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Heavy howitzer straffing the Hun, Flanders

Heavy howitzer straffing the Hun, Flanders

Eleven soldiers are involved in manoeuvring and loading a howitzer gun, whilst an officer watches on. The gun is resting on a false wooden floor to support its weight. A bombed cottage can be seen in the backgr... More

Royal Engineers repairing a bridge in the Somme area after the German retreat

Royal Engineers repairing a bridge in the Somme area after the German ...

The bottom left of the photograph is a mass of tangled pieces of metal. There are four soldiers in amongst this tangle trying to salvage pieces. In front of this a little dingy with a soldier in it is moored to... More

We mean business believe me, Flanders

We mean business believe me, Flanders

Uniformed men inside a 'tepee-style' tent. Only their heads are showing, and they are all looking directly at the camera. This shot has obviously been set up and is intentionally fun and light-hearted. The tent... More

Battle for the ridges, Flanders

Battle for the ridges, Flanders

Two artillerymen lie sleeping on a gun carriage. It looks very uncomfortable. Soldiers at the front often had to grab sleep when they could in un-conducive surroundings. Due to the exhaustion experienced this t... More

Some Tommies having dinner in a captured village, Flanders

Some Tommies having dinner in a captured village, Flanders

Soldiers eating, Western Front, during World War I. Soldiers relaxing in the remains of a shelled building. One man is sitting and eating at a salvaged table, while others are scavenging through the wreckage. T... More

General Gouard visits a school of instruction for officers

General Gouard visits a school of instruction for officers

General Gouard, France, during World War I. According to the photograph's original caption, he is visiting an instruction school for officers. ..Visits to Allied forces' troops from high-ranking officers from t... More

Car in trouble after the thaw during World War I

Car in trouble after the thaw during World War I

Car being towed, France, during World War I. This image shows a car being towed through thick mud. As the car in front tries to pull the other free, a soldier lends a hand by pulling on the tow rope. A group of... More

Army Commander Sir H.S. Horne inspecting machine gun limbers

Army Commander Sir H.S. Horne inspecting machine gun limbers

Inspection of gun carriages, France, during World War I. This photograph shows Commander Sir Henry Horne (1861-1929) inspecting a parade line of empty gun carriages. Each consists of two pairs of large wheels w... More

Howitzer in the act of firing, Flanders

Howitzer in the act of firing, Flanders

A Howitzer being fired, with three men standing to the right of the gun. One of the men is using a very long rod or taper to ignite the charge. The British-designed Howitzer was widely used, both by British and... More

Laying down a line on the ground just captured from the Germans

Laying down a line on the ground just captured from the Germans

Laying railway lines, during World War I. A group of soldiers in the foreground stand on top of railway tracks which are waiting to be assembled by the group working ahead. ..Military railways were constructed ... More

Owing to modern artillery, captured villages have to be marked with a sign board

Owing to modern artillery, captured villages have to be marked with a ...

Wooden signs which have been neatly written read, 'High Street. This village is Ervillers. Town Major (arrow to the right). P W Pen (arrow to the left).' There are two soldiers beside the signs one of whom is k... More

Deputy Haase, Chairman of the Peoples' Commissaries, addressing the crowd on Tempelhofer Feld

Deputy Haase, Chairman of the Peoples' Commissaries, addressing the cr...

Haase speaking at funeral of revolutionary victims, Berlin, November 1918. In this photograph, Hugo Haase (1863-1919) is standing on a platform addressing a crowd at the funeral of the victims of the Berlin Rev... More

Officer and man of the Signal Service testing wires, Flanders

Officer and man of the Signal Service testing wires, Flanders

Two uniformed men beneath a telegraph pole. The man on the right is using a portable telephone or wireless set. The task of installing, testing and repairing communication lines and cable during the war was nev... More

Chipilly which was taken after hard fighting by London troops

Chipilly which was taken after hard fighting by London troops

A badly bombed or shelled village. It is a depressing scene of destruction and devastation. On the right, one building has completely collapsed - those left standing are badly damaged and possibly beyond repair... More

Her Majesty was very interested in the Nissen huts

Her Majesty was very interested in the Nissen huts

Queen Mary standing outside a Nissen hut. There is a duckboard path running along the front of the hut, and two bunches of flowers decorate the doorway. Standing in the doorway is a woman dressed in white, hold... More

Beautiful old bridge now well behind the line, has stood all the bombardments

Beautiful old bridge now well behind the line, has stood all the bomba...

