The World's Largest Public Domain Media Search Engine


8,398 media by topicpage 1 of 84
Stirrup Spout Bottle with Nude Man and Bird

Stirrup Spout Bottle with Nude Man and Bird

Public domain photo of 3d object, pottery, ceramics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Nude female figure, Levant - Public domain dedication. Metropolitan Museum of Art image.

Nude female figure, Levant - Public domain dedication. Metropolitan Mu...

Levant Middle Bronze Age Public domain photograph of archaeological object, bronze age, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Alessandro Tiarini - Seated Male Nude Facing Right

Alessandro Tiarini - Seated Male Nude Facing Right

Alessandro Tiarini (Italian, Bologna 1577–1668 Bologna) Public domain photograph of erotic art, sexuality, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Studies van een zittende naakte man en twee vrouwen, ten halven lijve

Studies van een zittende naakte man en twee vrouwen, ten halven lijve

Public domain photo of Netherlands sculpture, 16th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Beheading of a Kneeling Nude Man

Beheading of a Kneeling Nude Man

Romulo Cincinnato (Italian, Florence ca. 1540–1597/98 Madrid) Public domain photograph of erotic art, sexuality, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

A River God (recto); Sketches for the Vestibule of the Laurenziana, Florence (verso)

A River God (recto); Sketches for the Vestibule of the Laurenziana, Fl...

Public domain image of drawing or print depicting the male nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Study of the Head and Left Shoulder of a Woman

Study of the Head and Left Shoulder of a Woman

This splendid drawing demonstrates Raphael’s flair for delineating a figure with just a few lines. He worked out the shadows on her arm and shoulder blade with fine hatching. This is a study for one of the prom... More

Nude Male Figure Seated on the Ground

Nude Male Figure Seated on the Ground

Public domain photo of Italian sculpture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Lucas Cranach the Younger - Nymph of the Spring

Lucas Cranach the Younger - Nymph of the Spring

Public domain reproduction of artwork, 16th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Staand mannelijk naakt met opgeheven wijzende rechterarm, op de rug gezien

Staand mannelijk naakt met opgeheven wijzende rechterarm, op de rug ge...

Public domain image of drawing or print depicting the male nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Venus, Amor en een naakte figuur

Venus, Amor en een naakte figuur

Public domain image of Dutch print, mythology, allegory, nudity, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Studie van een naakte peuter  en vrouw van beeldhouwer/schilder Jacques de Lalaing, voorstudie voor Heilige Maagd met het kind, gips

Studie van een naakte peuter en vrouw van beeldhouwer/schilder Jacque...

Picryl description: Public domain image of an artwork, female nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Naakte Adamieten worden op straat gevangen genomen te Amsterdam

Naakte Adamieten worden op straat gevangen genomen te Amsterdam

Picryl description: Public domain image of erotic art, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Portrait medal of Jacopo Antonio Sorra (obverse); A Nude Male Figure Shooting Arrows (reverse)

Portrait medal of Jacopo Antonio Sorra (obverse); A Nude Male Figure S...

A bronze medal of the great seal of the great seal of the great seal of the great seal of the great seal of the great seal of the great seal of the great seal of the great, Italy, free to use, no copyright rest... More

Voorzijde van hanger met naakte godheid met schild, staand op een bol

Voorzijde van hanger met naakte godheid met schild, staand op een bol

Public domain photograph of 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl Description.

Staand mannelijk naakt met stok

Staand mannelijk naakt met stok

Public domain image of drawing or print depicting the male nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Zittend mannelijk naakt met staf en opgetrokken linkerbeen

Zittend mannelijk naakt met staf en opgetrokken linkerbeen

Public domain image of drawing or print depicting the male nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Studieblad met naakt - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication

Studieblad met naakt - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication

Public domain image of Dutch print, mythology, allegory, nudity, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Twee douillettes en een naakte, rennende vrouw in een groene omgeving

Twee douillettes en een naakte, rennende vrouw in een groene omgeving

Public domain scan of portrait art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bruidsjapon op een standaard geplaats aan een balustrade,  lins gezeten aan de balustrade een naakte man, rechts een naakte vrouw

Bruidsjapon op een standaard geplaats aan een balustrade, lins gezete...

