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musical performance

5,348 media by topicpage 1 of 54
Gehoor - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication

Gehoor - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication

Public domain image of 17th century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

July: Amusements on the Water, (Juillet : les Divertissements sur l’eau)

July: Amusements on the Water, (Juillet : les Divertissements sur l’ea...

Public domain image, 17th-18th century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Musikanter i Astrachan.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.

Musikanter i Astrachan.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direkt...

Musikanter i Astrachan.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.

Mlle X en vélo, Luchon, France, 19th century

Mlle X en vélo, Luchon, France, 19th century

Fonds Trutat - Photographie ancienne..Cote : TRU C 32.Localisation : Fonds ancien.Original non communicable..Titre : Mlle X en vélo, Luchon..Auteur : Trutat, Eugène.Rôle de l’auteur : Photographe..Lieu de créat... More

"Frälsningsarmén med musikkår", Östhammar, Uppland

"Frälsningsarmén med musikkår", Östhammar, Uppland

"Frälsningsarmén med musikkår", Östhammar, Uppland Public domain photograph, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Skansens vårfest 1894. Ett sällskap män och kvinnor iförda 1700-talsdräkt på Gröna Lunds loft. Vissa av männen med instrument.

Skansens vårfest 1894. Ett sällskap män och kvinnor iförda 1700-talsdr...

Skansens vårfest 1894. Ett sällskap män och kvinnor iförda 1700-talsdräkt på Gröna Lunds loft. Vissa av männen med instrument.

Nio kvinnor, utstyrselfest? Gävle, Sverige

Nio kvinnor, utstyrselfest? Gävle, Sverige

Nio kvinnor, utstyrselfest? Public domain photograph - group portrait, 20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description



Collection archive for old Vang municipality. Most of these archive items are reproductions after borrowing of originals. Many photographs came in the form of gifts also. The subjects include everyday life, le... More

Orphei Drängar, "Pariserfärden" 1900

Orphei Drängar, "Pariserfärden" 1900

Orphei Drängar, "Pariserfärden" 1900 Public domain photograph of a steamboat ship, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Porträtt av spelmannen Pelle Fors 1904. Hans egentliga namn var Petter Magnus Johansson Fors och var till yrket skomakare. I sin tid dock allmänt känd i de sydöstra länsdelarna för sitt fiolspel, inte sällan i så kallad näckstämning; A-E-a-ciss.

Porträtt av spelmannen Pelle Fors 1904. Hans egentliga namn var Petter...

Porträtt av spelmannen Pelle Fors 1904. Hans egentliga namn var Petter Magnus Johansson Fors och var till yrket skomakare. I sin tid dock allmänt känd i de sydöstra länsdelarna för sitt fiolspel, inte sällan i ... More

Hybo musikkår,  den 4/6 1904.Stående fr.v. 1 Ville Ädel, 2 Karl Ahlbom, 3 Sven Damm(ledare),4 Sven Svensson, 5 Lars Forslin.Sittande fr.v. 1 Bernhard Ädel, 2 Axel Johansson, 3 Kalle Johansson, 4, Gustav Skog, 5 August Nilsson.

Hybo musikkår, den 4/6 1904.Stående fr.v. 1 Ville Ädel, 2 Karl Ahlbom...

Hybo musikkår, den 4/6 1904.Stående fr.v. 1 Ville Ädel, 2 Karl Ahlbom, 3 Sven Damm(ledare),4 Sven Svensson, 5 Lars Forslin.Sittande fr.v. 1 Bernhard Ädel, 2 Axel Johansson, 3 Kalle Johansson, 4, Gustav Skog, 5... More

Publik lyssnar på musiker som spelar, Östhammar, Uppland

Publik lyssnar på musiker som spelar, Östhammar, Uppland

Publik lyssnar på musiker som spelar, Östhammar, Uppland Public domain photograph of a crowd of people, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Women's Political March: Musical Score

Women's Political March: Musical Score

Public domain photograph - New York, United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Regemente, Kungliga Svea Trängkår.
13 man ur musikkåren. Musikkorpral 27/2. Engdahl.
I bakgrunden en kasern.

Regemente, Kungliga Svea Trängkår. 13 man ur musikkåren. Musikkorpral ...

Regemente, Kungliga Svea Trängkår. 13 man ur musikkåren. Musikkorpral 27/2. Engdahl. I bakgrunden en kasern.