Men, possibly a working party or labour battalion, crossing what is left of a bridge. Some of the men are carrying shovels and pickaxes. The bridge, despite looking on the point of collapse, is still standing. ... More

French & British soldiers who have been wounded in the same battle treated at a British casualty clearing station

French & British soldiers who have been wounded in the same battle tre...

A motley line of soldiers are sitting on a rickety bench. They are sporting an assortment of bandages and are being tended by two nurses and another soldier. They are sitting in front of an assortment of tents,... More

Cavalry reconnaissance party during World War I

Cavalry reconnaissance party during World War I

This image has an other-worldly atmosphere to it. It is believed to have been the work of the official war photographer John Warwick Brooke. The soldiers and their horses are standing in the middle of jagged pi... More

Salvaging the linen of a Casualty Clearing station, Flanders

Salvaging the linen of a Casualty Clearing station, Flanders

A uniformed man sorting through a large pile of blankets and sheets at a casualty clearing station. He is standing in a field scattered with various items of household furniture and debris. ..After receiving in... More

Outpost waiting for any enemy movement, Flanders

Outpost waiting for any enemy movement, Flanders

This photograph shows three soldiers on lookout duty in a small outpost. The three men are in a small dugout pit, the sides of which are built up with turves. A tin jug, an empty china jug and the sack beside t... More

Some officers on the roof of their dug-out, Flanders

Some officers on the roof of their dug-out, Flanders

Five officers sit above their dugout in a snow-covered landscape - the entrance to the dugout is visible in the foreground. All of the men are looking towards the camera and, despite being cold, are happily pos... More

Anti-aircraft guns which brought down a huge German aeroplane in France

Anti-aircraft guns which brought down a huge German aeroplane in Franc...

Anti-aircraft gun, France, during World War I. This image is rather arresting due to the gun barrel silhouetted against the barren landscape. There is also strong sunlight falling across parts of the image. Thi... More

French troops lined up watching British Artillery passing through a village

French troops lined up watching British Artillery passing through a vi...

Dressed in their traditional black berets which were called 'chasseurs', these French troops observe a convoy of British horse-drawn artillery passing through a village. Most of these French soldiers are wearin... More

Butchers of the natives of Manipur at work

Butchers of the natives of Manipur at work

There are six soldiers grouped around a long low table. Two of the soldiers have their backs to the camera. They are holding large meat cleavers and are all striking the meat. There are three carcasses draped o... More

Row of our wounded of the 13th having light refreshments at the Dressing Station

Row of our wounded of the 13th having light refreshments at the Dressi...

A row of wounded soldiers are seated by a road at a dressing station. Their injuries appear to have been dressed, several have bandaged heads. Some have labels attached to their tunics. They are eating sandwich... More

Giant German plane which was brought down by us being towed away from the line

Giant German plane which was brought down by us being towed away from ...

German plane being towed through a street by Allied soldiers, in France, during World War I. Clambering over their war booty like triumphant soldier ants, this image shows a proud group of Allied soldiers towin... More

Building a saw mill on the Western front, Flanders

Building a saw mill on the Western front, Flanders

Soldiers building an open-air sawmill. While the soldiers in the foreground are cutting the fallen tree trunks with two-man manual saws, the soldiers in the background are doing mechanised work with the steam e... More

Frozen watering point, Flanders

Frozen watering point, Flanders

A line of heavy draught horses are standing beside a long water trough which rests on a timber frame. The water is frozen and one soldier is trying to break the ice. One pair of horses beside the trough appear ... More

Lowering pipes into a river which are connected with the mobile de-poisoning machine

Lowering pipes into a river which are connected with the mobile de-poi...

