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national treasures of japan writings

183 media by topicpage 1 of 2
Hogo Xutang Zhiyu. 13th century Japan. Public domain image.

Hogo Xutang Zhiyu. 13th century Japan. Public domain image.

Teaching on Enlightenment (法語, hōgo). Dedicated to a brilliant Zen practitioner, possibly Mushō Jōshō (無象静照) (1234–1306). One hanging scroll, ink on paper, 28.5 × 70.0 cm (11.2 × 27.6 in). Located at the Tokyo... More

Hakuzansho - Public domain dedication image

Hakuzansho - Public domain dedication image

Manual on Courtly Etiquette, Volume 10 (稿本北山抄, kōhon Hokuzanshō)

Kasen utaawase2 - Public domain dedication image

Kasen utaawase2 - Public domain dedication image

Vertical Poetry Contest of Great Poets (KESEN UTAAWASE), ink on ornamented paper, Heian Period, Japan, KUBOSO memorial Museum, Izumi, Osaka, Japan日本語: 歌仙歌合,久保惣記念美術館、大阪

Tohoki - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Tohoki - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Tōhōki (東宝記), vol 2, stupa Public domain photograph of architecture design, diagram, drawing, building plan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

36poets collection TOMONORI1 - Public domain dedication image

36poets collection TOMONORI1 - Public domain dedication image

Two pages of the collected poems of Ki no Tomonori (850?– 904?) . 20cm height, 32cm wide. Silver, Gold, Colour, and ink on ornamented paper. One of the Collection of the works of thirty six master poets i... More

36poets ISE ISIYAMAGIRE - Public domain dedication image

36poets ISE ISIYAMAGIRE - Public domain dedication image

One page of 1st volume of collected poems of Lady ISE (10th century), A cutting, 20cm height, Silver, Gold, Colour, and ink on ornamented paper collage. Yamato Bunkakan, Nara, Japan, Formerly ,One of the Co... More

Mao Shin Toyo Bunko. Antique Japanese image. Public domain.

Mao Shin Toyo Bunko. Antique Japanese image. Public domain.

Mao Shi (毛詩, mōshi) fragments of vol. 6

Nihon Shoki Maeda - Public domain medieval manuscript

Nihon Shoki Maeda - Public domain medieval manuscript

The Chronicles of Japan (日本書紀, Nihon Shoki), Maeda edition; beginning of the 11th scroll

Sesetsu Shingo TNM - Public domain dedication image

Sesetsu Shingo TNM - Public domain dedication image

Shishuo Xinshu (New Account of Tales of the World) (世説新書, sesetsu shingo)

Sudhana pilgrimage 1. 12th century Japan. Public domain image.

Sudhana pilgrimage 1. 12th century Japan. Public domain image.

Illustrated stories about the boy Sudhana's pilgrimage to fifty-four deities and saints (紙本著色華厳五十五所絵巻, shihon chakushoku kegon gojūgosho emaki



日本語: 日本語: 『栄花物語』(東京国立博物館所蔵)

36poets collection TADAMINE

36poets collection TADAMINE

Two pages of the collected poems of Mibu no Tadamine, 20cm height, 32cm wide. Silver, Gold, Colour, and ink on ornamented paper. One of the Collection of the works of thirty six master poets in the NISHI-HONGA... More

Kanjin Honzon Sho - Public domain dedication image

Kanjin Honzon Sho - Public domain dedication image

The object of devotion for observing the mind in the fifth five-hundred year period (観心本尊抄, Kanjin no Honzon Shō)

Konjaku Monogatarishu

Konjaku Monogatarishu

Anthology of Tales from the Past (今昔物語集, Konjaku Monogatarishū). page 5 and 6 of vol. 5

36poets collection SHITAGO2

36poets collection SHITAGO2

Two pages of the collected poems of MINAMOTO SHITAGO(ACE 911- 983), 20cm height, 32cm wide. Silver, Gold, Colour, and ink on ornamented paper. One of the Collection of the works of thirty six master poets in t... More