Harold Bauer, George Grantham Bain Collection

Harold Bauer, George Grantham Bain Collection

Photograph shows pianist Harold Victor Bauer (1873-1951). (Source: Flickr Commons project, 2014) Title from data provided by the Bain News Service on the negative. Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection... More

Poster: Victor All Star Trio and orchestra, Mazie and Answer, two jolly foxtrots

Poster: Victor All Star Trio and orchestra, Mazie and Answer, two joll...

Title from data provided by the Bain News Service on the negative. Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress). General information about the George Grantham Bain Collection is availabl... More

Hornmusikkår, sammansatt från Järnvägsmännens, Frälsningsarméns, Mössebergs och Redberga musikkårer, vilka utförde musik under marsch genom stadens huvudgator den 1 maj 1920 och sedan upplöstes i Stadsparken.

Hornmusikkår, sammansatt från Järnvägsmännens, Frälsningsarméns, Mösse...

Hornmusikkår, sammansatt från Järnvägsmännens, Frälsningsarméns, Mössebergs och Redberga musikkårer, vilka utförde musik under marsch genom stadens huvudgator den 1 maj 1920 och sedan upplöstes i Stadsparken.

Bazaren "Tot-Ank-Ammon" i Societetshuset, arrangör Valfrid Lödin, sittande längst fram, Östhammar, Uppland

Bazaren "Tot-Ank-Ammon" i Societetshuset, arrangör Valfrid Lödin, sitt...

Bazaren "Tot-Ank-Ammon" i Societetshuset, arrangör Valfrid Lödin, sittande längst fram, Östhammar, Uppland

Ungdomsmusikkåren "Prästens pojkar" Hybo.Stående fr.v. Hjalmar Bodin, Gunder Gulliksson, David Skog, ""Prästen" Nordlander, August von Törne (ledare), Arvid Nyman, Holger Svensson, Leo Jonsson, Gustav Olsson.Sittande fr.v. Gustav Bergström, Sven Bäckström, Ragnar Nilsson, Tage Johansson, Karl Nilsson.

Ungdomsmusikkåren "Prästens pojkar" Hybo.Stående fr.v. Hjalmar Bodin, ...

Ungdomsmusikkåren "Prästens pojkar" Hybo.Stående fr.v. Hjalmar Bodin, Gunder Gulliksson, David Skog, ""Prästen" Nordlander, August von Törne (ledare), Arvid Nyman, Holger Svensson, Leo Jonsson, Gustav Olsson.Si... More

Dalarna. Åls sn. ”Kryckeståt, då en större björk köres fram med musik till ett blivande brudpar, som det har lysts för första gången.” Uppgift lämnad av Back O. Ericsson, Holen, Insjön, som äger originalfotot.

Dalarna. Åls sn. ”Kryckeståt, då en större björk köres fram med musik ...

Dalarna. Åls sn. ”Kryckeståt, då en större björk köres fram med musik till ett blivande brudpar, som det har lysts för första gången.” Uppgift lämnad av Back O. Ericsson, Holen, Insjön, som äger originalfotot.

IOGT Sörbyborg Floby, Nyårstablå

IOGT Sörbyborg Floby, Nyårstablå

IOGT Sörbyborg Floby, Nyårstablå Public domain photograph of early 20th century Falbugdens, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

[Portrait of John Malachi, Washington, D.C.(?), between 1938 and 1948]

[Portrait of John Malachi, Washington, D.C.(?), between 1938 and 1948]

Reference print available in Music Division, Library of Congress. Purchase William P. Gottlieb General information about the Gottlieb Forms part of: William P. Gottlieb Collection (Library of Congress). Gottli... More

Interlochen, Michigan. National music camp where 300 or more young musicians study symphonic music for eight weeks each summer. Percy Grainger, famous pianist and composer, with a student

Interlochen, Michigan. National music camp where 300 or more young mus...

Title and other information from caption card. Transfer; United States. Office of War Information. Overseas Picture Division. Washington Division; 1944. More information about the FSA/OWI Collection is availabl... More

F 2 Roslagens flygflottilj går högvakt vid Stockholms slott 1945

F 2 Roslagens flygflottilj går högvakt vid Stockholms slott 1945

F 2 Roslagens flygflottilj går högvakt vid Stockholms slott 1945 Public domain photograph of a crowd of people, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Välkomstkör för frigivna norska krigsfångar från det nazistiska interneringslägret Grini.