Public domain scan of portrait art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Studie van een naakte man (Hercules?) en twee hoofden van vrouwen

Studie van een naakte man (Hercules?) en twee hoofden van vrouwen

Public domain image of drawing or print depicting the male nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Schede met bovenaan een naakt vorstenpaar

Schede met bovenaan een naakt vorstenpaar

Public domain reproduction of art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bord, beschilderd met naakte figuur op dolfijn.

Bord, beschilderd met naakte figuur op dolfijn.

Public domain photo of a 3d object, Europe, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Stoet bestaande uit een ruiter verkleed als hert, jagers en een bad met musicerende naakte vrouwen

Stoet bestaande uit een ruiter verkleed als hert, jagers en een bad me...

Public domain reproduction of art print, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Jacopo Tintoretto - Reclining Female Nude

Jacopo Tintoretto - Reclining Female Nude

Domenico Tintoretto (Italian, Venice 1560–1635 Venice) Public domain photograph of renaissance portrait painting, 16th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Jacopo Tintoretto - Reclining Female Nude

Jacopo Tintoretto - Reclining Female Nude

Domenico Tintoretto (Italian, Venice 1560–1635 Venice) Public domain photograph of renaissance portrait painting, 16th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Nude Figure (Saint Sebastian?), anonymous Roman-Bolognese

Nude Figure (Saint Sebastian?), anonymous Roman-Bolognese

Anonymous, Italian, Roman-Bolognese, 17th century Public domain photograph of erotic art, sexuality, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Seated Crowned Male Figure Holding a Book or Scroll (recto); Seated Nude Boy (verso)

Seated Crowned Male Figure Holding a Book or Scroll (recto); Seated Nu...

Bernardino Poccetti (Italian, San Marino di Valdelsa 1548–1612 Florence) Public domain photograph of erotic art, sexuality, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Figure Studies: Men Standing by a Large Vase, a Falling Nude Figure, and Other Figures

Figure Studies: Men Standing by a Large Vase, a Falling Nude Figure, a...

Public domain image of figurative art, Europe, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Carlo Maratti - Nude Male Figure

Carlo Maratti - Nude Male Figure

Public domain image of figurative art, Europe, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Model Study of a Seated Nude Man with a Cloak over his Head

Model Study of a Seated Nude Man with a Cloak over his Head

It was not until painting academies were established in the 17th century that drawing after nude male models became an integral part of artistic training. In this sheet Sacchi carefully studied the working of m... More

Portret quasi-naakte danseres op programma voor concert; reclame voor Comptoir Photographique de l'Ouest te Le Mans

Portret quasi-naakte danseres op programma voor concert; reclame voor ...

Picryl description: Public domain erotic or nude photograph, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Portret van een vrouwelijk naakt met in de spiegel de fotograferende Breitner

Portret van een vrouwelijk naakt met in de spiegel de fotograferende B...

Picryl description: Public domain image of erotic art, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Staand mannelijk naakt - Public domain portrait drawing

Staand mannelijk naakt - Public domain portrait drawing

Public domain image of drawing or print depicting the male nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Design for a Vase with a Cross-section of its Neck (recto); Design for a Vase with studies of a Muscular Nude Male Figure and figures for a Baptism (verso)

Design for a Vase with a Cross-section of its Neck (recto); Design for...

Public domain image of figurative art, Europe, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Sheet of Studies: Three Women and a Hand (recto); Sketches of Male Nudes, Heads and Hand (verso)

Sheet of Studies: Three Women and a Hand (recto); Sketches of Male Nud...

Public domain image of drawing or print depicting the male nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Naakt liefdespaar betrapt door vrouwen

Naakt liefdespaar betrapt door vrouwen

Picryl description: Public domain image of erotic art, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Naakte vrouw zittend op bed met bloemen

Naakte vrouw zittend op bed met bloemen

Public domain photo of portrait art print, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Erotic Art: Environment '70's - Posters Yanker Poster Collection

Erotic Art: Environment '70's - Posters Yanker Poster Collection

Gift; Gary Yanker; 1975-1983. Published in: Prop art / Gary Yanker. New York : Darien House, 1972.

