Gezicht op de stad Parijs gezien vanaf de Quai de Miramion
In het midden de Pont Rouge over de rivier de Seine en links de kathedraal Notre-Dame. Op de achtergrond het Stadhuis, de kerk Saint-Jean-en-Grève en de kerk Saint-Gervais-Saint-Protais. In de ondermarge een re... More
Gezicht op de stad Parijs gezien vanaf de Quai de Miramion
In het midden de Pont Rouge over de rivier de Seine en links de kathedraal Notre-Dame. Op de achtergrond het Stadhuis, de kerk Saint-Jean-en-Grève en de kerk Saint-Gervais-Saint-Protais.
Autre Vue Particulière de Paris depuis Nôtre Dame, Jusques au Pont de ...
Public domain photo of French landscape, historic place, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Perspective view of the Illuminations on the Pont Notre Dame, in celeb...
Public domain image of a historic building, 16th-17th century architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Consécration de l'autel de Notre-Dame, 1699
Relief, droit et revers. Inscription - Au droit circulaire : "LUDOVICUS. MAGNUS. REX. CHRISTIANISSMUS." ; au revers circulaire : "VOTUM A PATRE NUNCUPATUM SOLVIT." ; au revers à l'exergue : "A RAM POSUIT. / M... More
Huit monuments du centre de Paris (fontaine Molière, place de la Conco...
Planches d’ensemble, monuments, médaillons, boutons (Serie's title) Dessin fixé sur le même montage que CARD17696 Lugt 2012c
Notre Dame de Délivrance - priez pour nous -
Ex-voto à la Vierge en reconnaissance de sa protection contre la persécution en 1793 de deux prêtres. Révolution française. (Artificial title), Généralités et Allégories de 1793. (Serie's title) Inscription con... More
Louis David : Salbung Napoleons I und Krönungder Kaiserin Josephine in...
Décembre 1804 : Du sacre de Napoléon à la révolte de Saint-Domingue. (Serie's title) Oeuvre fixée sur un montage.
Celestin Nanteuil - Notre-Dame de Paris
Public domain photograph of decorated panel, decor, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gezin kijkt naar de maan boven de Notre-Dame
Public domain reproduction of Honore Daumier artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Honoré Daumier - French artist, caricaturist, and sculptor who lived in the 19th century.... More
[Notre-Dame de Paris, Livre onzième.] Le chevet de Notre-Dame
Illustration pour "Notre-Dame de Paris", dans l'Édition E.Hugues 1877 (Subtitle), Victor Hugo. Paris : E. Hugues, 1876-1897 (Group title) Oeuvre sans montage. Lettre - Signature en bas à gauche de l'estampe : "... More
Johan Barthold Jongkind - The Pont Neuf
Public domain reproduction of artwork, 17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Gezicht op de Notre-Dame en de Pont de l'Archevêché in Parijs
Picryl description: Public domain image of Paris, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Gezicht op de façade van de Notre-Dame in Parijs
Public domain image of a cathedral or church building, 14th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Gezicht op de Notre-Dame-des-Flots in Sainte-Adresse
Public domain image of a print, artwork, related to Catholic Church saint, religion, Christianity, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Portail Méridional de l'église de Notre-Dame, XII Siècle (Southern por...
Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Charles Meryon - The Gallery of Notre-Dame, Paris
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Charles Meryon - Stadsgezicht met Seine en Pont-au-Change in Parijs
Stadsgezicht met Seine en Pont-au-Change in Parijs. Rechts op de oever van het Ile de la Cité staat het Palais de Justice met de poort en op de hoek de toren met het uurwerk. Voor de brug zijn de badhuizen op h... More
Charles Meryon - The Apse of Nôtre-Dame, Paris
Charles Meryon (French, 1821–1868) Public domain reproduction of artwork in Metropolitan Museum of Art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Charles Meryon - The Apse of Notre-Dame, Paris
Charles Meryon (French, 1821–1868) Public domain reproduction of artwork in Metropolitan Museum of Art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Exterieur van de Notre-Dame in Parijs
Public domain image of a medieval city, castle, cathedral, architecture, 14th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Zicht op de basiliek Notre-Dame de Fourvière in Lyon
Public domain image of a cathedral or church building, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Stereobild av porten till Notre Dame, Anvers.