Sterilising water stage 1, France, during World War I. A soldier is standing on a bridge in a town. He is leaning over an iron railing to lower two hosepipes into the river below. Each hose has a bucket on the ... More

R.A.F.Scouts in France flying towards the German lines in fighting formation

R.A.F.Scouts in France flying towards the German lines in fighting for...

Reconnaissance aircraft, France, during World War I. This striking image shows five reconnaissance aircraft in a night sky. If the original caption is correct in naming these planes as belonging to the Royal Ai... More

Refugees coming back, Flanders during World War I

Refugees coming back, Flanders during World War I

Soldiers are accompanying refugees who are herding cattle along a road, followed by a cart piled high with furniture and other belongings. These refugees appear to have been relatively lucky, others escaped wit... More

Building a dugout, Flanders during World War I

Building a dugout, Flanders during World War I

Soldiers building a dugout in the supporting reserve lines. Underground dugouts like these were used by officers for planning attacks, while soldiers used them for eating and resting. This image looks like a '... More

Tommies sport by a river whilst resting, Flanders

Tommies sport by a river whilst resting, Flanders

This river runs through the middle of some sparse woodland. On the near bank is a group of soldiers in various stages of undress. Some of them are sitting on a bench while others stretch out on the bank. A make... More

French Girls watching H.M.'s departure

French Girls watching H.M.'s departure

A fully uniformed King George V (1865-1936) during one of his visits to the Western Front. Though flanked by some of his generals, it is perhaps rather unusual to see the King surrounded almost entirely by wome... More

What it looks like in the front line 50 yards from Regina trench

What it looks like in the front line 50 yards from Regina trench

Soldiers in a trench. One man is looking through a periscope, towards the enemy lines. The other soldiers are leaning against the trench wall, having a rest. A close look at the surrounding area shows that it i... More

Searching newly captured German prisoners

Searching newly captured German prisoners

Prisoners of war being searched, Western Front, during World War I. This photograph shows two British soldiers searching the personal possessions of a group of five German prisoners. One of the Germans is searc... More

En route to the front line, Flanders

En route to the front line, Flanders

Four carriages loaded with goods and soldiers are travelling round curving rail tracks. The soldiers are precariously balanced on top of the goods. There is snow on the ground and they are all wearing heavy coa... More

Cooks of the Newfoundland Regiment at the cookers

Cooks of the Newfoundland Regiment at the cookers

The cooker has been parked in the corner of a yard, which has low outhouses in it. The sinuous roof tiles and bricks can be seen in the background along with the right-angled gap between the buildings. The cook... More

Some of the prisoners taken by the British

Some of the prisoners taken by the British

With a background of ruined buildings, a single British soldier is standing in front of some 80 or so German prisoners. A few other British soldiers can be seen in the background. There is a remarkable lack of ... More

Drawing rations at the front, Flanders

Drawing rations at the front, Flanders

Rations station at the Front, France. A large group of men are gathered around a crude trestle table. Some of them have boxes in which to carry the rations. There are two men with sheaves of paper and a third w... More

Engineers making camoflage at the front, Flanders

Engineers making camoflage at the front, Flanders

A team of engineers making strips of camouflage. Lengths of netting have been placed over makeshift posts, and the men are carefully attaching pieces of cloth or fibre. There are six men working on the strip in... More

Some men in a shell hole 5 kilometres beyond the old German front line

Some men in a shell hole 5 kilometres beyond the old German front line

Six men are sitting in a mud crater in a field. Two of them are standing in a deeper, round pit. Across the middle of the hollow a temporary roof has been erected and there are more men under this...Scenes such... More

Haig reviewing Wolf Cubs, Glasgow, just after World War I

Haig reviewing Wolf Cubs, Glasgow, just after World War I

Field Marshal (Earl) Haig (1861-1928), in army uniform, reviewing Wolf Cubs, apparently in Glasgow. Another army officer, also in uniform, is standing behind him, so it is possible that this photograph was take... More

