Pingjiang tu. Historic map, Library of Congress
Stone rubbing dated between 1858 and 1869. One of the earliest and biggest stone rubbing maps in China. Original stone was engraved in 1229 under Li Shoupeng. The map is now in the Museum of Engraved Stone Tabl... More
Karta Rossii I.Magina iz italianskago izdaniia Geografii Ptolemeia, Ve...
Public domain reproduction of art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ukie itsukushima jinjya no zu - Public domain scan / drawing
Print shows a perspective view of the Itsukushima Shrine built over the water. Title and other descriptive information compiled by Nichibunken-sponsored Edo print specialists in 2005-06. Format: horizontal Oban... More
Civil War centennial - Vintage map, Norman B. Leventhal Collection
Civil War centennial map Courtesy of Boston Public Library
Plan de la Nouvelle Orleans. - Public domain architectural plan drawin...
Public domain scan of a architecture diagram, settlement map, plan, or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.
A view of Savannah as it stood the 29th of March 1734.
Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. 3 copies; 1 copy missing; 1 copy to P&P?
[America, 1772 - title page ornamentation showing Native wearing skirt...
Public domain reproduction of art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Carte de l'affaire de Montmouth : ou le G'al Washington commandon l'ar...
Shows troop positions at the Battle of Monmouth (near Englishtown, Monmouth Co., N.J.). Relief shown by hachures. Place-names in English. Pen-and-ink and watercolors. Sectioned to 12 panels and mounted on cloth... More
Carte du théatre de la guerre entre les anglais et les Américains / dr...
Print shows cartouche with a Native wearing feathered headdress and skirt reclining against wall which bears title inscription; flags, banners, and shield on his right, trees in the background. Illus. in: Cart... More
[Views from offshore of islands in the Bay of Fundy and the entrance t...
Prints show distant views of The Wolves, a cluster of islands off New Brunswick in the Bay of Fundy, Grand Manan Island, and the entrance to the Saint John River, with ships passing in the foreground. Illus. i... More
Théatre de la guerre en Amerique, avec les Isles Antilles : projetté...
Public domain image of the vintage map from Norman B. Leventhal Map Center, free to use, no copyright restrictions image. The Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center at the Boston Public Library is a special... More
Light house S.W.b.S. 1 mile distant
Print is oval insert on a chart of Halifax Harbor showing the lighthouse at Halifax, Nova Scotia. Illus. in: The Atlantic Neptune, published for the use of the Royal Navy of Great Britain, by Joseph F.W. Des B... More
Map of Matrimony on Mercators projection shewing to timid lovers the o...
In upper margin: Puzzle : the second expedition of the Vessel Pinta. Reproduced in: An atlas of fantasy / compiled by J.B. Post. Rev. ed. New York : Ballantine Books, 1979. Available also through the Library of... More
Nagasaki no chizu Historic map, Library of Congress
Japanese print shows map of harbor area of Nagasaki. Nagasaki print. One corner is torn. Backed with sheet of paper covered with Japanese writing. Annotations, stamps, etc. on verso of print: 176; 47623a. Earl... More
Defeat of the British army 12,000 strong under the command of Sir Edwa...
Défaite de l'armée Anglaise forte de 12,000 hommes commandée par Sir Edward Packenham a l'attaque du 8 Janvier 1815 de la ligne de retranchement de l'armée Americaine defendue par 3,600 milicienes sous les ... More
military from "History of the King's German Legion. [With plates.]"
This image has been taken from scan 000123 from volume 01 of "History of the King's German Legion. [With plates.]". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated from tags, created by users of t... More
engraver:name=L. from "An Account of the Transactions of His Majesty's...
This image has been taken from scan 000550 from "An Account of the Transactions of His Majesty's Mission to the Court of Persia, in the years 1807-11 ... To which is appended a brief history of the Wahauby. [Wi... More
Canaan, or The Land of promise. - Public domain old map
Available also through the Library of Congress web site as a raster image.
portrait from "Pictorial History of the Russian War, 1854-5-6. With ma...
