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naive art

53 media by topicpage 1 of 1
A painting of a street light in the snow. Reverberatory light candelabra.

A painting of a street light in the snow. Reverberatory light candelab...

The city of the stars / A painting of a street light in the snow / Public domain stock illustration.

Kallikatzaros - A painting of a man with a hat on
Спасо-Преображенский женский монастырь на р. Теберда

Спасо-Преображенский женский монастырь на р. Теберда

Русский: Так выглядел комплекс храма в 11 веке Public domain image of 17th-18th-century architecture, palace, castle, historical city building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Oluf Braren Christusbild - A painting of jesus holding a peace sign

Oluf Braren Christusbild - A painting of jesus holding a peace sign

Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Morris Hirshfield Girl with Pigeons 1942

Morris Hirshfield Girl with Pigeons 1942

Deutsch: Morris Hirshfield Girl with Pigeons 1942

Hauptwache mural painting Marktplatz Munich

Hauptwache mural painting Marktplatz Munich

Français : Peinture murale, Marktplatz, Munich, Bavière, Allemagne.English: Mural painting, Marktplatz, Munich, Bavaria, Germany.

Змиевской уезд Высочиновский Казанский монастырь. Литография нач. XX в

Змиевской уезд Высочиновский Казанский монастырь. Литография нач. XX в

Русский: Змиевской уезд Харьковской губернии. Высочиновский Казанский монастырь. Литография самого начала XX века. Над монастырём изображена чудотворная Высочиновская Казанская икона Божией матери.

Viagem Philosophica 01

Viagem Philosophica 01

Viagem Philosophica de Alexandre Rodrigues Ferreira. ca. 1792. Public domain photograph of 18th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

A painting of a house on a snowy hill. Landscape snow winter landscape.

A painting of a house on a snowy hill. Landscape snow winter landscape...

A winter scene with a house and trees / A painting of a house on a snowy hill / Public domain stock illustration.

Kosztka Csontváry – A taorminai görög színház romjai

Kosztka Csontváry – A taorminai görög színház romjai

Picryl description: Public domain photo of landscape art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Rousseau, Happy Quartet

Rousseau, Happy Quartet

Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Приоратский дворец. Раскрашенная литография на почтовой бумаге (3)

Приоратский дворец. Раскрашенная литография на почтовой бумаге (3)

Русский: Приоратский дворец в Гатчине Public domain image of 17th-18th-century architecture, palace, castle, historical city building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

St.John’s Eve - Kurilev, russian painting

St.John’s Eve - Kurilev, russian painting

St.John’s Eve. (Ivan Kupala Eve)Русский: И. Курылев. Ночь на Ивана Купалу

Dalmålning 1829 - A group of people standing next to each other

Dalmålning 1829 - A group of people standing next to each other

Svenska: Texten lyder: "Dalmålning från 1829, okänd målare. Den äldsta kända bilden på en Rättviksdräkt. Ägs av Funäsdalens museum.

A painting of a rabbit with a flower in its mouth. Rabbit rodent flowers.

A painting of a rabbit with a flower in its mouth. Rabbit rodent flowe...

A painting of a rabbit smelling a flower / A painting of a rabbit with a flower in its mouth / Public domain stock illustration.

"Goats" - NARA - 558853 - Drawing. Public domain image.

"Goats" - NARA - 558853 - Drawing. Public domain image.

General notes: Watercolor Public domain photograph of US government agency meeting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Shepherds Bow - Google Art Project

Shepherds Bow - Google Art Project

A Ukrainian religious painting, from an iconostasis, showing the Adoration of the Shepherds. Tempera on wood.

Trypillia Village - A painting of a village with a church in the background

Trypillia Village - A painting of a village with a church in the backg...

Painting of Trypillia Village, Ukraine Polski: Wieś Trillia (Trypole, Trypolje), obrazu

Powodz - Tymoteusz Musko

Powodz - Tymoteusz Musko

Polski: "Powódź", Tymoteusz Muśko, olej na płótnie, 70x100cm. Praca namalowana między 1975 a 1985 r. Archiwum Regionalnego Ośrodka Kultury i Sztuki w Suwałkach.English: "Flood", Tymoteusz Musko, oil on canvas... More

Portrait of the Benua Family - Olivier

Portrait of the Benua Family - Olivier

Portrait of the Benua Family. About 1816 Оливье (?) Художник первой половины 19 века Портрет семьи Бенуа Около 1816 В центре сидит глава семейства Леонтий (Луи Жюль) Бенуа — повар-кондитер герцога Монморанси, ... More

A painting of a village in the mountains. Mountains snow

A painting of a village in the mountains. Mountains snow

A painting of a village in the mountains / A painting of a village in the mountains / Public domain stock illustration.

