Buchenwald torture demo 06150 - Holocaust, World War Two
G. Bromley Oxnam (right), the Methodist bishop of New York and President of the Federated Council of Churches of Christ in America, views a demonstration of how prisoners were tortured in Buchenwald during an i... More
Mr Joseph Bradford aged 35 - Public domain portrait engraving
Picture of the Rev Joseph Bradford as published in the Arminian Magazine for April 1783
History PM Connexion01 - A green book sitting on top of a red carpet
Book cover History of the PM Connexion, 1888, H B Kendall
The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church (1906) (14770...
Identifier: originhistoryofp19061kend (find matches) Title: The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Kendall, H. B. (Holliday Bickerstaffe), 1844-1919 Subjects: P... More
The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church (1906) (14773...
Identifier: originhistoryofp19061kend (find matches) Title: The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Kendall, H. B. (Holliday Bickerstaffe), 1844-1919 Subjects: P... More
Camp meeting of the Methodists in N. America / J. Milbert del. ; M. Du...
Public domain scan of the book page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Barbara Heck (page 186 crop)
Centenary cameos : 1784-1884 by Fitzgerald, O. P. (Oscar Penn), 1829-1911 Publication date 1885 Publisher Nashville, Tenn. : Southern Methodist Pub. House
William Kendrick (page 386 crop)
Centenary cameos : 1784-1884 by Fitzgerald, O. P. (Oscar Penn), 1829-1911 Publication date 1885 Publisher Nashville, Tenn. : Southern Methodist Pub. House
The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church (1906) (14586...
Identifier: originhistoryofp19061kend (find matches) Title: The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Kendall, H. B. (Holliday Bickerstaffe), 1844-1919 Subjects: P... More
James O Kelly - A black and white photo of a man with a long beard
James O'Kelly (1735-1826) Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, politician, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Hannah Kilham - Public domain portrait print
Silhouette portrait of w:Hannah Kilham (1774–1832) née Spurr, an English Methodist and Quaker, known as a missionary and linguist active in West Africa.
The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church (1906) (14771...
Identifier: originhistoryofp19061kend (find matches) Title: The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Kendall, H. B. (Holliday Bickerstaffe), 1844-1919 Subjects: P... More
American methodists proceeding to their camp meeting / J. Milbert del....
Public domain scan of 19th-19th century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Peter Doub (page 332 crop)
Centenary cameos : 1784-1884 by Fitzgerald, O. P. (Oscar Penn), 1829-1911 Publication date 1885 Publisher Nashville, Tenn. : Southern Methodist Pub. House
PM Editors01 - A group of portraits of men in suits and ties
Primitive Methodist Bookroom General Editors to 1900
Rev Richard Jukes - An old picture of a man with a beard
Rev. Richard Jukes, who was a popular 19th century Primitive Methodist Minister and hymn writer.
William Thomas Brown - Public domain portrait photograph
William Thomas Brown (1821-1899) missionary. He entered the service of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society in Hatton Garden, London; cared for Spanish sailors visiting the port of London and learnt Spani... More
Black Methodists Holding a Prayer Meeting
Picryl description: Public domain image, drawing, American, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions
Vincent Perronet - Public domain portrait engraving
Portrait of Vincent Perronet (1693-1785), English clergyman of the Church of England, and early Methodist.
George W. D. Harris (page 402 crop)
Centenary cameos : 1784-1884 by Fitzgerald, O. P. (Oscar Penn), 1829-1911 Publication date 1885 Publisher Nashville, Tenn. : Southern Methodist Pub. House
Gustavus Hines
cleaned-up version of JPG uploaded by AboutMovies Gustavus Hines from Oregon and Its Institutions; Comprising a Full History of the Willamette University. By Gustavus Hines, Carlton & Porter, 1868.
A Methodist, love feast. The gosple wife, or the bellows lecture, Brit...
Political cartoon showing man and woman at door and priest hiding under table. Forms part of : British Cartoon Prints Collection (Library of Congress).
Margaret Lavinia Kelley (page 412 crop)
Centenary cameos : 1784-1884 by Fitzgerald, O. P. (Oscar Penn), 1829-1911 Publication date 1885 Publisher Nashville, Tenn. : Southern Methodist Pub. House
The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church (1906) (14586...
Identifier: originhistoryofp19061kend (find matches) Title: The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Kendall, H. B. (Holliday Bickerstaffe), 1844-1919 Subjects: P... More
The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church (1906) (14773...
Identifier: originhistoryofp19061kend (find matches) Title: The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Kendall, H. B. (Holliday Bickerstaffe), 1844-1919 Subjects: P... More
Y tadau methodistaidd - en llafur a'u llwyddiant gyda gwaith yr gfengy...
Identifier: ytadaumethodista01joneuoft (find matches) Title: Y tadau methodistaidd : en llafur a'u llwyddiant gyda gwaith yr gfengyl yn nGymru, Trefydd Lloegr, America ac Awstralia : ynghyd a nifer mawr o dda... More
Y tadau methodistaidd - en llafur a'u llwyddiant gyda gwaith yr gfengy...