This image has been taken from scan 000199 from "Pictorial History of the Russian War, 1854-5-6. With maps, plans, and wood engravings. [The preface signed: G. D., i.e. George Dodd.]". The title and subject ter... More
Sebastopol, and fortifications now in active progress on the land side
Public domain aerial photograph, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain image of 17th-18th-century architecture, palace, castle, historical city building, free to use, no copyright... More
Map of Chenango County, New York : from actual surveys /
Relief shown by hachures. Shows landowners. LC Land ownership maps, 482 Includes statistics and illustrations. Bainbridge -- Coventry -- Greene -- Guilford -- Plan of New Berlin -- Plan of Norwich -- Oxford --... More
William A. Kent from "The History of Concord, from its first grant in ...
This image has been taken from scan 000622 from "The History of Concord, from its first grant in 1725, to the organization of the city government in 1853, with a history of the ancient Penacooks. The whole inte... More
One hundred & fifty miles around Richmond. 9th ed.
Scale ca. 1:880,000. LC Civil War Maps (2nd ed.), 632.3 General map centered on Richmond, Virginia. Map is printed in blue with title and border in red. "Ninth edition 3000 of Magnus' all around map." "Dedicate... More
[Map of the Potomac River]. - Public domain old map
Regional map of Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania showing the Potomac River and its tributaries.
New map of Virginia : compiled from the latest maps
Accompanied by cover: New map of Virginia. Richmond, Va. : J.W. Randolph ; 14 x 9 cm. Insets: Harpers Ferry -- Norfolk Harbor and vicinity. Relief shown by hachures. Shows principal cities, towns and railroads,... More
W.W. Wright, Chf. Eng. & [...] Mil. RRds.
Photograph showing William Wierman Wright (1824-1882), engineer, seated outdoors at a desk with map and drafting equipment. Wright was engineer and superintendent of Aquia Creek Railroad (1862-1863), head of th... More
[Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and U.S. belt buckle with pisto...
Case: Leather, floral and scroll design. Gift; Tom Liljenquist; 2011; (DLC/PP-2012:127). Forms part of: Liljenquist Family Collection of Civil War Photographs (Library of Congress). NewsetLilj02 pp/liljunion
Army map of the seat of war in Virginia, showing the battle fields, fo...
Scale ca. 1:183,000. LC Civil War Maps (2nd ed.), 448 Map of the Potomac River and vicinity from Harpers Ferry to Swan Point showing towns, roads, railroads, names and boundaries of counties, drainage, and reli... More
Plan of the Battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Decr. 13, 1862.
Map shows the region surrounding Fredericksburg, Va., including Marie's Heights outside of the city and Falmouth across the Rappahannock River. Due to Burnside's slow maneuvering of the Union forces, Lee was a... More
Blockade of the Potomac. Map showing Union and Rebel batteries January...
"The Rebel troops and batteries were commanded by Genl. Holmes, C.S.A. during the blockade which lasted from Decr 1861 to 9th March 1862." -- Page caption. Color coding shows location of Union and Confederate f... More
The Union assault on the Rebel works at Lee's Mill, Yorktown, Va.
Shows fortifications on opposite sides of the Warwick River, with the Confederate forces concentrated to the north of the river and the Union forces to the south around Lee's Mill.
[Yorktown to Williamsburg] Historic map, Library of Congress
Scale ca. 1:95,000. LC Civil War Maps (2nd ed.), 600 Principal rivers are hand-colored blue. Description derived from published bibliography. Civil War salted paper maps. AL-57. Available also through the Libra... More
[Map of Nelson Co. and part of the counties of Albemarle, Amherst, Aug...
"Map from the Confederate Engineer Bureau in Richmond, Va. General J.F. Gilmer, Chief Engineer[.] Presented to the Virginia Historical Society by his only daughter, Mrs. J.F. Minis, Sav[ana]h, Ga."--Note on map... More
Charleston Harbor and its approaches showing the positions of the Rebe...
