Contributions to North American ethnology. Vol. I-VII, IX (1882) (2050...
Title: Contributions to North American ethnology. Vol. I-VII, IX Identifier: contributionston51882powe (find matches) Year: 1877 (1870s) Authors: Powell, John Wesley, 1834-1902; Geographical and Geological Su... More
SMT D146 Facsimile of plate 26 of the Dresden Codex
Facsimile of plate 26 of the Dresden Codex
Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution (...
Title: Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution Identifier: annualreportofbo1903smith (find matches) Year: 1846 (1840s) Authors: Smithsonian Institution. Board of Regents; United S... More
SMT D128 Facsimile of plate 22 of the codex Troano
Facsimile of plate 22 of the codex Troano
SMT D111 Facsimile of plate 20 of the manuscript Troano
Facsimile of plate 20 of the manuscript Troano
SMT D119 Facsimile of f plate 21 of the manuscript Troano
Facsimile of f plate 21 of the manuscript Troano
SMT D134 Facsimile of plate 23 of the Codex Troano
Facsimile of plate 23 of the Codex Troano
Chamán - Egypt
Español: Códice antiguo en el cual se representa algo... Public domain reproduction of artwork related to ancient civilizations, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Contributions to North American ethnology. Vol. I-VII, IX (1882) (2069...
Title: Contributions to North American ethnology. Vol. I-VII, IX Identifier: contributionston51882powe (find matches) Year: 1877 (1870s) Authors: Powell, John Wesley, 1834-1902; Geographical and Geological Su... More
Contributions to North American ethnology. Vol. I-VII, IX (1882) (2066...
Title: Contributions to North American ethnology. Vol. I-VII, IX Identifier: contributionston51882powe (find matches) Year: 1877 (1870s) Authors: Powell, John Wesley, 1834-1902; Geographical and Geological Su... More
Classic Maya Codex, Replica
Maya Gallery, INAH, National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City. Complete indexed photo collection at