Chaplain with a little German prisoner, Flanders

Chaplain with a little German prisoner, Flanders

An army chaplain holding a small dog in his hands. He is obviously posing for this photograph. This is a good example of the type of positive image often used by the Government and Military as propaganda. By gi... More

Heavy load of sandbags for the front line, Flanders

Heavy load of sandbags for the front line, Flanders

The soldier in this photograph is carrying a large sack, apparently full of sandbags. They must have been extremely difficult to carry as the sand would have been wet and the ground was slippery with mud. Photo... More

Comics of an R.A.F. Sports, Flanders

Comics of an R.A.F. Sports, Flanders

This photograph shows Royal Air Force men having a laugh at two of their number. One man, dressed as a woman, is seated side-saddle on a donkey, while the other appears to be dressed as the husband. The Nissen ... More

Formidable wire entanglement which is easily placed anywhere, Flanders

Formidable wire entanglement which is easily placed anywhere, Flanders

A lone soldier is standing at the end of a drum of barbed wire gripping the ends of the crosses. The wired is rolled round a 'drum' made up of crosses of metal. The crosses are then joined down the middle by on... More

Two typical Canadians during World War I

Two typical Canadians during World War I

Two older men in the middle of the photograph are facing the camera. They are both wearing 'mountie-style' hats and sport bushy moustaches. The man sitting on the end of a log is smoking a cigarette. He is wear... More

Boche machine guns captured at Beaucourt sur Ancre, Flanders

Boche machine guns captured at Beaucourt sur Ancre, Flanders

Two soldiers are sitting on the edge of a German trench examining captured German machine guns. The entrance to the German dugout is in the background. The soldier in the background has the cap badge of the Nor... More

H.M. conversing with a war correspondent

H.M. conversing with a war correspondent

King George V (second from the right) conversing with a man holding a notepad. There are two further men standing beside them - all are in uniform. According to the original caption, the man talking to the King... More

H.M. talking to an infantryman during World War I

H.M. talking to an infantryman during World War I

King George V talking to an infantryman. They are standing in a field filled with crops. The King is in military uniform and is leaning on a cane. The soldier is standing with his back to the camera. He is wear... More

Dinner amidst the ruins, Flanders

Dinner amidst the ruins, Flanders

The group of soldiers in the middle of this scene are trying to cook and eat dinner amongst the ruins. They are perched on top of a pile of rubble. One soldier is balancing on top of a block whilst trying to ea... More

Canadians marching through the streets of Mons, on the morning of November 11th 1918

Canadians marching through the streets of Mons, on the morning of Nove...

Canadian soldiers celebrating the Armistice in Mons, Belgium, during World War I. This photograph captures some of the atmosphere in Mons on the day of the Armistice. The shops and houses are hung with flags an... More

Scene in a trench where bombs take the place of snowballs

Scene in a trench where bombs take the place of snowballs

Like some desolate scene from the Arctic tundra, this image shows four soldiers looking out over the top of their snow-covered trench. The way the soldiers are raising their heads above the trench parapet, plu... More

Bringing in an injured man, Flanders

Bringing in an injured man, Flanders

Two soldiers help their wounded comrade, during World War I. Two soldiers are staggering under the weight of their comrade who is sitting balanced on their linked arms. He seems to be a little distressed and hi... More

British troops moving to attack, Flanders

British troops moving to attack, Flanders

About ten soldiers are standing in a narrow trench while many others are running from right to left, across the trench line. More troops can be seen in the distance. They are carrying their full kit and have th... More

Battle of Flanders during World War I

Battle of Flanders during World War I

Flanders battlefield. It is a depressing scene of destruction and devastation. In the distance a house, with extensive damage to the roof, remains standing. Also in the distance other buildings that have not fa... More

Serving the guns, Flanders during World War I

Serving the guns, Flanders during World War I

Firing a field gun. Eight men are all engaged in loading and firing a large field gun. They are working with their shirts off and are in the middle of a dust cloud which is creating poor visibility...Field guns... More

Horses waiting to fetch ammunition, Flanders

Horses waiting to fetch ammunition, Flanders

The ruins of a cottage or outhouses have various horses stabled in them or lined up through them. The ruins have been there long enough that there are saplings growing in them! One of the soldiers with the hors... More

Reading the news in the trenches 1000 yards from the Bosch present positions

Reading the news in the trenches 1000 yards from the Bosch present pos...