Identifier: ytadaumethodista01joneuoft (find matches) Title: Y tadau methodistaidd : en llafur a'u llwyddiant gyda gwaith yr gfengyl yn nGymru, Trefydd Lloegr, America ac Awstralia : ynghyd a nifer mawr o dda... More
The rigging house / Lith. & pub. by H.R. Robinson.
Exterior view of the Rigging House, 120 William Street, New York City, formerly a Methodist church in the 1760s. Exhibit loan 4106-L.
Letter from Mattie V. Oblinger to George W. Thomas, Grizzie B. Thomas,...
number of pages: 4 p. summary: Mattie wrote the entire letter, but signed with both Uriah's initials and her own.
Galena, Alaska, Aug. 24, 2013 -- United Methodists Volunteer in Missio...
The original finding aid described this as: Date Taken: 2013-08-24 00:00:00 UTC Photographer Name: FEMA News Photo City/State: Galena, AK Keywords: Alaska ^ Volunteer ^ volunteers ^ drywall ^ united mehodis... More
Edward McGehee (page 369 crop)
Centenary cameos : 1784-1884 by Fitzgerald, O. P. (Oscar Penn), 1829-1911 Publication date 1885 Publisher Nashville, Tenn. : Southern Methodist Pub. House
Thomas Stringfield (page 354 crop)
Centenary cameos : 1784-1884 by Fitzgerald, O. P. (Oscar Penn), 1829-1911 Publication date 1885 Publisher Nashville, Tenn. : Southern Methodist Pub. House
Charles Atmore - A black and white portrait of a man
Etching and signature of Charles Atmore (1759–1826)
Thomas Ball Barratt, 16 years old. english: en:Thomas Ball Barratt norwegian: no:Thomas Ball Barratt
The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church (1906) (14586...
Identifier: originhistoryofp19061kend (find matches) Title: The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Kendall, H. B. (Holliday Bickerstaffe), 1844-1919 Subjects: P... More
The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church (1906) (14772...
Identifier: originhistoryofp19061kend (find matches) Title: The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Kendall, H. B. (Holliday Bickerstaffe), 1844-1919 Subjects: P... More
The rigging house / Lith. & pub. by H.R. Robinson.
Exterior view of the Rigging House, 120 William Street, New York City, formerly a Methodist church in the 1760s. Exhibit loan 4106-L.
Silvester Horne
Methodist minister and MP Sylvester Horne Public domain photograph, 20th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church (1906) (14770...
Identifier: originhistoryofp19061kend (find matches) Title: The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Kendall, H. B. (Holliday Bickerstaffe), 1844-1919 Subjects: P... More
Black Methodists Holding a Prayer Meeting
Pavel Petrovich Svinin (1787/88–1839) Public domain scan of 19th century Russian drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain scan of 19th century Russian drawing, ... More
Charles Churchill - A black and white photo of a man in a suit
Charles Churchill, Methodist minister
Silas Kitto Hocking, Vanity Fair, 1906-11-14
Men of the Day No.1040: Caricature of Mr SK Hocking. Caption reads: "Silas Hocking"
The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church (1906) (14586...
Identifier: originhistoryofp19061kend (find matches) Title: The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Kendall, H. B. (Holliday Bickerstaffe), 1844-1919 Subjects: P... More
Y tadau methodistaidd - en llafur a'u llwyddiant gyda gwaith yr gfengy...
Identifier: ytadaumethodista01joneuoft (find matches) Title: Y tadau methodistaidd : en llafur a'u llwyddiant gyda gwaith yr gfengyl yn nGymru, Trefydd Lloegr, America ac Awstralia : ynghyd a nifer mawr o dda... More
American methodists proceeding to their camp meeting / J. Milbert del....
Public domain scan - 18th-century landscape print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Royal Methodists in Kent & Sussex---or the dissenters too powerful for...
"Dissenters, led by Collyer, and encouraged by the Dukes of Kent and Sussex, attack the Church of England..." (Source: George)
Robert Strawbridge (page 167 crop)
Centenary cameos : 1784-1884 by Fitzgerald, O. P. (Oscar Penn), 1829-1911 Publication date 1885 Publisher Nashville, Tenn. : Southern Methodist Pub. House
The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church (1906) (14586...
Identifier: originhistoryofp19061kend (find matches) Title: The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Kendall, H. B. (Holliday Bickerstaffe), 1844-1919 Subjects: P... More
The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church (1906) (14750...
Identifier: originhistoryofp19061kend (find matches) Title: The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Kendall, H. B. (Holliday Bickerstaffe), 1844-1919 Subjects: P... More
The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church (1906) (14769...
Identifier: originhistoryofp19061kend (find matches) Title: The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Kendall, H. B. (Holliday Bickerstaffe), 1844-1919 Subjects: P... More
The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church (1906) (14773...
