1920s street gramophone player
Man next to mobile gramophone player. The sources claim this is in London in the 1920s. Not sure, we can conclude about time and location. They also claim it is a "street gramophone player", one that plays for... More
José María Aragón Pompoff - Mundo Grafico theatre
Spanish Clown José María Aragón Pompoff
Collège Saint-Joseph 1925
Français : Classe de terminale en 1925 au collège jésuite Saint-Joseph de Lille. Le géologue Antoine Bonte est assis au premier rang, le deuxième à partir de la droite.
Tom Mix 1925 - A man in a suit and hat standing in front of a crowd
American actor Tom Mix (1880-1940) at the Longchamp Racecourse in Paris in 1925. Français : L'acteur américain Tom Mix (1880-1940) à l'hippodorme de Longchamp en 1925.
Two men and a child on a pier, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 0...
Extent electronic resource Title Two men and a child on a pier, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 047 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 047 ... More
Procès Sadoul à Orléans. Capitaine Sadoul
Captain Jacques Sadoul, photographed during his retrial for treason.
Louis Jaurès 1924-11-23 au transfert des cendres de Jean Jaurès au Pan...
Français : Louis Jaurès 1924-11-23 au transfert des cendres de Jean Jaurès au Panthéon
Woman with a child on her lap. Man sitting next to them, NINO F Scholt...
Extent electronic resource Title Woman with a child on her lap. Man sitting next to them, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 14: 24 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten ... More
Peng Hanyuan in 1920s - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體
Peng Hanyuan 彭汉垣 (March 1, 1893 -- April 12, 1928), the elder brother of Peng Pai (彭湃),lost his life on April 12, 1928 due to actively joined and assisted Peng Pai in the peasant revolutionary movement launched... More
Woman holding a child and a man holding flowers, NINO F Scholten photo...
Extent electronic resource Title Woman holding a child and a man holding flowers, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 1942 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photograp... More
Taitai Wan Rong Johnston 2 - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體
Picture of Reginald Johnston, Empress Wan Rong, and Isabel Ingram in the Forbidden City, Beijing, China. The context of the photo is given by Isabel Ingram's diary entry for June 11, 1924: Went in at 10:30 as ... More
Obsèques victimes rue Damrémont
Français : Devant la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris : cortège présent aux obsèques des membres des Jeunesses patriotes tués par des communistes lors de la fusillade de la rue Damrémont. En tête du cortège, l'a... More
Taitai Wan Rong Johnston 1920s Japan, public domain image.
Picture of Reginald Johnston, Empress Wan Rong, and Isabel Ingram in the Forbidden City, Beijing, China. The context of the photo is given by Isabel Ingram's diary entry for June 11, 1924: Went in at 10:30 as ... More
Congrès socialiste 1925, représentants du Lot (Louis Servan, Quercy et...
Français : Louis Sevran, Quercy et Holzer, représentants du Lot au congrès socialiste de 1925 au gymnase Japy.
In een park staat een echtpaar bij een kinderwagen met hoge wielen, wa...
Nederlands: Omschrijving: In een park staat een echtpaar bij een kinderwagen met hoge wielen, waar een kind inzit. De vrouw in een lang gewaad met hoed op staat samen met een man met een hoed en pak. Op de ach... More
Procès Sadoul à Orléans. Général Niessel déposant
French General Henri Niessel giving testimony at the retrial for treason of his former subordinate, Jacques Sadoul, at a military court in Orléans. Sadoul is also pictured, in the defendants' box.
Issa al-Issa holding his son Raja in his house in Jaffa, NINO F Scholt...
Extent electronic resource Title Issa al-Issa holding his son Raja in his house in Jaffa, NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 101-150: 11 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Port... More
Woman sitting on a chair holding a baby. Man standing over them, NINO ...
Extent electronic resource Title Woman sitting on a chair holding a baby. Man standing over them, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 0301 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Sc... More
Huaisu, "Fascination." Shanghai manhua 8 (June 9, 1928)
"Fascination", cover of Shanghai Manhua issue 8 (June 9, 1928) Public domain photograph - Chinese people, China history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Man and woman posing with a baby, NINO F Scholten photographic print 1...
Extent electronic resource Title Man and woman posing with a baby, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 0300 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 0... More