Soldiers in a trench, all wearing steel helmets. Four of them crowd round a newspaper. Their rifles and kit have been put to the left side of the trench, and are hanging from the walls of the trench. The ground... More

Queen accepts a present during World War I

Queen accepts a present during World War I

Queen Mary being presented with a gift. She is being looked after by a small group of army officials. In the background there is a large brick building, possibly a factory. Queen Mary and her lady-in-waiting ar... More

Open air cookery in a steel helmet near Miraumont-le-Grand

Open air cookery in a steel helmet near Miraumont-le-Grand

Three officers making themselves comfortable, near Miraumont-le-Grand, France, during World War I. Steel helmets had many more uses than the War Offfice might have intended. This photograph shows three Royal Ar... More

Incident in a big football match near the line between British and French Tommies

Incident in a big football match near the line between British and Fre...

Football match between British and French soldiers, in France, during World War I. With a large group of French troops watching from the touchline, this image captures an exciting moment in a football match bet... More

Little French girl braves the shells to sell her wares to our Tommies not far behind the line

Little French girl braves the shells to sell her wares to our Tommies ...

A young French girl trying to sell what looks like bars of chocolate to a small group of soldiers. She is carrying her supplies in a small wooden crate. The three men in front of her, all in uniform and wearing... More

American troops in France passing British men resting by the roadside

American troops in France passing British men resting by the roadside

Columns of American troops marching along a road, France, during World War I. A long column of American troops are marching, four abreast behind an officer, along a road. They are carrying full kit and wearing ... More

Soldiers cheer the King of Belgium as he leaves, Flanders

Soldiers cheer the King of Belgium as he leaves, Flanders

The King of Belgium, Albert I (1875-1934), waves goodbye to a group of soldiers. He is standing next to a motorcar. The soldiers, in return, are waving and saluting the king. The ground is churned up and extrem... More

Spanish Officers in a captured German Trench, Flanders

Spanish Officers in a captured German Trench, Flanders

Spanish officers visiting the Western Front, France, during World War I. Four men stand amidst the chaos of a captured German trench. The ground is muddy, churned up and littered with the debris of war. The man... More

Staff and Clerical staff of General Sir Arthur Sloggett, Flanders

Staff and Clerical staff of General Sir Arthur Sloggett, Flanders

This group photograph shows the staff of General Sir Arthur Sloggett (1857-1929) outside a large villa. Sir Arthur Sloggett was the Director General of the Medical Services for the British Forces in the Western... More

German prisoners taken in the new push lined for examination near Messines

German prisoners taken in the new push lined for examination near Mess...

German prisoners of war, Messines, Belgium, 1917. Long rows of German soldiers are lined up diagonally across the picture. They are being watched from a high guard post behind them. Soldiers are lying watching ... More

Batch of prisoners resting on their way back

Batch of prisoners resting on their way back

Prisoners are resting by the roadside. Most of the men are sitting on a steep grassy bank. It is possible some of those in charge of the prisoners are Australian soldiers, normally distinguishable to the layper... More

Observing every moment of the Boche, Flanders

Observing every moment of the Boche, Flanders

This observation post has been built on a bank of earth and is concealed by sandbags. A uniformed man wearing a steel helmet stands at the top of the post. He is talking to a man who is standing on a wooden lad... More

