Laurasia-Gondwana hu - Public domain geographic map
Magyar: Laurázsia, Godwana
Fig2-5globes - Public domain copyright free geographic map
History of continents
Laurasia-Gondwana fr - Public domain geographic map
Français : Les continents Gondwana et Laurasia au Trias, et la Théthys
Snider-Pellegrini Wegener fossil map
Continental drift fossil evidence. As noted by Snider-Pellegrini and Alfred Wegener, the locations of certain fossil plants and animals on present-day, widely separated continents would form definite patterns (... More
Gondwana Nederlandse versie - Public domain map
Continental drift fossil evidence. As noted by Snider-Pellegrini and Alfred Wegener, the locations of certain fossil plants and animals on present-day, widely separated continents would form definite patterns (... More
Kuunga 2 - Public domain copyright free geographic map
Paleotectonic map of eastern Gondwana with the Pan-African and/or circum-Antarctic orogenic (“mobile”) belts highlighted by age differences (See Fitzsimons, 2000a, cited in Meert, 2003, follow source link belo... More
De Wegener Kontinente 018
"Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane" ("The Origin of Continents and Oceans") is a book written by Alfred Wegener, a German scientist and meteorologist. The book was first published in 1915 and presents We... More
Wyoming and Superior provinces reconstruction ca. 2.2 Ga (Harlan et al...
This shows a possible configuration for the initial attachment of the Wyoming and Superior provinces.