Välkomstkör för frigivna norska krigsfångar från det nazistiska intern...

Välkomstkör för frigivna norska krigsfångar från det nazistiska interneringslägret Grini. Public domain photograph related to World War Two, National Socialism, The Third Reich, Europe under Nazi occupation, f... More

[Portrait of Erroll Garner, New York, N.Y., between 1946 and 1948]

[Portrait of Erroll Garner, New York, N.Y., between 1946 and 1948]

Purchase William P. Gottlieb General information about the Gottlieb Forms part of: William P. Gottlieb Collection (Library of Congress). Gottlieb Collection Assignment No. 518 (gottlieb assignment) 518 (assign... More

[Portrait of Duke Ellington, Howard Theater(?), Washington, D.C., ca. June 1946]

[Portrait of Duke Ellington, Howard Theater(?), Washington, D.C., ca. ...

Public domain photograph of musical performance, musicians, music, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

[Portrait of Art Tatum, Vogue Room, New York, N.Y., between 1946 and 1948]

[Portrait of Art Tatum, Vogue Room, New York, N.Y., between 1946 and 1...

Reference print available in Music Division, Library of Congress. Purchase William P. Gottlieb General information about the Gottlieb Forms part of: William P. Gottlieb Collection (Library of Congress). Gottli... More

Hantverksutställningen 1947 i Kalmar. Orkester Svend Helbert.

Hantverksutställningen 1947 i Kalmar. Orkester Svend Helbert.

Hantverksutställningen 1947 i Kalmar. Orkester Svend Helbert.

Kryssaren Göta Lejon. Musik ombord, år 1948.

Kryssaren Göta Lejon. Musik ombord, år 1948.

Kryssaren Göta Lejon. Musik ombord, år 1948. Public domain photograph of navy orchestra, band, musicians, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of military... More

Juilliard School of Music, 130 Claremont Ave., New York City. Comedy III

Juilliard School of Music, 130 Claremont Ave., New York City. Comedy I...

Public domain photograph of early 20th-century New York metropolis cityscape, buildings, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Opdrachten Mejuffrouw van Houten pianist

Opdrachten Mejuffrouw van Houten pianist

Opdrachten Mejuffrouw van Houten pianist The post-war recovery of the Netherlands, 1953. The Netherlands experienced a period of economic depression and high unemployment in the immediate post-war period that ... More

King's visit. Karlskrona port V3112

King's visit. Karlskrona port V3112

V3112 Public domain photograph - Swedish army parade, ceremony, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Musikdirektören av 1a graden Karl Bertil Driving dirigerar Kungl. Flottans musikkår, juni 1954.

Musikdirektören av 1a graden Karl Bertil Driving dirigerar Kungl. Flot...

Musikdirektören av 1a graden Karl Bertil Driving dirigerar Kungl. Flottans musikkår, juni 1954.

King's visit. Karlskrona port V3110

King's visit. Karlskrona port V3110

V3110 Public domain photograph - Swedish army parade, ceremony, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

NGU-kongressen invigdes på Stortorget.
3 juli 1955.

NGU-kongressen invigdes på Stortorget. 3 juli 1955.

NGU-kongressen invigdes på Stortorget. 3 juli 1955.

Flugan på Idrottshuset.
2 mars 1955

Flugan på Idrottshuset. 2 mars 1955

Flugan på Idrottshuset. 2 mars 1955

Amatörtävlingar i Folkparken.
9 augusti 1955

Amatörtävlingar i Folkparken. 9 augusti 1955

Amatörtävlingar i Folkparken. 9 augusti 1955

Spex på fest. Utklädda gummor gör gymnastik på golvet. Serveringspersonal och gäster ser på. I soffan sitter, utklädd till man, Greta Persson. I dörröppningen står Sten Wahlgren (som driver Boråsboden tillsammans med sin bror Stig) samt Folke Pettersson (som har musik-och pappershandel).Platsen borde vara Stadskällaren eftersom Greta Perssons man, Gustav Adolf Persson, drev restaurangen.

Spex på fest. Utklädda gummor gör gymnastik på golvet. Serveringsperso...

