Wilhelm Marstrand - The Architect Gottlieb Bindesbøll - KMS4078 - Stat...
Public domain photograph of 19th-century portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Wilhelm Marstrand, Arkitekten Gottlieb Bindesbøll, 1834, KMS1620, Stat...
Dansk: Arkitekten Gottlieb Bindesbøll var en af Marstrands nære venner.English: The architect Gottlieb Bindesbøll was a close friend of the painter Wilhelm Marstrand.
Caricatures by Marstrand, Rome 1838
Public domain photograph related to the history of Italy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
M.G.B. Bindesbøll (Blunck) - Public domain scenic painting
Michael Gottlieb Birkner Bindesbøll, Ditlev Blunck (1798-1854), Glyptoteket, København Public domain photograph of 19th-century portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Station by MG Bindesboell 1853 - Drawing. Public domain image.
Proposal for a railway station, possible Klosterkrug, on the Flensburg-Tönning line in Southern Schleswig (1853-54).
Den gamle Lægebolig, Skælskør
Den gamle Lægebolig, Skælskør Villaen (1856 af Gottlieb Bindesbøll) med tilhørende udhus nordøst for villaen samt det tilhørende haveanlæg skrånende ned mod kystvejen. F. 1992. *
Porträt Gottlieb Bindesbøll, gezeichnet von Constantin Hansen, Rom 183...
Deutsch: Porträt Gottlieb Bindesbøll, gezeichnet von Constantin Hansen, Rom 1838 Public domain photograph of 19th-century portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Elevation of the Altar Wall in the Royal Chapel at Kronborg Castle, De...
Artist: Michael Gottlieb Bindesbøll (Danish, Ledøje 1800–1856 Copenhagen) Medium: Watercolor over graphite, with white heightening and details in gold Classification: Drawings Credit Line: The Elisha Whittel... More
Constantin Hansen - Portræt af Gottlieb Bindesbøll - 1849
Gottlieb Bindesbøll was the architect on Thorvaldsen's Museum, begun in 1839 and opened in 1848.
Constantin Hansen 1837 - Et selskab af danske kunstnere i Rom edit1
Public domain reproduction of artwork, 18th-19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Landbohøjskolen by Vilhelm Tillge
University of Copenhagen Faculty of Life Sciences.
Villa Sollie by MG Bindesboell 1855
Drawings for Villa Sollie (1855-56), a house outside Flensburg commissioned by railway director Christian M. Poulsen.
Gottlieb Bindesbøll (Constantin Hansen)
Rhe Danish architect Michael Gottlieb Bindesbøll, portray by Constantin Hansen Public domain photograph of 19th-century portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gottlieb Bindesbøll 2 (Wilhelm Marstrand)
Portrait of the Danish architect Gottlieb Bindesbøll by the painter Wilhelm Marstrand
Et selskab af danske kunstnere i Rom
Picryl description: Public domain image of portrait painting, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions
M.G. Bindesbøll 1848-49 by I.W. Tegner
Michael Gottlieb Bindesbøll (1800-1856)Dansk: Litografi af Bindesbøll af I.W. Tegner fra 1859 efter Constantin Hansens maleri (Inv.nr. B415). Trykt hos I.W. Tegner & Kittendorfs lith. Inst. Litografi. 335 x 2... More
Gottlieb Bindesbøll (Wilhelm Marstrand)
Dansk: Arkitekten Gottlieb Bindesbøll var en af Marstrands nære venner.English: The architect Gottlieb Bindesbøll was a close friend of the painter Wilhelm Marstrand.
Bindesb - A black and white drawing of a man in a suit
Public domain image of a male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description