Wedding in Toropets (landlords coming to the peasants’ wedding) detail 01

Wedding in Toropets (landlords coming to the peasants’ wedding) detail...

Wedding in Toropets (landlords coming to the peasants’ wedding). "Смотрины в XVIII веке в городе Торопце" Смотрины в XVIII веке в городе Торопце" - традиционное название картины конца XVIII века, которая была и... More

A Muzhik Botching the Bast Shoes, an Old Woman Spinning Thread

A Muzhik Botching the Bast Shoes, an Old Woman Spinning Thread

Public domain image of painting, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Oluf Braren Christ 19th century painting

Oluf Braren Christ 19th century painting

Public domain photograph of 19th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Henri Rousseau theRepastOfTheLion

Henri Rousseau theRepastOfTheLion

The Repast of the Lion, ca. 1907 Henri-Julien-Félix Rousseau (le Douanier) (French, 1844–1910) Oil on canvas; 44 3/4 x 63 in. (113.7 x 160 cm) Bequest of Sam A. Lewisohn, 1951 (51.112.5) Metropolitan Museum O... More

Christ Sleeping with the Attributes of the Passion

Christ Sleeping with the Attributes of the Passion

Christ Sleeping with the Attributes of the Passion Public domain photograph of Russian icon, Orthodox, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Walter Spies - The Merry-go-round, 1922

Walter Spies - The Merry-go-round, 1922

Walter Spies - The Merry-go-round

Nativite - A painting of a nativity scene with a baby jesus

Nativite - A painting of a nativity scene with a baby jesus

Nativite.jpg Public domain photograph of 20th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Kolendas Pavel - Public domain scenic painting

Kolendas Pavel - Public domain scenic painting

Portrait of P.P.TemerinРусский: Темерин Пётр Петрович, 2 года (1844). Холст, масло. 113*66. Ярославские портреты XVIII-XIX веков (набор открыток). Переславль-Залесский музей. Инв. 1022

On the stage - A painting of a man in a tuxedo on stage

On the stage - A painting of a man in a tuxedo on stage

עברית: "I am Sioma Albraster, the cheerful rhymester, tempera on canvas

Wedding in Toropets (landlords coming to the peasants’ wedding) 02

Wedding in Toropets (landlords coming to the peasants’ wedding) 02

Wedding in Toropets (landlords coming to the peasants’ wedding). "Смотрины в XVIII веке в городе Торопце" Смотрины в XVIII веке в городе Торопце" - традиционное название картины конца XVIII века, которая была и... More

Хоровод. Русский лубок, Russian Empire

Хоровод. Русский лубок, Russian Empire

Русский: Хоровод. Русский лубок. XVII в. Public domain photograph of primitivism, folk art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Wedding in Toropets (landlords coming to the peasants’ wedding) 04

Wedding in Toropets (landlords coming to the peasants’ wedding) 04

Wedding in Toropets (landlords coming to the peasants’ wedding). "Смотрины в XVIII веке в городе Торопце" Смотрины в XVIII веке в городе Торопце" - традиционное название картины конца XVIII века, которая была и... More

Christian IV's syn - Norsk Folkemuseum - NF.1901-0352

Christian IV's syn - Norsk Folkemuseum - NF.1901-0352

Deponert fra: Tranby kirketilsyn Motiv:Christian IV's syn. Kongens monogram i hvitt og rødt. Kong Christian er kledd i frakk, knebukser og strømper. Arkitektur i bildets høyre bakgrunn. Draperier i bildets øvre... More

Lehigh Canal, Sunset, New Hope, PA by Joseph Pickett

Lehigh Canal, Sunset, New Hope, PA by Joseph Pickett

Painting by Joseph Pickett (painter) Public domain photograph of 20th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Brekke, Bondalen, Tuddal - no-nb digifoto 20151013 00192 NB MIT FNR 05342

Brekke, Bondalen, Tuddal - no-nb digifoto 20151013 00192 NB MIT FNR 05...