[Scale 1:30,000]. LC Civil War Maps (2nd ed.), 380 Another issue. Shows roads, railroads, houses, vegetation, a street plan of Charleston, drainage, soundings, and shoals. Overprinted to show positions occupied... More
portrait from "History of the United States of America: ... to the pre...
This image has been taken from scan 000188 from volume 02 of "History of the United States of America: ... to the present time. [Drawn from Hinton's History, Holmes' “Annals,” etc.] By T. P. Shaffner [assisted ... More
Plan of the Battle of Cold Harbor, June 3rd
After two days' preparation, the main Federal assault took place in the early morning of June 3rd against a well-entrenched Confederate army. Federal losses were overwhelming, and by noon Gen. Grant called a h... More
[Map of the environs of Olley Creek near Marietta, Georgia, July? 1864...
Shows troop positions, fortifications, and names of some residents. Title and date from Stephenson's Civil War maps, 1989. LC Civil War maps (2nd ed.), S96, 198 Available also through the Library of Congress We... More
Plan of action at Devaux Neck South Carolina. December 9th 1864
Devaux Neck is a peninsula formed by the Tulfinney and Coosawatchie rivers as they branch off the Broad River. The peninsula is crossed by the Charleston and Savannah Railroad. This map, in closer detail than... More
Phelps & Watson's historical and military map of the border & southern...
Shows locations of battles and skirmishes, 1861 to May (?) 1864, with red dots or by red underlining of place names. Also shows population statistics for each state; statistics positioned near blue dots. Relief... More
The true issue or "thats whats the matter"
A political cartoon issued shortly after the Democratic Party's nomination of George Brinton McClellan as their Presidential nominee in the election of 1864. The cartoon depicts McClellan as the peace candidate... More
Latest war map of Europe : as seen through French eyes /
"Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1870 by L. Prang & Co., in the office of the Librarian of Congress of Washington." In lower margin: Britannia, full of Rage almost forgets Ireland. Spain, smoki... More
Map of the Hawaiian Islands. - Public domain old map
Available also through the Library of Congress web site as a raster image.
Campaign map of Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas, showing all the battle ...
Public domain document scan of a map, military, war history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
portrait from "History of Washington County, Pennsylvania, with biogra...
This image has been taken from scan 000851 from "History of Washington County, Pennsylvania, with biographical sketches of many of its pioneers and prominent men ... Illustrated. [With a map.]". The title and s... More
portrait from "History of Davis County, Iowa, containing a history of ...
This image has been taken from scan 000233 from "History of Davis County, Iowa, containing a history of the county ... a biographical directory, etc. [With plates, including a map.]". The title and subject term... More
Map of the County of Santa Barbara, California /
Relief shown by hachures. Cadastral map showing drainage, roads, railroads, land ownership, landowners' names, ranchos, township and section lines, school and supervisorial districts, etc. LC Land ownership map... More
Plano de Barcelona y sus alrededores en 1890 : aprobado por el exemo. ...
Relief shown by hachures. Includes statistical table and table of distances. "Ordenanzas Municipales, Apendice No. 1(a)" Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
Garibaldi on the March to Rome from "A History of Modern Europe ... Wi...
This image has been taken from scan 000311 from volume 03 of "A History of Modern Europe ... With maps". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated from tags, created by users of the British ... More
icon from "With Russian Pilgrims. Being an account of a sojourn in the...
This image has been taken from scan 000008 from "With Russian Pilgrims. Being an account of a sojourn in the White Sea Monastery and a journey by the old trade route from the Arctic Sea to Moscow ... Also an ap... More
Shadow Brook: architectural drawing of Shadow Brook
Black and white drawing of Shadow Brook, from American Architect and Building News, April 1, 1893. Courtesy of Lenox Library Association
Empire Ottoman : division administrative /
Includes four insets and tables of cities, with size and population. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
Il tricolore Italiano in Tripolitania e Cirenacia : diario illustrato ...