Spex på fest. Utklädda gummor gör gymnastik på golvet. Serveringspersonal och gäster ser på. I soffan sitter, utklädd till man, Greta Persson. I dörröppningen står Sten Wahlgren (som driver Boråsboden tillsamma... More

Målarnas julfest.
7 februari 1955

Målarnas julfest. 7 februari 1955

Målarnas julfest. 7 februari 1955 Public domain photograph of cabinet, furniture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Fr.v Gösta Kastenby (Dragspel), Hans Geibe (Klarinett), Lars Börje Svensson (Klarinett), Jan Alm (bas) , Håkan Eklund (trummor), Elsa Bergman (sång).

Fr.v Gösta Kastenby (Dragspel), Hans Geibe (Klarinett), Lars Börje Sve...

Fr.v Gösta Kastenby (Dragspel), Hans Geibe (Klarinett), Lars Börje Svensson (Klarinett), Jan Alm (bas) , Håkan Eklund (trummor), Elsa Bergman (sång).

Statens Järnvägar, SJ gör reklam för Nils Holgersson turen.

Statens Järnvägar, SJ gör reklam för Nils Holgersson turen.

The Swedish State Railways (Swedish: Statens Järnvägar) or SJ, originally the Royal Railway Board (Swedish: Kungl. Järnvägsstyrelsen), was Swedish government agency responsible for operating the state-owned rai... More

En del av ensemblen repeterar inför revyn "Ut i det blå".Bakre raden, från vänster: Mona Jansson (aktris, sittande på pianot), Arne Johnsson (batterist), Roland Jansson (musiker), Larz-Thure Ljungdahl (aktör), Benkt Engstrand (aktör), och Ann-Sofie Zetterberg (aktris, sittande på pianot).Främre raden, från vänster: Vastie Fager (aktris), Gösta Kling (kapellmästare), Rune "Sotarn" Andersson (aktör och regissör) samt Berit Österberg (aktris).Noterna på pianot är "Bei mir bist du schön".

En del av ensemblen repeterar inför revyn "Ut i det blå".Bakre raden, ...

En del av ensemblen repeterar inför revyn "Ut i det blå".Bakre raden, från vänster: Mona Jansson (aktris, sittande på pianot), Arne Johnsson (batterist), Roland Jansson (musiker), Larz-Thure Ljungdahl (aktör), ... More

Ungdomsorkestern/Ungdomsblåsorkestern uppträder. Tre grabbar spelar kornett. En slår på stora trumman. Alla är klädda i uniform.

Ungdomsorkestern/Ungdomsblåsorkestern uppträder. Tre grabbar spelar ko...

Ungdomsorkestern/Ungdomsblåsorkestern uppträder. Tre grabbar spelar kornett. En slår på stora trumman. Alla är klädda i uniform.

Sista tågens ankomst och avgång

Sista tågens ankomst och avgång

Sista tågens ankomst och avgång Public domain photograph of train station platform, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Enligt notering: "Hagges Revy jan 1961".

Enligt notering: "Hagges Revy jan 1961".

Hagges nyårsrevy rikshändelse, parodi och patos i "Sillidonien". Nöje. Bild. Public domain photograph of cabinet, furniture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Nattclub10 juli 1965 Sverige. Public domain image.

Nattclub10 juli 1965 Sverige. Public domain image.

Nattclub10 juli 1965 Public domain photograph of costume design, costume accessory, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Våren 29 april 1966En mässingsorkester står nere vid vattnet i närheten av Örebro slott och spelar.

Våren 29 april 1966En mässingsorkester står nere vid vattnet i närhete...

Våren 29 april 1966En mässingsorkester står nere vid vattnet i närheten av Örebro slott och spelar.

IC-jippo 12 mars 1966.Bakom kulliserna

IC-jippo 12 mars 1966.Bakom kulliserna

IC-jippo 12 mars 1966.Bakom kulliserna Public domain photograph of theatrical or movie production, scene, actors, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Våren 29 april 1966Elva glada flickor sitter i en park i centrala Örebro. I bakgrunden till höger. syns äldre personer som sitter på parkbänkar. En kvinna med en barnvagn syns även. Till vänster står några män framför en lastbil. Ett barn med en cykel står också där.

Våren 29 april 1966Elva glada flickor sitter i en park i centrala Öreb...

