The World's Largest Public Domain Media Search Engine

medieval architecture

8,455 media by topicpage 1 of 85
[Holstengate, Lubeck, Germany], Vintage Postcard by Detroit Publishing Co.

[Holstengate, Lubeck, Germany], Vintage Postcard by Detroit Publishing...

Title from the Detroit Publishing Co., catalogue J foreign section. Detroit, Mich. : Detroit Photographic Company, 1905. Print no. "1879". Forms part of: Views of Germany in the Photochrom print collection.

The Cloisters - Column Shaft, Languedoc, France

The Cloisters - Column Shaft, Languedoc, France

Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The Cloisters - Column Base, Burgundy, France

The Cloisters - Column Base, Burgundy, France

Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Double Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France

Double Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France

A black and white photo of a statue on a pillar, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Huit sujets tirés du Boccace sur les revers de fortune des hommes et des femmes. Mort du roi Saül. Troisième numéro d'une suite de 8 pièces. (Passavant 5, tome II, page 275)

Huit sujets tirés du Boccace sur les revers de fortune des hommes et d...

Pièce cintrée Marque de collection - "Dutuit" (Lugt 709) Public domain photograph of 15th-century print, drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of ... More

Kasteel met twee figuren - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication image

Kasteel met twee figuren - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication image

Picryl description: Public domain image of a medieval city, town, buildings, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

In 't Jaar 1572 - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication image

In 't Jaar 1572 - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication image

Public domain image of a historic vintage city view, cityscape, plan, 17th-18th century architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Plundering van Mechelen, 1572 - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication image

Plundering van Mechelen, 1572 - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication i...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a medieval city, town, buildings, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Ruïne van klooster Koningsveld - Engraving, Public domain image

Ruïne van klooster Koningsveld - Engraving, Public domain image

Public domain scan of a Dutch or Flemish print, Medieval castle, cathedral, architecture, Netherlands, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Stadspoort - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication image

Stadspoort - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication image

Picryl description: Public domain image of a medieval castle, city, building, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Deel van een klooster bij de Dom van Utrecht

Deel van een klooster bij de Dom van Utrecht

Picryl description: Public domain image of a cathedral or church building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Plundering van Mechelen, 1572 - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication image

Plundering van Mechelen, 1572 - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication i...

Plundering van Mechelen door het leger van Alva, onder bevel van zijn zoon Don Frederik, 1 oktober 1572. Goederen worden op de markt verzameld en door de soldaten afgevoerd. In het midden op de voorgrond een st... More

Picryl description: Public domain image, 14th-15th century miniature, drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions

Picryl description: Public domain image, 14th-15th century miniature, ...

Public domain image of an architectural drawing from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, medieval, 14th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description image - Picryl description.

Gezicht op het stadhuis van Dordrecht / Gezicht op de Grote Kerk te Dordrecht

Gezicht op het stadhuis van Dordrecht / Gezicht op de Grote Kerk te Do...

Twee voorstellingen op één blad. Boven: het stadhuis van Dordrecht. Onder: de Grote Kerk te Dordrecht.

Ansicht des Domplatzes zu Kölln. Vue de la place du Dôme à Cologne

Ansicht des Domplatzes zu Kölln. Vue de la place du Dôme à Cologne

Public domain image of a medieval castle, city, building, 14th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Westportaal van de kathedraal van Rouen

Westportaal van de kathedraal van Rouen

Public domain image of a medieval castle, city, building, 14th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Klederdracht van Lonneker en Losser in Overijssel, 1857

Klederdracht van Lonneker en Losser in Overijssel, 1857

Klederdracht van de plaatsen Lonneker en Losser in de provincie Overijssel. Marktscène. Illustratie in een boek uit 1857 met 56 platen van Nederlandse klederdrachten.

Elgin Cathedral from "[Scotland delineated in a series of views by C. Stanfield ... G. Cattermole ... (Sir W. Allan) ...Drawn in lithography by J. D. Harding (Carrick, etc.). With historical, antiquarian and descriptive letterpress by J. P. L.]"