Clearing up in St. Pierre Divion, Flanders

Clearing up in St. Pierre Divion, Flanders

Soldiers, with their rifles on their backs with bayonets fixed, are searching through rubble, apparently for weapons left behind by the German troops. A pile of German rifles can be seen in the foreground. To t... More

Group of officers with the Prince of Wales in the centre

Group of officers with the Prince of Wales in the centre

A rather young-looking Prince of Wales poses for the photographer, most likely John Warwick Brooke, along with a group of officers. He is sitting in the middle of the front row, with a cigarette in his right ha... More

Earl Haig inspecting the guard of honour

Earl Haig inspecting the guard of honour

General Haig inspecting troops, Messine, Belgium. The image is framed by two rows of soldiers down either side, angling away from the camera. Between them General Haig and his staff are approaching the photogra... More

Cigarette firms send the different batteries cigarettes and the Sergeant is seen receiving a packet

Cigarette firms send the different batteries cigarettes and the Sergea...

Soldiers standing next to a large gun. The ground around their feet is littered with sandbags and shells. To the left of the men there is a wall of sandbags and the entrance to a dugout. One man appears to be h... More

Royal Engineers cutting piles to construct a bridge, France, during World War I

Royal Engineers cutting piles to construct a bridge, France, during Wo...

This photograph is one of a series attributed to Tom Aitken which show different processes in the construction of a new railway bridge by Royal Engineers. This view shows some of the men sawing huge baulks of t... More

Cooks of the K.O.Y.L.I. preparing a meal for the men in the trenches

Cooks of the K.O.Y.L.I. preparing a meal for the men in the trenches

Two members of the K.O.Y.L.I. preparing a meal, near Wieltje, Belgium, during World War I. This image shows two men preparing food on a makeshift table. They are standing outside, in front of a ruined building ... More

Valley scene near Arras, Flanders

Valley scene near Arras, Flanders

Battlefield near Arras, France. In the front of the picture are old dugouts and an upturned cannon. The rest of the field is very jumbled and difficult to understand. In the distance a gun has just fired and it... More

Crucifix knocked over by a shell -  figure remained intact, Flanders

Crucifix knocked over by a shell - figure remained intact, Flanders

In the background the landscape and the road are visible. The foreground is dominated by a concrete base housing a snapped-off post. On the ground, symbolically, lies the intact crucifix...It is difficult not t... More

H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught arriving at a school of Instruction in France

H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught arriving at a school of Instruction in Fr...

A vintage car is travelling along a dirt track road with pleasant scenery in the background. The car is being driven by a chauffeur and the Duke is visible in the back seat...Royal visits were seen as conveying... More

Portuguese field limbers during World War I

Portuguese field limbers during World War I

Two donkeys harnessed to a double-axled carriage have halted on a road in the foreground of the picture. They are wearing a lot of heavy gear. There are two soldiers sitting on the front of the carriage. Their ... More

Light railway - of which we have a network, Flanders

Light railway - of which we have a network, Flanders

Light-railway engine, crossing bombed out territory, during World War I. This photograph is at first a little difficult to understand. The ridge of land across the middle of the image supports a light railway t... More

General Sir Gerbert Plumer, K.C.M.G., K.C.B., General Sir E.H.H. Allenby K.C.B, General H.S.Horne K.C.B.

General Sir Gerbert Plumer, K.C.M.G., K.C.B., General Sir E.H.H. Allen...

Three army commanders, Messines, 1917. They are all wearing hats and long overcoats. None of the men are looking at the camera. It is an un-posed and relaxed photograph. ..[Original reads: 'OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH ... More

German commanders - Public domain portrait print

German commanders - Public domain portrait print

This is a group photograph of a number of senior German army officers. They are standing on the steps of a building, in rank order with the four most senior officers in front. The photograph has been annotated ... More

French soldier and his wife returned to one  of the captured villges in search of cash they had buried before the invasion

French soldier and his wife returned to one of the captured villges i...