Stereobild av porten till Notre Dame, Anvers. Public domain image of 19th-century France, historical building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Eglise Notre Dame - Early photography, Public domain image
Picryl description: Public domain image of a historical building, landmark architecture, world heritage, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
The Apse of Notre-Dame, Paris - Public domain city architecture drawin...
Picryl description: Public domain image, 19th century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions
map from "L'Abbaye de Notre-Dame-de-Lône et ses succursales de l'ordr...
This image has been taken from scan 000126 from "L'Abbaye de Notre-Dame-de-Lône et ses succursales de l'ordre de Cluny, étude historique d'après les documents originaux, avec carte et plan des lieux". The ti... More
Notre Dame de Mantes from "Normandy, its Gothic Architecture and Histo...
This image has been taken from scan 000125 from "Normandy, its Gothic Architecture and History: as illustrated by twenty-five photographs from buildings in Rouen, Caen, Mantes, Bayeux, and Falaise. A sketch". T... More
Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Bayeux from "Normandy, its Gothic Architectur...
This image has been taken from scan 000029 from "Normandy, its Gothic Architecture and History: as illustrated by twenty-five photographs from buildings in Rouen, Caen, Mantes, Bayeux, and Falaise. A sketch". T... More
Charles Jouas - Rue du Cloître Notre Dame.
Au verso : esquisse au crayon, d’une scène diverse (Artificial title) Signature - en bas à gauche à la pierre noire : "Ch. Jouas" Légende - en bas à gauche à la pierre noire : "Rue du Cloître Notre Dame" Tampon... More
Portaal van de Notre-Dame te Parijs
Onderdeel van Fotoalbum van Robert Daniel Crommelin (1841-1907). Public domain image of 19th-century Paris - architecture, historical city building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Notre-Dame de Paris, Livre neuvième.] Intérieur de Notre-Dame
Illustration pour "Notre-Dame de Paris", dans l'Édition E.Hugues 1877 (Subtitle), Victor Hugo. Paris : E. Hugues, 1876-1897 (Group title) Une estampe sans montage Lettre - Signé en bas à droite : "PANNEMAKER FI... More
[Notre-Dame de Paris, Livre troisième.] Notre-Dame de Paris
Illustration pour "Notre-Dame de Paris", dans l'Édition E.Hugues 1877 (Subtitle), Victor Hugo. Paris : E. Hugues, 1876-1897 (Group title) Une estampe fixée sur un montage Lettre - Signé en bas à gauche : " F.MÉ... More
Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris, 4ème arrondissement, Paris. - Eugène A...
Tirage monté en 33 x 50. Tirage placé sur le même montage que le tirage PH5841. Eugene Atget, the French photographer, is best known for his photographs of the architecture and street scenes of Paris, France, ... More
Exterieur van de Cathédrale Notre-Dame in Parijs
Onderdeel van Reisalbum met foto's van bezienswaardigheden in België en Frankrijk.
[Notre Dame de la Garde II, Marseilles, France]
Title from the Detroit Publishing Co., Catalogue J foreign section, Detroit, Mich. : Detroit Publishing Company, 1905. Print no. "6066". Forms part of: Views of architecture, monuments, and other sites in Franc... More
[The grotto of Notre Dame, Lourdes, Pyrenees, France]
Title from the Detroit Publishing Co., Catalogue J foreign section, Detroit, Mich. : Detroit Publishing Company, 1905. Print no. "6775". Forms part of: Views of architecture, monuments, and other sites in Franc... More
[Notre Dame de Bon Secours and Joan of Arc's monument, Rouen, France]
Title from the Detroit Publishing Co., Catalogue J foreign section, Detroit, Mich. : Detroit Publishing Company, 1905. Print no. "6956". Forms part of: Views of architecture, monuments, and other sites in Franc... More
Abside de Notre Dame de París, BPE Pontevedra, Spain
Colección Muruais Public domain photograph related to the history of Spain, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Window #1, arms of Notre Dame, St. Mary's Church
Public domain reproduction of illuminated manuscript page - Picryl description
Church of Notre Dame de Lourdes, Montreal
Public domain photograph of church building, Christianity, religious architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Les Maisons antérieures au XIXe siècle : La statue de la Vierge du clo...