Identifier: originhistoryofp19061kend (find matches) Title: The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Kendall, H. B. (Holliday Bickerstaffe), 1844-1919 Subjects: P... More
Black Methodists Holding a Prayer Meeting
Public domain image, drawing, American, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Some account of Mr. Mark Beatty and his family
Preface signed: Sam¹ Rodgers. Also available in digital form.
When dreams came true : and other stories
Frontispiece and illustrations on p. 29, 47, 51, 66, 76, 82, 106, 115, 132, 135, 139 and 148, variously signed by E.M. Gardner, H.W., B.S. Parsons (?) and an illegible monogram. Also available in digital form.
A betrayed trust : a story of our own times and country : a romance of...
Also available in digital form.
Gerard: the call of the church-bell
Also available in digital form.
Erudia, the foreign missionary to our world; or The dream of Orphanos
Also available in digital form.
1900 souvenir of the Washington Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church...
Source: Bequest of Daniel Murray, 1925. LAC ael 2019-02-26 no edits (1 card)
The Fraters
Also available in digital form.
Some account of Mr. Mark Beatty and his family
Preface signed: Sam¹ Rodgers. Also available in digital form.
Diomede the centurion; or, Sowing scarlet seed
Also available in digital form.
Some account of Mr. Mark Beatty and his family
Preface signed: Sam¹ Rodgers. Also available in digital form.
Gerard: the call of the church-bell
Also available in digital form.
That boy o'mine
Frontispiece and illustrations on p. 55, [82], [138] and on p. [1] at end, some signed by W.A. Daniel. Also available in digital form.
Erudia, the foreign missionary to our world; or The dream of Orphanos
Also available in digital form.
Some account of Mr. Mark Beatty and his family
Preface signed: Sam¹ Rodgers. Also available in digital form.
Paul Leonard's sacrifice
A New England story read at the Sunday evening services of the First Methodist Episcopal Church in Lynn, Massachusetts, and the Tremont Street Methodist Episcopal Church in Boston, Massachusetts. Verso of t.p.:... More
The damnation of Theron Ware,
Also available in digital form.
A waif--a prince;
Also available in digital form.
A betrayed trust : a story of our own times and country : a romance of...
Also available in digital form.
Erudia, the foreign missionary to our world; or The dream of Orphanos
Also available in digital form.
1900 souvenir of the Washington Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church...
Source: Bequest of Daniel Murray, 1925. LAC ael 2019-02-26 no edits (1 card)
The Fraters
Also available in digital form.
Erudia, the foreign missionary to our world; or The dream of Orphanos
Also available in digital form.
Diomede the centurion; or, Sowing scarlet seed
Also available in digital form.
Erudia, the foreign missionary to our world; or The dream of Orphanos
Also available in digital form.
Diomede the centurion; or, Sowing scarlet seed
Also available in digital form.
The damnation of Theron Ware,
Also available in digital form.
Some account of Mr. Mark Beatty and his family
Preface signed: Sam¹ Rodgers. Also available in digital form.
Diomede the centurion; or, Sowing scarlet seed
Also available in digital form.
A betrayed trust : a story of our own times and country : a romance of...
Also available in digital form.
Erudia, the foreign missionary to our world; or The dream of Orphanos
Also available in digital form.
1900 souvenir of the Washington Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church...
Source: Bequest of Daniel Murray, 1925. LAC ael 2019-02-26 no edits (1 card)
When dreams came true : and other stories
Frontispiece and illustrations on p. 29, 47, 51, 66, 76, 82, 106, 115, 132, 135, 139 and 148, variously signed by E.M. Gardner, H.W., B.S. Parsons (?) and an illegible monogram. Also available in digital form.
Annie Cooper's friends, of "The do society" series
Also available in digital form.
When dreams came true : and other stories
Frontispiece and illustrations on p. 29, 47, 51, 66, 76, 82, 106, 115, 132, 135, 139 and 148, variously signed by E.M. Gardner, H.W., B.S. Parsons (?) and an illegible monogram. Also available in digital form.
Erudia, the foreign missionary to our world; or The dream of Orphanos
Also available in digital form.
Erudia, the foreign missionary to our world; or The dream of Orphanos
Also available in digital form.
A waif--a prince;
Also available in digital form.
Some account of Mr. Mark Beatty and his family
Preface signed: Sam¹ Rodgers. Also available in digital form.
A waif--a prince;
Also available in digital form.
That boy o'mine
Frontispiece and illustrations on p. 55, [82], [138] and on p. [1] at end, some signed by W.A. Daniel. Also available in digital form.
The damnation of Theron Ware,
Also available in digital form.
The Fraters
Also available in digital form.
A betrayed trust : a story of our own times and country : a romance of...
Also available in digital form.
The damnation of Theron Ware,
Also available in digital form.
Some account of Mr. Mark Beatty and his family
Preface signed: Sam¹ Rodgers. Also available in digital form.
Paul Leonard's sacrifice
A New England story read at the Sunday evening services of the First Methodist Episcopal Church in Lynn, Massachusetts, and the Tremont Street Methodist Episcopal Church in Boston, Massachusetts. Verso of t.p.:... More
Diomede the centurion; or, Sowing scarlet seed
Also available in digital form.