on postcard...Date Postmarked: Not postmarked...Rights: This item is in the public domain. Acknowledgement of the Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries as... More
[Girl seated in arm chair and man standing with walking cane in crowde...
Title devised by cataloger. No publication information. (DLC/PP-1938:0086). Forms part of: Cabinet of American illustration (Library of Congress).
Monroe Terrace Apartments, (Corner Franklin and Laurel Streets.) Richm...
Description: The largest and handsomest apartment house in the South. Located in the center of the most desirable residential section of the city; overlooking beautiful Monroe Park, from which it takes its nam... More
James River at Richmond, Va. postcard
Description: No published or copyright date listed on postcard...Manufacturer: Tuck & Sons'..Date Postmarked: Not postmarked...Rights: This item is in the public domain. Acknowledgement of the Virginia Commonwe... More
Monumental Club, Richmond, Va. postcard
Description: No published or copyright date listed on postcard...Date Postmarked: Not postmarked...Rights: This item is in the public domain. Acknowledgement of the Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries as... More
Little Sisters of the Poor, Richmond, Va.
Description: No published or copyright date listed on postcard...Manufacturer: Louis Kaufmann & Sons, Baltimore, MD...Date Postmarked: Not postmarked...Rights: This item is in the public domain. Acknowledgement... More
Murphy's Hotel, Richmond, Va. postcard
Description: No published or copyright date listed on postcard...Manufacturer: A. C. Bosselman & Co., New York..Date Postmarked: Not postmarked...Rights: This item is in the public domain. Acknowledgement of th... More
Masonic Home of Virginia, Richmond, Va.
Description: The home was dedicated and opened on St. John the Baptist's Day, June 24, 1890 and is located on the Nine Mile Road...Manufacturer: Curt Teich & Co., Inc...Date Postmarked: Not postmarked...Rights:... More
Old Bell Tower, Richmond, Va. postcard
Manufacturer: Tuck & Sons'..Date Postmarked: Not postmarked...Rights: This item is in the public domain. Acknowledgement of the Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries as a source is requested...Reference ,4... More
Main Street, Richmond, Va. postcard
Manufacturer: A. C. Bosselman & Co., New York..Date Postmarked: Not postmarked...Rights: This item is in the public domain. Acknowledgement of the Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries as a source is reque... More
Broad Street, Richmond, Va. postcard
Description: Broad Street is true to its name, being nearly twice as wide as any other street in Richmond. It extends in a straight line the full length of the City, and is equally broad at all points. At nig... More
Three Trunk Lines, Richmond, Va.
Date Postmarked: Not postmarked...Rights: This item is in the public domain. Acknowledgement of the Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries as a source is requested...Reference ,179 ( http://dig.library.vcu.... More
[Boy studying at a desk with lamp, bust, and other things]
Title devised by cataloger. No publication information. (DLC/PP-1939:0060). Forms part of: Cabinet of American illustration (Library of Congress).
Bathing Scene, Byrd Park, Richmond, Va.
Manufacturer: Louis Kaufmann & Sons, Baltimore, MD...Date Postmarked: Not postmarked...Rights: This item is in the public domain. Acknowledgement of the Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries as a source is... More