36poets collection MOTOSUKE - Public domain dedication image

36poets collection MOTOSUKE - Public domain dedication image

Two pages of the collected poems of KIYOHARA MOTOSUKE (ACE 908- 990), 20cm height, 32cm wide. Silver, Gold, Colour, and ink on ornamented paper. One of the Collection of the works of thirty six master poets in... More

36poets collection YAKAMOCHI - Public domain dedication image

36poets collection YAKAMOCHI - Public domain dedication image

Two pages of the collected poems of OOTOMO YAKAMOCHI(ACE718- 785), 20cm height, 32cm wide. Silver, Gold, Colour, and ink on ornamented paper. One of the Collection of the works of thirty six master poets in th... More

Buddhist Monastic Traditions of Southern Asia

Buddhist Monastic Traditions of Southern Asia

Buddhist Monastic Traditions of Southern Asia (南海寄帰内法伝, nankai kiki naihōden) by the Chinese monk I Ching. One handscroll, ink on paper. custody of Tenri University Library (天理大学附属天理図書館, Tenri daigaku fuzoku T... More

Sanmonso. 13th century Japan. Public domain image.
Fugen Kanbotsubon Yamatobunkakan2

Fugen Kanbotsubon Yamatobunkakan2

Opeming of Fugen kanbotsubon, Lotus pedestal character Lotus Sutra, One handscroll. Ink and color on paper, Heian Period, 11-12th century. Yamatobunkakan, Nara 日本語: 一字蓮台法華経 巻頭見返し絵,  普賢勧発品 大和文華館

Dahui Zonggao letter - Public domain dedication image

Dahui Zonggao letter - Public domain dedication image

Letter of Dahui Zonggao (尺牘, sekitoku). Letter from Dahui's exile in Meizhou to his friend, the lay practitioner Wuxiang. One hanging scroll, ink on paper, 37.9 × 65.5 cm (14.9 × 25.8 in). Located at the Tokyo... More

Expedient Means Lotus Sutra 2 - Public domain dedication image

Expedient Means Lotus Sutra 2 - Public domain dedication image

Lotus Sutra, Chapter on "Expedient Means" (法華経方便品, kengukyōzankan).

Myoe Shonin Kashu - Public domain dedication image

Myoe Shonin Kashu - Public domain dedication image

Collection of Poems by Priest Myōe (明恵上人歌集, Myōe Shōnin Kashū)

Bo Juyi Anthology. 11th century Japan. Public domain image.

Bo Juyi Anthology. 11th century Japan. Public domain image.

日本語: 藤原行成筆「白氏詩巻」国宝。紙背の継ぎ目の花押は伏見天皇のもので、天皇遺愛の品であったことが窺われる。 English: Part of the Poetic Anthology of Bo Juyi (白氏詩巻, Hakushi shikan) by Fujiwara no Yukinari. Collection of eight poems from volume 65 of the Poetic ... More

36poets collection SHIGEYUKI, illuminated manuscript

36poets collection SHIGEYUKI, illuminated manuscript

Two pages of the collected poems of Minamoto-no-SHIGEYUKI(?-ACE 1000). 20cm height, 32cm wide. Silver, Gold, Colour, and ink on ornamented paper. One of the Collection of the works of thirty six master poe... More

36poets Collection Yoshinobu, illuminated manuscript

36poets Collection Yoshinobu, illuminated manuscript

One page of 1st volume of collected poems of Ōnakatomi no Yoshinobu (921–991): 1st volume, 20cm height, 32cm wide. Silver, Gold, Colour, and ink on ornamented paper collage. One of the Collection of the work... More

Hogo - Public domain dedication image

Hogo - Public domain dedication image

Buddhist sermon (法語, hōgo). Hanging scroll, ink on paper, 85.2 × 41.4 cm (33.5 × 16.3 in). Owned by Kenchō-ji, Kamakura, Kanagawa, Japan

Sanjo Wasan - Public domain sheet music scan

Sanjo Wasan - Public domain sheet music scan

Sanjō Wasan (三帖和讃). One of three books bound by fukuro-toji. Located at Senju-ji, Tsu, Mie.