Våren 29 april 1966Elva glada flickor sitter i en park i centrala Örebro. I bakgrunden till höger. syns äldre personer som sitter på parkbänkar. En kvinna med en barnvagn syns även. Till vänster står några män ... More

The US Navy (USN) Great Lakes Navy Band plays the National Anthem during the presentation of the Colors, in front of Daley Plaza in downtown Chicago, Illinois (IL). City officials presented Navy Recruiting District Commanding Officer, USN Commander (CDR) Shawn Callahan with Mayor Richard Daley's proclamation designating May 15-20 as Navy Week Chicago. Sponsored by the Navy Office of Community Outreach, twenty such weeks are planned this year in cities throughout the Country

The US Navy (USN) Great Lakes Navy Band plays the National Anthem duri...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Chicago State: Illinois (IL) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: PHCS Douglas E. Waite, USN Release Status: Released ... More

Photograph of Pianists James Tocco and Gilan Akbar Performing during the Entertainment Portion of a State Dinner Honoring the President of Zambia

Photograph of Pianists James Tocco and Gilan Akbar Performing during t...

Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs Public domain photograph - White house, President of the United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Västgöta ting. Spelet om Ållebergs ryttare.

Västgöta ting. Spelet om Ållebergs ryttare.

Västgöta ting. Spelet om Ållebergs ryttare.

Members of the US Marine Corps Band prepare to perform for the 1997 Presidential Inaugural Swearing-in Ceremony

Members of the US Marine Corps Band prepare to perform for the 1997 Pr...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Washington State: District Of Columbia (DC) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: MSGT Fernando Serna, USAF Release Sta... More

The U.S. Army Europe Band plays the national anthem

The U.S. Army Europe Band plays the national anthem

The U.S. Army Europe Band plays the national anthem during the 16th Sustainment Brigade Change of Command and Change of Responsibility Ceremony, June 25, 2019 at Baumholder, Germany. (U.S. Army photo by Elisabeth Paque)

US Navy (USN) CHIEF Musician (MUC) Donald Chilton directs the US Navy Show Band as they perform onboard the USN Military Sealift Command (MSC), Hospital Ship, USNS MERCY H 19), as the ship conducts Replenishment At Sea (RAS) operations with the USN MSC Henry J. Kaiser Class: Oiler, USNS PECOS O197). The USNS MERCY is currently conducting a scheduled five-month deployment to deliver aid and humanitarian assistance to the Pacific Islands and Southeast Asia.2006) CHIEF Musician Donald Chilton of DestrehanLa.directs the U.S. Navy Showband during an underway replenishment between the Military Sealift Command (MSC) oiler USNS Pecos O 197) and the MSC hospital ship USNS Mercy...

US Navy (USN) CHIEF Musician (MUC) Donald Chilton directs the US Navy ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: [Complete] Scene Caption: US Navy (USN) CHIEF Musician (MUC) Donald Chilton directs the US Navy Show Band as they perform onboard the USN Military Sealift... More

Navy Musician 2nd Class Brandon Barbee, an Evansville, Ind., native from the U.S. Navy Show Band aboard the U.S. Military Sealift Command (MSC) hospital ship USNS Mercy (T-AH 19).

Navy Musician 2nd Class Brandon Barbee, an Evansville, Ind., native fr...

Chittagong, Bangladesh (Jul. 05, 2006) Navy Musician 2nd Class Brandon Barbee, an Evansville, Ind., native from the U.S. Navy Show Band aboard the U.S. Military Sealift Command (MSC) hospital ship USNS Mercy (T... More

Marcus Johnson Concert at HUD - Performance by Marcus Johnson, [jazz-fusion pianist-keyboardist and producer], and band mates at HUD Headquarters to benefit Combined Federal Campaign

Marcus Johnson Concert at HUD - Performance by Marcus Johnson, [jazz-f...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Event: Marcus Johnson Concert at HUD Subject Description: Performance by Marcus Johnson, [jazz-fusion pianist-keyboardist and producer], and band mates a... More

Marcus Johnson Concert at HUD - Performance by Marcus Johnson, [jazz-fusion pianist-keyboardist and producer], and band mates at HUD Headquarters to benefit Combined Federal Campaign

Marcus Johnson Concert at HUD - Performance by Marcus Johnson, [jazz-f...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Event: Marcus Johnson Concert at HUD Subject Description: Performance by Marcus Johnson, [jazz-fusion pianist-keyboardist and producer], and band mates a... More

Musician 2nd Class Audra Ratliff and the U.S. Navy Band Northeast wind ensemble perform at the Faneuil Hall Marketplace during Boston Navy Week, one of 21 Navy Weeks planned across America in 2009.