Norsk bokmål: Bildet er hentet fra Nasjonalbibliotekets bildesamling. Anmerkninger til bildet var: Fotograf: ukjent. Påskrift maleri: 1 høgsete tavle malet av J.G.S. Bergstuen, Spellemand og ungKarl og en pike ... More

Wedding in Toropets (landlords coming to the peasants’ wedding).

Wedding in Toropets (landlords coming to the peasants’ wedding).

Wedding in Toropets (landlords coming to the peasants’ wedding). "Смотрины в XVIII веке в городе Торопце" Смотрины в XVIII веке в городе Торопце" - традиционное название картины конца XVIII века, которая была и... More

Inauguracao Portao Passeio Fins XVIII Anonimo

Inauguracao Portao Passeio Fins XVIII Anonimo

Inauguration of the Passeio Público (Public Park) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Childless Millionaire and a Poor Woman Blessed with CHildren

Childless Millionaire and a Poor Woman Blessed with CHildren

Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Guerra de Castas - A picture of a painting on a wall

Guerra de Castas - A picture of a painting on a wall

Español: Una escena de la Guerra de Castas, Óleo sobre lienzo hacia 1850.

Olufbrarendeutschlandbw - A black and white photo of a group of people

Olufbrarendeutschlandbw - A black and white photo of a group of people

Public domain photograph of 19th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Unidentified artist - Farmstead in Passing Storm - Google Art Project

Unidentified artist - Farmstead in Passing Storm - Google Art Project

Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Archives of American Art - Pat Collins - 2041

Archives of American Art - Pat Collins - 2041

Photograph of Pat Collins at his easel taken for Art Focal. Identification on verso (handwritten and stamped): Federal Art Project W.P.A. Photographic Division; 110 King Street Pat Collins; Date: 4/20/39; Nega... More

Tage derr

Tage derr

painting Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

SLNSW 799118 9 Drawing by Tommy Barnes an aboriginal of the Upper Murray in 1862

SLNSW 799118 9 Drawing by Tommy Barnes an aboriginal of the Upper Murr...

9. Drawing by "Tommy Barnes" an aboriginal of the Upper Murray in 1862

Wedding in Toropets (landlords coming to the peasants’ wedding) detail 03

Wedding in Toropets (landlords coming to the peasants’ wedding) detail...

Wedding in Toropets (landlords coming to the peasants’ wedding). "Смотрины в XVIII веке в городе Торопце" Смотрины в XVIII веке в городе Торопце" - традиционное название картины конца XVIII века, которая была и... More

Morris Hirshfield - Two Women in Front of a Mirror, 1943

Morris Hirshfield - Two Women in Front of a Mirror, 1943

Français : Huile sur toile de Morris Hirshfield intitulée "Two Women in Front of a Mirror" (Deux femmes devant un miroir), faisant partie de la collection Peggy Guggenheim exposée à Venise

Литография Верх-исетский завод

Литография Верх-исетский завод

Русский: Верх-исетский завод в 1828

Chumaks by Sloboda Ukraine

Chumaks by Sloboda Ukraine

Chumaks. Sloboda Ukraine. Русский: Чумаки. Народная картина. Слобожанщина. Холст, масло. Середина XIX в. Українська: Чумаки. Народна картина. Слобожанщина. Полотно, олія. Середина 19 ст.

Wedding in Toropets (landlords coming to the peasants’ wedding) 01

Wedding in Toropets (landlords coming to the peasants’ wedding) 01

Wedding in Toropets (landlords coming to the peasants’ wedding). Русский: "Смотрины в XVIII веке в городе Торопце" Смотрины в XVIII веке в городе Торопце Русский: "Смотрины в XVIII веке в городе Тороп... More

Rocha-elias-sabara - A painting of a man riding a horse on a boat

Rocha-elias-sabara - A painting of a man riding a horse on a boat

Português: Elias subido aos céus. Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Carmo, em Sabará, BrasilРусский: Огненное восхождение святого пророка Илии. Церковь Богоматери на горе Кармель в Сабара, Бразилия.

The Flood in St.Petersburg in 1824. 1820-ies

The Flood in St.Petersburg in 1824. 1820-ies

The Flood in St.Petersburg in 1824 Public domain image of 16th-17th-century architecture, palace, castle, historical city building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The Row of the Passions on the iconostasis - Sivkov Kiril

The Row of the Passions on the iconostasis - Sivkov Kiril

The Arrest of Jesus Christ. Wood, tempera. 35 х 35 Public domain photograph related to middle ages, medieval art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description