Elgin Cathedral from "[Scotland delineated in a series of views by C. ...

This image has been taken from scan 000389 from "[Scotland delineated in a series of views by C. Stanfield ... G. Cattermole ... (Sir W. Allan) ...Drawn in lithography by J. D. Harding (Carrick, etc.). With his... More

Maastricht, Gezicht op de Helpoort

Maastricht, Gezicht op de Helpoort

Picryl description: Public domain image of a medieval castle, city, building, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Pesthuisstraatje met het oude klooster te Harderwijk

Pesthuisstraatje met het oude klooster te Harderwijk

Public domain scan of a Dutch or Flemish print, Medieval castle, cathedral, architecture, Netherlands, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Pierre Emonts ou Emonds - Palais de Justice. Ancienne grande chambre du Parlement.

Pierre Emonts ou Emonds - Palais de Justice. Ancienne grande chambre d...

Palais de Justice, Ancienne grande Chambre du Parlement, 1er arrondissement. Ruines de la Commune. (Artificial title) Collé sur montage. Inscription concernant le titre - Au recto, en bas à gauche sur le carton... More

La Cathédrale de Beauvais - Petit Palais Musee des Beaux Arts de la ville de Paris

La Cathédrale de Beauvais - Petit Palais Musee des Beaux Arts de la vi...

La Cathédrale de Troyes (Main title) Signature - Signature en bas à gauche : "HERVIER" Marque de collection - Marque de collection : "VILLE DE PARIS"

[Ploenlein, Rothenburg (i.e. ob der Tauber), Bavaria, Germany]

[Ploenlein, Rothenburg (i.e. ob der Tauber), Bavaria, Germany]

Title from the Detroit Publishing Co., catalogue J foreign section. Detroit, Mich. : Detroit Photographic Company, 1905. Print no. "16807". Forms part of: Views of Germany in the Photochrom print collection.

[West Gate, Canterbury, England]. Photochrom print, 1880-1890.

[West Gate, Canterbury, England]. Photochrom print, 1880-1890.

Historic Sites Public domain photograph related to middle ages, medieval art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bruxelles, Porte de Hall, [Belgium] view, photochrome print postcard.

Bruxelles, Porte de Hall, [Belgium] view, photochrome print postcard.

Print shows the Porte de Hal or Hallepoort in Brussels, Belgium. (Source: Flickr Commons project, 2009) Title listed in the Detroit Publishing Co., catalogue J, foreign section. Detroit, Mich. : Detroit Publis... More

[The Tower, London, England] view, photochrome print postcard.

[The Tower, London, England] view, photochrome print postcard.

Title from the Detroit Publishing Co., Catalogue J foreign section, Detroit, Mich. : Detroit Publishing Company, 1905. Print no. "1502". More information about the Photochrom Print Collection is available at ht... More

Nürnberg. Frauenthor view, photochrome print postcard.

Nürnberg. Frauenthor view, photochrome print postcard.

Title in Detroit Publishing Co., Catalogue J foreign section, Detroit, Mich. : Detroit Publishing Company, 1905: "Germany. Bavaria. Nuremberg. Frauenthor." Print no. "9669. P.Z." Purchase; Detroit Publishing C... More

[Burgkeller, Jena, Thuringia, Germany] view, photochrome print postcard.

[Burgkeller, Jena, Thuringia, Germany] view, photochrome print postcar...

Title from the Detroit Publishing Co., catalogue J foreign section. Detroit, Mich. : Detroit Photographic Company, 1905. Print no. "6159". Forms part of: Views of Germany in the Photochrom print collection.

[Marienburg, west side, Prussia, Germany (i.e., Malbork, Poland)]

[Marienburg, west side, Prussia, Germany (i.e., Malbork, Poland)]

Title from the Detroit Publishing Co., catalogue J foreign section. Detroit, Mich. : Detroit Photographic Company, 1905. Print no. "8395". Forms part of: Views of Germany in the Photochrom print collection.