Musician 2nd Class Audra Ratliff and the U.S. Navy Band Northeast wind...

BOSTON, Mass. (Jul. 05, 2009) Musician 2nd Class Audra Ratliff and the U.S. Navy Band Northeast wind ensemble perform at the Faneuil Hall Marketplace during Boston Navy Week, one of 21 Navy Weeks planned across... More

The Royal Thai Navy Band performs at the Royal Garden

The Royal Thai Navy Band performs at the Royal Garden

The Royal Thai Navy Band performs at the Royal Garden shopping center in Pattaya, Thailand, May 20, 2012, during Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training Thailand 2012. CARAT is a series of bilateral exercises... More

U.S. sailors with the U.S. Pacific Fleet Band perform

U.S. sailors with the U.S. Pacific Fleet Band perform

U.S. sailors with the U.S. Pacific Fleet Band perform at the Calbayog City Special Education Center during a Pacific Partnership 2012 community service civic action project in Samar province, Philippines, June ... More

U.S. Marine Cpl. Joshua Backus rehearses a musical

U.S. Marine Cpl. Joshua Backus rehearses a musical

U.S. Marine Cpl. Joshua Backus rehearses a musical selection aboard the dock landing ship USS Rushmore (LSD 47). Backus is a radio technician with Headquarters and Service Company, Battalion Landing Team 3rd Ba... More

Navy Band Southwest's (NBSW)

Navy Band Southwest's (NBSW)

OKLAHOMA CITY (Sep. 24, 2015) Navy Band Southwest's (NBSW) "32nd Street Brass Band" performs for students at the Classen School of Advanced Studies during Oklahoma City Navy Week. Navy Weeks focus a variety of ... More

A close up of a clock on a plane Germany berlin gatow, music.

A close up of a clock on a plane Germany berlin gatow, music.

A close up of a radar on a table / A close up of the dials on the bottom of a military aircraft public domain military photo. A close up of a radar on a table / A close up of the dials on the bottom of a milit... More

A brass quintet of the 3rd Infantry Division Band performs

A brass quintet of the 3rd Infantry Division Band performs

A brass quintet of the 3rd Infantry Division Band performs during a Memorial Day ceremony at Skidaway Island, Ga., May 26, 2016. The group performed military retirees of the Marshes of Skidaway retirement commu... More

U.S. Marines, 2nd Marine Division Band, play the National

U.S. Marines, 2nd Marine Division Band, play the National

U.S. Marines, 2nd Marine Division Band, play the National anthem during the Patriot Day Observance Ceremony at the Lejeune Memorial Gardens, Jacksonville, N.C., Sept. 11, 2016. The observance ceremony is held i... More

U.S. Marines with the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Band

U.S. Marines with the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Band

U.S. Marines with the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Band perform during Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron's (H&HS) Relief and Appointment Ceremony, Marine Corps Air Station New River, N.C., Sept. 16, 2016. The ... More

The U.S. Navy Band Tuba Euphonium Quartet presents an educational performance at Cordova High School in Rancho Cordova, Calif.

The U.S. Navy Band Tuba Euphonium Quartet presents an educational perf...

RANCHO CORDOVA, Calif. (Feb. 22, 2018) The U.S. Navy Band Tuba Euphonium Quartet presents an educational performance at Cordova High School in Rancho Cordova, Calif. The Navy Band performed in 12 states during ... More

Pianist at community sing. Pie Town, New Mexico. She and her husband were one of the first homesteaders

Pianist at community sing. Pie Town, New Mexico. She and her husband w...

Public domain image of musical performance, piano music, keyboard instrument, pianist, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The Task Force Marne Brass Quartet performs at the

The Task Force Marne Brass Quartet performs at the

The Task Force Marne Brass Quartet performs at the Easter Sunrise Service at Al Faw Palace on March 23.