Mugaku Soban Ichio - Public domain dedication image

Mugaku Soban Ichio - Public domain dedication image

chōrakuji ichiō niatauru no gego (与長楽寺一翁偈語). Presented to his fellow student, Ichiō Ingō (一翁院豪?), by Mugaku Soban, praising his enlightenment. Four hanging scrolls. Located at Shōkoku-ji, Kyoto, Japan.

Wuzhun Shifan letter. 13th century Japan. Public domain image.

Wuzhun Shifan letter. 13th century Japan. Public domain image.

Letter of Wuzhun Shifan (尺牘, sekitoku). Letter of thanks for Enni Ben'en's donation after the destruction of Wanshou Temple by fire. Also known as the "Calligraphy of the Board Gift". One hanging scroll, ink o... More

Koyagire 20th - Public domain dedication image

Koyagire 20th - Public domain dedication image

A part of “Collected Japanese Poems of Ancient and Modern Times” (Kokin Wakashū), Kōya edition, volume 20th , one handscroll, 25.5cm, 2.6m long (total). ink on mica decorated paper, About ACE 1050, Heian pe... More

Shinsen ruirin-shoh1 - A piece of paper with asian writing on it

Shinsen ruirin-shoh1 - A piece of paper with asian writing on it

Opening part of Anthology of Tang Dynasty Poems(shinsen ruirin-shō) a fragment scroll of vol. 4 , One scroll. Ink on paper, 28cm height, total length is 558cm, Heian period, Kyoto National Museum, Kyoto, Japan

Harima Fudoki - Public domain dedication image

Harima Fudoki - Public domain dedication image

Fudoki of Harima Province (播磨国風土記, Harima no kuni fudoki). Transcription of an ancient record of culture and geography from the early Nara period; oldest extant fudoki manuscript. One handscroll, ink on paper.... More

Kokin Wakashu Honami. 11th century Japan. Public domain image.

Kokin Wakashu Honami. 11th century Japan. Public domain image.

Collected Japanese Poems of Ancient and Modern Times (古今和歌集, Kokin Wakashū), Honami edition

Konponhyakuichikonma - Public domain dedication image

Konponhyakuichikonma - Public domain dedication image

Konponhyakuichikonma (根本百一羯磨) vol. 6 Public domain photograph of Japanese art, 15th-16th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Hogo Liaoan Qingyu. 14th century Japan. Public domain image.

Hogo Liaoan Qingyu. 14th century Japan. Public domain image.

Teaching on Enlightenment (法語, hōgo). Note about the attainment of enlightenment. Written for a Japanese monk Teki Zōsu (的蔵主) who had travelled to Liaoan Qingyu in China. One hanging scroll, ink on paper, 27.9... More

Risshou Ankokuron

Risshou Ankokuron

Risshō Ankokuron, a Treasure of Japan, Nakayama Hokekyō-ji, Chiba, Japan. This section is from a 16 m scroll including a strip with the title (立正安国論) that becomes the title of the scroll when it is rolled up

36poets collection AKAHITO2, illuminated manuscript

36poets collection AKAHITO2, illuminated manuscript

Two pages of the collected poems of Yamabe Akahito (ACE 8 century), 20cm height, 32cm wide. Silver, Gold, Colour, and ink on ornamented paper. One of the Collection of the works of thirty six master poets in t... More

Engishiki Kujo edition - Public domain dedication image

Engishiki Kujo edition - Public domain dedication image

Engishiki, Kujō edition Public domain photograph of Japanese art, 15th-16th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Goryeo Tripiṭaka with gilt letters, Goryeo dynasty

Goryeo Tripiṭaka with gilt letters, Goryeo dynasty

Mahāratnakūṭa Sūtra on deep blue paper (紺紙金字大宝積経 konshikinji taihō shakukyō) vol. 32, Goryeo Tripiṭaka with gilt letters (高麗国金字大蔵経 kōraikoku kinji daizōkyō). Copied by Choi Sung-sak. Earliest copied sutra of t... More