Zeegezicht met naakte figuren bij een roeiboot

Zeegezicht met naakte figuren bij een roeiboot

Public domain image of Dutch print, maritime landscape, ship, sea, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Seated Nude Male Figure (recto); Seated Figure (verso)

Seated Nude Male Figure (recto); Seated Figure (verso)

Benedetto Luti (Italian, Florence 1666–1724 Rome) Public domain photograph of erotic art, sexuality, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Etienne Jeaurat - Kneeling Nude Youth with Raised Clasped Hands

Etienne Jeaurat - Kneeling Nude Youth with Raised Clasped Hands

Étienne Jeaurat (French, Vermenton 1699–1789 Versailles) Public domain photograph of erotic art, sexuality, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Penning met naakte gevleugelde vrouw en twee cupido's en symbolen van liefde

Penning met naakte gevleugelde vrouw en twee cupido's en symbolen van ...

Public domain scan of portrait art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Hoveling en naakte personen - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication

Hoveling en naakte personen - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication

Picryl description: Public domain image of erotic art, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Study for the Prophet Jeremiah (recto); Studies of a Horse Seen from Below and of a Man Seated on a Chair, Probably a Self-Portrait and an Off-Print in Brown Ink of a Nude Female Abdomen and Legs (verso)

Study for the Prophet Jeremiah (recto); Studies of a Horse Seen from B...

Public domain image of drawing or print depicting the male nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Antique Roman Sculpture with Nude Winged Boy at the Center and Leaves and Vines

Antique Roman Sculpture with Nude Winged Boy at the Center and Leaves ...

Picryl description: Public domain photo of Roman sculpture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Franz Xaver Messerschmidt - Seated Male Nude Holding a Staff

Franz Xaver Messerschmidt - Seated Male Nude Holding a Staff

Franz Xaver Messerschmidt (German, Weisensteig 1736–1783 Pressburg) Public domain photograph of erotic art, sexuality, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Seated Male Nude Facing Right - Drawing. Public domain image.

Seated Male Nude Facing Right - Drawing. Public domain image.

Nicolas Bernard Lépicié (French, Paris 1735–1784 Paris) Public domain photograph of erotic art, sexuality, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Giovanni Battista Cipriani - Wood-Nymphs (The Discovery), Thomas Rowlandson

Giovanni Battista Cipriani - Wood-Nymphs (The Discovery), Thomas Rowla...

Picryl description: Public domain image of an artwork, female nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions. Thomas Rowlandson - English caricaturist of the 18th and early 19th centuries Britain, known f... More

Staand mannelijk naakt, op de rug gezien

Staand mannelijk naakt, op de rug gezien

Picryl description: Public domain image of an armed man, military forces, weapon, fight,18th-19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Liggend mannelijk naakt, met arm achter het hoofd

Liggend mannelijk naakt, met arm achter het hoofd

Public domain image of drawing or print depicting the male nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Liggend mannelijk naakt, de rechterarm opgeheven

Liggend mannelijk naakt, de rechterarm opgeheven

Public domain image of drawing or print depicting the male nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Badende vrouw - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication

Badende vrouw - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication

Picryl description: Public domain image of an artwork, female nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Antonio Canova - Nude Study, 18th century

Antonio Canova - Nude Study, 18th century

Public domain image of drawing or print depicting the male nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Vloer lantaarn in de vorm van een naakte dame, zij houdt op haar hoofd een kelk vast.

Vloer lantaarn in de vorm van een naakte dame, zij houdt op haar hoofd...

Picryl description: Public domain image of erotic art, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Milton a Poem, To Justify the Ways of God to Men

Milton a Poem, To Justify the Ways of God to Men

Public domain illustrated book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Standing Academic Male Nude (recto); Sketch of Upper Arm (verso)

Standing Academic Male Nude (recto); Sketch of Upper Arm (verso)

Public domain image of drawing or print depicting the male nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Henri Fantin Latour - Feuille d'études

Henri Fantin Latour - Feuille d'études

A study sheet, including six more or less completed sketches of nude women. The one on the right, separated from the others by a line, represents a woman tied to a tree - below, the inscription - Andromeda. The... More

Nude Figure, 19th century - Drawing. Public domain image.

Nude Figure, 19th century - Drawing. Public domain image.

Public domain image of figurative art, Europe, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Study of a Nude Young Girl - Public domain scenic drawing

Study of a Nude Young Girl - Public domain scenic drawing

Picryl description: Public domain image of an artwork, female nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Auguste Rodin - Nude female figure standing with clasped hands

Auguste Rodin - Nude female figure standing with clasped hands

Auguste Rodin (French, Paris 1840–1917 Meudon) Public domain photograph of erotic art, sexuality, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vrouwelijk naakt - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication

Vrouwelijk naakt - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication

Picryl description: Public domain erotic or nude photograph, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

[Incunabula illustrations, 1505]. Book illustration from Library of Congress

[Incunabula illustrations, 1505]. Book illustration from Library of Co...