150524-N-ZZ999-003 NEW YORK (May24,2015) - Navy Band

150524-N-ZZ999-003 NEW YORK (May24,2015) - Navy Band

150524-N-ZZ999-003 NEW YORK (May24,2015) - Navy Band Northeast's Brass Quintet performs for the crowd in Times Square during Fleet Week New York. Fleet Week New York, now in its 27th year, is the city's time-ho... More

A Soldier looks onward during a live musical performance

A Soldier looks onward during a live musical performance

A Soldier looks onward during a live musical performance held by the 191st Army Band on Fort Hunter Liggett, Calif., July 28, 2015. The 191st Army Band participated in the 91st Training Division’s Warrior Train... More

Members of the 531st Air Force Band, Texas Air National

Members of the 531st Air Force Band, Texas Air National

Members of the 531st Air Force Band, Texas Air National Guard, perform a variety of Christmas songs, Dec. 11, 2016 at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, Dallas. The band performed while children deplaned ... More

U.S. Marine Cpl. Jay Bowman with Marine Band San Diego

U.S. Marine Cpl. Jay Bowman with Marine Band San Diego

U.S. Marine Cpl. Jay Bowman with Marine Band San Diego performs a drum solo at a concert during Marine Week in downtown Detroit, MI on Sept. 8, 2017. Marine Week Detroit is an opportunity to connect with the pe... More

WASHINGTON (October 13, 2020) United States Navy Band

WASHINGTON (October 13, 2020) United States Navy Band

WASHINGTON (October 13, 2020) United States Navy Band member Musician 1st Class Andrew Bezik, from Dallas, Texas, is pinned with first class petty officer insignia by his father. Navy musicians assigned to the ... More

"Bahram Gur Sees a Herd of Deer Mesmerized by Dilaram' s Music", Folio from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Amir Khusrau Dihlavi

"Bahram Gur Sees a Herd of Deer Mesmerized by Dilaram' s Music", Folio...

Public domain photo of a golden object, 16th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

85th Army Band's quintet, 88th Readiness Division,

85th Army Band's quintet, 88th Readiness Division,

85th Army Band's quintet, 88th Readiness Division, plays during the 85th Army Band's Inactivation Ceremony, Sept. 9 at Arlington Heights, Ill. The band has been playing the "Army's Song" since 1943.

The U.S. Army 4th Infantry Division Band plays in a

The U.S. Army 4th Infantry Division Band plays in a

The U.S. Army 4th Infantry Division Band plays in a formation during the Colorado International Tattoo at the World Arena in Colorado Springs, Colo. Sept. 27, 2014. The show honored Warrior Games athletes atten... More

Tech. Sgt. M. Andrew Tucker, with the Golden West Winds,

Tech. Sgt. M. Andrew Tucker, with the Golden West Winds,

Tech. Sgt. M. Andrew Tucker, with the Golden West Winds, United States Band of the Golden West preforms at the Vietnam War Veterans Day and 50th Commemoration ceremony, March 29, 2018 at the State Capitol in Sa... More

Six-String Soldiers, the U.S. Army Field Band from

Six-String Soldiers, the U.S. Army Field Band from

Six-String Soldiers, the U.S. Army Field Band from Ft. Meade, Md., performed at the 24th World Scout Jamboree in Glen Jean, W.Va., on July 25, 2019. The band, a five-member acoustic group that performs bluegras... More

Members of the Japan Self-Defense Force Drum Team brought

Members of the Japan Self-Defense Force Drum Team brought

Members of the Japan Self-Defense Force Drum Team brought thunder to the Nippon Budokan Arena, Tokyo, Nov. 13 with dozens of drums and intensity in their portion of the show part of the Japan Self-Defense Force... More

YAKIMA, Wash. (Feb. 16, 2018) The U.S. Navy Band performs

YAKIMA, Wash. (Feb. 16, 2018) The U.S. Navy Band performs

YAKIMA, Wash. (Feb. 16, 2018) The U.S. Navy Band performs during a concert at the Capitol Theater in Yakima, Washington. The Navy Band performed in 12 states during its 21-city, 5,000-mile tour, connecting comm... More

Petty Officer 2nd Class Darren Gordon, drummer for

Petty Officer 2nd Class Darren Gordon, drummer for

Petty Officer 2nd Class Darren Gordon, drummer for the Jazz Quintet from Naden Band of Maritime Forces Pacific, performs in front of U.S. military families for an Independence Day celebration during the Rim of ... More

The 1st Marine Division Band and the U.S. Navy Band

The 1st Marine Division Band and the U.S. Navy Band

The 1st Marine Division Band and the U.S. Navy Band bluegrass group, “Country Currents,” perform during a concert at the California Center for the Arts Escondido, April 24.