Kongo Hanyakyo Kaidai Kukai - Public domain dedication image

Kongo Hanyakyo Kaidai Kukai - Public domain dedication image

Detail Part of Segment of the Kongōhannyakyō Sutra commentary Kūkai Segment of a commentary explaining the title of the Diamond Sutra. The full commentary was originally located in Sanbō-in before being cut i... More

Tosa nikki copied by Teika - Public domain dedication image

Tosa nikki copied by Teika - Public domain dedication image

Tosa nikki(Tosa Diary)(10th century) faithfully copied by Fujiwara no Teika(1162-1241), ink on paper, 13th century, Japan. This image is a last part of the diary. "ん(む)まれしもかへら ぬものをわかやとに こまつのあるをみる かヽなしさとそいへる ... More

Bo Juyi Anthology Yukinari

Bo Juyi Anthology Yukinari

日本語: 藤原行成筆「後嵯峨院本白氏詩巻」国宝 English: Poetic Anthology of Bo Juyi (白氏詩巻, Hakushi shikan). Collection of poems by the Chinese poet Bo Juyi. Part of one scroll. Located at the Osaka Tadaoka Masaki Art MuseumMaska... More

36poets collection HENJO, illuminated manuscript

36poets collection HENJO, illuminated manuscript

Two pages of the collected poems of Priest HENJO(?-ACE 890). 20cm height, 32cm wide. Silver, Gold, Colour, and ink on ornamented paper. One of the Collection of the works of thirty six master poets in the... More

Amitabha Sutra Commentary Shinran

Amitabha Sutra Commentary Shinran

Amitabha Sutra commentary (阿弥陀経註, Amida-kyō chū)

Book of History Commentary - Public domain illuminated manuscript

Book of History Commentary - Public domain illuminated manuscript

Commentary on the Book of History, Song edition (宋版尚書正義, sōban shōshoseigi), one of 8 books bound by fukuro-toji, ink on paper, 28.3 × 18.2 cm (11.1 × 7.2 in). Located at Ashikaga Gakko Remain Library (足利学校遺蹟図... More

Obotsu-shu 28 - Public domain illuminated manuscript

Obotsu-shu 28 - Public domain illuminated manuscript

Wang Bo collection (王勃集, Ōbotsu-shū), vol. 28

Poetry Match Kanpyo - Public domain medieval manuscript

Poetry Match Kanpyo - Public domain medieval manuscript

Poems from the Poetry Match Held by the Empress in the Kanpyō era (寛平御時后宮歌合, kanpyō no ontoki kisai no miya utaawase)

Sanjujo Sasshi - Public domain medieval manuscript

Sanjujo Sasshi - Public domain medieval manuscript

Thirty booklets of handcopied sutras (三十帖冊子, sanjūjō sasshi)

Kokin Wakashu Genei 2 - Public domain dedication image

Kokin Wakashu Genei 2 - Public domain dedication image

Collected Japanese Poems of Ancient and Modern Times (古今和歌集, Kokin Wakashū), Gen'ei edition

36poets collection MITSUNE1. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

36poets collection MITSUNE1. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

Two pages of the collected poems of Ōshikōchi Mitsune (859?-925?) . 20cm height, 32cm wide. Silver, Gold, Colour, and ink on ornamented paper. One of the Collection of the works of thirty six master poets ... More

Segments of Vol. 2 of the Man’yōshū Poetry Anthology (Known as the Kanazawa-bon Man’yōshū)

Segments of Vol. 2 of the Man’yōshū Poetry Anthology (Known as the Kan...

Fujiwara no Sadanobu Heian Period, 12th century The Museum of the Imperial Collections, Sannomaru Shōzōkan

36poets collection MUNEYUKI

36poets collection MUNEYUKI

Two pages of the collected poems of Minamoto no Muneyuki , 20cm height, 32cm wide. Silver, Gold, Colour, and ink on ornamented paper. One of the Collection of the works of thirty six master poets in the NISHI-... More

Kongo-badarani 1. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Kongo-badarani 1. Japanese empire during World War Two.