Les Maisons antérieures au XIXe Siècle / situées dans le Département de la Seine en dehors des fortifications // Saint-Denis / Maison d'Education de la Légion d'Honneur / La Vierge du Cloître / Avril 1907. (Ass... More
Notre Dame football squad, 1914, Panoramic Photograph
J197499 U.S. Copyright Office Copyright deposit; Kenneth Spencer; November 13, 1914. Copyright claimant's address: Battle Creek, Mich.
View of Amiens during World War I
British soldier observing the skyline of Amiens, in France, during World War I. With the Cathedral dominating the skyline, this photograph shows a British soldier taking in a view of the town of Amiens with its... More
The Notre Dame Cathedral, Antwerp, Belgium
J198149 U.S. Copyright Office. No. 10130. Copyright, 1914, by Keystone View Co.
View of the altar in Amiens Cathedral showing the protective measures ...
The wooden supports that were built to shield the altar at Amiens Cathedral from shell damage. In addition to these supporting planks, sandbags were also used to protect the interior furnishings and ornaments f... More
Notre Dame, Paris - Public domain dedication. Metropolitan Museum of A...
Samuel Halpert (American, Bialystok, Russia 1884–1930 Detroit, Michigan) Public domain photograph of cathedral, church, 19th-century, historic place, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Paris illuminated] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marshall Plan p...
[Paris illuminated] - [PAR-1 through PAR-9] Public domain photograph of historical landmark building in France, French architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The President's Address at Notre Dame University, Indiana
Carter White House Photographs: Presidential Public domain photograph - White house, President of the United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
41G-42-095 - STS-41G - STS-41G earth observations
The original finding aid described this as: Description: Photographic documentation showing STS-41G earth observations. Subject Terms: EARTH OBSERVATIONS (FROM SPACE) SPACE SHUTTLE MISSION 41-G Categories: E... More
S39-607-005 - STS-039 - STS-39 earth observations
The original finding aid described this as: Description: Photographic documentation showing STS-39 earth observations. Subject Terms: EARTH OBSERVATIONS (FROM SPACE) STS-39 Date Taken: 4/30/1991 0:00 Catego... More
STS064-112-074 - STS-064 - Earth observations during STS-64 mission
The original finding aid described this as: Description: Photographic documentation of the Earth as viewed from the Space Shuttle Discovery during STS-64. Subject Terms: STS-64 EARTH OBSERVATIONS (FROM SPACE)... More
A large building with statues on the outside of it. France paris churc...
Statues of saints on the outside of a cathedral / Statues of people on a building with a stained glass window sculpture.
Paris france notre dame building. A group of statues on the side of a ...
Architecture stock photograph: Statues of saints on the side of the cathedral / A group of statues on the side of a building.
Naval Academy mascot Bill the Goat surfs across a crowd of Midshipmen ...
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (Nov. 03, 2007) Naval Academy mascot Bill the Goat surfs across a crowd of Midshipmen during a homecoming celebration for Navy's 46-44 triple-overtime victory over Notre Dame. Navy claimed their ... More
Cheerleaders and band members from the U.S. Naval Academy perform chee...
WASHINGTON (Dec. 09, 2010) Cheerleaders and band members from the U.S. Naval Academy perform cheers and fight songs in a hallway of the Pentagon in preparation for the Army vs. Navy football game Dec. 11. The p... More
Ceiling mural in dome at the University of Notre Dame, a Catholic rese...