[The castle, Rothsay (i.e. Rothesay), Scotland]

[The castle, Rothsay (i.e. Rothesay), Scotland]

Title from the Detroit Publishing Co., catalogue J foreign section. Detroit, Mich. : Detroit Photographic Company, 1905. Print no. "13102". More information about the Photochrom Print Collection is available at... More



SE CONSERVA COPIA DE AUTOR EN ALBUM BADAJOZ VI Public domain photograph of 19th-century portrait, Spain, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Skioptikonbild med motiv från Vichy.Bilden har förvarats i kartong märkt: ?

Skioptikonbild med motiv från Vichy.Bilden har förvarats i kartong mär...

Skioptikonbild med motiv från Vichy.Bilden har förvarats i kartong märkt: ?

Corfe Castle postcard, Springfield College Collection

Corfe Castle postcard, Springfield College Collection

Picryl description: Public domain photo of vintage YMCA postcard, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Skioptikonbild med motiv från medeltida borgen Cité de Carcassonne. Mannen längst till höger är möjligen Paul Clemen.Bilden har förvarats i kartong märkt: Höstresan 1907. Carcassonne.8. No:13.

Skioptikonbild med motiv från medeltida borgen Cité de Carcassonne. Ma...

Skioptikonbild med motiv från medeltida borgen Cité de Carcassonne. Mannen längst till höger är möjligen Paul Clemen.Bilden har förvarats i kartong märkt: Höstresan 1907. Carcassonne.8. No:13.

Skioptikonbild med motiv från Schwäbische Hall.Bilden har förvarats i kartong märkt: Resan 1911. Schwäbisch Hall 9. XV.

Skioptikonbild med motiv från Schwäbische Hall.Bilden har förvarats i ...

Skioptikonbild med motiv från Schwäbische Hall.Bilden har förvarats i kartong märkt: Resan 1911. Schwäbisch Hall 9. XV.

Friesach: Hof der alten bischöflichen Residenz.

Friesach: Hof der alten bischöflichen Residenz.

Picryl description: Public domain image of a medieval castle, city, building, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Ghent, George Grantham Bain Collection

Ghent, George Grantham Bain Collection

Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service on the negatives or caption cards. Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress). General information about the George Grantha... More

Emprunt de la Libération. On souscrit á la Banque d'Alsace et de Lorraine. Entrée des Français á Strasbourg

Emprunt de la Libération. On souscrit á la Banque d'Alsace et de Lorra...

The French army entering the city of Strasbourg. The Strasbourg Cathedral is to the left in the background. Strasbourg was the capital of Alsace-Lorraine. After the Franco-Prussian War Napolean III agreed to re... More

Wijnstreken - Beaujolais, Willem van de Poll

Wijnstreken - Beaujolais, Willem van de Poll

Pluimvee voeren, met op de achtergrond Chateau d'Arginy bij Charentay Public domain photograph of 1930s France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Willem van de Poll worked as a... More

Jerusalem. Damascus Gate (Orange Market)

Jerusalem. Damascus Gate (Orange Market)

Title from: Matson color slides and filmstrips of Bible Lands ... , the Matson Photo Service. On slide mount: Damascus Gate. On slide mount: Copyright Matson Photo Service. Color slide reproduced from black and... More

Arcs history old. An old photo of a hallway in a building

Arcs history old. An old photo of a hallway in a building

Architecture stock photograph: The interior of the church / An old photo of a hallway in a building.

Gargoyle stone mason, religion. A statue of a woman's face on a stone wall

Gargoyle stone mason, religion. A statue of a woman's face on a stone ...

Architecture stock photograph: A stone carving of a face on a wall / A statue of a woman's face on a stone wall.

Archaeological museum rhodes cloister building. A stone archway with columns and a stone floor

Archaeological museum rhodes cloister building. A stone archway with c...

Ancient Greece. Free images of Greece. Use free photos of ancient Greece buildings without any copyright restrictions.

A large brick building sitting on top of a lush green field. Ruin abbey hdr building.

A large brick building sitting on top of a lush green field. Ruin abbe...

Free images of Italy. Download Italian photos for free. Beautiful Italy pictures without any copyright restrictions.