日本語: 金剛場陀羅尼English: Kongo-badarani

36poets collection Turayuki 1stVol, illuminated manuscript

36poets collection Turayuki 1stVol, illuminated manuscript

Two pages of the collected poems of KI no Tsurayuki (ca. ACE868- ACE945), Opening of 1st volume. 20cm height, 32cm wide. Silver, Gold, Colour, and ink on ornamented paper. Calligraphed by Fujiwara no Sadazane... More

36poets collection TURAYUKI2nd2, illuminated manuscript

36poets collection TURAYUKI2nd2, illuminated manuscript

Two pages of the collected poems of KI TURAYUKI(ca. ACE868- ACE945), 2nd volume. 20cm height, 32cm wide. Gold, Silver and ink on ornamented crafted paper. One of the Collection of the works of thirty six mast... More

Kanbokujo - Public domain dedication image

Kanbokujo - Public domain dedication image

Part of the Castle of Brush and Ink Album (手鑑 翰墨城, tekagami kanbokujō), a collection of calligraphy from the Nara period to Muromachi period, 8th – 15th century consisting of one album (bound book) with 311 se... More

Kanen. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
Kokin Wakashu Mori. 11th century Japan. Public domain image.

Kokin Wakashu Mori. 11th century Japan. Public domain image.

Collected Japanese Poems of Ancient and Modern Times (古今和歌集, Kokin Wakashū), Kōya edition

Muryogi-kyo - Public domain dedication image

Muryogi-kyo - Public domain dedication image

Sutra of Immeasurable Meanings (無量義経, muryōgikyō)

Yupian Waseda University - Public domain medieval manuscript

Yupian Waseda University - Public domain medieval manuscript

Yupian (玉篇, gyokuhen), fragments of vol. 9 Public domain photograph of medieval manuscript, folio, 13th-14th-century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Postscript from The Age of Gods chapter, The Chronicles of Japan (1286)

Postscript from The Age of Gods chapter, The Chronicles of Japan (1286...

Postscript of The Age of Gods, chapters from The Chronicles of Japan (日本書紀神代巻, Nihon Shoki jindai-kan)

36poets collection SOSEI, illuminated manuscript

36poets collection SOSEI, illuminated manuscript

Two pages of the collected poems of Sosei-Hoshi(9th-10th century). Silver, Colour, and ink on ornamented paper. 20cm height, 32cm wide. One of the Collection of the works of thirty six master poets in the NI... More

Book of Odes Dainembutsuji - Public domain illuminated manuscript

Book of Odes Dainembutsuji - Public domain illuminated manuscript

Book of Odes commentary fragment (毛詩鄭箋残巻, mōshi teisen zankan)

KENGU KYO Vol8. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

KENGU KYO Vol8. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

Opening of Segment of the Sutra of the Wise and Foolish One handscroll, ink on paper. Height 27.5cm, Total length :696.9cm. Chapters 8 ("Vajra, the Daughter of King Prasenajit"), 9 ("Golden Wealth"), 10 ("Hea... More

Ruiju Myōgishō - Public domain medieval manuscript

Ruiju Myōgishō - Public domain medieval manuscript

Classified dictionary of pronunciations and meanings, annotated (類聚名義抄, Ruiju Myōgishō), Kanji-in edition. Oldest extant complete edition; expanded and revised edition of the 11th century original. Part of ele... More

Sesetsu Shingo Bunkacho - Public domain illuminated manuscript

Sesetsu Shingo Bunkacho - Public domain illuminated manuscript

Shishuo Xinshu (New Account of Tales of the World) (世説新書, sesetsu shingo) fragments of vol. 6

Sesetsu Shingo TNM 2 - Public domain dedication image

Sesetsu Shingo TNM 2 - Public domain dedication image

An ancient transcript of Shishuo Xinshu (New Account of Tales of the World), dated in Tang Dynasty. 中文:《世説新書》(今名《世说新語》)唐寫本殘卷,19世紀末發現於日本京都。

Sutra of the Wise and Foolish Todaiji

Sutra of the Wise and Foolish Todaiji

Sutra of the Wise and Foolish (賢愚経, kengukyō) vol. 15. One handscroll, ink on paper. Located at Tōdai-ji, Nara.