The U.S. Navy Pacific Fleet Band perform for Solomon

The U.S. Navy Pacific Fleet Band perform for Solomon

The U.S. Navy Pacific Fleet Band perform for Solomon Island citizens during Pacific Partnership 2013. Working at the invitation of each host nation, U.S. Navy forces are joined by non-governmental organizations... More

The District of Columbia National Guard 257th Army

The District of Columbia National Guard 257th Army

The District of Columbia National Guard 257th Army Band kicks off the National Independence Day Parade, July 4 along Constitution Ave. in Washington, D.C. The 257th, known as the Band of the Nation’s Capital, h... More

President Barack Obama and several musical performers

President Barack Obama and several musical performers

President Barack Obama and several musical performers at the National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony line the stage to sing holiday tunes in Washington, D.C., Dec. 1, 2016. Among those who performed classic h... More

Members of the 106th Army Band perform the song March

Members of the 106th Army Band perform the song March

Members of the 106th Army Band perform the song March of the Belgian Parachutists at the Southern Food Festival in Batesville June 2, 2018.

Members of the U.S. Marine Drum and Bugle Corps perform

Members of the U.S. Marine Drum and Bugle Corps perform

Members of the U.S. Marine Drum and Bugle Corps perform during an Evening Parade at Marine Barracks Washington in Washington, D.C., May 16, 2014. The Evening Parades are held every Friday night during the summe... More

Grupporträtt av musiker vid okänt regemente.

Grupporträtt av musiker vid okänt regemente.

Grupporträtt av musiker vid okänt regemente. Public domain photograph of group portrait, officers of Swedish military, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The Kimberly High School Band, from Kimberly, Wisconsin,

The Kimberly High School Band, from Kimberly, Wisconsin,

The Kimberly High School Band, from Kimberly, Wisconsin, performed aboard the decommissioned Iowa-Class Battleship, USS Wisconsin (BB-64) during the battleship’s 75th Commissioning Anniversary. The band is unde... More

The 287th Army Band performs their annual Holiday Concert

The 287th Army Band performs their annual Holiday Concert

The 287th Army Band performs their annual Holiday Concert on the main stage at the Grand Opera House in Wilmington, Del., Dec. 10, 2014. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. James Pernol/Released)

The Marine Corps Jazz Orchestra, consisting of Marine

The Marine Corps Jazz Orchestra, consisting of Marine

The Marine Corps Jazz Orchestra, consisting of Marine musicians from Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego and Marine Forces Reserve Band New Orleans, perform a concert at Texas Christian University in Fort Wort... More

Soldiers from the U.S. Army Soldier show entertain

Soldiers from the U.S. Army Soldier show entertain

Soldiers from the U.S. Army Soldier show entertain the guest of the 2014 Army Ball at the National Harbor, Fort Washington, Md., June 21, 2014. This year's show celebrated the 31st anniversary of the modern-day... More

Members of the 287th Army Band, Delaware National Guard,

Members of the 287th Army Band, Delaware National Guard,

Members of the 287th Army Band, Delaware National Guard, appear together during the unit’s holiday concert at the Grand Opera House in Wilmington, Del., Dec. 11, 2013. The band is commanded by Chief Warrant Off... More

The Navy Band Southwest, Blue Jackets Brass Band, plays

The Navy Band Southwest, Blue Jackets Brass Band, plays

The Navy Band Southwest, Blue Jackets Brass Band, plays "Anchors Aweigh" during a special concert at the Hollywood and Highland Shopping Center. Several Navy ships and thousands of sailors from various commands... More

Instrumentalists with the Air National Guard Band of

Instrumentalists with the Air National Guard Band of

Instrumentalists with the Air National Guard Band of the Northeast perform in the New York City St. Patrick's Day Parade in New York, March 17, 2015. The band played for spectators along the parade’s Fifth Aven... More

The United States Army Europe (USAEUR) Band and Chorus

The United States Army Europe (USAEUR) Band and Chorus

The United States Army Europe (USAEUR) Band and Chorus receives a standing ovation from an audience during the 2nd annual German-American Friendship Concert in Kaiserslautern, Germany, Oct. 3, 2015. The annual ... More

(Nov. 9, 2019)
Navy Band Northeast (NBNE)

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (Nov. 9, 2019) Navy Band Northeast (NBNE)

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (Nov. 9, 2019) Navy Band Northeast (NBNE) Marching Band performs in the Syracuse Veterans Day parade on Nov. 9. NBNE’s mission is to provide musical support for the U.S. Naval War College, the De... More


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