Abbey column ruins building. A stone building with arches and grass in front of it

Abbey column ruins building. A stone building with arches and grass in...

Architecture stock photograph: A stone pillar in a courtyard with grass / A stone building with arches and grass in front of it.

Vault cloister monastery building. A long hallway with stone steps leading up to it

Vault cloister monastery building. A long hallway with stone steps lea...

Architecture stock photograph: A gothic style hallway with stone columns and a staircase / A long hallway with stone steps leading up to it.

A very tall column in a very old building. Church vault castle, religion.

A very tall column in a very old building. Church vault castle, religi...

Iberian Castles: Free images of castles in Spain, available for commercial use, free download.

Mosque djenné architecture building. A model of a large building with a clock tower

Mosque djenné architecture building. A model of a large building with ...

Architecture stock photograph: The great palace of abu dhabi / A model of a large building with a clock tower.

Panagia of kofinou church old, religion. A stone building with a cross on top of it

Panagia of kofinou church old, religion. A stone building with a cross...

Architecture stock photograph: A church with a cross on top of it / A stone building with a cross on top of it.

Spire castle tower building. A black and white photo of a castle

Spire castle tower building. A black and white photo of a castle

Architecture stock photograph: Two towers with a steeple on each side / A black and white photo of a castle.

A cushion with a picture of an elephant on it. Fabric elephant pattern, backgrounds textures.

A cushion with a picture of an elephant on it. Fabric elephant pattern...

Architecture stock photograph: The elephant with a crown / A cushion with a picture of an elephant on it.

A courtyard with a fountain in the middle of it. Tourist Attraction - Cloister gothic tortosa.

A courtyard with a fountain in the middle of it. Tourist Attraction - ...

A courtyard with arches and a tower / A building with arches and a clock tower public domain stock photo.

Three figurines of three wise men in the snow. Holy three kings santon crib.

Three figurines of three wise men in the snow. Holy three kings santon...

Architecture stock photograph: Nativity scene in the snow / Three figurines of three wise men in the snow.

Arch cathedral architecture building. A stone building with columns and arches

Arch cathedral architecture building. A stone building with columns an...

Architecture stock photograph: The cloisters of the cathedral of / A stone building with columns and arches.

The ruins of an old church in a field. Ruin monastery middle ages.

The ruins of an old church in a field. Ruin monastery middle ages.

The ruins of the abbey / Ruins of the abbey of the holy cross / Public domain stock photo.

A stone building with a fountain in the middle of it. Muckross abbey abbey killarney, religion.

A stone building with a fountain in the middle of it. Muckross abbey a...

Free images of Ireland. Download Ireland photos. Use free Ireland pictures without any copyright restrictions.

Ruin gothic old building, religion. An old stone building with a green lawn in front of it

Ruin gothic old building, religion. An old stone building with a green...

Architecture stock photograph: A person standing in front of a stone building / An old stone building with a green lawn in front of it.

A large building with a tower on top of it. Tourist Attraction - Cristian transylvania romania.

A large building with a tower on top of it. Tourist Attraction - Crist...

Architecture stock photograph: A large castle with two towers on top of it / A large building with a clock tower on top of it.

A large castle with a clock on top of it. Carcassonne castle the world heritage site.

A large castle with a clock on top of it. Carcassonne castle the world...

Architecture stock photograph: A large castle with a few towers on top of it / A large castle with a clock on top of it.

Monastery abbey ruins, religion. A large brick building sitting on top of a lush green field

Monastery abbey ruins, religion. A large brick building sitting on top...

Architecture stock photograph: The ruins of the abbey / A large brick building sitting on top of a lush green field.

A stained glass window with a picture of jesus on the cross. Stained glass church easter, religion.

A stained glass window with a picture of jesus on the cross. Stained g...

Architecture stock photograph: Stained glass window depicting the crucifixion of jesus / A stained glass window with a picture of jesus on the cross.

Abbaye de sénanque monastery abbey, religion. An old building with a steeple on top of it

Abbaye de sénanque monastery abbey, religion. An old building with a s...

Architecture stock photograph: The church of the holy cross / An old building with a steeple on top of it.