Daigoji collection

Daigoji collection

日本語: 史料3 国宝 醍醐寺座主元海起請文等写(2函12号1番) 一通 江戸前期成立 竪紙 紙本墨書(斐紙) 縦35.5糎 横46.5糎 一紙 義演書写

Hifuryaku - Public domain dedication image

Hifuryaku - Public domain dedication image

Oldest Japanese proto-encyclopedia (831); National Treasure of Japan

Kagura wagon hifu - Public domain sheet music scan

Kagura wagon hifu - Public domain sheet music scan

Earliest extant kagura song book; Heian period; National Treasure of Japan

Nyūdō Udaijin shū - Public domain dedication image

Nyūdō Udaijin shū - Public domain dedication image

Nyūdō Udaijin-shū (入道右大臣集). National Treasure of Japan.

Lotus Sutra Ryukoji

Lotus Sutra Ryukoji

A Part of Lotus pedestal character Lotus Sutra, ink on ornamented paper, 29cm height, Heian period, Nine handscrolls. Fukushima Aizumisato Ryukoji, Aizumisato, Fukushima, Japan

Kongo-badarani 2 - Public domain dedication image

Kongo-badarani 2 - Public domain dedication image

日本語: 金剛場陀羅尼English: Kongo-badarani

36poets collection OKIKAZE - Public domain dedication image

36poets collection OKIKAZE - Public domain dedication image

Two pages of the collected poems of Fujiwara no Okikaze (?-? ACE9th century), 20cm height, 32cm wide. Silver, Gold, Colour, and ink on ornamented paper. One of the Collection of the works of thirty six master ... More

Corpus of Ouyang Xiu, a Sung edition

Corpus of Ouyang Xiu, a Sung edition

Corpus of Ouyang Xiu, a Sung edition, National Treasures of Japan

Kongohannyakyo kaidai zankan - Public domain dedication image

Kongohannyakyo kaidai zankan - Public domain dedication image

Segment of the Kongōhannyakyō Sutra Commentary (金剛般若経開題残巻, Kongōhannyakyō kaidai zankan)

Letter to Kong tracing copy. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.

Letter to Kong tracing copy. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.

Letter to Kong (孔侍中帖, kōjichūjō?) (Chin.: Kong Shizhong Tie). Tracing copy of a letter by Wang Xizhi. In the letter Wang inquires after the well-being of a friend. Tang Dynasty, during reign of Emperor Taizong... More

Lotus Sutra vol8 UNKEI - Public domain illuminated manuscript

Lotus Sutra vol8 UNKEI - Public domain illuminated manuscript

Lotus Sutra vol8 last part, noted by dononors(UNKEI ey al) ACE1183日本語: 運慶  願  法華経巻八 跋尾 寿永2年

Shuowen Jiezi Takeda. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.

Shuowen Jiezi Takeda. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.

Shuowen Jiezi (説文木部残巻, setsumon mokubu zankan) fragment or "Explaining Simple and Analyzing Compound Characters". Chinese dictionary; oldest extant manuscript of this work; brought to Japan by Naitō Torajirō; ... More

Utaawase Yomei Bunko. 11th century Japan. Public domain image.

Utaawase Yomei Bunko. 11th century Japan. Public domain image.

Poetry Contest (歌合, utaawase) ten volume edition, vol. 6

Lotus Sutra in minute characters

Lotus Sutra in minute characters

Lotus Sutra in minute characters (細字法華経 saiji hokekyō). 39 pages of 56 ruled lines with 32 characters per line; also known as Honored Companion Sutra (御同朋経 godōbōkyō?); handed down at Hōryū-ji. Part of one han... More

Zhi Yong 1000 Charcter 1930s Japan, public domain image.

Zhi Yong 1000 Charcter 1930s Japan, public domain image.