Title, date, subject note, and keywords based on information provided by the photographer. Credit line: Photographs in the Carol M. Highsmith Archive, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Gift;... More
Randy, Allen and Matt Jozwiak take their oaths of commission
Randy, Allen and Matt Jozwiak take their oaths of commission at Notre Dame University, Ind., May 17, 2014. The three triplets all majored in history at Holy Cross College, Ind., and joined the service upon grad... More
Notre dame dome paris, religion. A very tall cathedral with a clock to...
Architecture stock photograph: A large building with a large tower and a tree in front / A very tall cathedral with a clock tower.
A close up of two bells on a wall. Bells cathedral france.
Tourism: The bell is made of brass. The bell in the tower. Public domain stock photo. The bell is made of brass. The bell in the tower. Public domain stock photo.
Architecture notre dame stucco building. A statue of a group of people...
Architecture stock photograph: Relief of / A statue of a group of people on a building.
Notre-dame cathedral paris building. A black and white photo of a cath...
Architecture stock photograph: A black and white photo of a large cathedral / A black and white photo of a cathedral.
Notre Dame cathedral Paris building. A chandelier and stained glass wi...
Architecture stock photograph: A chandelier in a gothic cathedral with a stained glass window / A chandelier and stained glass windows in a cathedral.
Notre dame cathedral building. A large cathedral with a steeple on top...
Architecture stock photograph: The cathedral of notre dame, paris, france / A large cathedral with a steeple on top of it.
Notre-dame you skin de ronchamp ronchamp chapel building.
Architecture stock photograph: A window with a red and green glass window / A small window with a message written on it.
Notre-dame-de-la-mer church church roof, religion. A tall tower with a...
Architecture stock photograph: The bell tower of the church of san sebastian / A tall tower with a clock on top of it.
A clock tower with a weather vane on top. Bell tower cathedral huy, re...
A tall building with a weather vane on top / A weather vane on top of a building public domain stock photo.
A view of a cathedral from across a river. Paris landmarks notre dame ...
The cathedral of notre dame in paris / A large cathedral with a clock tower on the side of it / Public domain stock photo.
A large stained glass window in a church. Paris notre dame stained gla...
Stained glass window in the cathedral of notre dame / Stained glass window in the cathedral of notre dame public domain stock photo.
Church notre-dame bruges, religion. A tall church tower towering over ...
Architecture stock photograph: A view of the towers of the cathedral of bruges / A tall church tower towering over a city.
A view of a city with a river and a bridge. Dinant church vista, relig...
A large church tower with a clock on top of it / A large church tower sitting above a river / Public domain stock photo.
Notre dame paris france, travel vacation. A very tall cathedral with a...
Architecture stock photograph: A large cathedral with a large window and a blue sky / A very tall cathedral with a clock on it's side.
A close up of a statue on a building. Notre dame de liesse basilica re...
Stock photography: A stone face on a building / A close up of a statue on a building.
Paris france monument building. A black and white photo of a boat on a...
Architecture stock photograph: A black and white photo of a river with people walking by / A black and white photo of a boat on a river.
The Popular Music Group, assigned to Navy Band Southeast, performs at ...
JACKSONVILLE, Fla., (Nov. 04, 2016) The Popular Music Group, assigned to Navy Band Southeast, performs at the Jacksonville Landing in downtown Jacksonville for a pep rally to kick off the Navy vs. Notre Dame G... More
200131-N-IK959-1338 NOTRE DAME, Ind. (Jan. 31, 2020)
200131-N-IK959-1338 NOTRE DAME, Ind. (Jan. 31, 2020) Vice Adm. Mary M. Jackson, Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC), speaks to more than 175 Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) midshipmen and... More
Interior of the cathedral, Arras
Photograph shows rubble from damage to the interior of the Arras Cathedral in Arras, France. Caption label from exhibit "World War I ...": American Red Cross Captures the War's Devastation. During French Comman... More
Charles Meryon - Le Petit Pont.
Public domain illustrated book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ethnic covenant dinner, Notre Dame de Lourdes Church, Lowell, Massachu...