A white tower with a red roof next to a body of water Schaiblingsturm tower landmark.

A white tower with a red roof next to a body of water Schaiblingsturm ...

Architecture stock photograph: The castle is a medieval castle with a red roof / A white tower with a red roof next to a body of water.

Alhambra granada andalusia, travel vacation. A large building sitting on top of a lush green hillside

Alhambra granada andalusia, travel vacation. A large building sitting ...

Architecture stock photograph: The alhambra palace in granada, spain / A large building sitting on top of a lush green hillside.

A large building with a tower on top of it. Alhambra spain andalusia.

A large building with a tower on top of it. Alhambra spain andalusia.

Architecture stock photograph: The alhambra palace in granada, spain / A large building with a clock tower on top of it.

Avignon france palais des papes building. A courtyard with a clock tower in the background

Avignon france palais des papes building. A courtyard with a clock tow...

French Palace: Free images of palaces in France, available for commercial use, free download.

St petersburg russia historically building. A large white building with a clock tower

St petersburg russia historically building. A large white building wit...

Architecture stock photograph: A large white building with a large building in the middle / A large white building with a clock tower.

A large cathedral with columns and a stained glass window. Tourist Attraction - Church spiritual barcelona, religion.

A large cathedral with columns and a stained glass window. Tourist Att...

Architecture stock photograph: The interior of the cathedral of seville / A large cathedral with columns and a stained glass window.

A large stained glass window in a church. Glass color stained.

A large stained glass window in a church. Glass color stained.

Architecture stock photograph: Stained glass window in the notre dame cathedral in paris / A large stained glass window in a church.

A large cathedral with statues on the front of it. Paris notre dame church, religion.

A large cathedral with statues on the front of it. Paris notre dame ch...

Architecture stock photograph: The entrance to the cathedral of notre dame / A large cathedral with statues on the front of it.

A couple of towers that are next to each other. France carcassonne medieval city.

A couple of towers that are next to each other. France carcassonne med...

Architecture stock photograph: A view of a city from the castle / A couple of towers that are next to each other.

Archway colonade architectural building. A long hallway with a clock on the wall

Archway colonade architectural building. A long hallway with a clock o...

Architecture stock photograph: The corridor of the monastery / A long hallway with a clock on the wall.

Russia suzdal golden ring, religion. A large white building with green domes on top of it

Russia suzdal golden ring, religion. A large white building with green...

Architecture stock photograph: A large white building with two domes and a green lawn / A large white building with green domes on top of it.

A painting of a man sitting on a bench. Icon christ russia, religion.

A painting of a man sitting on a bench. Icon christ russia, religion.

Architecture stock photograph: / A painting of a man sitting on a bench.

Alcázar segovia city building. A castle on a hill with trees in the foreground

Alcázar segovia city building. A castle on a hill with trees in the fo...

Iberian Castles: Free images of castles in Spain, available for commercial use, free download.

A large castle with a tower on top of a hill. Castle guimarães portugal.

A large castle with a tower on top of a hill. Castle guimarães portuga...

Architecture stock photograph: The castle of / A large castle with a tower on top of a hill.

A tall tower with a clock on top of it. Tourist Attraction - France montpellier cathedral, religion.

A tall tower with a clock on top of it. Tourist Attraction - France mo...

Architecture stock photograph: A large stone building with a steeple and a tower / A tall tower with a clock on top of it.

A window in a stone building with graffiti on the walls. Church window catholic, religion.

A window in a stone building with graffiti on the walls. Church window...

Architecture stock photograph: The interior of the church of st. francis of assisi / A window in a stone building with graffiti on the walls.

An old stone bridge over a grassy field. Aqueduct plasencia mount.

An old stone bridge over a grassy field. Aqueduct plasencia mount.

Architecture stock photograph: The old bridge in the valley of the rocks / An old stone bridge over a grassy field.

A golden statue of an angel on top of a building. Ireland church angel, religion.

A golden statue of an angel on top of a building. Ireland church angel...

Free images of Ireland. Download Ireland photos. Use free Ireland pictures without any copyright restrictions.