One page of the album "Thousand Character clasic in formal and Cursive script" attributed to Zhi Yong(7th century, China). National Tresure in Japan.24.5x11cm

36poets collection Kodai no Kimi

36poets collection Kodai no Kimi

Two pages of the collected poems of Kodai no Kimi , 20cm height, 32cm wide. Silver, Gold, Colour, and ink on ornamented paper. One of the Collection of the works of thirty six master poets in the NISHI-HONGANJ... More

Chikubushima-kyo Hogonji - Public domain medieval manuscript

Chikubushima-kyo Hogonji - Public domain medieval manuscript

Preface to the Lotus Sutra (法華経序品, hokekyō johon) or (Chikubushima Sutra, 竹生島経)

Gunsho Chiyo2 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Gunsho Chiyo2 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Book of politics  Heian period, 11th century, ink on colored paper. vol. 26: 27.0cm x 1522.3cm, Tokyo National MuseumTokyo National Museum, Tokyo

Guwen Shangshu TNM - Public domain illuminated manuscript

Guwen Shangshu TNM - Public domain illuminated manuscript

Old-Script Document of Antiquities (Guwen Shangshu) (古文尚書, kobun shōsho), vol. 6

Kongo Hanyakyo Kaidai Kukai NNM

Kongo Hanyakyo Kaidai Kukai NNM

Segment of the Kongōhannyakyō Sutra Commentary (金剛般若経開題残巻, Kongōhannyakyō kaidai zankan). Segment of a commentary explaining the title of the Diamond Sutra. The full commentary was originally located in Sanbō... More

Lotus Sutra decorated with Buddhas

Lotus Sutra decorated with Buddhas

Preface to the Lotus Sutra decorated with Buddhas (一字一仏法華経序品, ichiji ichibutsu hokekyō johon)

Lotus Sutra Jikoji - Public domain dedication image

Lotus Sutra Jikoji - Public domain dedication image

Lotus Sutra (法華経一品経, hokekyō ipponkyō) Public domain reproduction of illuminated manuscript page, 16th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain reproduction of... More

Syouzoumatsu Wasan7 - Public domain dedication image

Syouzoumatsu Wasan7 - Public domain dedication image

日本語: 親鸞筆「三帖和讃」、専修寺蔵、国宝。

Enryaku Kōtaishiki

Enryaku Kōtaishiki

National Treasure of Japan

Maeda Kokinshu (vol 19)

Maeda Kokinshu (vol 19)

National Treasure of Japan

Omuro Sōjōki (beginning scroll 1)

Omuro Sōjōki (beginning scroll 1)

National Treasure of Japan

Senjyu Sengan Daranhi Kyohaku

Senjyu Sengan Daranhi Kyohaku

Last part. ACE741, Total scroll is a segment of the Senju sengen daranikyo Sutra, ACE741 Only extant portion of one thousand copies of the Senju sengen daranikyo made under sponsorship of bishop Genbo. Mentio... More

36poets collection MITSUNE1L, illuminated manuscript

36poets collection MITSUNE1L, illuminated manuscript

Two pages of the collected poems of Ōshikōchi Mitsune (859?-925?) . 20cm height, 32cm wide. Silver, Gold, Colour, and ink on ornamented paper. One of the Collection of the works of thirty six master poets in t... More

36poets collection SHITAGO - Public domain dedication image

36poets collection SHITAGO - Public domain dedication image

Two pages of the collected poems of MINAMOTO SHITAGO(ACE 911- 983), 20cm height, 32cm wide. Silver, Gold, Colour, and ink on ornamented paper. One of the Collection of the works of thirty six master poets in t... More

36poets collection TAKAMITSU, illuminated manuscript

36poets collection TAKAMITSU, illuminated manuscript

Two pages of the collected poems of Fujiwara no Takamitsu (c.939-994), 20cm height, 32cm wide. Silver, Gold, Colour, and ink on ornamented paper. One of the Collection of the works of thirty six master poets i... More

Fujiwara no Sukemasa Shikaishi. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.

Fujiwara no Sukemasa Shikaishi. 19th century Japan. Public domain imag...

Poem on kaishi paper by Fujiwara no Sukemasa (藤原佐理筆詩懐紙, Fujiwara no Sukemasa hitsu shikaishi). Oldest extant shikaishi, a poem written on kaishi paper (a paper folded and tucked inside the front of the kimono)... More


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