Diptych of Adam & Eve with snake and priest celebrating Mass separated by Jesus on Cross. Illus. in: Ulrich Pender, Der Beschlossen Gart des Rosenkrantz Marie (Nuremburg, 1505) p. ccxxix - verso, v. 2. Ref. cop... More

Seated Academic Nude - Drawing. Public domain image.

Seated Academic Nude - Drawing. Public domain image.

Picryl description: Public domain image of erotic art, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

[Stereoscopic Case, Partially Nude Strongman Holding Indian Clubs]

[Stereoscopic Case, Partially Nude Strongman Holding Indian Clubs]

Picryl description: Public domain erotic or nude photograph, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Henri Fantin Latour - Study of nude figures

Henri Fantin Latour - Study of nude figures

Picryl description: Public domain image of erotic art, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Edgar Degas - Male Nude, 19th century

Edgar Degas - Male Nude, 19th century

Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

[Female Nude in Harem Costume Reclining]

[Female Nude in Harem Costume Reclining]

Picryl description: Public domain erotic or nude photograph, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Studie van een mannelijk naaktmodel, staand en leunend tegen een schildersezel, in het atelier van beeldhouwer/schilder Jacques de Lalaing

Studie van een mannelijk naaktmodel, staand en leunend tegen een schil...

Public domain image of drawing or print depicting the male nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Studie van een vrouwelijk naaktmodel, op de rug gezien en draaiend om een paal, in het atelier van beeldhouwer/schilder Jacques de Lalaing, voorstudie voor fontein met bananenboom (?)

Studie van een vrouwelijk naaktmodel, op de rug gezien en draaiend om ...

Picryl description: Public domain erotic or nude photograph, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Studie van een vrouwelijk model in draperie, op de rug gezien met presentatiekussen met object, in het atelier van beeldhouwer/schilder Jacques de Lalaing

Studie van een vrouwelijk model in draperie, op de rug gezien met pres...

Picryl description: Public domain erotic or nude photograph, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Studie van een mannelijk naaktmodel, zittend op een piedestal met zijn arm rustend op de knie en op de rug gezien, in het atelier van beeldhouwer/schilder Jacques de Lalaing, op de achtergrond schilderij van twee vrouwen

Studie van een mannelijk naaktmodel, zittend op een piedestal met zijn...

Picryl description: Public domain erotic or nude photograph, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

[Female Nude from the Back] - Early photography, Public domain image

[Female Nude from the Back] - Early photography, Public domain image

Unknown (French) Public domain photograph of 19th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Studie van een mannelijk naaktmodel, gehurkt met een boog in de hand, in het atelier van beeldhouwer/schilder Jacques de Lalaing

Studie van een mannelijk naaktmodel, gehurkt met een boog in de hand, ...

Picryl description: Public domain erotic or nude photograph, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Studie van een mannelijk naaktmodel, zittend in stoel voor monumentaal schilderij met paard, in het atelier van beeldhouwer/schilder Jacques de Lalaing

Studie van een mannelijk naaktmodel, zittend in stoel voor monumentaal...

Public domain image of drawing or print depicting the male nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Auguste Rodin - Standing Female Nude

Auguste Rodin - Standing Female Nude

Odilon Roche (French, 1868–1947) Public domain photograph of erotic art, sexuality, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

[Frontal view of nude man with face covered]

[Frontal view of nude man with face covered]

Public domain image of drawing or print depicting the male nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Naakte vrouw, zittend op de rand van het bed - Willem Witsen

Naakte vrouw, zittend op de rand van het bed - Willem Witsen

Picryl description: Public domain image of an artwork, female nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions. Willem Witsen - Dutch painter, photographer, and writer, a member of the Amsterdamse Joffers, ... More

Study of a Nude - Drawing. Public domain image.

Study of a Nude - Drawing. Public domain image.

Charles-Albert Despiau (French, Mont-de-Marsan 1874–1946 Paris) Public domain photograph of erotic art, sexuality, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Isaac Israels - Reclining Female Nude

Isaac Israels - Reclining Female Nude

Met opgericht bovenlijf. Blad 26 verso uit schetsboek IV met 27 bladen.