A statue of a knight holding a sword. Knight st george figure.

A statue of a knight holding a sword. Knight st george figure.

Architecture stock photograph: A statue of a knight standing on a hill overlooking the sea / A statue of a knight holding a sword.

A clock on the side of a stone building. Castle acre priory church abbey, religion.

A clock on the side of a stone building. Castle acre priory church abb...

Architecture stock photograph: The gothic architecture of the cathedral of / A clock on the side of a stone building.

A stained glass window with a picture of a man and a woman. Church window church window, religion.

A stained glass window with a picture of a man and a woman. Church win...

Architecture stock photograph: Stained glass window depicting the nativity scene / A stained glass window with a picture of a man and a woman.

Cathedral canterbury world heritage, religion. A large building with a clock on the front of it

Cathedral canterbury world heritage, religion. A large building with a...

Architecture stock photograph: A large stone church with a large window / A large building with a clock on the front of it.

An old stone building with a steeple on top of it. Armenia sevan sevan monastery, religion.

An old stone building with a steeple on top of it. Armenia sevan sevan...

Architecture stock photograph: The church of the holy sepulchre / An old stone building with a steeple on top of it.

A large cathedral with a lot of windows. Tourist Attraction - Church spiritual barcelona, religion.

A large cathedral with a lot of windows. Tourist Attraction - Church s...

Architecture stock photograph: The interior of the cathedral of the cathedral of the holy cross / A large cathedral with a lot of windows.

A large castle sitting on top of a hill next to a body of water. Malcesine garda italy.

A large castle sitting on top of a hill next to a body of water. Malce...

Italian Castles: Free images of castles in Italy, available for commercial use, free download.

Pisa florence cloister. A large room with a lot of windows

Pisa florence cloister. A large room with a lot of windows

Architecture stock photograph: A large room with large windows and a stone floor / A large room with a lot of windows.

Abbey church abbey sénanque, religion. A large stone building with a steeple on top of it

Abbey church abbey sénanque, religion. A large stone building with a s...

Architecture stock photograph: A stone church with a stone wall and a stone wall / A large stone building with a steeple on top of it.

Design drawing for architectural elements: Gothic church details

Design drawing for architectural elements: Gothic church details

Purchase, Donald Samick, 2003 (DLC/PP-2003:109). Forms part of: Lamb Design Collection.

Capital, Spain, The Cloisters - Public domain museum image. A stone column with a bird on top of it

Capital, Spain, The Cloisters - Public domain museum image. A stone co...

Public domain photo of a 3d object, Europe, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Baptismal Font, The Cloisters - Public domain dedication museum photo

Baptismal Font, The Cloisters - Public domain dedication museum photo

A large grey cast iron urn with figures of the four seasons, with a circular design of the four seasons, with a circular top with a circular design of the four seasons, Europe, free to use, no copyright restric... More

Column Base, Languedoc, France - Public domain dedication museum photo

Column Base, Languedoc, France - Public domain dedication museum photo

Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Column Base, Languedoc, France - Public domain dedication museum photo

Column Base, Languedoc, France - Public domain dedication museum photo

Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Capital, France, The Cloisters - Public domain dedication museum photo

Capital, France, The Cloisters - Public domain dedication museum photo

Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Column Base, Burgundy, France - Public domain dedication museum photo

Column Base, Burgundy, France - Public domain dedication museum photo

Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Double Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France

Double Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France

Public domain photo of Antique sculpture, Europe, medieval, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Corbel, 14th century, Burgundy, France

Corbel, 14th century, Burgundy, France

A black and white photo of a statue of a lion, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Corbel with Busts of Angels - Public domain dedication museum photo

Corbel with Busts of Angels - Public domain dedication museum photo

A stone statue of a man holding a shield, Italy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Courtyard of House at no. 29, Rue de la Tannerie, Abbeville, Somme, France; said to be from the reign of François I

Courtyard of House at no. 29, Rue de la Tannerie, Abbeville, Somme, Fr...

Public domain photo of Antique sculpture, Europe, 17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.


of 85

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