Index data: ETHNIC COVENANT DINNER, NOTRE DAME DE LOURDES CHURCH. Note: exposures are all about a stop too dark. 1, Table with door prizes, including two Laotian quilts made in refugee camps, bamboo basket, kni... More
Chapel from Notre-Dame-du-Bourg at Langon
Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
U.S. Army Reserve Maj. Gen. David Conboy and his family
U.S. Army Reserve Maj. Gen. David Conboy and his family case the general’s flag during his retirement ceremony at Fort Bragg, NC, June 23, 2017. The ceremony honored Conboy for his impact on not only the U.S. A... More
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin E.
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin E. Dempsey and his wife Deanie render honors as the national anthem is played before a football game at Notre Dame Stadium in South Bend, Ind., Sept. 6, 2014. (... More
200201-N-IK959-4434 NOTRE DAME, Ind. (Feb. 01, 2020)
200201-N-IK959-4434 NOTRE DAME, Ind. (Feb. 01, 2020) Vice Chief of Naval Operations (VCNO) Adm. Robert P. Burke speaks to Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) midshipmen and staff members during a din... More
Leurs majestez allant a Nostre Dame rendre grace a Dieu du repos retab...
Leurs majestés allant à Notre-Dame rendre grâce à Dieu du repos rétabli dans la France au contentement du peuple, (18 août 1649) (Artificial title), Epoque de Louis XIV, la Régence d’Anne d’Autriche, du 15 mai ... More
200201-N-IK959-4459 NOTRE DAME, Ind. (Feb. 01, 2020)
200201-N-IK959-4459 NOTRE DAME, Ind. (Feb. 01, 2020) Vice Chief of Naval Operations (VCNO) Adm. Robert P. Burke speaks to Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) midshipmen and staff members during a din... More
Secretary Mel Martinez with AmeriCorps Volunteers
The original finding aid described this photograph as: Event: Secretary Mel Martinez with AmeriCorps Volunteers Subject Description: Secretary Mel Martinez with Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Ann Kendrick and ... More
Secretary Mel Martinez with AmeriCorps Volunteers
The original finding aid described this photograph as: Event: Secretary Mel Martinez with AmeriCorps Volunteers Subject Description: Secretary Mel Martinez with Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Ann Kendrick and ... More
Gezicht op de Notre Dame en de Petit-Pont te Parijs
Gezicht op de Notre Dame en de Petit-Pont in Parijs.
Paris - Cite, Jardin des Plantes Free Vintage Map
Vintage Paris maps in public domain. Royalty-free, available for download, high-quality French maps. Non-copyright, copyright free, Creative Commons. You are free to use the maps for any purpose. The maps have... More
The illustration at the beginning of chapter 1, book 5, from page 257 of Notre-Dame de Paris (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) by Victor Hugo, from the 1889 edition.
Drawing, Textile Design- Les Monuments de Paris (The Monuments of Pari...
Textile design; cartoon for cotton printing, squared for transfer. The design comprises ten monuments of the city of Paris, France: upper left: the Pont de la Concorde; upper center, the Arc de Triomphe du Carr... More
News. Old Building on Notre Dame BAnQ P48S1P05575
For documentary purposes the original description provided by BAnQ has been retained. Additional descriptive text may be added by Wikimedians with the wiki description = parameter, but please do not modify the ... More
Quartier Vieux-Quebec - Angle des Rues De Buade et Port-Dauphin - Pres...
Picryl description: Public domain image of a victorian era building, victorian house, 19th century architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Le Secq, Henri - Südportal von Notre Dame (Zeno Fotografie)
Deutsch: Le Secq, Henri: Südportal von Notre Dame Public domain photograph of decorated panel, decor, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
CH-NB - Lausanne, Cathédrale Notre-Dame, vue partielle intérieure - Co...
Lausanne, Cathédrale Notre-Dame, vue partielle intérieure; Vue partielle 'intérieure d'une porte et d'une façade de la cathédrale de Lausanne, dans le canton de Vaud; Cathédrale Notre-Dame (Cathédrale, place de... More
Meryon - Le Stryge (The vampire), 1862,1011.694
Public domain scan of 16th-17th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description