Italian propaganda map of the Italo-Turco war in Libya in 1912. "1° Novembre 1911." Includes text, shows troop position by oversize Italian and Turkish flags. Available also through the Library of Congress Web ... More
A map of Portsmouth, N.H. : an old town by the sea
Public domain image of the vintage map from Norman B. Leventhal Map Center. The Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center at the Boston Public Library is a special collections center in Boston, Massachusetts w... More
Orange County before 1810 / - Public domain map drawing
Pictorial history map with drawings of early buildings/settlers/events and with names of early settlers/landowners. Relief shown pictorially. "Buildings marked * are standing in 1935." "Copyright Jan. 1, 1936."... More
L'armée françoise Mouillée auprès de l'ance Molenieu dans l'isle de la...
Photograph shows the French fleet in the bay before the town of Saint George's on the island of Grenada, British reconnaissance vessels, and at far left, on the horizon, the British fleet. Caption continues: P... More
Vue du fort et ville de St. George dans l'isle de la Grenade et du Mor...
Photograph shows the French fleet in the bay before the town of Saint George's on the island of Grenada and French troops making an assault on the hill in the foreground; a British battery fires on the fleet fr... More
Effects of increased resolution on radar mapping. Eagle map (left) and...
Photographs Documenting Scientists, Special Events, and Nuclear Research Facilities, Instruments, and Projects at the Berkeley Lab
Family looking at map near Florida welcome sign
: 66279 ( http://66279 ) ..Local call number: c005166..Title: Family looking at map near Florida welcome sign..Date: 1947..Physical descrip: 1 photoprint - b&w - 5 x 4 in...Series Title: Department of Commerce ... More
A dalmatian dog holding a large red and yellow ball. Dalmatians dog pu...
Find the best free stock images about dogs: dog images that can be used for free, without any copyright restrictions, even for commercial use and no attribution required.
John Ogilby - New Netherlanders apparel., Montanus Arnoldus 1625-1683,...
Public domain image of the vintage map from NYPL Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division, free to use, no copyright restrictions image. The Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division is one of the wo... More
John Ogilby - Remarkable wreck of the ship Batavia., Montanus Arnoldus...
Public domain image of the vintage map from NYPL Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division, free to use, no copyright restrictions image. The Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division is one of the wo... More
Guillaume Thomas Reynal / JS [encircled monogram].
Print shows Guillaume-Thomas-François Reynal, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right; in oval with lyre, map of Virginia, and a cherub in the foreground. Engraving attributed to Dupin. Published in: The Ame... More
Fort Harrison in 1812 - A drawing of a castle on a hill overlooking a ...
Print showing Fort Harrison from across the Wabash River, with four Natives in a canoe on the river. Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1848 by Modesitt & Hager in the Clerk's office of the Distr... More
Map of Old Jan's land & the Bogardus Farm adjoining.
Public domain image of the vintage map from NYPL Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division, free to use, no copyright restrictions image. The Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division is one of the wo... More
The Transval of New York - Public domain vintage map
Public domain scan of a vintage map, plan, atlas, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.
Hart-Bolton American history maps - Public domain map
Wall maps. Relief shown by gradient tints and hachures. Title from the separately published Teacher's manual accompanying the Hart-Bolton American history maps. Chicago : Denoyer-Geppert, 1919. Manuals describi... More
Res. of Thomas Welling, Warwick, N.Y.
Public domain scan of 19th-19th century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Plat book of Lancaster County, Nebraska : containing carefully prepare...
LeGear. Atlases of the United States, 5502 Includes indexes, brief history of Lancaster County, and brief biographies and portraits of early Lancaster County residents. Available also through the Library of Con... More
Caldwell's Illustrated historical combination atlas of Clarion County,...