Couple searching for money. This is a close-up shot of a woman who is facing the camera and a man with his back to the camera talking to her. She is tightly bundled up while he is wearing his army coat and helm... More

Scene on the ground, Flanders during World War I

Scene on the ground, Flanders during World War I

This picture is taken from the edge of a big grassy field. The field is edged with dense, lush trees which frame the sky above them. In the back of the picture there are groups of horses grazing and a few soldi... More

German field gun in Mametz Wood, Flanders

German field gun in Mametz Wood, Flanders

An abandoned field gun in Mametz Wood, France, during World War I. This image shows an abandoned field gun in Mametz Wood, France. According to the photograph's original caption it is a German gun. It is surrou... More

One of our big guns with which we annoy the enemy

One of our big guns with which we annoy the enemy

A large gun is in the firing position, with some of the gun team standing on the firing platform. Very heavy artillery was developed as it became clear that fighting at the Western Front was a static form of wa... More

Note the gun in the air through going over a bank

Note the gun in the air through going over a bank

Royal Horse Artillery in action, France, during World War I. This photograph shows a field gun being pulled into position by a horse team of the Royal Horse Artillery. They are going so fast that the two back w... More

This old lady is sitting on ruins which were once her home

This old lady is sitting on ruins which were once her home

Frenchwoman among the ruins of her home in Amiens, France, during World War I. Propaganda photographs that were staged for the official war photographers were not always as effective as more naturalistic pictur... More

Fresh meat going up to the troops, Flanders

Fresh meat going up to the troops, Flanders

Mule-drawn carts taking meat to the Front. There are two men guiding the mules. They are making their way passed some farm buildings. The road is dry and dusty. On the edge of the building on the left is a noti... More

King of  Belgium with General Allenby

King of Belgium with General Allenby

Three men have just walked round a parked car while four men wait on the opposite pavement to greet them. The car is parked in a lane, in front of a row of cottages. On the opposite side of the lane is a fence ... More

Virgin wounded in the shoulder, Flanders

Virgin wounded in the shoulder, Flanders

Destruction at the village of Montaubaun, France. Four soldiers are sorting through a pile of rubble while two stand on and watch. In the distance the surrounding fields can be seen. In the middle of the photo ... More

After the strafing, Flanders during World War I

After the strafing, Flanders during World War I

This photograph is of Thilloy, near Bapaume. It is a scene of total destruction and devastation. It is very difficult to imagine that this was once a village. Not one building has escaped damage. The road is ex... More

Scene in the mud during World War I

Scene in the mud during World War I

Soldiers standing in mud, France. The picture has been taken from the end of a ditch facing a large group of soldiers who tail away. The soldiers in the background are all lined up, carrying spades and waiting ... More

Field gun ready to guard a canal, Flanders

Field gun ready to guard a canal, Flanders

A field gun ready to guard a canal France, during World War I. The gun has been placed to shoot across a canal, covering the area near a bridge. Although the gunners are ready to fire, there seems little urgenc... More

Hauling out a captured German gun, Flanders

Hauling out a captured German gun, Flanders

Soldiers struggling to manoeuvre a captured German gun. One group pushes from the rear, whilst the other group pull using two ropes attached to the wheels. Moving such a heavy piece of weaponry across rough ter... More

Sir Douglas Haig with Dominion journalists

Sir Douglas Haig with Dominion journalists

Field Marshal Haig with British Empire war correspondents, France, during World War I. In the photograph Haig stands at the centre of the picture smiling. Journalists from Great Britain and her colonies flank H... More

This goat is the battery's mascot, Flanders

This goat is the battery's mascot, Flanders

A young gunner sitting directly in front of the camera. He is in uniform and has the letters 'R.G.A.' on his lapel. Next to him a small goat is eating out of a metal container. The surrounding area is rough and... More

Field Marshall Sir Douglas Haig with Army Commanders in France

Field Marshall Sir Douglas Haig with Army Commanders in France

Sir Douglas Haig surrounded by his fellow commanders in France, during World War I. This photograph shows Field Marshall Sir Douglas Haig flanked by other members of the Allied general staff. Field Marshall Hai... More


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