Naakte vrouw en een geharnaste ridder

Naakte vrouw en een geharnaste ridder

Public domain scan of portrait art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Drawing for "Standing Nude" - Drawing. Public domain image.

Drawing for "Standing Nude" - Drawing. Public domain image.

Picryl description: Public domain image of erotic art, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Animal Locomotion.  An Electro-Photographic Investigation of Consecutive Phases of Animal Movements.  Commenced 1872 - Completed 1885.  Volume I, Men (Nude)

Animal Locomotion. An Electro-Photographic Investigation of Consecuti...

Eadweard Muybridge (American, born Britain, 1830–1904)

Study of a Standing Male Nude - Drawing. Public domain image.

Study of a Standing Male Nude - Drawing. Public domain image.

Frederick William MacMonnies (American, New York 1863–1937 New York) Public domain photograph of erotic art, sexuality, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Animal locomotion. Book illustration from Library of Congress

Animal locomotion. Book illustration from Library of Congress

Electro-photographic investigation showing a series of consecutive images of a man walking.

Study from the Nude, Figure Reclining

Study from the Nude, Figure Reclining

Théodore Roussel (French, Lorient, Brittany 1847–1926 St. Leonards-on-Sea, Sussex)

Wilhelm von Gloeden - [Two nude youths]

Wilhelm von Gloeden - [Two nude youths]

Picryl description: Public domain erotic or nude photograph, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Wilhelm von Gloeden - [Seated nude]

Wilhelm von Gloeden - [Seated nude]

Picryl description: Public domain erotic or nude photograph, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Edgar Degas - Nude Woman Standing, Drying Herself

Edgar Degas - Nude Woman Standing, Drying Herself

Edgar Degas (French, Paris 1834–1917 Paris) Public domain photograph of erotic art, sexuality, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Edgar Degas - Nude Woman Standing, Drying Herself

Edgar Degas - Nude Woman Standing, Drying Herself

Picryl description: Public domain image of an artwork, female nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

[Eugen Sandow, half-length portrait, standing facing right, wearing fig leaf, looking upward]

[Eugen Sandow, half-length portrait, standing facing right, wearing fi...

No. 3. Copyright by Napoleon Sarony. Public domain photograph of bodybuilder athlete, athletics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

John William Casilear - Nude Figure (from Sketchbook)

John William Casilear - Nude Figure (from Sketchbook)

John William Casilear (American, New York 1811–1893 Saratoga Springs, New York)

Zoology - Public domain scenic drawing

Zoology - Public domain scenic drawing

Study drawing shows the nude allegorical figure of "Zoology," seen from behind, for the painting, The sciences, in the south end lunette of the Southwest Gallery in the Library of Congress' Jefferson Building.

Study for statuette held by figure of Sculpture

Study for statuette held by figure of Sculpture

Study drawing shows the nude statuette held by the allegorical figure of "Sculpture" in the painting, The arts, in the north end lunette of the Southwest Gallery in the Library of Congress' Jefferson Building. ... More

Nude study for figure of Music - Public domain portrait drawing

Nude study for figure of Music - Public domain portrait drawing

Study drawing shows the nude allegorical figure of Music holding a violin against her chin, for the painting, The arts, in the north end lunette of the Southwest Gallery in the Library of Congress' Jefferson Bu... More

F. Holland Day - [Nude youth with laurel wreath, face and shoulder]

F. Holland Day - [Nude youth with laurel wreath, face and shoulder]

Mounts are layered top to bottom: cream, black, green-gray. Image content features: MODEL Nicholas Giancola; PROPS laurel wreaths; PEOPLE boys. Title and other data comes from a curatorial worksheet compiled at... More

Weeper: Study of a Nude Woman, Seated with Profile to Right

Weeper: Study of a Nude Woman, Seated with Profile to Right

Picryl description: Public domain image of an artwork, female nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Portret van twee naakte jongens op een tuinpad

Portret van twee naakte jongens op een tuinpad

Public domain reproduction of portrait print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

[The Bird song] - Drawing. Public domain image.

[The Bird song] - Drawing. Public domain image.

Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

A sad predicament, Keystone View Co stereoscopic card

A sad predicament, Keystone View Co stereoscopic card

Nude man in waist deep water peers through rushes at group of people on land. D19079 U.S. Copyright Office. Copyright by B.L. Singley. No. 689. Title translations in various languages on verso.


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