Pagination irregular. Phillips 16776 Historical sketch of Clarion County, Pennsylvania: p. [7]-8, 12-19. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. LC copy imperfect: p. 21-22, 2... More
Combination atlas map of Kosciusko County, Indiana
Title from atlas facsimile. Evansville, Ind. : Unigraphic, 1974. On cover: Kingman Bro's. LeGear. Atlases of the United States, 4539 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. In... More
An illustrated historical atlas of Henry Co., Indiana /
LeGear. Atlases of the United States, 4530 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Includes indexes, brief history of Henry County, brief histories of Henry County townships, ... More
Illustrated historical atlas of the county of Middlesex, Ont
Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Includes indexes, brief history of Middlesex County, and brief biographies and portraits of early Middlesex County residents. LC copy i... More
An illustrated historical atlas map of Randolph County, Ills. : carefu...
LeGear. Atlases of the United States, 4348 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Includes index, brief history of Randolph County, and brief biographies and portraits of ear... More
Caldwell's Illustrated historical combination atlas of Clarion County,...
Pagination irregular. Phillips 16776 Historical sketch of Clarion County, Pennsylvania: p. [7]-8, 12-19. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. LC copy imperfect: p. 21-22, 2... More
Illustrated historical atlas of the county of Middlesex, Ont
Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Includes indexes, brief history of Middlesex County, and brief biographies and portraits of early Middlesex County residents. LC copy i... More
An illustrated historical atlas map of Randolph County, Ills. : carefu...
LeGear. Atlases of the United States, 4348 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Includes index, brief history of Randolph County, and brief biographies and portraits of ear... More
Combination atlas map of Kosciusko County, Indiana
Title from atlas facsimile. Evansville, Ind. : Unigraphic, 1974. On cover: Kingman Bro's. LeGear. Atlases of the United States, 4539 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. In... More
Combination atlas map of Kosciusko County, Indiana
Title from atlas facsimile. Evansville, Ind. : Unigraphic, 1974. On cover: Kingman Bro's. LeGear. Atlases of the United States, 4539 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. In... More
Caldwell's Illustrated historical combination atlas of Clarion County,...
Pagination irregular. Phillips 16776 Historical sketch of Clarion County, Pennsylvania: p. [7]-8, 12-19. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. LC copy imperfect: p. 21-22, 2... More
Children learn mapping skills with a replica archaeological
Children learn mapping skills with a replica archaeological house floor during Tennessee Archaeology Day at Bells Bend Park in Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 8, 2018. (Courtesy Asset)
Isole famose porti: fortezze, e terre maritime sottoposte alla ...
Public domain reproduction of art print, 17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
History of the New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Founda...
Public domain photograph of library building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
History of the New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Founda...
Public domain photograph of library building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Minster Moorgate in the snow, Beverley 1905 (archive ref DDX1525-1-6)
This image of Minster Moorgate depicts a very wintry scene with children warmly wrapped up against the cold weather..The origin of the name of this old street is quite simply ‘from the Minster to the Moor’, the... More
Dwellings on Butcher Row, Beverley 1910 - prior to demolition to make ...
These dwellinghouses were demolished 1912 and in 1916 the Marble Arch Cinema opened on this site, taking its name from the archway of the building in this picture...(Why not try searching our East Riding of Yo... More
Withernsea Coastguard Station 1911 (archive ref DDEY-1-90)
(Why not try searching our East Riding of Yorkshire Map ( ...erarchives/map ) for more historic images? .erarchives/map ( ...erarchives/map ) )..(Copyright) We're happy for you to share this digital image wi... More
sciathericon electionis - Public domain vintage map
Collection of natural science, astronomy and ancient technology images from various sources selected by BibliOdyssey.
Harderwiik - Public domain vintage map
Collection of early maps from various sources by BibliOdyssey. Public domain scan of architectural plan, map, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
CUINET(1895) 4.615 Vilayet of Istanbul
Map of the Vilayet of Constantinople Français : Carte de la vilayet de Constantinople
Public domain photo of man portrait art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Picryl description: Public domain image of an old ancient city, historic place, stone building architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Plat book of Saunders County, Nebraska : containing carefully prepared...
Picryl description: Public domain image of printed material, catalog page, portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions
Plat book of Saunders County, Nebraska : containing carefully prepared...
Picryl description: Public domain image of printed material, catalog page, portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions